Kerry tells Israel that Syria accord is no prelude to Iran deal

in your dreams---the real deterrent is the power of the USA standing right behind Israel.
Israel fought all its major wars until the US, after seeing the Arabs had become client states of the USSR, decided to strengthen its ties with Israel by the 1960's as a means of its own national security. Israel can take care of itself, and does so on a regular basis.

Dream on. Those days are over.
If the Syrian government was actually responsible for using the gas they used it because they were under attack, not only by rebels from within their country but by a multinational force of mercenaries some of who are being armed and trained by America. They used them in defense which is the very same reason that Israel would use theirs. Israel CONSTANTLY is arguing for it's right too defend itself. Don't other countries have that right?
Right to do what? Gas children in their sleep?

And you equivocate THAT, to Israel defending itself from the same savages?


The right to defend themselves---how many civilians has Israel killed in dealing with local terrorism? Is bombing a better way to die ?
Geezus, Israel killed Islamic terrorists? Unforgivable.
I didn't say "disarm" fool. NEVER.
Okay whatever you say dildo.

Israel has plenty of conventional arms to protect itself. If they need more the US will give them more. It's refusal to play fair on the chemical weapons issue only serves to exacerbate the hostilities. NO ONE should have them or use them but I understand why some countries do. It serves as a "poor mans nuke" to deter any foreign aggressors. Just as Syria has possibly done----once.
How would Israel deal with foreign aggressors ?
I'm sure your opinion as to what Israel does or doesn't need to defend itself will be taken into consideration by the Israelis. LOL
Nobody knows anything. And that's a great deterrent in itself. :clap:

in your dreams---the real deterrent is the power of the USA standing right behind Israel.
Israel fought all its major wars until the US, after seeing the Arabs had become client states of the USSR, decided to strengthen its ties with Israel by the 1960's as a means of its own national security. Israel can take care of itself, and does so on a regular basis.

Dream on. Those days are over.

Cool--Then Israel needs to get it's ass up to Syria and take out the WMDs and then take out Iran. This is how it should have been all along. What the hell is AIPAC doing begging for Americans to do this for them ?
in your dreams---the real deterrent is the power of the USA standing right behind Israel.
Israel fought all its major wars until the US, after seeing the Arabs had become client states of the USSR, decided to strengthen its ties with Israel by the 1960's as a means of its own national security. Israel can take care of itself, and does so on a regular basis.

Dream on. Those days are over.

Cool--Then Israel needs to get it's ass up to Syria and take out the WMDs and then take out Iran. This is how it should have been all along. What the hell is AIPAC doing begging for Americans to do this for them ?
Israel has already paid Syria many visits, it took out its secret nuclear site, many chemical weapons convoys and depots, and other raids. Keep up, D-bag.

Guess what, it never got on its Knees and begged for permission, neither did it clap for itself afterwards.

Perhaps the world should thank Israel for taking out Assad the madman's nuclear capabilities?
Israel fought all its major wars until the US, after seeing the Arabs had become client states of the USSR, decided to strengthen its ties with Israel by the 1960's as a means of its own national security. Israel can take care of itself, and does so on a regular basis.

Dream on. Those days are over.

Cool--Then Israel needs to get it's ass up to Syria and take out the WMDs and then take out Iran. This is how it should have been all along. What the hell is AIPAC doing begging for Americans to do this for them ?
Israel has already paid Syria many visits, it took out its secret nuclear site, many chemical weapons convoys and depots, and other raids. Keep up, D-bag.

Guess what, it never got on its Knees and begged for permission, neither did it clap for itself afterwards.

Perhaps the world should thank Israel for taking out Assad the madman's nuclear capabilities?

Well finish the job--run outta bullets or something ?
Cool--Then Israel needs to get it's ass up to Syria and take out the WMDs and then take out Iran. This is how it should have been all along. What the hell is AIPAC doing begging for Americans to do this for them ?
Israel has already paid Syria many visits, it took out its secret nuclear site, many chemical weapons convoys and depots, and other raids. Keep up, D-bag.

Guess what, it never got on its Knees and begged for permission, neither did it clap for itself afterwards.

Perhaps the world should thank Israel for taking out Assad the madman's nuclear capabilities?

Well finish the job--run outta bullets or something ?
Syria will collapse internally after years of civil war. The army will eventually get tired of killing their own people. And from there it's going to get even worse.

No need for Israel to do anything. Other than find a way to get rid of their chemical weapons, before Assad falls and the shit hits the fan, and that's already in the works. :clap:
There is no evidence Israel has chemical weapons, and no one has accused it to have any.

Nuclear weapons, maybe. And for good reason.

