Kentucky Kickback: McConnell sells out for 2 BILLION for a dam in KY

Democrats didn't win. Republicans lost.

And not for lack of trying on the part of the good and honest men and women who tried to live up to their election promises to try to defund or delay Obamacare.

Republicans lost because one more time a powerful RINO sold his soul again for pork.

And sold honorable R's down the river again. At least the old whore charged a high price for being a slut for Reid.

McConnell faced new criticism after the bill's full text was released at dinnertime Wednesday. A little-noticed earmark, in the legislation will increase federal funding for the Olmsted Lock, a dam in his home state of Kentucky, from $775 million to nearly $3 billion.

'In exchange for funding Obamacare and raising the debt limit, Mitch McConnell has secured a $2 billion earmark,' the Senate Conservatives Fund griped, calling it the 'Kentucky kickback.'

BOEHNER CRIES 'UNCLE': House Republican opposition folds | Mail Online

Democrats didn't win. Republicans lost.

And not for lack of trying on the part of the good and honest men and women who tried to live up to their election promises to try to defund or delay Obamacare.

Republicans lost because one more time a powerful RINO sold his soul again for pork.

And sold honorable R's down the river again. At least the old whore charged a high price for being a slut for Reid.

McConnell faced new criticism after the bill's full text was released at dinnertime Wednesday. A little-noticed earmark, in the legislation will increase federal funding for the Olmsted Lock, a dam in his home state of Kentucky, from $775 million to nearly $3 billion.

'In exchange for funding Obamacare and raising the debt limit, Mitch McConnell has secured a $2 billion earmark,' the Senate Conservatives Fund griped, calling it the 'Kentucky kickback.'

BOEHNER CRIES 'UNCLE': House Republican opposition folds | Mail Online

But the Democrat whores are doing it for pure, unselfish, completely altruistic reasons?

The difference between conservatives and liberals is conservatives can criticize their own. Liberals can't.
I can see McConnell leaving the Senate last night thinking, "Screw the American people. I got my piece of the pie. I'm good" He slept well last night.
There's another layer of irony here:

Kentucky Governor's Obamacare Advocacy Could Help Mitch McConnell

Gov. Steve Beshear is an outspoken champion of the law, but his party's Senate nominee isn't as publicly enthusiastic.

"As one of the few red-state governors to set up a state-run health exchange, Kentucky Democratic Gov. Steve Beshear is taking a prominent role in touting the Affordable Care Act, putting him at odds with Democratic Secretary of State Alison Lundergan Grimes, who has stayed relatively silent on the law in the early months of her Senate campaign.

Grimes, who is running against Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell, has said little about the new law as she tries to distance herself from an administration that remains unpopular in her home state. Like many other red state Democrats, she has said that she opposes full repeal and would like to fix certain areas of the law, but Grimes has yet to get specific on what changes she would make. Republicans and the local press are continuing to press her on the issue and with one of her campaign's top surrogates praising the law, that pressure is only likely to grow.

In a New York Times op-ed published last weekend headlined "My State Needs Obamacare. Now," Beshear urged the law's opponents to "get over it and get out of the way so I can help my people." Left unmentioned was McConnell...."

As one of the few red-state governors to set up a state-run health exchange, Kentucky Democratic Gov. Steve Beshear is taking a prominent role in touting the Affordable Care Act, putting him at odds with Democratic Secretary of State Alison Lundergan Grimes, who has stayed relatively silent on the law in the early months of her Senate campaign.

Grimes, who is running against Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell, has said little about the new law as she tries to distance herself from an administration that remains unpopular in her home state. Like many other red state Democrats, she has said that she opposes full repeal and would like to fix certain areas of the law, but Grimes has yet to get specific on what changes she would make. Republicans and the local press are continuing to press her on the issue and with one of her campaign's top surrogates praising the law, that pressure is only likely to grow.

In a New York Times op-ed published last weekend headlined "My State Needs Obamacare. Now," Beshear urged the law's opponents to "get over it and get out of the way so I can help my people." Left unmentioned was McConnell.

Kentucky Governor's Obamacare Advocacy Could Help Mitch McConnell -
After the GOP caved into Obama with the debt would seem that all is lost for the GOP. They made arses of themselves, and then caved like school girl on prom night.

However, not all is lost for Congressional Republicans. Mitch McConnell seems to have pulled victory out of the jaws of defeat by having billions earmarked for a new dam in Kentucky that was hidden in the legislation.

$harry and mitch.jpg

What losers members of the Tea Party are. This is a man we can all be proud of, a man who knows how to get things done in Washington.

Mitch McConnell for president!!
Explain to me how McConnell made money for Kentucky?


The project has been put off for too long as it is and the last I checked, all navigable waterways in the United States are Federal Property.

Anybody wanna explain why the Federal gubmint doing its job is so newsworthy? I wanna know
Time for McConnell to go. He sold out the American people for his own state. Lack of integrity.

Not so, Mitch stood up to those extremist Tea Baggers who want to balance budgets. Voters in Kentucky should turn out in droves to keep moderates like McConnell in place.
Explain to me how McConnell made money for Kentucky?


The project has been put off for too long as it is and the last I checked, all navigable waterways in the United States are Federal Property.

Anybody wanna explain why the Federal gubmint doing its job is so newsworthy? I wanna know

Oh dear, someone can't read.

