Kerry tells Israel that Syria accord is no prelude to Iran deal

You're going to seriously claim that Saudia Arabia and Qatar haven't paid for non-Palestinian fighters ?? Do you just ignore the links that prove other wise ?
Oh lord----draggin out the "OMG it's an anti-Semite" shit. That's a sure sign of a defeat. :lol:
Where did I mention you're an anti semite? Have your eyes examined. Although obviously you are one.

Are you going to claim that the 100,000 that Assad has killed (or part of) are foreign mercenaries :cuckoo:

Other Arabs are sending money and weapons to help the rebels. Yes. If the US and the West wouldn't have dragged their feet, the Islamists and radicals wouldn't have filled the vacuum, sidelining the moderates. So now the country sinks into civil strife and mayhem. Best thing for the West and Israel to do now is to secure the WMD's. There are no sides to take here, both are evil. There WAS a good side, in the beginning of the revolt but now its too late.

No I'm claiming that there are hired mercenaries among the rebels the AREN"T Palestinians. I'm all for Israel hopping in there and securing WMDs. I wish them luck !

I'm obviously an anti-Semite now ? :lol:
The Palestinians are fighting for, not against Assad. And now that many Arab / Sunnis have turned against Assad, they are laying low. I wouldn't be surprised if there are mercenaries and training going on from all over with rebels, after the total negligence by the US and the West to stand by and let Assad slaughter his people for two years.

It's not Israel's job alone to secure the Syrian chemical WMD's. How about the Arabs join in and do something positive for once? After all, Syria is an Arab country and this is an Arab problem. But no, they want the US, the same country who's flag is spat on and burned and trashed on a daily basis, to step in and save Fellow Arabs. And for what? Just to get spat on, kicked in the face, and stabbed in the back, for doing just that.

We saved Muslim ass in Kosovo by bombing the shit out of the Serbs, until they surrendered. Thank you note was received on 9-11, including half a billion Muslims celebrating over it.

If you don't want to be perceived as an anti Semite then don't repeat anti Semitic. propaganda and mantra. Easy.
You are justifying the use of a chemical weapon by Syria that caused the death of approximately 426 children....:eek:

Every nation has a right to defend itself there are limits regarding the means by which that defense is employed. Moreover, Russia has been Syria's staunch ally who has supplied weapons to them as well as Iran. Indeed, Russia's current contracts with Syria for arms are estimated to be worth 1.5 billion US dollars, comprising 10% of Russia's global arms sales.

BBC News - Russian arms shipments bolster Syria's embattled Assad

"Iran and Russia have backed the other side in the conflict, providing extensive aid to forces loyal to Mr. Assad, a fact that the American and Saudi diplomats highlighted on Monday.

“Believe me, the bad actors, regrettably, have no shortage of their ability to get weapons from Iran, from Hezbollah, from Russia, unfortunately, and that’s happening,” Mr. Kerry said"

If the US is attacked I hope to God that we will be protected by any means possible EVEN if there is the possibility of collateral damage that includes the killing of innocents.
Do you know where these battles are being fought ? In neighborhoods where people live. Far more children are being killed by conventional weapons due to rebels hiding in neighborhoods. The Israelis know how this works. They are constantly berated for collateral damage because terrorsts use civlians as shields.
What gives Saudi Arabia, Turkey, Qatar and the US the legal right to invade Syria ?

Limits to self defense weapons ? Where is that proscribed ?

Again you have failed to make a valid argument for the use of chemical weapons used on a civilian population and killed approximately 426 children...

There is no justification for that. :nono: ..:itsok:
According to dildo-duck, those children were all mercenaries and deserved to be gassed. :cuckoo:
You are justifying the use of a chemical weapon by Syria that caused the death of approximately 426 children....:eek:

Every nation has a right to defend itself there are limits regarding the means by which that defense is employed. Moreover, Russia has been Syria's staunch ally who has supplied weapons to them as well as Iran. Indeed, Russia's current contracts with Syria for arms are estimated to be worth 1.5 billion US dollars, comprising 10% of Russia's global arms sales.

BBC News - Russian arms shipments bolster Syria's embattled Assad

"Iran and Russia have backed the other side in the conflict, providing extensive aid to forces loyal to Mr. Assad, a fact that the American and Saudi diplomats highlighted on Monday.

“Believe me, the bad actors, regrettably, have no shortage of their ability to get weapons from Iran, from Hezbollah, from Russia, unfortunately, and that’s happening,” Mr. Kerry said"

If the US is attacked I hope to God that we will be protected by any means possible EVEN if there is the possibility of collateral damage that includes the killing of innocents.
Do you know where these battles are being fought ? In neighborhoods where people live. Far more children are being killed by conventional weapons due to rebels hiding in neighborhoods. The Israelis know how this works. They are constantly berated for collateral damage because terrorsts use civlians as shields.
What gives Saudi Arabia, Turkey, Qatar and the US the legal right to invade Syria ?

Limits to self defense weapons ? Where is that proscribed ?

