Kagen Must Be Stopped

Y'know, I'm actually gonna agree with you that it isn't a fair representation of Palin's words.

But like certain other people on here, you appear to be an our-shit-never-stinks kind of Con. To say that this is "typical" and act like only one side does this indicates you're either blind to your owns side's failings, really friggin' stupid or deliberately being a partisan hack.

I'll set your mind at ease, and end all doubt. I AM A PARTISAN HACK FOR THE REPUBLICAN PARTY, and proud of it.


I'll bet your party's very proud, too.


Democrats :evil: are a Party of "Snickerers"

You can snicker all you want, like so many effeminate Democrats are fond of doing, but we in the Republican Party have a truly Big Tent that allows for all kinds of diverse opinion, unlike the Goose Stepping Jim Jones (BTW he was a card carrying Democrat) Kool Aid drinking PC Democrat Party, where no one dares to open their mouths outside the party line. If you want some real freedom come and join us, we actually believe in the Constitution.
I'll set your mind at ease, and end all doubt. I AM A PARTISAN HACK FOR THE REPUBLICAN PARTY, and proud of it.


I'll bet your party's very proud, too.


Democrats :evil: are a Party of "Snickerers"

You can snicker all you want, like so many effeminate Democrats are fond of doing, but we in the Republican Party have a truly Big Tent that allows for all kinds of diverse opinion, unlike the Goose Stepping Jim Jones (BTW he was a card carrying Democrat) Kool Aid drinking PC Democrat Party, where no one dares to open their mouths outside the party line. If you want some real freedom come and join us, we actually believe in the Constitution.

I think you are doing wonderfully....I like your affirmations of the Republicans being a Big Tent and all....right after your past posts about Democrats being your sworn enemies.
I'll bet your party's very proud, too.


Democrats :evil: are a Party of "Snickerers"

You can snicker all you want, like so many effeminate Democrats are fond of doing, but we in the Republican Party have a truly Big Tent that allows for all kinds of diverse opinion, unlike the Goose Stepping Jim Jones (BTW he was a card carrying Democrat) Kool Aid drinking PC Democrat Party, where no one dares to open their mouths outside the party line. If you want some real freedom come and join us, we actually believe in the Constitution.

I think you are doing wonderfully....I like your affirmations of the Republicans being a Big Tent and all....right after your past posts about Democrats being your sworn enemies.

The Big Tent includes EVERYONE except Democrats. But, still and all, even they are welcome to vote for us. Not all Republicans feel as I do, and I don't expect them to. I know I'm the cutting edge, the advanced guard, whatever you want to call it. I want the country our Founders gave us, not the one Democrats have corrupted and polluted.
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Have you guys ever considered the possibility that anyone on the other side of the aisle just might be right about something? No, I didn't think so. This reminds me of an old western movie where the good guys all wore white hats and bad guys all wore black hats. Those white hats just could never do anything wrong. The trouble today is that everyone thinks they are wearing a white hat.

Okay, first let me say that you would probably be surprised by which side of the aisle I agree with, more often than not.

Second, his OP offers nothing for you or him to be "right" about. Unless you consider the title, "Kagen must be stopped." It's spelled Kagan, by the way. Unfortunately I do not believe the title is enough to be "right" about. Why does she need to be stopped? Give us a reason.

No problem...

The Reason #1: Pearls...


Reason #2: Without Pearls...


Third reason, her ideas:



Third, even if you were able to stop her appointment to the Court, Obama would still be President. Do you think he would choose someone more conservative than Kagan? I don't.

Nope... But I do think that if Kagan doesn't get approved before the Mid-terms, that he'll have ONE HELLUVA PROBLEM getting a SCOTUS vote prior to the 2012 election...
Have you guys ever considered the possibility that anyone on the other side of the aisle just might be right about something? No, I didn't think so. This reminds me of an old western movie where the good guys all wore white hats and bad guys all wore black hats. Those white hats just could never do anything wrong. The trouble today is that everyone thinks they are wearing a white hat.

Okay, first let me say that you would probably be surprised by which side of the aisle I agree with, more often than not.

Second, his OP offers nothing for you or him to be "right" about. Unless you consider the title, "Kagen must be stopped." It's spelled Kagan, by the way. Unfortunately I do not believe the title is enough to be "right" about. Why does she need to be stopped? Give us a reason.

No problem...

The Reason #1: Pearls...


Reason #2: Without Pearls...