I could maybe get you a voucher for a private education where reading is encouraged.
Jesus Christ. Are you guys in Elementary school?

Of course pols take money for favors. Welcome to reality.

McConnell did something for his state instead of for his party. How insane is that? How dare he care about his state and the GALL of this guy thinking about bringing jobs to his state that will help with his re-election. This is unprecedented!! WAAAAA!!
Explain to me how McConnell made money for Kentucky?


The project has been put off for too long as it is and the last I checked, all navigable waterways in the United States are Federal Property.

Anybody wanna explain why the Federal gubmint doing its job is so newsworthy? I wanna know

Oh dear, someone can't read.

I could maybe get you a voucher for a private education where reading is encouraged.

And that someone is you.

Explain to me how this makes money for Kentucky....

Explain it.

Who's doing the Construction?

Since you're too stupid to breathe without help, I'll tell you.....

The United States Army.

Who will run it? I suspect the Federal Government. In fact, I'm 99.9% sure it's the Feds (Army Corps of Engineers) who will run it.

Tell me, how does the Federal gubmint getting off their asses and doing their job for a fucking change qualify as 'pork'?

Tell me that. The Corps of Engineers is going to do the work, they're in charge of it, they'll run it....

Here, stop being a mouth-breather and THINK for a fucking change..

From two years ago....

OLMSTED, ILL. — Everything about construction of the Army Corps of Engineers’ Olmsted Dam 360 miles down the Ohio River from Louisville is massive — including a years-long delay getting it done and a price tag that critics say is making it impossible to get other inland waterway projects going.

You're a liar. And a douchebag.

Know why? Because you don't care whether something is true or not. You only care if you can make the lie stick. You just follow the leader, spread the lie without ever checking to see if there's a word of truth...

I hate dimocraps. scum of the earth. ALL of them
Explain to me how McConnell made money for Kentucky?


The project has been put off for too long as it is and the last I checked, all navigable waterways in the United States are Federal Property.

Anybody wanna explain why the Federal gubmint doing its job is so newsworthy? I wanna know

Oh dear, someone can't read.

I could maybe get you a voucher for a private education where reading is encouraged.

And that someone is you.

Explain to me how this makes money for Kentucky....

Explain it.

Who's doing the Construction?

Since you're too stupid to breathe without help, I'll tell you.....

The United States Army.

Who will run it? I suspect the Federal Government. In fact, I'm 99.9% sure it's the Feds (Army Corps of Engineers) who will run it.

Tell me, how does the Federal gubmint getting off their asses and doing their job for a fucking change qualify as 'pork'?

Tell me that. The Corps of Engineers is going to do the work, they're in charge of it, they'll run it....

Here, stop being a mouth-breather and THINK for a fucking change..

From two years ago....

OLMSTED, ILL. — Everything about construction of the Army Corps of Engineers’ Olmsted Dam 360 miles down the Ohio River from Louisville is massive — including a years-long delay getting it done and a price tag that critics say is making it impossible to get other inland waterway projects going.

You're a liar. And a douchebag.

Know why? Because you don't care whether something is true or not. You only care if you can make the lie stick. You just follow the leader, spread the lie without ever checking to see if there's a word of truth...

I hate dimocraps. scum of the earth. ALL of them

And this post should put to rest, for all to see, that you really have no idea what you are talking about in regards to the government, politics or life in general.

I don't even like Mitch McConnell, but this was done so well that I really am taken aback.

It's a "stimulus" in terms of building the President will sign on.
He mapped it to opening the government, so Reid makes the deal.
And it's a huge gift to Kentucky's economy and will boost his chances of getting re-elected by a huge factor.

He took a shit situation and turned it in to gold.

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Doesn't look like Mitch had anything to do with it.

Conservatives accuse Mitch McConnell of 'Kentucky kickback' in spending deal - Kevin Robillard -
The provision, which is supported by the White House and doesn’t actually spend any money, would raise the amount authorized for the Olmsted Lock and Dam project to $2.9 billion from $775 million. McConnell’s office said he had no role in securing the language, which was authored by Sens. Dianne Feinstein (D-Calif.) and Lamar Alexander (R-Tenn.). Versions of the water project measure passed both the House and Senate earlier this year.


The Olmsted project is located about 20 miles from the confluence of the Mississippi and Ohio rivers near where the borders of Kentucky, Illinois and Missouri meet. It was originally authorized a quarter-century ago and was only expected to cost $775 million. After decades of delays, engineering mistakes and cost overruns, the Army Corps of Engineers now expects to spend $2.9 billion on the project.
But Alexander, the ranking member of the appropriations subcommittee that funds water projects, said he and Feinstein, the committee’s chair, were responsible for the provision.

“According to the Army Corps of Engineers, 160 million taxpayer dollars will be wasted because of canceled contracts if this language is not included,” Alexander said in a statement. “Sen. Feinstein and I, as chairman and ranking member of the Energy and Water Appropriations Subcommittee, requested this provision. It has already been approved this year by the House and Senate.”​

Yeah. It's purely coincidental. Mitch had nothing to do with it *wink*
A dam= infrastructure = energy = good. Oh' did I forget that it means jobs?
I don't see the problem?

You don't see the problem of our political leaders being bribed to sell out the American people? Personally, I have alot of problems with corruption. I dont care what party. I don't care if they can justify it being for a good cause.

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