Israel has always kept a low profile when it comes to its own chemical weapons program. They signed the Chemical Weapons Convention (CWC) in 1982 but never ratified it, which means that Israel considers itself bound by the spirit of the treaty, but not legally obligated to observe it.
“The main pretext for Israel’s refusal to ratify the treaty was the Syrian arsenal,” Eitan Barak, a professor of international relations from Hebrew University, told The Media Line. “Israel says Syria is a neighbor country, hostile, with a large arsenal of chemical weapons and we needed to be able to retaliate.”
Israel under pressure to give up chemical, nuclear weapons | JPost | Israel News
Article doesn't show any evidence for chemical weapons. It does however confirm that ALL of its enemies do have chemical weapons.
I honestly believe in my heart that if Israel were to be attacked by any of those countries with chemical or biological weapons, they would nuke that country without hesitation in a matter of hours. I hope I don't live to see that happen.
Israel has already paid Syria many visits, it took out its secret nuclear site, many chemical weapons convoys and depots, and other raids. Keep up, D-bag.

Guess what, it never got on its Knees and begged for permission, neither did it clap for itself afterwards.

Perhaps the world should thank Israel for taking out Assad the madman's nuclear capabilities?

Well finish the job--run outta bullets or something ?
Syria will collapse internally after years of civil war. The army will eventually get tired of killing their own people. And from there it's going to get even worse.

No need for Israel to do anything. Other than find a way to get rid of their chemical weapons, before Assad falls and the shit hits the fan, and that's already in the works. :clap:

Internally ? It's being attacked by mercenaries, arms and training provided by FOREIGN COUNTRIES.
Who is working on a way to get rid of chemical weapons ? Certainly not Israel. Israel is standing by waiting for the US and Russia to work it out.
Well finish the job--run outta bullets or something ?
Syria will collapse internally after years of civil war. The army will eventually get tired of killing their own people. And from there it's going to get even worse.

No need for Israel to do anything. Other than find a way to get rid of their chemical weapons, before Assad falls and the shit hits the fan, and that's already in the works. :clap:

Internally ? It's being attacked by mercenaries, arms and training provided by FOREIGN COUNTRIES.
Who is working on a way to get rid of chemical weapons ? Certainly not Israel. Israel is standing by waiting for the US and Russia to work it out.
Bullshit. The only mercenaries are Palestinians brought in by Assad to help him kill his own people.

And you have anything against US and Russia working it out to help get rid of Syria's chemical weapons? :cuckoo:

Or maybe you are just hoping they will be used against Israel? Dildo.
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Syria will collapse internally after years of civil war. The army will eventually get tired of killing their own people. And from there it's going to get even worse.

No need for Israel to do anything. Other than find a way to get rid of their chemical weapons, before Assad falls and the shit hits the fan, and that's already in the works. :clap:

Internally ? It's being attacked by mercenaries, arms and training provided by FOREIGN COUNTRIES.
Who is working on a way to get rid of chemical weapons ? Certainly not Israel. Israel is standing by waiting for the US and Russia to work it out.
Bullshit. The only mercenaries are Palestinians brought in by Assad to help him kill his own people.

And you have anything against US and Russia working it out to help get rid of Syria's chemical weapons? :cuckoo:

Or maybe you are just hoping they will be used against Israel? Dildo.

You're going to seriously claim that Saudia Arabia and Qatar haven't paid for non-Palestinian fighters ?? Do you just ignore the links that prove other wise ?
Oh lord----draggin out the "OMG it's an anti-Semite" shit. That's a sure sign of a defeat. :lol:
Internally ? It's being attacked by mercenaries, arms and training provided by FOREIGN COUNTRIES.
Who is working on a way to get rid of chemical weapons ? Certainly not Israel. Israel is standing by waiting for the US and Russia to work it out.
Bullshit. The only mercenaries are Palestinians brought in by Assad to help him kill his own people.

And you have anything against US and Russia working it out to help get rid of Syria's chemical weapons? :cuckoo:

Or maybe you are just hoping they will be used against Israel? Dildo.

You're going to seriously claim that Saudia Arabia and Qatar haven't paid for non-Palestinian fighters ?? Do you just ignore the links that prove other wise ?
Oh lord----draggin out the "OMG it's an anti-Semite" shit. That's a sure sign of a defeat. :lol:
Where did I mention you're an anti semite? Have your eyes examined. Although obviously you are one.

Are you going to claim that the 100,000 that Assad has killed (or part of) are foreign mercenaries :cuckoo:

Other Arabs are sending money and weapons to help the rebels. Yes. If the US and the West wouldn't have dragged their feet, the Islamists and radicals wouldn't have filled the vacuum, sidelining the moderates. So now the country sinks into civil strife and mayhem. Best thing for the West and Israel to do now is to secure the WMD's. There are no sides to take here, both are evil. There WAS a good side, in the beginning of the revolt but now its too late.
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Meanwhile, back in the US circulates another Petition expressing their 8 million members opposition to a US war with Iran.

We Americans did not want war with Syria and we want no war with Iran.

No more wars in the Middle East for Israel!
Meanwhile, back in the US circulates another Petition expressing their 8 million members opposition to a US war with Iran.

We Americans did not want war with Syria and we want no war with Iran.

