Kim Davis...and the Judge's "mistake"

Yep, a purple throbber will remove all thoughts of religion.

Besides that at the seminary the food was terrible.

And then in high school the Jesuits taught us logic and the whole damn thing went to hell then.


Actually I was born and raised in a home with religion and was sent to private religiously operated schools and even spent a summer at a seminary --- thinking I wanted to be a priest.

Congratulations on your "escape"......I went through the same situation, until, fortunately, I discovered women.
Especially since all the prophesies are coming true about end times right before our very eyes and in the order that they were written.

Are you referring to the bible or the wall street journal?

The Bible

Let's review some of those Biblical prophesies

The Bible says the Nile "shall dry up." This has never happened.

In Matthew, Jesus said that the high priest would see his second coming. Well, that didn't happen did it?

In Mark, Jesus said he would return and the end world would happen within the lifetime of his listeners. Well?

Paul said the end of the world would come during his lifetime.

James and John also said they would live to see the "rapture."

Nile- future as well as the Euphrates.
In Matthew 26:64 does not say what you claim it says.
The verse has Jesus telling Caiaphas, "But I tell you: From now on you will see 'the Son of Man seated at the right hand of the Power' and 'coming on the clouds of heaven.'"

Nothing there about Jesus returning to earth in Caiaphas' lifetime. It simply said that Caiaphas would see the Son of Man in power and glory at some point -- either in this life, or in the next.
Many forget that it says in Matthew 24:36* “But of that day and hour no one knows, not even the angels of heaven, nor the Son, but the Father only.

But the Bible says that the Gospel is preached to the whole world. Which it has.
That Israel will become a Nation again. That Israel will control Jerusalem. Which it has.
That earthquakes and volcano's would rise.
The human race would have the ability to exterminate itself
An end-time union of European nations
Instant worldwide communications
The price of food will rise.
Wars and rumors of War
Peace will be taken away
Disease and famine
Christians will be killed
But the Bible says that the Gospel is preached to the whole world. Which it has.
That Israel will become a Nation again. That Israel will control Jerusalem. Which it has.
That earthquakes and volcano's would rise.
The human race would have the ability to exterminate itself
An end-time union of European nations
Instant worldwide communications
The price of food will rise.
Wars and rumors of War
Peace will be taken away
Disease and famine
Christians will be killed

Must be really "fun times" when the peachie family gets together......LOL
Marriage is an institution established by God Himself.
what year was that ?

BTW, who the heck married Adam to Eve and were any "licenses" issued?

God did it himself.
It was the very first marriage.
Genesis 3:20
And Adam called his wife's name Eve; because she was the mother of all living.

Mythology does not equal 'not true'. Myth had varying amounts of Truth and folklore mixed together, none of it being a lie, but some is fact and some is symbolism.

The story of the creation of Adam and Eve and the first family is wrapped in mythology but it is not false. There was a real person whose name may not have been 'Adam' but it came down to us as Adam.

I seriously doubt you can handle the nuances involved, but you wouldn't be so dismissive of mythology if you knw what you were talking about. Homers tale of Troy is myth too, but Troy really did exist.
But the Bible says that the Gospel is preached to the whole world. Which it has.
That Israel will become a Nation again. That Israel will control Jerusalem. Which it has.
That earthquakes and volcano's would rise.
The human race would have the ability to exterminate itself
An end-time union of European nations
Instant worldwide communications
The price of food will rise.
Wars and rumors of War
Peace will be taken away
Disease and famine
Christians will be killed

Must be really "fun times" when the peachie family gets together......LOL

Did you know that you are being a jack ass here, the same kind of person that ridicules Muslims for their faith?
Marriage is an institution established by God Himself.
what year was that ?

BTW, who the heck married Adam to Eve and were any "licenses" issued?

God did it himself.
It was the very first marriage.
Genesis 3:20
And Adam called his wife's name Eve; because she was the mother of all living.

Mythology does not equal 'not true'. Myth had varying amounts of Truth and folklore mixed together, none of it being a lie, but some is fact and some is symbolism.

The story of the creation of Adam and Eve and the first family is wrapped in mythology but it is not false. There was a real person whose name may not have been 'Adam' but it came down to us as Adam.

I seriously doubt you can handle the nuances involved, but you wouldn't be so dismissive of mythology if you knw what you were talking about. Homers tale of Troy is myth too, but Troy really did exist.

