Kelly Slurs Dreamers: 'Too Lazy To Get Off Their Asses'

Then you have to find $360 billions of federal tax revenue.
California is the 5th or 6th largest economy of the whole world.
Without Ca you will be importing your food.

No we are not going to kick those hardworking people out of this country. Because we need these people doing jobs that racist assholes like you don’t want to take. Without them California will not be this good.
Hey moron, did ya know Ca has no water? Without water from Arizona they couldn’t grow shit!

With the $360 billions we donate to federal tax we can cut that off. Then easily build a desalination plant like we have right now in Catalina Island.

Anything else sea urchin?
Why don’t you do it instead of leeching off the rest of us?

I never said such things. All I’m telling you are reality and nothing more.

You want to cut off our water supply so I gave you an honest very easy rebuttal. I know you didn’t like it. Too bad.
So do it. Build your plants and stop leeching off Arizona? Right?

I will start building our desalination plant as soon as you have the authority to cut off our water supply. So let me know when you are ready.

You want to cut off our water supply....... how awful are you.

No we are not going to kick those hardworking people out of this country. Because we need these people doing jobs that racist assholes like you don’t want to take. Without them California will not be this good.

The hardworking people in this country are the ones that voted for Trump in Heartland America. The people that wanted to make this country great again and do things like lower taxes and seal the border.

**** It was the welfare queens in the ghetto big cities that voted for Crooked Hillary. Of course they were aided fat cat Limousine Liberals in Hollywood, Wall Street and Silicon Valley. You know, the rich Liberal assholes that have so much money they don't give a shit about you or me.

**** The Democrats are a collation of all the greedy scum in this country. Blacks that vote their race and welfare checks, environmental wackos, anti gun nuts, Feminazi, queers, welfare queens, union bosses, Illegals, pink pussy hat Moon Bats and confused college lids and their batshit crazy Marxist professors.

This country is and was always been great. Americans is and always work hard. Long before Trump enter politics.
Suddenly you woke up because Trump told you we are doing very bad.
Look what is going on right now. Non stop chaos total discombobulation all because of ineptness and ignorance.


1. The economy was good in 2015 and 2016......... Do you honestly believe the economy miraculously be this good overnight in 2017 without the good economy in 2016?
I can assure you whoever was the elected president may it be Sanders, Hillary, Cruz, Graham, Rubio etc etc ............ The economy still the same today. Not because of Trump.

2. Tax Cut..... We borrowed $1.4 trillion to help 1% of the population. Don’t even go there.

3. Our borders is always been sealed. Illegal Border crossing are now trickle compared from 2010 or 2012.

4. Are you saying these illegals don’t work hard? I live here and I can see their contributions to our economy.

**** If that is true then Hillary is my president right now. Don’t you think?
**** Are you saying your side are not greedy?
Hey dumbass! If our borders have always been sealed we wouldn’t have 30 million illegals here!

Dumbass. Really? Your called me moron . So far I have not hit you back.

If you want to continue this conversation do it in a civilized manner. If not don’t waste my time.
Start all over.

WASHINGTON ― White House chief of staff John Kelly said Tuesday that PresidentDonald Trump’s offer to save undocumented young people ― though only if he can build a border wall and slash legal immigration ― is generous because it would help immigrants who may have previously been “too lazy” to seek protections.

Trump has said he would support a path to citizenship for the 690,000 people protected under the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals program, or DACA, as well as for anyone who is eligible for the program but didn’t sign up. The White House estimates that’s 1.8 million people total, leading Kelly to call the president’s proposal “stunning.”

“The difference between 690 [thousand] and 1.8 million were the people that some would say were too afraid to sign up, others would say were too lazy to get off their asses, but they didn’t sign up,” Kelly said, according to The Washington Post. “So the president, shockingly, said OK, 1.8 million, and then probably the biggest shock was in a path to citizenship. That’s beyond what anyone could have imagined.”


Wow, Kelly sounds like a chip off the ole block - like Trump. No wonder Trump hired him. Kelly is a mean man with a cold heart.

Typical huffy post commie bullshit. Kelly didn't say, I would say they were too lazy to get off their asses. He said "others would say were too lazy to get off their asses". I know it really hard for uneducated regressives to know the difference between the two, I guess that's what the huffy post counts on.


It's hard to negotiate with a mind like that. Why would any sane person 'love a shutdown'?

It's particularly hard to negotiate with someone like that when your idea of a negotiation is, "Give me what I want and don't ask for any reciprocation or I'm shutting this bitch down!"

Which is another way of saying that it's hard to negotiate when you aren't willing to negotiate.
How exactly do you plan on negotiating with gang members, rapists and thugs that illegally entered our country? Trump offered a way forward. Idiotic dems ran away. What exactly scares dems about border enforcement? Predictably, pathetic dems have taken sides and again they have made it clear they favor illegals over US citizens. Minorities will continue to suffer as a result.

WASHINGTON ― White House chief of staff John Kelly said Tuesday that PresidentDonald Trump’s offer to save undocumented young people ― though only if he can build a border wall and slash legal immigration ― is generous because it would help immigrants who may have previously been “too lazy” to seek protections.

