Kamala Harris: New York Bar Association should 'probably disbar' Giuliani


Nuthin' but the truth
Oct 8, 2013
South Carolina
Sen. Kamala Harris said she wants an investigation into Rudy Giuliani and that the New York Bar Association should "probably" disbar President Trump's personal attorney.

"The New York Bar Association needs to investigate Giuliani and probably disbar him," the California Democrat said Thursday on MSNBC. Harris, 54, also demanded that the inspector general investigate connections between Giuliani and State Department officials who could have been working with him.

Kamala Harris: New York Bar Association should 'probably disbar' Giuliani

These Democrats are vile fascists that look to destroy anyone who gets in their way to power...This woman is looking for a headline as her campaign withers on the vine, and dies....What a clown.
Sen. Kamala Harris said she wants an investigation into Rudy Giuliani and that the New York Bar Association should "probably" disbar President Trump's personal attorney.

"The New York Bar Association needs to investigate Giuliani and probably disbar him," the California Democrat said Thursday on MSNBC. Harris, 54, also demanded that the inspector general investigate connections between Giuliani and State Department officials who could have been working with him.

Kamala Harris: New York Bar Association should 'probably disbar' Giuliani

These Democrats are vile fascists that look to destroy anyone who gets in their way to power...This woman is looking for a headline as her campaign withers on the vine, and dies....What a clown.

It's Fascism plain and simple
When reached for comment, a State Department spokesperson said, "Mr. Giuliani is a private citizen and acts in a personal capacity as a lawyer for President Trump. He does not speak on behalf of the U.S. Government."

Giuliani: State Department official should 'step forward,' 'I wasn't operating on my own'

Once Rudy Giuliani realizes that he’s about to be thrown under a Ukraine sized bus, he’s going to sing like a bird.

BWHAAAA! What are you idiots now recycling this crap from the Russia hoax? Seems we heard much the same for over two years about various individuals, then Muller put out his dud, and let the wind out of all of your ballons....lol
Kamala should have stuck to pro rasslin'

There’s only one reason that Trump would send out a fixer to go to foreign countries and keep that a secret from US intelligence agencies and not use ambassadors and diplomats and people that work for the government.
And that was because he was making threats or trying to extort or some other nefarious and illegal activity. Activities Trump wants to keep hidden from the American people.
Sen. Kamala Harris said she wants an investigation into Rudy Giuliani and that the New York Bar Association should "probably" disbar President Trump's personal attorney.

"The New York Bar Association needs to investigate Giuliani and probably disbar him," the California Democrat said Thursday on MSNBC. Harris, 54, also demanded that the inspector general investigate connections between Giuliani and State Department officials who could have been working with him.

Kamala Harris: New York Bar Association should 'probably disbar' Giuliani

These Democrats are vile fascists that look to destroy anyone who gets in their way to power...This woman is looking for a headline as her campaign withers on the vine, and dies....What a clown.

It's Fascism plain and simple
These hard lefties are fascists. They think things they don't like are illegal. They think people they don't like should be barred from office and from even speaking or communicating their views.

“SHUT UP,” SHE EXPLAINED: Kamala Harris: Trump’s Twitter Account Should Be Suspended.
There’s only one reason that Trump would send out a fixer to go to foreign countries and keep that a secret from US intelligence agencies and not use ambassadors and diplomats and people that work for the government.
And that was because he was making threats or trying to extort or some other nefarious and illegal activity. Activities Trump wants to keep hidden from the American people.

You sure do have a vivid imagination.

Real vivid. LOL
Sen. Kamala Harris said she wants an investigation into Rudy Giuliani and that the New York Bar Association should "probably" disbar President Trump's personal attorney.

"The New York Bar Association needs to investigate Giuliani and probably disbar him," the California Democrat said Thursday on MSNBC. Harris, 54, also demanded that the inspector general investigate connections between Giuliani and State Department officials who could have been working with him.

Kamala Harris: New York Bar Association should 'probably disbar' Giuliani

These Democrats are vile fascists that look to destroy anyone who gets in their way to power...This woman is looking for a headline as her campaign withers on the vine, and dies....What a clown.

Actually Giuliani should be here along with his fuck buddy T-Rump and the three brats that he spawned


Manhattan Psychiatric Center offers a range of comprehensive, evidence based inpatient and outpatient treatments for adults with mental illness. Families/Significant other(s) are involved as appropriate and with the permission of the consumer. MPC’s overall aim is to assess all patients with a multi-disciplinary approach, to develop personalized treatment plans with the aim of active rehabilitation and rapid return to or to optimal functioning in the community. MPC is also a major training facility for psychiatric residents, medical students, psychology interns and externs, social work externs and nursing students.

Manhattan Psychiatric Center
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Sen. Kamala Harris said she wants an investigation into Rudy Giuliani and that the New York Bar Association should "probably" disbar President Trump's personal attorney.

"The New York Bar Association needs to investigate Giuliani and probably disbar him," the California Democrat said Thursday on MSNBC. Harris, 54, also demanded that the inspector general investigate connections between Giuliani and State Department officials who could have been working with him.

Kamala Harris: New York Bar Association should 'probably disbar' Giuliani

These Democrats are vile fascists that look to destroy anyone who gets in their way to power...This woman is looking for a headline as her campaign withers on the vine, and dies....What a clown.

Actually Giuliani should be here along with his fuck buddy T-Rump and the three brats that he spawned


Manhattan Psychiatric Center offers a range of comprehensive, evidence based inpatient and outpatient treatments for adults with mental illness. Families/Significant other(s) are involved as appropriate and with the permission of the consumer. MPC’s overall aim is to assess all patients with a multi-disciplinary approach, to develop personalized treatment plans with the aim of active rehabilitation and rapid return to or to optimal functioning in the community. MPC is also a major training facility for psychiatric residents, medical students, psychology interns and externs, social work externs and nursing students.

Manhattan Psychiatric Center
Not a response worth the effort to read. Sad!

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