Karl THE BRAIN Rove assessment of President Obama = QUITE BRILLIANT and accurate!

Ahh we asshole have to hang together or we will hang indivudually?
Now which asshole are you? You are hiding under a different moniker over here I see.
A good reason to I suspect.

You truly are an asshole, asshole. You are the asshole's asshole!

And no, you dickless fucking moron, my username has not been changed from that other place. So either I'm not the person you thought I was (confirming for all the world to see what a fucking stupid asshole you are) OR you have no working brain cells sufficient to recall a really difficult to remember username. :cuckoo:

UsShitizen, in case it hasn't been noted in a while, let's not be remiss: you are an asshole.


your "pal,"


well if your handle on the other board was the same, then you are just plain stupid, because I recall no user called liability on the other board.

You are wrong as I suspect you usually are.

Well then, asshole, I must not be the one YOU thought I was.

Confirming that you are an asshole is not needed, but thanks all the same, ya asshole.
So paid political shill Karl "the brain" Rove is not happy with the Obama administration so far.

I would be concerned if "The Brain" raved about what a good job Obama was doing. I mean, didn't we elect Obama to undo all the damage done by "The Brains" boy, George Bush? If "the Brain" is so smart, why was the party of his own design driven from the White House, Senate, House of Representatives and most Governorships.

"We the People" sent a strong message to "The Brain"...we don't like your tactics, we don't like your policies and we want President Obama to undo the damage you have done to this country
You truly are an asshole, asshole. You are the asshole's asshole!

And no, you dickless fucking moron, my username has not been changed from that other place. So either I'm not the person you thought I was (confirming for all the world to see what a fucking stupid asshole you are) OR you have no working brain cells sufficient to recall a really difficult to remember username. :cuckoo:

UsShitizen, in case it hasn't been noted in a while, let's not be remiss: you are an asshole.


your "pal,"


well if your handle on the other board was the same, then you are just plain stupid, because I recall no user called liability on the other board.

You are wrong as I suspect you usually are.

Well then, asshole, I must not be the one YOU thought I was.

Confirming that you are an asshole is not needed, but thanks all the same, ya asshole.

I had no idea who you were, It just appeared to me that you hated me from somewhere previous. It usually takes a few weeks for someone on a new board to start hating me that strongly.
What has Karl Rove ever actually done, of any worth?

kept john kerry out of the oval office.

Because Bush, an incumbent ,wartime president, with a good economy, up against an uncharismatic opponent who ran a terrible campaign, couldn't accomplish that on his own?

I take the contrarian view. Thanks to Rove's ineptitude, Kerry was able to make it close. He should have been swamped.
He helped Bush get elected 3 times. Ohh wait you said of any worth.. I'll get back to ya on that.

so he did work on the obama campaign, after all.


Nope that would be 4 times. I was counting 1 as Guv and 2 as pres.

Yeah, GW Bush really needed Rove's genius help getting elected governor of Texas, since being a Republican oilman son of a former Republican President is such an impediment to that aspiration...
What has Karl Rove ever actually done, of any worth?

kept john kerry out of the oval office.

Because Bush, an incumbent ,wartime president, with a good economy, up against an uncharismatic opponent who ran a terrible campaign, couldn't accomplish that on his own?

I take the contrarian view. Thanks to Rove's ineptitude, Kerry was able to make it close. He should have been swamped.

i'm not so much interested in the process as the results, but if it floats your boat, by all means, revel in it.
I would imagine that one IN an Administration usually doesn't offer opinion columns in Newspapers.

Call it a hunch.

I do know lots of liberoidal Democratics offered their objective "grades" on President Bush, however.

Why would Mr. Rove be denied that right, now?

Didn't say he should be denied the right. Simply pointed out that Rove isn't going to be any more objective than the "liberoidal Democratics" were with Bush. Like Cheney, he has a personal legacy to defend which will color his analysis. I like to find as brilliant and accurate non-partisan analysis as possible to base my opinion on, but to each his own I suppose. On man's Rove is another man's Carville. Ying and Yang.

Oh nosies. He's not "objective?"

The horror.

That may be true. But it doesn't mean his assessement of President Obama is in any way erroneous!

So using your logic, any subjective assessment by Carville or Begala of Bush wasn't in any way erroneous either, correct?
Mr. Rove actually used Obama's own ambitions as a measuring stick. Holding Obama up to that is only a reflection on Obama. Approval ratings are not Mr. Rove's measure either. Shoot the messenger?

How long into a term passes before a President is effective? Bush was 8 months into his term when 9/11 happened. Outside forces shaped his adminstration too.
so he did work on the obama campaign, after all.


Nope that would be 4 times. I was counting 1 as Guv and 2 as pres.

Yeah, GW Bush really needed Rove's genius help getting elected governor of Texas, since being a Republican oilman son of a former Republican President is such an impediment to that aspiration...

He ran for another office in TX (house of representatives i believe) and lost prior to his successful run as guv.
Then he got rove.

bush was a loser without Rove.
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So paid political shill Karl "the brain" Rove is not happy with the Obama administration so far.

I would be concerned if "The Brain" raved about what a good job Obama was doing. I mean, didn't we elect Obama to undo all the damage done by "The Brains" boy, George Bush? If "the Brain" is so smart, why was the party of his own design driven from the White House, Senate, House of Representatives and most Governorships.

"We the People" sent a strong message to "The Brain"...we don't like your tactics, we don't like your policies and we want President Obama to undo the damage you have done to this country

nah, if rove applauded obama you libbies wouldn't focus solely on ad homs, you would remark how smart a conservative is and it just shows how obama has reached across the aisle and is the greatest president to ever grace our poor country.....
Mr. Rove actually used Obama's own ambitions as a measuring stick. Holding Obama up to that is only a reflection on Obama. Approval ratings are not Mr. Rove's measure either. Shoot the messenger?

How long into a term passes before a President is effective? Bush was 8 months into his term when 9/11 happened. Outside forces shaped his adminstration too.

The fact that Karl Rove is not happy says enough.

If he were happy, we would have something to worry about

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