Kamala Harris will give reparations


Diamond Member
Oct 31, 2012

It is kind of odd that Biden picked a candidate to succeed him in the near future because of his cognitive decline and age because she is not liked. After all, Kamala dropped out so early in the Presidential campaign because democrats largely rejected her. And I don't know any Republicans or independents that like her either.

But nonetheless, if Biden is elected Kamala Harris will see to it that blacks receive reparations when she takes the helm.

The article I provided explains how much money blacks will get, but make no mistake, once they get it the funds still won't be enough. Mark it down!

So my only question is, will Kamala pay reparations since her descendant was a prominent slave owner in Jamaica, or will she get reparations because she is the right color skin?
I view reparations like I view candy.

When that three year old throws a little hissy fit tantrum in the grocery store and the parent knuckles under and buys them the candy to shut them up for the moment, it teaches them one thing and one thing only.

Tantrums get them what they want.
On the plus side, Biden says that if he and Kamala are elected, little brown and black girls all over the US will be happy because Kamala is also brown/black.

Oh happy day.

Also, Biden said that if you don't vote for him, you ain't really black, so I guess that means no reparations for you!

It is kind of odd that Biden picked a candidate to succeed him in the near future because of his cognitive decline and age because she is not liked. After all, Kamala dropped out so early in the Presidential campaign because democrats largely rejected her. And I don't know any Republicans or independents that like her either.

But nonetheless, if Biden is elected Kamala Harris will see to it that blacks receive reparations when she takes the helm.

The article I provided explains how much money blacks will get, but make no mistake, once they get it the funds still won't be enough. Mark it down!

So my only question is, will Kamala pay reparations since her descendant was a prominent slave owner in Jamaica, or will she get reparations because she is the right color skin?
That gets to root problem of WHO EXACTLY GETS REPARATIONS? Anyone with African DNA? What percentage African is "black enough"? Or do you need to prove lineage to an actual slave? Or Anyone who is "black" even though not African like Kamala?
I view reparations like I view candy.

When that three year old throws a little hissy fit tantrum in the grocery store and the parent knuckles under and buys them the candy to shut them up for the moment, it teaches them one thing and one thing only.

Tantrums get them what they want.

I wonder if Thomas Sowell will get reparations, or if he does, will he send it back?

Here is what Thomas said about the excessive spending in the Federal government.

The first lesson of economics is scarcity: there is never enough of anything to fully satisfy all those who want it. The first lesson of politics is to disregard the first lesson of economics.

Thomas Sowell
This is why I don't see the democrooks taking the WH. Usually they go hard left and try to out moonbat each other in the primaries, but then afterwards they try and play centrist. They went full retard this year though, and it looks like they won't recover.


It is kind of odd that Biden picked a candidate to succeed him in the near future because of his cognitive decline and age because she is not liked. After all, Kamala dropped out so early in the Presidential campaign because democrats largely rejected her. And I don't know any Republicans or independents that like her either.

But nonetheless, if Biden is elected Kamala Harris will see to it that blacks receive reparations when she takes the helm.

The article I provided explains how much money blacks will get, but make no mistake, once they get it the funds still won't be enough. Mark it down!

So my only question is, will Kamala pay reparations since her descendant was a prominent slave owner in Jamaica, or will she get reparations because she is the right color skin?
That gets to root problem of WHO EXACTLY GETS REPARATIONS? Anyone with African DNA? What percentage African is "black enough"? Or do you need to prove lineage to an actual slave? Or Anyone who is "black" even though not African like Kamala?
You would have to ask Pocahontas about what percentage of a certain race you have to be before being considered part of their group.

She was 1023rd part Indian and was proud of it, until she learned from the Cherokee nation that she did not enough percentage of Indian in her and was a fraud.
I seriously doubt anyone is getting REPARATIONS. Where were my great-grandmother's reparations as a white-slave? Oh that's right, she made good in her own right, BECAUSE SHE EARNED IT.

Reparations would have the same affect as welfare - keep the man down, throw him a bone so he thinks your on his side, while giving him an excuse for laziness and entitlements.

The party of slavery only changed tactics.
I view reparations like I view candy.

When that three year old throws a little hissy fit tantrum in the grocery store and the parent knuckles under and buys them the candy to shut them up for the moment, it teaches them one thing and one thing only.

Tantrums get them what they want.

My mother used to just walk away, waving bye-bye.
This is why I don't see the democrooks taking the WH. Usually they go hard left and try to out moonbat each other in the primaries, but then afterwards they try and play centrist. They went full retard this year though, and it looks like they won't recover.

