Khan blimp organised by Anti Semite.

Tommy Tainant

Diamond Member
Jan 20, 2016
Y Cae Ras
You couldnt make this shit up.

Exposing the Past Anti-Semitic Tweets of the Man Crowdfunding a “Giant Sadiq Khan Balloon” to Fly Over London - bellingcat

On July 5th 2018, a crowdfunder named Yanny Bruere launched a campaign to fly a giant-sized baby balloon with the head of Sadiq Khan, mayor of London, in response to the Trump baby blimp which made headlines worldwide. Gathering 50,000 pounds in about a week’s time, the campaign quickly gained popularity. In the meantime, however, members of the recent Bellingcat workshop in London discovered anti-Semitic trolling attacks from Bruere’s old Twitter account that he has actively tried to hide.

Hope all that money has been accounted for.
You couldnt make this shit up.

Exposing the Past Anti-Semitic Tweets of the Man Crowdfunding a “Giant Sadiq Khan Balloon” to Fly Over London - bellingcat

On July 5th 2018, a crowdfunder named Yanny Bruere launched a campaign to fly a giant-sized baby balloon with the head of Sadiq Khan, mayor of London, in response to the Trump baby blimp which made headlines worldwide. Gathering 50,000 pounds in about a week’s time, the campaign quickly gained popularity. In the meantime, however, members of the recent Bellingcat workshop in London discovered anti-Semitic trolling attacks from Bruere’s old Twitter account that he has actively tried to hide.

Hope all that money has been accounted for.

so? what is the connection ???
You couldnt make this shit up.

Exposing the Past Anti-Semitic Tweets of the Man Crowdfunding a “Giant Sadiq Khan Balloon” to Fly Over London - bellingcat

On July 5th 2018, a crowdfunder named Yanny Bruere launched a campaign to fly a giant-sized baby balloon with the head of Sadiq Khan, mayor of London, in response to the Trump baby blimp which made headlines worldwide. Gathering 50,000 pounds in about a week’s time, the campaign quickly gained popularity. In the meantime, however, members of the recent Bellingcat workshop in London discovered anti-Semitic trolling attacks from Bruere’s old Twitter account that he has actively tried to hide.

Hope all that money has been accounted for.
From the article:
"because it was covered by right-wing partisan media outlets such as Fox News and Russia Today"

The bare truth :laugh:
The first time was funny, but this is just a sad copy. Fair play though, nobody ever accused nazi trash of being original.
You couldnt make this shit up.

Exposing the Past Anti-Semitic Tweets of the Man Crowdfunding a “Giant Sadiq Khan Balloon” to Fly Over London - bellingcat

On July 5th 2018, a crowdfunder named Yanny Bruere launched a campaign to fly a giant-sized baby balloon with the head of Sadiq Khan, mayor of London, in response to the Trump baby blimp which made headlines worldwide. Gathering 50,000 pounds in about a week’s time, the campaign quickly gained popularity. In the meantime, however, members of the recent Bellingcat workshop in London discovered anti-Semitic trolling attacks from Bruere’s old Twitter account that he has actively tried to hide.

Hope all that money has been accounted for.
Hilarious. You’ve spent months denying Corbyn is antisemitic despite the overwhelming evidence to the contrary, and now you fake concern over an accusation from a dodgy purveyor of misinformation that a non entity is an antisemite?

And yes, you could make this s**t up, and Belingcat do it all the time.

I guess the Khan blimp has really hit a nerve, huh?

But you found it so amusing when Trump was the target.

Yet more hypocrisy from Tammy. Lol.

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For some odd reason I suspect Sadiq Khan is an anti Semite

Based on what?
He represented Louis Farrakhan, leader of the Nation of Islam movement, and Babar Ahmad, a mosque acquaintance who was jailed in the United States after admitting providing support to the Taliban regime in Afghanistan.
Khan is a moderate socialist politician. Too moderate in my opinion. He has offered to sign the blimp as well. He probably sees it as a badge of honour to be attacked by racist nazi trash.

For some odd reason I suspect Sadiq Khan is an anti Semite

Based on what?
He represented Louis Farrakhan, leader of the Nation of Islam movement, and Babar Ahmad, a mosque acquaintance who was jailed in the United States after admitting providing support to the Taliban regime in Afghanistan.
Khan is a moderate socialist politician. Too moderate in my opinion. He has offered to sign the blimp as well. He probably sees it as a badge of honour to be attacked by racist nazi trash.

For some odd reason I suspect Sadiq Khan is an anti Semite

Based on what?
He represented Louis Farrakhan, leader of the Nation of Islam movement, and Babar Ahmad, a mosque acquaintance who was jailed in the United States after admitting providing support to the Taliban regime in Afghanistan.
Khan is a moderate socialist politician. Too moderate in my opinion. He has offered to sign the blimp as well. He probably sees it as a badge of honour to be attacked by racist nazi trash.