The Easter bunny story is myth-ish, and also had some truth to it, because I actually did get a basket of candy and eggs every year while growing up.
But the Bible says that the Gospel is preached to the whole world. Which it has.
That Israel will become a Nation again. That Israel will control Jerusalem. Which it has.
That earthquakes and volcano's would rise.
The human race would have the ability to exterminate itself
An end-time union of European nations
Instant worldwide communications
The price of food will rise.
Wars and rumors of War
Peace will be taken away
Disease and famine
Christians will be killed

Must be really "fun times" when the peachie family gets together......LOL

Those bedtime stories must rock! lol
Another thing that concerns me is that the Christian God turned someone's wife into a pillar made of a common kitchen condiment...ain't no one want to be married to a pillar of kidding me...Kim Davis would never give a license to marry a pillar of salt...
Another thing that concerns me is that the Christian God turned someone's wife into a pillar made of a common kitchen condiment...ain't no one want to be married to a pillar of kidding me...Kim Davis would never give a license to marry a pillar of salt...
lol, care to sober up then come back?
They got tired of arresting Christians. lol

Always loved your sense of humor, my dear.
Keep on slapping these nitwits, maybe....just maybe....some sense may jog whatever few brain cells they may have left..
I'm afraid, that in some cases, inbreeding has taken its toll.
Are you speaking of homosexuals?
Homosexuals? Inbreeding? Maybe you buy into the stories that homosexuals are also responsible for the increase in out of wedlock births too?
Mythology does not equal 'not true'. Myth had varying amounts of Truth and folklore mixed together, none of it being a lie, but some is fact and some is symbolism.

The story of the creation of Adam and Eve and the first family is wrapped in mythology but it is not false. There was a real person whose name may not have been 'Adam' but it came down to us as Adam.

I seriously doubt you can handle the nuances involved, but you wouldn't be so dismissive of mythology if you knw what you were talking about. Homers tale of Troy is myth too, but Troy really did exist.

Mythology....and I would include organized religion in that definition.....was meant to give some solace to the downtrodden because those who conceptualized such myths wanted to basically say to the enslaved, "Hey, we know that your life sucks right now....but some day the promised lands will be yours"...........(and then you make fun of the 69 virgins???)
Another thing that concerns me is that the Christian God turned someone's wife into a pillar made of a common kitchen condiment...ain't no one want to be married to a pillar of kidding me...Kim Davis would never give a license to marry a pillar of salt...

Strange, while growing up, the only thing I remember learning about that story was about the pillar of salt. Come to find out, being a pillar of salt is preferable to being married to Lot. :p
But the Bible says that the Gospel is preached to the whole world. Which it has.
That Israel will become a Nation again. That Israel will control Jerusalem. Which it has.
That earthquakes and volcano's would rise.
The human race would have the ability to exterminate itself
An end-time union of European nations
Instant worldwide communications
The price of food will rise.
Wars and rumors of War
Peace will be taken away
Disease and famine
Christians will be killed

Must be really "fun times" when the peachie family gets together......LOL
I know....huh?
Another thing that concerns me is that the Christian God turned someone's wife into a pillar made of a common kitchen condiment...ain't no one want to be married to a pillar of kidding me...Kim Davis would never give a license to marry a pillar of salt...

Strange, while growing up, the only thing I remember learning about that story was about the pillar of salt. Come to find out, being a pillar of salt is preferable to being married to Lot. :p
Well, the guy tried to pawn his virgin daughters off on the crowd so they's leave him alone.
Did you know that you are being a jack ass here, the same kind of person that ridicules Muslims for their faith?

Forgive me....I should have emphasized that....beside donning the bomb vests.....your ilk and the crazed Muslims are like two peas in a pod.
The Easter bunny story is myth-ish, and also had some truth to it, because I actually did get a basket of candy and eggs every year while growing up.

...and, according to JimBrownie, since bunnies also exists, ergo the Easter Bunny must also have springtime chores.
Another thing that concerns me is that the Christian God turned someone's wife into a pillar made of a common kitchen condiment...ain't no one want to be married to a pillar of kidding me...Kim Davis would never give a license to marry a pillar of salt...

Strange, while growing up, the only thing I remember learning about that story was about the pillar of salt. Come to find out, being a pillar of salt is preferable to being married to Lot. :p
Well, the guy tried to pawn his virgin daughters off on the crowd so they's leave him alone.

I can see why they skipped that part in Sunday School.


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