The smart thing for Biden to do was go centrist to attract disenchanted Republicans and independents, but it is almost as though they were more worried about obtaining the votes from their radical base.

Very odd.

As the old saying goes, go to the radical base for the primary and then to the center during the general election. Apparently dementia Joe forgot about that.
I view reparations like I view candy.

When that three year old throws a little hissy fit tantrum in the grocery store and the parent knuckles under and buys them the candy to shut them up for the moment, it teaches them one thing and one thing only.

Tantrums get them what they want.

My mother used to just walk away, waving bye-bye.
Smart mom.

It is kind of odd that Biden picked a candidate to succeed him in the near future because of his cognitive decline and age because she is not liked. After all, Kamala dropped out so early in the Presidential campaign because democrats largely rejected her. And I don't know any Republicans or independents that like her either.

But nonetheless, if Biden is elected Kamala Harris will see to it that blacks receive reparations when she takes the helm.

The article I provided explains how much money blacks will get, but make no mistake, once they get it the funds still won't be enough. Mark it down!

So my only question is, will Kamala pay reparations since her descendant was a prominent slave owner in Jamaica, or will she get reparations because she is the right color skin?
That gets to root problem of WHO EXACTLY GETS REPARATIONS? Anyone with African DNA? What percentage African is "black enough"? Or do you need to prove lineage to an actual slave? Or Anyone who is "black" even though not African like Kamala?

Keep the questions going, Mike...

Will the descendants of Union soldiers have to pay.

Will the descendants of Blacks who fought for the South have to pay?

Will the descendants of White's who immigrated to this country after the Civil War have to pay?

Will the descendants of Union Soldiers but were from the states of Delaware, New Jersey, Missouri,
Kentucky, Maryland and West Virginia have to pay. (Those Northern states all had an institution of slavery
during the civil war, have to pay?

It is kind of odd that Biden picked a candidate to succeed him in the near future because of his cognitive decline and age because she is not liked. After all, Kamala dropped out so early in the Presidential campaign because democrats largely rejected her. And I don't know any Republicans or independents that like her either.

But nonetheless, if Biden is elected Kamala Harris will see to it that blacks receive reparations when she takes the helm.

The article I provided explains how much money blacks will get, but make no mistake, once they get it the funds still won't be enough. Mark it down!

So my only question is, will Kamala pay reparations since her descendant was a prominent slave owner in Jamaica, or will she get reparations because she is the right color skin?
That gets to root problem of WHO EXACTLY GETS REPARATIONS? Anyone with African DNA? What percentage African is "black enough"? Or do you need to prove lineage to an actual slave? Or Anyone who is "black" even though not African like Kamala?
You would have to ask Pocahontas about what percentage of a certain race you have to be before being considered part of their group.

She was 1023rd part Indian and was proud of it, until she learned from the Cherokee nation that she did not enough percentage of Indian in her and was a fraud.
Well heck if it's 1/1024, I'm pretty sure I'm Black enough to get me some reparations. PAY UP WHITEY!!!
Here is the crux of the plan.

1. She wants to put aside $100 billion for African-American homebuyers to pay the downpayment and closing costs on a new home. In some cases, people with six-figure incomes will qualify.

2 Reparations will be only about skin color, not history of slave ownership. We know this because she said the following,

“We need to address how we’re going to do it,” Harris said. “Because back to the point I was making about homeownership … back to the point I was making about disparities around education … you can look at health outcomes when you know that black women are three to four times more likely to die in connection with childbirth.

So Kamala will get a slice of the pie even though her ancestors owned slaves

3. The pay outs, no matter how much they will be, will not end the reparations. Here is what she said,

“So that’s why I’m reluctant to have a simple answer to it because, frankly, I don’t believe that writing a check is gonna be enough,” Harris said. “I really don’t … And the worst thing that I think could happen is that checks get written and then everybody says, ‘OK, stop talking about this now,’ without addressing the systemic inequities that are deep and require investment.”

4. Most Americans don't support reparations.

The polls show that Democrats/Socialists like the idea, but the overall electorate does not support it. Just 21% of Likely U.S. Voters think U.S. taxpayers should pay reparations to black Americans who can prove they are descended from slaves, according to Rasmussen.

So the media will have to ignore the reparations talk before the election to get her elected, along with other things, like supporting abortion up to 9 months in the womb.
My Irish ancestors came over during the Potato Famine, which was so bad the population of Ireland decreased by one million.
Here is the crux of the plan.

1. She wants to put aside $100 billion for African-American homebuyers to pay the downpayment and closing costs on a new home. In some cases, people with six-figure incomes will qualify.

