Keep Grant on the $50 bill

If Reagan gets on the fifty, will that be the only currency accepted by Iranian arms merchants? Will the Reagan fifty be made of pollution causing trees? Can the Reagan fifty be redeemed for vegetables like ketchup? If someone steals a batch of Reagan fifties, can they claim they have no recollection of the theft? Will convicted felons like Oliver North be able to use Reagan fifties to post bail?

Hat to tell you Nosmo, but Bush Jr. overtook Reagan in all those categories...............

Only currency accepted by Iranian arms merchants? US dollar is strong over there, what do you think they used to finance research into EFP's (Explosive Fired Projectiles)? They were the ones that brought them to Iraq and killed a lot of our soldiers and sailors.

Made of pollution causing trees? Yep, probably that and a lot worse. Cap and Tax anyone?

Can it be redeemed for ketchup? Remember when Bush Jr. tried to say it was a vegetable as well?

If someone steals a bunch, no recollection of the theft? Remember when they had several PALLETS of American Greenbacks disappear in Iraq? How about the way Halliburton stole a bunch of money from us and gave us crappy buildings that killed Special Operations type soldiers?

Will convicted felons be able to use it for bail? Remember Karl Rove?

Reagan took credit for the release of the hostages from Iran, even though the agreement to release the hostages were the result of Carter's efforts.
Iran hostage crisis - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Reagan, in my opinion, approved the sale of arms to Iran.
Iran?Contra affair - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
He'd broken the cardinal rule... WE DO NOT NEGOTIATE WITH TERRORISTS!!!

Reagan approved the support of Afghan rebels in their fight against the Soviets. Those rebels went on to support the Taliban and Al Qaeda.
Soviet war in Afghanistan - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

"The collapse of the Soviet Union ... Goes to God and the Mujahideen in Afghanistan"
-Osama Bin Laden

Sorry, but I would rather put his face on my toilet paper, than on any form of currency. Food for thought.

Look, I don't mind Grant being on the fifty because I usually pay my bar tab using a fifty, excuse the pun. Before we discuss wanting Reagan on any form of currency, we must first examine his impact on our current status.

Right now, it looks as if he'd created our current enemies. I say no!!!

Reagan took credit for the release of the hostages from Iran, even though the agreement to release the hostages were the result of Carter's efforts.
Iran hostage crisis - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Reagan, in my opinion, approved the sale of arms to Iran.
Iran?Contra affair - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
He'd broken the cardinal rule... WE DO NOT NEGOTIATE WITH TERRORISTS!!!

Reagan approved the support of Afghan rebels in their fight against the Soviets. Those rebels went on to support the Taliban and Al Qaeda.
Soviet war in Afghanistan - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

"The collapse of the Soviet Union ... Goes to God and the Mujahideen in Afghanistan"
-Osama Bin Laden

Sorry, but I would rather put his face on my toilet paper, than on any form of currency. Food for thought.

Look, I don't mind Grant being on the fifty because I usually pay my bar tab using a fifty, excuse the pun. Before we discuss wanting Reagan on any form of currency, we must first examine his impact on our current status.

Right now, it looks as if he'd created our current enemies. I say no!!!

No? Really?

What part of Reagan financed the Taliban, giving rise to OBL do you keep forgetting?

Reagan took credit for the release of the hostages from Iran, even though the agreement to release the hostages were the result of Carter's efforts.
Iran hostage crisis - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

What? The reason Iran released the hostages was because Reagan got elected! It was his election that brought the whole episode to a close.

BUZZZZ!!! wrong answer!

Iran hostage crisis - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

On January 20, 1981, 20 minutes after Reagan was sworn in as President, 52 American hostages were released by Iran into U.S. custody, having spent 444 days in captivity. The hostages were flown to Algeria as a symbolic gesture for the help of that government in resolving the crisis. The flight continued to Rhein-Main Air Base in West Germany, where former President Carter, acting as emissary, received them.

Q: Where was Reagan?

Food for thought.

Reagan took credit for the release of the hostages from Iran, even though the agreement to release the hostages were the result of Carter's efforts.
Iran hostage crisis - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

What? The reason Iran released the hostages was because Reagan got elected! It was his election that brought the whole episode to a close.

BUZZZZ!!! wrong answer!

Iran hostage crisis - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

On January 20, 1981, 20 minutes after Reagan was sworn in as President, 52 American hostages were released by Iran into U.S. custody, having spent 444 days in captivity. The hostages were flown to Algeria as a symbolic gesture for the help of that government in resolving the crisis. The flight continued to Rhein-Main Air Base in West Germany, where former President Carter, acting as emissary, received them.