Third reason, her ideas:



Third, even if you were able to stop her appointment to the Court, Obama would still be President. Do you think he would choose someone more conservative than Kagan? I don't.

Nope... But I do think that if Kagan doesn't get approved before the Mid-terms, that he'll have ONE HELLUVA PROBLEM getting a SCOTUS vote prior to the 2012 election...

Celer Silens Mortalis, Swift Silent and Deadly, your post has done her in, swiftly, silently, with pictures alone. They say it all. Our uniformed heroes know who her uniformed heroes are.
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Nah, she is a done deal for ratification, and you are all fried, crispy bits in the Obama fryer. :lol:
Okay, first let me say that you would probably be surprised by which side of the aisle I agree with, more often than not.

Second, his OP offers nothing for you or him to be "right" about. Unless you consider the title, "Kagen must be stopped." It's spelled Kagan, by the way. Unfortunately I do not believe the title is enough to be "right" about. Why does she need to be stopped? Give us a reason.

No problem...

The Reason #1: Pearls...


Reason #2: Without Pearls...


Third reason, her ideas:



Third, even if you were able to stop her appointment to the Court, Obama would still be President. Do you think he would choose someone more conservative than Kagan? I don't.

Nope... But I do think that if Kagan doesn't get approved before the Mid-terms, that he'll have ONE HELLUVA PROBLEM getting a SCOTUS vote prior to the 2012 election...

Celer Silens Mortalis, Swift Silent and Deadly, your post has done her in, swiftly, silently, with pictures alone. They say it all. Our uniformed heroes know who her uniformed heroes are.

I think you need to make up some e-mails like this post and spam them out to everyone you know signed as a Dedicated Loyal Republican.
I disagree. I think she is unqualified and the Senate should not accept her. However there is NO reason to delay the vote until January 2011. Further one is not treasonous to vote ones conscious in the matter of a Supreme Court Nomination or conformation.

What must be done is remind the left that the last time a NONE Judge was nominated THEY had fits and cried foul. What must be done is remind the left that this woman claims to be a Constitutional scholar but claimed the Federal Government had no right to recruit on US campuses. She did so not because she believed it Unconstitutional but because she disagreed with a US policy on how the military was made up. She allowed personal opinion to override Constitutional facts. She is not qualified to be a Supreme Court Justice.

According to the Constitution, she is qualified to be a Justice of the SCOTUS.
I disagree. I think she is unqualified and the Senate should not accept her. However there is NO reason to delay the vote until January 2011. Further one is not treasonous to vote ones conscious in the matter of a Supreme Court Nomination or conformation.

What must be done is remind the left that the last time a NONE Judge was nominated THEY had fits and cried foul. What must be done is remind the left that this woman claims to be a Constitutional scholar but claimed the Federal Government had no right to recruit on US campuses. She did so not because she believed it Unconstitutional but because she disagreed with a US policy on how the military was made up. She allowed personal opinion to override Constitutional facts. She is not qualified to be a Supreme Court Justice.

According to the Constitution, she is qualified to be a Justice of the SCOTUS.

According to the Constitution, the Village Idiot or Charles Manson are qualified to sit on the Supreme Court, but the Constitution assumes we have a brain and therefore we will not put "unqualified" people on the Court, and she is unqualified. Not only that but she looks sick. I wouldn't be surprised to see her die soon, leaving her seat to be filled by a Palin appointment in 2012.

Additionally, she is so unqualified that on the Court, she will be a joke. No way will she have the influence of the guy she is replacing, so the result will be to further weaken the Liberal side of the Court, which even now only has 4 Justices anyway.
How this is spun to demean Sarah is typical of the dirty tricks of the Democrats :evil: trying to defame, personally, anyone they disagree with on public policy.

Y'know, I'm actually gonna agree with you that it isn't a fair representation of Palin's words.

But like certain other people on here, you appear to be an our-shit-never-stinks kind of Con. To say that this is "typical" and act like only one side does this indicates you're either blind to your owns side's failings, really friggin' stupid or deliberately being a partisan hack.

I'll set your mind at ease, and end all doubt. I AM A PARTISAN HACK FOR THE REPUBLICAN PARTY, and proud of it.


And yet even after admitting this she'll still claim persecution. Just watch.
Okay, first let me say that you would probably be surprised by which side of the aisle I agree with, more often than not.

Second, his OP offers nothing for you or him to be "right" about. Unless you consider the title, "Kagen must be stopped." It's spelled Kagan, by the way. Unfortunately I do not believe the title is enough to be "right" about. Why does she need to be stopped? Give us a reason.