2 Reparations will be only about skin color, not history of slave ownership. We know this because she said the following,

“We need to address how we’re going to do it,” Harris said. “Because back to the point I was making about homeownership … back to the point I was making about disparities around education … you can look at health outcomes when you know that black women are three to four times more likely to die in connection with childbirth.

So Kamala will get a slice of the pie even though her ancestors owned slaves

3. The pay outs, no matter how much they will be, will not end the reparations. Here is what she said,

“So that’s why I’m reluctant to have a simple answer to it because, frankly, I don’t believe that writing a check is gonna be enough,” Harris said. “I really don’t … And the worst thing that I think could happen is that checks get written and then everybody says, ‘OK, stop talking about this now,’ without addressing the systemic inequities that are deep and require investment.”

4. Most Americans don't support reparations.

The polls show that Democrats/Socialists like the idea, but the overall electorate does not support it. Just 21% of Likely U.S. Voters think U.S. taxpayers should pay reparations to black Americans who can prove they are descended from slaves, according to Rasmussen.

So the media will have to ignore the reparations talk before the election to get her elected, along with other things, like supporting abortion up to 9 months in the womb.

So what? I'm descended from kings of Ireland. Where's my cut from the Brits?
This is why I don't see the democrooks taking the WH. Usually they go hard left and try to out moonbat each other in the primaries, but then afterwards they try and play centrist. They went full retard this year though, and it looks like they won't recover.

I dunno. Do a DNA check and see if you are oppressed to DNA and me.

Who knows, it could be a never ending pay day for ya.

Here is the crux of the plan.

1. She wants to put aside $100 billion for African-American homebuyers to pay the downpayment and closing costs on a new home. In some cases, people with six-figure incomes will qualify.

2 Reparations will be only about skin color, not history of slave ownership. We know this because she said the following,

“We need to address how we’re going to do it,” Harris said. “Because back to the point I was making about homeownership … back to the point I was making about disparities around education … you can look at health outcomes when you know that black women are three to four times more likely to die in connection with childbirth.

So Kamala will get a slice of the pie even though her ancestors owned slaves

3. The pay outs, no matter how much they will be, will not end the reparations. Here is what she said,

“So that’s why I’m reluctant to have a simple answer to it because, frankly, I don’t believe that writing a check is gonna be enough,” Harris said. “I really don’t … And the worst thing that I think could happen is that checks get written and then everybody says, ‘OK, stop talking about this now,’ without addressing the systemic inequities that are deep and require investment.”

4. Most Americans don't support reparations.

The polls show that Democrats/Socialists like the idea, but the overall electorate does not support it. Just 21% of Likely U.S. Voters think U.S. taxpayers should pay reparations to black Americans who can prove they are descended from slaves, according to Rasmussen.

So the media will have to ignore the reparations talk before the election to get her elected, along with other things, like supporting abortion up to 9 months in the womb.

So what? I'm descended from kings of Ireland. Where's my cut from the Brits?
Ixna on the whitey kingna.

It is kind of odd that Biden picked a candidate to succeed him in the near future because of his cognitive decline and age because she is not liked. After all, Kamala dropped out so early in the Presidential campaign because democrats largely rejected her. And I don't know any Republicans or independents that like her either.

But nonetheless, if Biden is elected Kamala Harris will see to it that blacks receive reparations when she takes the helm.

The article I provided explains how much money blacks will get, but make no mistake, once they get it the funds still won't be enough. Mark it down!

So my only question is, will Kamala pay reparations since her descendant was a prominent slave owner in Jamaica, or will she get reparations because she is the right color skin?
When was the last time VP pushed their policy agenda over the President? You know congress is the body that writes laws with exception tot he presidential power of executive order.

It is kind of odd that Biden picked a candidate to succeed him in the near future because of his cognitive decline and age because she is not liked. After all, Kamala dropped out so early in the Presidential campaign because democrats largely rejected her. And I don't know any Republicans or independents that like her either.

But nonetheless, if Biden is elected Kamala Harris will see to it that blacks receive reparations when she takes the helm.

The article I provided explains how much money blacks will get, but make no mistake, once they get it the funds still won't be enough. Mark it down!

So my only question is, will Kamala pay reparations since her descendant was a prominent slave owner in Jamaica, or will she get reparations because she is the right color skin?
When was the last time VP pushed their policy agenda over the President? You know congress is the body that writes laws with exception tot he presidential power of executive order.
If elected, Biden would be the oldest sitting elected President ever. Add to that all of the obvious cognitive decline, and that equals Kamala running the show and probably taking over the reigns at some point.

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