Q: Where was Reagan?

Food for thought.

Yes, the facts on the surface show that the hostages were released then. But that is where people, by taking things out of context do not understand history.

Reagan was elected President 2 months before the inauguration. The election of Reagan served to move the Iranians to release the hostages. Yes there were other things going on that also influenced the Iranians to release the hostages but the overriding factor was the election of a conservative Republican as President. Reagan was perceived by the Iranians as someone who would use military power to obtain their release. Remember Carter was not seen as a threat. As president he let Nicaragua fall to the Sandinistas, a bumbling rescue attempt in the Iranian desert, and the US economy was in a shambles with double digit inflation among other things. Carter had continued to drawdown the military and sacked most of the CIA operatives. Reagan was a different story altogether. He won in a landslide and had the people behind him. He wanted a strong military, a revitalized CIA and was willing to use military force, as history proved. The Iranians perceived this strong man coming onto the stage and this forced them to sit back and re-evaluate their position. They decided to release the hostages on his term as a gesture. And it was because of Reagan’s election the hostage crisis was resolved.
What? The reason Iran released the hostages was because Reagan got elected! It was his election that brought the whole episode to a close.

BUZZZZ!!! wrong answer!

Iran hostage crisis - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

On January 20, 1981, 20 minutes after Reagan was sworn in as President, 52 American hostages were released by Iran into U.S. custody, having spent 444 days in captivity. The hostages were flown to Algeria as a symbolic gesture for the help of that government in resolving the crisis. The flight continued to Rhein-Main Air Base in West Germany, where former President Carter, acting as emissary, received them.

Q: Where was Reagan?

Food for thought.

Yes, the facts on the surface show that the hostages were released then. But that is where people, by taking things out of context do not understand history.

Reagan was elected President 2 months before the inauguration. The election of Reagan served to move the Iranians to release the hostages. Yes there were other things going on that also influenced the Iranians to release the hostages but the overriding factor was the election of a conservative Republican as President. Reagan was perceived by the Iranians as someone who would use military power to obtain their release. Remember Carter was not seen as a threat. As president he let Nicaragua fall to the Sandinistas, a bumbling rescue attempt in the Iranian desert, and the US economy was in a shambles with double digit inflation among other things. Carter had continued to drawdown the military and sacked most of the CIA operatives. Reagan was a different story altogether. He won in a landslide and had the people behind him. He wanted a strong military, a revitalized CIA and was willing to use military force, as history proved. The Iranians perceived this strong man coming onto the stage and this forced them to sit back and re-evaluate their position. They decided to release the hostages on his term as a gesture. And it was because of Reagan’s election the hostage crisis was resolved.

Reagan was viewed as an irrational cowboy who would bomb away at first chance. This is why the Iranians were scared of him.
I was around then. There was no question if Carter had been re elected the Iranians would probably still be holding AMerican hostages.

Reagan took credit for the release of the hostages from Iran, even though the agreement to release the hostages were the result of Carter's efforts.
Iran hostage crisis - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Reagan, in my opinion, approved the sale of arms to Iran.
Iran?Contra affair - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
He'd broken the cardinal rule... WE DO NOT NEGOTIATE WITH TERRORISTS!!!

Reagan approved the support of Afghan rebels in their fight against the Soviets. Those rebels went on to support the Taliban and Al Qaeda.
Soviet war in Afghanistan - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

"The collapse of the Soviet Union ... Goes to God and the Mujahideen in Afghanistan"
-Osama Bin Laden

Sorry, but I would rather put his face on my toilet paper, than on any form of currency. Food for thought.


How many times does that bullshit need be disproven?:eusa_hand:

Reagan took credit for the release of the hostages from Iran, even though the agreement to release the hostages were the result of Carter's efforts.
Iran hostage crisis - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Reagan, in my opinion, approved the sale of arms to Iran.
Iran?Contra affair - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
He'd broken the cardinal rule... WE DO NOT NEGOTIATE WITH TERRORISTS!!!

Reagan approved the support of Afghan rebels in their fight against the Soviets. Those rebels went on to support the Taliban and Al Qaeda.
Soviet war in Afghanistan - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

"The collapse of the Soviet Union ... Goes to God and the Mujahideen in Afghanistan"
-Osama Bin Laden

Sorry, but I would rather put his face on my toilet paper, than on any form of currency. Food for thought.

Look, I don't mind Grant being on the fifty because I usually pay my bar tab using a fifty, excuse the pun. Before we discuss wanting Reagan on any form of currency, we must first examine his impact on our current status.