Trump has said he would support a path to citizenship for the 690,000 people protected under the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals program, or DACA, as well as for anyone who is eligible for the program but didn’t sign up. The White House estimates that’s 1.8 million people total, leading Kelly to call the president’s proposal “stunning.”

“The difference between 690 [thousand] and 1.8 million were the people that some would say were too afraid to sign up, others would say were too lazy to get off their asses, but they didn’t sign up,” Kelly said, according to The Washington Post. “So the president, shockingly, said OK, 1.8 million, and then probably the biggest shock was in a path to citizenship. That’s beyond what anyone could have imagined.”


Wow, Kelly sounds like a chip off the ole block - like Trump. No wonder Trump hired him. Kelly is a mean man with a cold heart.

Typical huffy post commie bullshit. Kelly didn't say, I would say they were too lazy to get off their asses. He said "others would say were too lazy to get off their asses". I know it really hard for uneducated regressives to know the difference between the two, I guess that's what the huffy post counts on.


"Others would say"

Typical Trumpian rhetoric
With out laws the entire country would be like that shit hole California

You mean the FIFTH HIGHEST GDP in the world, California?......
Go peddle your hatred somewhere else.
its the 6th.....and that is because of the wealthy coastal areas,many inland counties are not experiencing what the coastal areas are.....lots of unemployment and poverty inland......
Well, surely we were not expecting Jim Baker III or even Leon Panetta. I doubt the guy had evil intent, but it's not a job for a guy not practiced in politics. Actually, he should just stick to organizing who has access to Trump and get an assistant who knows the job.
You mean the FIFTH HIGHEST GDP in the world, California?......
Go peddle your hatred somewhere else.
California is already a shit hole...take a drive through the state and see for yourself....
not all of it would know this if you actually have driven through the state,were the wealth is its still pretty nice.....
With out laws the entire country would be like that shit hole California

You mean the FIFTH HIGHEST GDP in the world, California?......
Go peddle your hatred somewhere else.
its the 6th.....and that is because of the wealthy coastal areas,many inland counties are not experiencing what the coastal areas are.....lots of unemployment and poverty inland......
The Republican parts of the state
With out laws the entire country would be like that shit hole California

You mean the FIFTH HIGHEST GDP in the world, California?......
Go peddle your hatred somewhere else.

What does that have to do with anything?

Ya think we are really that shallow and need California for anything, let alone taxes?

Kick those bastards out of the United States, sell California to China for all I care.

Then you have to find $360 billions of federal tax revenue.
California is the 5th or 6th largest economy of the whole world.
Without Ca you will be importing your food.

No we are not going to kick those hardworking people out of this country. Because we need these people doing jobs that racist assholes like you don’t want to take. Without them California will not be this good.

Without Ca you will be importing your food.

Say what asshat?

Say what asshat?

Say what asshat?

Say what asshat?

With out California we would be importing fruits and nuts?

Ya know we don't need California right?
15% of the economy would be a big blow to your state going to make that up?....
With out laws the entire country would be like that shit hole California

You mean the FIFTH HIGHEST GDP in the world, California?......
Go peddle your hatred somewhere else.

What does that have to do with anything?

Ya think we are really that shallow and need California for anything, let alone taxes?

Kick those bastards out of the United States, sell California to China for all I care.

Then you have to find $360 billions of federal tax revenue.
California is the 5th or 6th largest economy of the whole world.
Without Ca you will be importing your food.

No we are not going to kick those hardworking people out of this country. Because we need these people doing jobs that racist assholes like you don’t want to take. Without them California will not be this good.
Hey moron, did ya know Ca has no water? Without water from Arizona they couldn’t grow shit!
they get water from the Colorado River which empties into Lake Havasu,which is on the boarder of Cal and Arizona,and Arizona does not own either of these ....
With out laws the entire country would be like that shit hole California

You mean the FIFTH HIGHEST GDP in the world, California?......
Go peddle your hatred somewhere else.

What does that have to do with anything?

Ya think we are really that shallow and need California for anything, let alone taxes?

Kick those bastards out of the United States, sell California to China for all I care.

Then you have to find $360 billions of federal tax revenue.
California is the 5th or 6th largest economy of the whole world.
Without Ca you will be importing your food.

No we are not going to kick those hardworking people out of this country. Because we need these people doing jobs that racist assholes like you don’t want to take. Without them California will not be this good.
Hey moron, did ya know Ca has no water? Without water from Arizona they couldn’t grow shit!
they get water from the Colorado River which empties into Lake Havasu,which is on the boarder of Cal and Arizona,and Arizona does not own either of these ....

Blow up the Hoover damn and California is fucked.
not all of it would know this if you actually have driven through the state,were the wealth is its still pretty nice.....

....AND, may I add.................... lol

California tourism industry grows for the 7th straight year, report says
May 4, 2017 - The industry supported more than 1 million jobs, up 3.4% from last year. Travel-generated state and local tax revenue totaled $10.3 billion in 2016, an increase of 3.8% over the previous year. And the industry now amounts to about 2.5% of the state's gross domestic product.

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