Kansas lawmakers pass adoption bill against gay couples


que sera, sera
Feb 13, 2013
May 4 (Reuters) - The Kansas Legislature on Friday approved a bill that allows faith-based adoption agencies to turn away gay and lesbian couples based on religious beliefs, and the state's governor said he would sign it.

Under the measure, the Kansas Department for Children and Families cannot block any foster or adoption agency, including those that receive public funds, from participating in its programs only because it refuses to adopt or place children with gay people.

Opponents of the bill said they will likely mount a legal challenge.

Kansas lawmakers pass adoption bill critics say is biased against gay couples

Mixed emotions about this. As with ALL adoptions, every couple should pass a rigid strict test of some sort to make sure they are of sound mind. Which should already be the case, right?
And....if the agency that is handling the adoption states it is against their religious beliefs, that should be protected. Parents wanting to adopt can do so from other agencies that are not religious in nature, one would think.

Your thoughts?
Since the law says gay can legally marry, they should be treated like all married couples. Even single people can adopt.
If they're receiving public money, they should serve the public, irrespective of their sexual proclivities.
If they're funded by others, they can serve whomever they please.
Respect all round usually works.
Organizations that receive taxpayer money should and must be required to serve all of the people. Legislatures should not protect people's open bigotry against others under the false "religious belief" theory. The Kansas government is obligated to protect the rights of all Kansans who want to adopt as well as somebody's cult. They are taxpayers, too, and they don't get a tax exemption like these cults do.

I understand that Kansas is a mess anyway. It's not difficult to understand how it got that way.
May 4 (Reuters) - The Kansas Legislature on Friday approved a bill that allows faith-based adoption agencies to turn away gay and lesbian couples based on religious beliefs, and the state's governor said he would sign it.

Under the measure, the Kansas Department for Children and Families cannot block any foster or adoption agency, including those that receive public funds, from participating in its programs only because it refuses to adopt or place children with gay people.

Opponents of the bill said they will likely mount a legal challenge.

Kansas lawmakers pass adoption bill critics say is biased against gay couples

Mixed emotions about this. As with ALL adoptions, every couple should pass a rigid strict test of some sort to make sure they are of sound mind. Which should already be the case, right?
And....if the agency that is handling the adoption states it is against their religious beliefs, that should be protected. Parents wanting to adopt can do so from other agencies that are not religious in nature, one would think.

Your thoughts?

They can do it without public funds.

Two-thirds of Catholic Charities funding comes from tax payers.

May 4 (Reuters) - The Kansas Legislature on Friday approved a bill that allows faith-based adoption agencies to turn away gay and lesbian couples based on religious beliefs, and the state's governor said he would sign it.

Under the measure, the Kansas Department for Children and Families cannot block any foster or adoption agency, including those that receive public funds, from participating in its programs only because it refuses to adopt or place children with gay people.

Opponents of the bill said they will likely mount a legal challenge.

Kansas lawmakers pass adoption bill critics say is biased against gay couples

Mixed emotions about this. As with ALL adoptions, every couple should pass a rigid strict test of some sort to make sure they are of sound mind. Which should already be the case, right?
And....if the agency that is handling the adoption states it is against their religious beliefs, that should be protected. Parents wanting to adopt can do so from other agencies that are not religious in nature, one would think.

Your thoughts?
Yet another manifestation of rightwing fear, ignorance, bigotry, and hate.

“The U.S. Supreme Court last June reversed an Arkansas Supreme Court ruling and ordered all states to treat same-sex couples the same as heterosexual couples in the issuance of birth certificates. This and other court rulings have made adoption by same-sex couples legal in all 50 states.” ibid

Yet another manifestation of the right’s contempt for the Constitution, its case law, and the rule of law.
The Kansas measure is no different from other such measures seeking to disadvantage gay Americans.

Colorado sought to deny gay Americans access to anti-discrimination laws.

Texas sought to make being gay a criminal offense.

The Federal government sought to deny gay Americans marriage benefits.

And Kentucky sought to deny same-sex couples access to marriage law gay Americans are eligible to participate in.

All of these measures were struck down by the Supreme Court for in essence the same reason: no objective, documented evidence that being gay alone renders someone a ‘bad’ parent, or otherwise places in ‘jeopardy’ children whose parent or parents are gay.

That this sort of unwarranted animus against gay Americans remains so prevalent is both reprehensible and disturbing.
The Kansas measure is no different from other such measures seeking to disadvantage gay Americans.

Colorado sought to deny gay Americans access to anti-discrimination laws.

Texas sought to make being gay a criminal offense.

The Federal government sought to deny gay Americans marriage benefits.

And Kentucky sought to deny same-sex couples access to marriage law gay Americans are eligible to participate in.

All of these measures were struck down by the Supreme Court for in essence the same reason: no objective, documented evidence that being gay alone renders someone a ‘bad’ parent, or otherwise places in ‘jeopardy’ children whose parent or parents are gay.

That this sort of unwarranted animus against gay Americans remains so prevalent is both reprehensible and disturbing.
This country needs more C_Clayton_Jones defending freedom.
May 4 (Reuters) - The Kansas Legislature on Friday approved a bill that allows faith-based adoption agencies to turn away gay and lesbian couples based on religious beliefs, and the state's governor said he would sign it.

Under the measure, the Kansas Department for Children and Families cannot block any foster or adoption agency, including those that receive public funds, from participating in its programs only because it refuses to adopt or place children with gay people.

Opponents of the bill said they will likely mount a legal challenge.

Kansas lawmakers pass adoption bill critics say is biased against gay couples

Mixed emotions about this. As with ALL adoptions, every couple should pass a rigid strict test of some sort to make sure they are of sound mind. Which should already be the case, right?
And....if the agency that is handling the adoption states it is against their religious beliefs, that should be protected. Parents wanting to adopt can do so from other agencies that are not religious in nature, one would think.

Your thoughts?
The law might work except for the use of public funds to support agencies that discriminate against legally married gay couples

It will crash and burn in the courts
May 4 (Reuters) - The Kansas Legislature on Friday approved a bill that allows faith-based adoption agencies to turn away gay and lesbian couples based on religious beliefs, and the state's governor said he would sign it.

Under the measure, the Kansas Department for Children and Families cannot block any foster or adoption agency, including those that receive public funds, from participating in its programs only because it refuses to adopt or place children with gay people.

Opponents of the bill said they will likely mount a legal challenge.

Kansas lawmakers pass adoption bill critics say is biased against gay couples

Mixed emotions about this. As with ALL adoptions, every couple should pass a rigid strict test of some sort to make sure they are of sound mind. Which should already be the case, right?
And....if the agency that is handling the adoption states it is against their religious beliefs, that should be protected. Parents wanting to adopt can do so from other agencies that are not religious in nature, one would think.

Your thoughts?
Gay people are mentally unstable, not a good environment for kids...
They already could deny adoptions based on their religious beliefs before, making this legislation nothing more than lame political pandering.

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