He’s so moderate he banned this:


For some odd reason I suspect Sadiq Khan is an anti Semite

Based on what?
He represented Louis Farrakhan, leader of the Nation of Islam movement, and Babar Ahmad, a mosque acquaintance who was jailed in the United States after admitting providing support to the Taliban regime in Afghanistan.
Khan is a moderate socialist politician. Too moderate in my opinion. He has offered to sign the blimp as well. He probably sees it as a badge of honour to be attacked by racist nazi trash.
Some pretty unsavoury and very antisemitic associates:

But you don’t have to go back very far in Khan’s past to find links with some pretty unsavoury characters. Some of these associations date back to his time as a director of Liberty and a human rights lawyer – trying to get the UK to lift its ban on the American Nation of Islam leader Louis Farrakhan, who has described Jews as ‘blood-suckers’ and called Hitler ‘a very great man’, and speaking at the same conference as Sajeel Abu Ibrahim, a member of the now proscribed Islamist organisation that trained the 7/7 bomber Mohammad Sidique Khan. But other instances are less easily explained away by his professional commitments.

For instance, in 2004 he appeared on a platform with five Islamic extremists at a conference in London organised by Al-Aqsa, a group that has published works by the notorious Holocaust denier Paul Eisen. He was billed not as a director of Liberty or human rights lawyer, but as a Labour parliamentary candidate.

In the same year, Khan was the chair of the Muslim Council of Britain’s legal affairs committee and was involved in defending the Muslim scholar Dr Yusuf Al-Qaradawi, whom the MCB described as ‘a voice of reason and understanding’. At the time, the MCB issued a press release blaming the ‘smear campaign’ against Qaradawi on ‘the Zionist lobby’. Khan himself gave evidence to the House of Commons Home Affairs Select Committee in which he said‘there is a consensus among Islamic scholars that Mr Al-Qaradawi is not the extremist that he is painted as being’.

So who is this Muslim scholar, who was warmly welcomed to London in 2004 by Ken Livingstone? Among other things, he’s the author of a book called The Lawful and Prohibited in Islam in which he justifies wife beating and discusses whether homosexuals shours be killed. Most notoriously, he condones ‘martyrdom operations’, i.e. suicide bombings, against Israeli civilians, which he describes as ‘God’s justice’: ‘Allah Almighty is just; through his infinite wisdom he has given the weak a weapon the strong do not have and that is their ability to turn their bodies into bombs as Palestinians do.’ In spite of holding these views, Qaradawi is not an ‘extremist’ in Khan’s eyes.

In 2006, by which time he’d been elected to Parliament, Khan was one of the signatories of a letter to the Guardian that blamed terrorist incidents, such as 7/7, on British foreign policy, particularly Britain’s support for Israel. ‘It is our view that current British government policy risks putting civilians at increased risk both in the UK and abroad,’ it said.

So 10 years ago Khan held similar views about 7/7 to those of Ken Livingstone, who sparked outrage last November when he said on Question Time that Tony Blair’s foreign policy was to blame for the terrorist attack that left 52 Londoners dead....

Is it ‘Islamophobic’ to draw attention to Sadiq Khan’s links with extremists? | Coffee House

For some odd reason I suspect Sadiq Khan is an anti Semite

Based on what?
He represented Louis Farrakhan, leader of the Nation of Islam movement, and Babar Ahmad, a mosque acquaintance who was jailed in the United States after admitting providing support to the Taliban regime in Afghanistan.
Khan is a moderate socialist politician. Too moderate in my opinion. He has offered to sign the blimp as well. He probably sees it as a badge of honour to be attacked by racist nazi trash.

Al Quds day is a grand exhibition of antisemitism and the desire for the destruction of Israel, the flags are only a very small part of the problem, wouldn’t you say?
Khan is a moderate socialist politician.

Sadiq Khan shared platform with five Islamic extremists
Sadiq Khan shared a platform with five Islamic extremists at a political meeting where women were told to use a separate entrance, the Evening Standard can reveal.

Labour’s candidate for Mayor of London took part with an activist who has threatened “fire throughout the world”, a supporter of terror group Hamas, a preacher who backs an Islamic state and a Muslim leader accused of advocating attacks on the Royal Navy if it stopped arms being smuggled into Gaza.

Invitations said “all welcome” but made clear that women would be segregated at the door, stating: “Ladies’ entrance on Lessingham Avenue next to the snooker club.”...


This is what passes for ‘too moderate’ in Tammys opinion.
Guess full blown shariah can’t come quickly enough for some :uhh:
What I do like about Mr Khan is his good nature.

This is his reaction.

“If people want to spend their Saturday looking at me in a yellow bikini they’re welcome to do so. I don’t really think yellow’s my colour though.”

A lesson for the orange slag in how to deal with protest.

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