No more wars in the Middle East for Israel!
"Move on .org" :cuckoo: :lmao:
Meanwhile, back in the US circulates another Petition expressing their 8 million members opposition to a US war with Iran.

We Americans did not want war with Syria and we want no war with Iran.

No more wars in the Middle East for Israel!

Obama: Please meet with Iran

To be delivered to:*President Barack Obama


Dear President ObamaThe new moderate President of Iran will be in New York during the next session of the United Nations General Assembly. From sanctions on Iran to the Syrian crisis there are millions of people who would benefit from you talking to the new moderate President of Iran, and seeing if you can work out differences in a diplomatic way.

Petition Background

In a matter of days the new moderate President of Iran, Hassan Rouhani will be in New York to address the United Nations General Assembly. From sanctions that are hurting thousands of Iranians, to the Syrian crisis, millions of people stand to benefit from President Obama meeting with President Rouhani in an attempt to work out differences diplomatically.The last time Iran had a moderate President, George Bush named Iran as part of an axis of evil. Those comments made it even harder for former President Khatami to pursue diplomacy, as conservatives in Iran were able to argue that reaching out to the US would only be met with hostility.We’ve already started repeating the same mistakes again. Congress recently voted to increase sanctions on Iran before the new president was even sworn in. At the moment conservative lobby groups are pushing for President Obama to further isolate Iran. However President Obama has previously said he would be happy to talk to Iran and Iranians. Unless we show the President that such a move would have public support it’s possible that he’ll cave to conservative lobby groups. We saw what happened with Syria. If people stand up and make our voices heard - it can make a real difference in our foreign policy.

MoveOn Petitions - Obama: Please meet with Iran
What's your point? It's no secret that the US and West in general are divided as to what to do about Syria.

Most republicans are against military intervention. Doy.
Bullshit. The only mercenaries are Palestinians brought in by Assad to help him kill his own people.

And you have anything against US and Russia working it out to help get rid of Syria's chemical weapons? :cuckoo:

Or maybe you are just hoping they will be used against Israel? Dildo.

You're going to seriously claim that Saudia Arabia and Qatar haven't paid for non-Palestinian fighters ?? Do you just ignore the links that prove other wise ?
Oh lord----draggin out the "OMG it's an anti-Semite" shit. That's a sure sign of a defeat. :lol:
Where did I mention you're an anti semite? Have your eyes examined. Although obviously you are one.

Are you going to claim that the 100,000 that Assad has killed (or part of) are foreign mercenaries :cuckoo:

Other Arabs are sending money and weapons to help the rebels. Yes. If the US and the West wouldn't have dragged their feet, the Islamists and radicals wouldn't have filled the vacuum, sidelining the moderates. So now the country sinks into civil strife and mayhem. Best thing for the West and Israel to do now is to secure the WMD's. There are no sides to take here, both are evil. There WAS a good side, in the beginning of the revolt but now its too late.

No I'm claiming that there are hired mercenaries among the rebels the AREN"T Palestinians. I'm all for Israel hopping in there and securing WMDs. I wish them luck !

I'm obviously an anti-Semite now ? :lol:
If the Syrian government was actually responsible for using the gas they used it because they were under attack, not only by rebels from within their country but by a multinational force of mercenaries some of who are being armed and trained by America. They used them in defense which is the very same reason that Israel would use theirs. Israel CONSTANTLY is arguing for it's right too defend itself. Don't other countries have that right?

You are justifying the use of a chemical weapon by Syria that caused the death of approximately 426 children....:eek:

Every nation has a right to defend itself there are limits regarding the means by which that defense is employed. Moreover, Russia has been Syria's staunch ally who has supplied weapons to them as well as Iran. Indeed, Russia's current contracts with Syria for arms are estimated to be worth 1.5 billion US dollars, comprising 10% of Russia's global arms sales.

BBC News - Russian arms shipments bolster Syria's embattled Assad

"Iran and Russia have backed the other side in the conflict, providing extensive aid to forces loyal to Mr. Assad, a fact that the American and Saudi diplomats highlighted on Monday.

“Believe me, the bad actors, regrettably, have no shortage of their ability to get weapons from Iran, from Hezbollah, from Russia, unfortunately, and that’s happening,” Mr. Kerry said"

If the US is attacked I hope to God that we will be protected by any means possible EVEN if there is the possibility of collateral damage that includes the killing of innocents.
Do you know where these battles are being fought ? In neighborhoods where people live. Far more children are being killed by conventional weapons due to rebels hiding in neighborhoods. The Israelis know how this works. They are constantly berated for collateral damage because terrorsts use civlians as shields.
What gives Saudi Arabia, Turkey, Qatar and the US the legal right to invade Syria ?

Limits to self defense weapons ? Where is that proscribed ?

Again you have failed to make a valid argument for the use of chemical weapons used on a civilian population and killed approximately 426 children...

There is no justification for that. :nono: ..:itsok:

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