No problem...

The Reason #1: Pearls...


Reason #2: Without Pearls...


Third reason, her ideas:



Third, even if you were able to stop her appointment to the Court, Obama would still be President. Do you think he would choose someone more conservative than Kagan? I don't.

Nope... But I do think that if Kagan doesn't get approved before the Mid-terms, that he'll have ONE HELLUVA PROBLEM getting a SCOTUS vote prior to the 2012 election...

Celer Silens Mortalis, Swift Silent and Deadly, your post has done her in, swiftly, silently, with pictures alone. They say it all. Our uniformed heroes know who her uniformed heroes are.

So you'll believe ANYTHING if there's pictures


Look it's Elvis. He's alive again. There's a picture to prove it.
No problem...

The Reason #1: Pearls...


Reason #2: Without Pearls...


Third reason, her ideas:



Nope... But I do think that if Kagan doesn't get approved before the Mid-terms, that he'll have ONE HELLUVA PROBLEM getting a SCOTUS vote prior to the 2012 election...

Celer Silens Mortalis, Swift Silent and Deadly, your post has done her in, swiftly, silently, with pictures alone. They say it all. Our uniformed heroes know who her uniformed heroes are.

I think you need to make up some e-mails like this post and spam them out to everyone you know signed as a Dedicated Loyal Republican.
How long 'til it hits World Net Daily?
Kagen Must Be Stopped

Every single Republican Senator, must stand united shoulder to shoulder in order to delay a vote on Kagen until after the people have had a chance to speak in the midterm elections scheduled for only 5 months from now.

Every Republican must delay the vote on Kagen until after these elections, when the American people will have had a chance to vote on what they want their representatives to do.

Any Republican Senator who breaks ranks must be charged with treason to the nation, disloyalty to the Republican Party, and a disservice to God.
Idiot.You have no clue to your fate, do you ?


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I disagree. I think she is unqualified and the Senate should not accept her. However there is NO reason to delay the vote until January 2011. Further one is not treasonous to vote ones conscious in the matter of a Supreme Court Nomination or conformation.

What must be done is remind the left that the last time a NONE Judge was nominated THEY had fits and cried foul. What must be done is remind the left that this woman claims to be a Constitutional scholar but claimed the Federal Government had no right to recruit on US campuses. She did so not because she believed it Unconstitutional but because she disagreed with a US policy on how the military was made up. She allowed personal opinion to override Constitutional facts. She is not qualified to be a Supreme Court Justice.

According to the Constitution, she is qualified to be a Justice of the SCOTUS.

According to the Constitution, the Village Idiot or Charles Manson are qualified to sit on the Supreme Court, but the Constitution assumes we have a brain and therefore we will not put "unqualified" people on the Court, and she is unqualified. Not only that but she looks sick. I wouldn't be surprised to see her die soon, leaving her seat to be filled by a Palin appointment in 2012.

Additionally, she is so unqualified that on the Court, she will be a joke. No way will she have the influence of the guy she is replacing, so the result will be to further weaken the Liberal side of the Court, which even now only has 4 Justices anyway.

Seems to me you are making arguments FOR her to be put on the Court. Just sayin'.
According to the Constitution, she is qualified to be a Justice of the SCOTUS.

According to the Constitution, the Village Idiot or Charles Manson are qualified to sit on the Supreme Court, but the Constitution assumes we have a brain and therefore we will not put "unqualified" people on the Court, and she is unqualified. Not only that but she looks sick. I wouldn't be surprised to see her die soon, leaving her seat to be filled by a Palin appointment in 2012.

Additionally, she is so unqualified that on the Court, she will be a joke. No way will she have the influence of the guy she is replacing, so the result will be to further weaken the Liberal side of the Court, which even now only has 4 Justices anyway.

Seems to me you are making arguments FOR her to be put on the Court. Just sayin'.

Well, the Democrats as a Party trying to win elections is not doing itself any favor with HER. Really, a grossly obese, very ugly Jewish Lesbian freak with no bench experience is not going to help them solidify the middle, and the Independent votes they will need. The appointment sounds, and looks, radical just from the appearance of it. She is a much worse version of MS SOTO. Obama is absolutely determined to be a one term President, just like failed Jimmy Carter. This is all the more reason to oppose her totally, in order to build up our image as being opposed to that kind of Justice choices. Face it, she is now the FACE of the Demonrat Party, Gag, Choke, Throw-up.

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