Right now, it looks as if he'd created our current enemies. I say no!!!

No? Really?

What part of Reagan financed the Taliban, giving rise to OBL do you keep forgetting?

What part of who gives a fuck don't you get? Let's put it in context.

Reagan supported the Muhajadeen against the Soviet Union; which, actually began under Jimmy Carter. The fact the CIA was smuggling weapons across the border to the Muhajadeen under Carter was the subject of a 60 Minutes episode.

Y'all goofs want to keep playing or tuck your tails? You're full of shit.
If either of you fucking 'tards would have served during Reagan's second term, you would have actually dealt with it.

Going on cruise with less manning than what you're supposed to have sucks, because it results in double watches, which wears down the crew, which is a safety issue.

If Crusted Turd Skank and Rabid Lie would have been anything other than cowardly pussies, they'd know that.

Yeah, I missed all the action. I just missed getting drafted for Vietnam by about 2 months and then got out into the world. I think I would have made a contribution, but we'll never know.

You should talk to my Dad. In 1944, he had a contract to play right field with the NY Giants farm team when he walked into Navy Recruiter and told him there was an error of his birth certificate that he was really 18, not 17. He served aboard CV-19 and was there on Nov 25, 1944.

He never talked much about his experience until a UN High school group wanted to film him and other Veterans and he opened up like I never heard him.

Again, I never served, but take your warrior status and go fuck yourself for calling me a coward.
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Reagan, in my opinion, approved the sale of arms to Iran.
Iran?Contra affair - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
He'd broken the cardinal rule... WE DO NOT NEGOTIATE WITH TERRORISTS!!!

Your terrorist is my patriot. Your patriot is my terrorist. It is all relative!

Reagan was not a saint, just another man in office. Yes he had problems just like everyone in office has problems. But look what his 2 terms accomplished. Was the country better off than when he took office. Yes! The military was in better shape, the countries reputation in the world was one of power, inflation was under control, and people were employed! The Cold war was at its end, freeing the American people of the 40 year threat of MAD and giving us hope for the future. It was during his terms that Americans felt proud to be Americans again.
If either of you fucking 'tards would have served during Reagan's second term, you would have actually dealt with it.

Going on cruise with less manning than what you're supposed to have sucks, because it results in double watches, which wears down the crew, which is a safety issue.

If Crusted Turd Skank and Rabid Lie would have been anything other than cowardly pussies, they'd know that.

Yeah, I missed all the action. I just missed getting drafted for Vietnam by about 2 months and then got out into the world. I think I would have made a contribution, but we'll never know.

You should talk to my Dad. In 1944, he had a contract to play right field with the NY Giants farm team when he walked into Navy Recruiter and told him there was an error of his birth certificate that he was really 18, not 17. He served aboard CV-19 and was there on Nov 25, 1944.

He never talked much about his experience until a UN High school group wanted to film him and other Veterans and he opened up like I never heard him.

Again, I never served, but take your warrior status and go fuck yourself for calling me a coward.

Yeah......ask your father what it's like to go to sea with a crew that's only 85 percent manned.

He'll tell you it sucks.

You ask me? I'll tell you it sucks, your father and I both served and understand.

You? Obviously, you don't. Coward.
If either of you fucking 'tards would have served during Reagan's second term, you would have actually dealt with it.

Going on cruise with less manning than what you're supposed to have sucks, because it results in double watches, which wears down the crew, which is a safety issue.

If Crusted Turd Skank and Rabid Lie would have been anything other than cowardly pussies, they'd know that.

Yeah, I missed all the action. I just missed getting drafted for Vietnam by about 2 months and then got out into the world. I think I would have made a contribution, but we'll never know.

You should talk to my Dad. In 1944, he had a contract to play right field with the NY Giants farm team when he walked into Navy Recruiter and told him there was an error of his birth certificate that he was really 18, not 17. He served aboard CV-19 and was there on Nov 25, 1944.

He never talked much about his experience until a UN High school group wanted to film him and other Veterans and he opened up like I never heard him.

Again, I never served, but take your warrior status and go fuck yourself for calling me a coward.

Yeah......ask your father what it's like to go to sea with a crew that's only 85 percent manned.

He'll tell you it sucks.

You ask me? I'll tell you it sucks, your father and I both served and understand.

You? Obviously, you don't. Coward.

Again, thank you for your service.

Go Fuck Yourself
$50 $50 $50


$50 $50 $50
I think the US mint should start printing IOU bills. With non other than the Hussein on it.


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