Kim Davis...and the Judge's "mistake"

Especially since all the prophesies are coming true about end times right before our very eyes and in the order that they were written.

Are you referring to the bible or the wall street journal?

The Bible

Let's review some of those Biblical prophesies

The Bible says the Nile "shall dry up." This has never happened.

In Matthew, Jesus said that the high priest would see his second coming. Well, that didn't happen did it?

In Mark, Jesus said he would return and the end world would happen within the lifetime of his listeners. Well?

Paul said the end of the world would come during his lifetime.

James and John also said they would live to see the "rapture."

Pat Robertson predicted the end of the world in 1976, and he also said God told him we would have another terrorist attack on America in 2007. The Lord didn't say "nuclear" but he believed it would be something like that. :eek:
Actually Jesus didn't write any of the books of the Bible.

You fucking retard, Romans isn't OT

ANOTHER example of a "good Christian"......

(yes, I know that Romans was not OT....but Jesus NEVER uttered those bigoted statements that your sick ilk cites.)

By the way the Romans passage refers to masturbation and not necessarily to gay sex.

Paul wrote Romans who was picked by Jesus personally as the 13th apostle.
It is very clear that Romans is talking about sodomy.
Did you miss the part that says men with men?

So you interpret it to refer to loving, consenting relationships...many don't.
They were talking about someone who had been dead for 300 years. There is no evidence that the Gospels were written by the " authors " except that someone wrote their name on the scroll or " claimed " it was from John or one of the others.

Remember we are talking thousands of years ago when reading and writing was not known by the common man. In fact, in many societies it would get you the death penalty if you got caught teaching an unauthorized person how to read or do arithmetic or write.

Those skills and that knowledge was reserved for scribes and the royalty and perhaps heads of the military.

It is VERY unlikely that ANY of the Apostles knew how to read or write. When they talk about a letter from John or someone, if it even existed it was written by a scribe that was paid to write it.

We forget how PRIMITIVE those times were.

They didn't even have glass for windows.

So try to remember to keep that in mind when pondering whether something is " claimed " to have been written by someone or some event is " claimed " to have happened --- there was NO PROOF that it was or did.

You just had to take someone's word on it.

The used car salesman of the year 342.


Correct. The Romans were notorious record keepers and anyone who raised as much hell as Jesus supposedly caused would have been in their records.


Not one.

The Bible does NOT count as a historical record.

First, it was written by men.

Second it was actually compiled by priests who picked and chose what books would be put in it according to their own desires.

The people who compiled the Bible DIDN'T WRITE ANY OF IT.

Well except when they didn't like something and erased it or decided to leave a book out because they didn't like what it said.

And when the Protestant Reformation came they COMPLETELY REWROTE the King James version and that's why they call it the King James version because IT HAD BEEN ALTERED to allow the king to divorce his wife and marry his mistress.

The supposedly sacred unchangeable Bible has actually been changed / altered MANY times to suit kings and other powerful people.


The New Testament in its entirety is hearsay as it relates to claims about Jesus Christ. I am not aware that we have any verified direct testimony from the Apostles or any other of Christ's contemporaries.

There are no serious ancient historians that believe Jesus did not live. Theories that He did not live are fringe Atheistic goofball nonsense.

Why doesn't the witness accounts of the Gospels and the various letters written by Apostles and sanctioned by the church from the First century count as historical relevant records? Why doesn't Josephus' record about Jesus count? Why doesn't the various mentions of Jesus by Roman secular historians count?

You toss out all the evidence then try to build a case on the lack of such evidence; classic cherry picking!
Actually I was born and raised in a home with religion and was sent to private religiously operated schools and even spent a summer at a seminary --- thinking I wanted to be a priest.


Actually Jesus didn't write any of the books of the Bible.

You fucking retard, Romans isn't OT

ANOTHER example of a "good Christian"......

(yes, I know that Romans was not OT....but Jesus NEVER uttered those bigoted statements that your sick ilk cites.)

By the way the Romans passage refers to masturbation and not necessarily to gay sex.

Paul wrote Romans who was picked by Jesus personally as the 13th apostle.
It is very clear that Romans is talking about sodomy.
Did you miss the part that says men with men?

1. What is the proof Paul wrote it?

2. What is the proof he was telling the truth?

3. What is the proof his opinions were Christ's opinions?

The church fathers were witnesses and St Paul is telling the Truth because he was a recognized Apostles and was considered to be led by the Holy Spirit, God Himself.

You really don't know anything about Christianity. Are you some backwoods atheist that never learned anything about religion at all?
Supreme Court in June made gay marriage legal across the United States in violation of States rights.

Well, moron, in Brown v. Board of Ed, the SCOTUS ALSO told states that federal law supersedes the slavery mentality of bigots (like you.)

Racial rights were supported by the majority of the nation.
Equating race rights with marriage is not the same.
Gays go against natures laws.
2 roosters or 2 hens do not make new chickens.

And newly married elderly couple does not make new chickens either, so what's your point?

How do you know that they did not have children when they were young?

Gays can and do procreate...elderly couples marrying cannot. You can't grant or deny a marriage license based on procreation. (Okay, you can try...good luck)
Actually I was born and raised in a home with religion and was sent to private religiously operated schools and even spent a summer at a seminary --- thinking I wanted to be a priest.