Again you have failed to make a valid argument for the use of chemical weapons used on a civilian population and killed approximately 426 children...

There is no justification for that. :nono: ..:itsok:

No evidence Assad did it, carry out the chemical weapons attack in August. And that 426 children killed claim is bogus.

I am waiting for a list of the dead, produced by a human rights group, documenting those killed, before I accept any figures as fact.

Here is a partial list of children, listed by name, Obama has killed in his drone strikes, in the link below.
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If the US is attacked I hope to God that we will be protected by any means possible EVEN if there is the possibility of collateral damage that includes the killing of innocents.
Do you know where these battles are being fought ? In neighborhoods where people live. Far more children are being killed by conventional weapons due to rebels hiding in neighborhoods. The Israelis know how this works. They are constantly berated for collateral damage because terrorsts use civlians as shields.
What gives Saudi Arabia, Turkey, Qatar and the US the legal right to invade Syria ?

Limits to self defense weapons ? Where is that proscribed ?

Again you have failed to make a valid argument for the use of chemical weapons used on a civilian population and killed approximately 426 children...

There is no justification for that. :nono: ..:itsok:
According to dildo-duck, those children were all mercenaries and deserved to be gassed. :cuckoo:

You been warped by playing in the matrix. Get someone to explain it to you.
Where did I mention you're an anti semite? Have your eyes examined. Although obviously you are one.

Are you going to claim that the 100,000 that Assad has killed (or part of) are foreign mercenaries :cuckoo:

Other Arabs are sending money and weapons to help the rebels. Yes. If the US and the West wouldn't have dragged their feet, the Islamists and radicals wouldn't have filled the vacuum, sidelining the moderates. So now the country sinks into civil strife and mayhem. Best thing for the West and Israel to do now is to secure the WMD's. There are no sides to take here, both are evil. There WAS a good side, in the beginning of the revolt but now its too late.

No I'm claiming that there are hired mercenaries among the rebels the AREN"T Palestinians. I'm all for Israel hopping in there and securing WMDs. I wish them luck !

I'm obviously an anti-Semite now ? :lol:
The Palestinians are fighting for, not against Assad. And now that many Arab / Sunnis have turned against Assad, they are laying low. I wouldn't be surprised if there are mercenaries and training going on from all over with rebels, after the total negligence by the US and the West to stand by and let Assad slaughter his people for two years.

It's not Israel's job alone to secure the Syrian chemical WMD's. How about the Arabs join in and do something positive for once? After all, Syria is an Arab country and this is an Arab problem. But no, they want the US, the same country who's flag is spat on and burned and trashed on a daily basis, to step in and save Fellow Arabs. And for what? Just to get spat on, kicked in the face, and stabbed in the back, for doing just that.

We saved Muslim ass in Kosovo by bombing the shit out of the Serbs, until they surrendered. Thank you note was received on 9-11, including half a billion Muslims celebrating over it.

If you don't want to be perceived as an anti Semite then don't repeat anti Semitic. propaganda and mantra. Easy.

Saudi Arabia and Qatar have been arming and funding Arab fighters by the thousands. Aren't you paying attention ? McCain and Graham are best buddies with those folks. They'll be happy to take care of those WMDs for ya.

An Al-Qaeda front group fighting in Syria on Wednesday overran the northern town of Azaz near the border with Turkey after fierce clashes with rebels, activists told AFP.

"The Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIS) has seized complete control of Azaz. They are in control of the town's entrances," said Abu Ahmad, an activist inside the town
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Again you have failed to make a valid argument for the use of chemical weapons used on a civilian population and killed approximately 426 children...

There is no justification for that. :nono: ..:itsok:
According to dildo-duck, those children were all mercenaries and deserved to be gassed. :cuckoo:

You been warped by playing in the matrix. Get someone to explain it to you.
Explain what, you claimed the people fighting Assad were mercenaries, yet the only people that keep getting bombed and gassed are Syrians. So where are these mercenaries, can you provide a link where the Syrian Army killed a group of foreign mercenaries? :cuckoo:
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Sherry looney:

:cuckoo:No evidence Assad did it, carry out the chemical weapons attack in August. And that 426 children killed claim is bogus. :cuckoo:

Wow, every time I say to myself "this has got to be the craziest thing she's ever said", you break the barrier and say something else even crazier.

According to dildo-duck, those children were all mercenaries and deserved to be gassed. :cuckoo:

You been warped by playing in the matrix. Get someone to explain it to you.
Explain what, you claimed the people fighting Assad were mercenaries, yet the only people that keep getting bombed and gassed are Syrians. So where are these mercenaries, can you provide a link where the Syrian Army killed a group of foreign mercenaries? :cuckoo:

They are---Saudi Arabia and Qatar are hiring them. A surprising bunch too. I believe that soldiers from both sides of the battle are being killed by bombs.

Back in Beirut: Boon time for mercenaries
PressTV - 'Saudi Arabia supports al-Qaeda to incite sectarian war in region'

Obama?s Saudi Connection · The Obama/al-Qaeda Alliance
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