Congratulations on your "escape"......I went through the same situation, until, fortunately, I discovered women.

Sorry for the all caps but apparently the regular sized text didn't get your attention.

They HAVE offered her accomodations and SHE REFUSED.

And, in fact, although they released her she has said she will stop the issuance of licenses AGAIN.


When the judge suggested that she let the clerks issue the licenses and she didn't have to touch them --- SHE REFUSED.

She ordered her clerks not to issue the licenses or she would FIRE them.

She not only violated the civil rights of the people she refused licenses to but she violated the rights of her own employees.


....despite the fact that they have requested reasonable accommodation.
It's because her name was on the licenses. She asked that her name be removed, and they refused.

Because they are targeting Christians.

Sorry for the all caps but apparently the regular sized text didn't get your attention.

They HAVE offered her accomodations and SHE REFUSED.

And, in fact, although they released her she has said she will stop the issuance of licenses AGAIN.


When the judge suggested that she let the clerks issue the licenses and she didn't have to touch them --- SHE REFUSED.

She ordered her clerks not to issue the licenses or she would FIRE them.

She not only violated the civil rights of the people she refused licenses to but she violated the rights of her own employees.


....despite the fact that they have requested reasonable accommodation.
It's because her name was on the licenses. She asked that her name be removed, and they refused.

Because they are targeting Christians.

No, they offered her no accommodation. They told her to issue the licenses, or go to jail. She asked if her name could be removed from the licenses, and they said no. So she said she wasn't issuing licenses, and nobody else was issuing them with her name on them, either.

I know this is difficult for you. But try to track.
Is it just me, or do you feel you just had a sermon preached at you by the Duggar's? :D

God (she/he/it) must be thoroughly pissed at the atrocities committed by these "Christian followers"
Actually, bodecea, Christians are a MINORITY religion now.

Only 16% attend church regularly.

The African-American community is becoming more and more Muslim every day.

Us white folk will soon be the minority and it ain't far off.

And, whether you intend to or not, you are LYING when you say they did not offer her accomodations.


Marriage is an institution established by God Himself.
what year was that ?

BTW, who the heck married Adam to Eve and were any "licenses" issued?

God did it himself.
It was the very first marriage.
Genesis 3:20
And Adam called his wife's name Eve; because she was the mother of all living.
:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: You seriously believe that shit, don't you?
No, they offered her no accommodation. They told her to issue the licenses, or go to jail. She asked if her name could be removed from the licenses, and they said no. So she said she wasn't issuing licenses, and nobody else was issuing them with her name on them, either.

If that's the case, then Davis must have grown fond of her little cubby-hole behind bars.
For it is written

"There is no completeness without sadness and longing, for without them there is no sobriety, no kindness. Wisdom without kindness and knowledge without sobriety are useless."

Sign zee Licenses....
They were talking about someone who had been dead for 300 years. There is no evidence that the Gospels were written by the " authors " except that someone wrote their name on the scroll or " claimed " it was from John or one of the others.

Remember we are talking thousands of years ago when reading and writing was not known by the common man. In fact, in many societies it would get you the death penalty if you got caught teaching an unauthorized person how to read or do arithmetic or write.

Those skills and that knowledge was reserved for scribes and the royalty and perhaps heads of the military.

It is VERY unlikely that ANY of the Apostles knew how to read or write. When they talk about a letter from John or someone, if it even existed it was written by a scribe that was paid to write it.

We forget how PRIMITIVE those times were.

They didn't even have glass for windows.

So try to remember to keep that in mind when pondering whether something is " claimed " to have been written by someone or some event is " claimed " to have happened --- there was NO PROOF that it was or did.

You just had to take someone's word on it.

The used car salesman of the year 342.


Correct. The Romans were notorious record keepers and anyone who raised as much hell as Jesus supposedly caused would have been in their records.


Not one.

The Bible does NOT count as a historical record.

First, it was written by men.

Second it was actually compiled by priests who picked and chose what books would be put in it according to their own desires.

The people who compiled the Bible DIDN'T WRITE ANY OF IT.

Well except when they didn't like something and erased it or decided to leave a book out because they didn't like what it said.

And when the Protestant Reformation came they COMPLETELY REWROTE the King James version and that's why they call it the King James version because IT HAD BEEN ALTERED to allow the king to divorce his wife and marry his mistress.

The supposedly sacred unchangeable Bible has actually been changed / altered MANY times to suit kings and other powerful people.


The New Testament in its entirety is hearsay as it relates to claims about Jesus Christ. I am not aware that we have any verified direct testimony from the Apostles or any other of Christ's contemporaries.

There are no serious ancient historians that believe Jesus did not live. Theories that He did not live are fringe Atheistic goofball nonsense.

Why doesn't the witness accounts of the Gospels and the various letters written by Apostles and sanctioned by the church from the First century count as historical relevant records? Why doesn't Josephus' record about Jesus count? Why doesn't the various mentions of Jesus by Roman secular historians count?

You toss out all the evidence then try to build a case on the lack of such evidence; classic cherry picking!
The Gospels were written less than 50 years after the ascension of Christ.
How did they know how much cum a donkey and a horse ' emitted '?

Susie been jacking them off again?


The Bible
  • She lusted after her lovers, whose genitals were like those of donkeys and whose emission was like that of horses. Ezekiel 23:20 NIV

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