Just wondering why is it that the only solution to the budget debate for the left is


Really nice Guy
Mar 21, 2011
to raise taxes with absolutely no talk of cutting spending at the same time.

One can only assume these clowns have to run their own household so you would think that even a basic understanding of finances would light the way for them to understand you cannot continue spending more then you have. And if your source of funding is suffering you cannot continue pulling more from it. Yes its a (finite Pie) no money does not grow on tree's and the guberment doesn't create wealth.
You have to understand the left... they don't exist in reality. In their world there is a never ending supply of the "other guy" from which they can always extract money to finance their retarded-ass Utopian schemes.
You have to understand the left... they don't exist in reality. In their world there is a never ending supply of the "other guy" from which they can always extract money to finance their retarded-ass Utopian schemes.

Looking at this debate one can only shake their head in stunned wonder and ask how is it possible that these people simply don't get it.
You have to understand the left... they don't exist in reality. In their world there is a never ending supply of the "other guy" from which they can always extract money to finance their retarded-ass Utopian schemes.

Looking at this debate one can only shake their head in stunned wonder and ask how is it possible that these people simply don't get it.

Oddly, they claim to be the smart ones.
"It's the spending, stupid."

First candidate who adopts this slogan stolen and corrected from James Carville, resonates and likely wins the WH in November.
"It's the spending, stupid."

First candidate who adopts this slogan stolen and corrected from James Carville, resonates and likely wins the WH in November.

You've seen the budget, a bunch of hoopla was drummed up by the media and the 2 parties over them disagreeing with 1% of the budget.


While others focus on the 1%, I'll focus on the 99% they agree on.

I try to avoid these useless terms "left" and "right", as both republicans and democrats agree that spending this country into economic turmoil is the way to go.
"It's the spending, stupid."

First candidate who adopts this slogan stolen and corrected from James Carville, resonates and likely wins the WH in November.

You've seen the budget, a bunch of hoopla was drummed up by the media and the 2 parties over them disagreeing with 1% of the budget.


While others focus on the 1%, I'll focus on the 99% they agree on.

I try to avoid these useless terms "left" and "right", as both republicans and democrats agree that spending this country into economic turmoil is the way to go.
None of this nullifies what I said.
"with absolutely no talk of cutting spending at the same time"

is a lie.
"It's the spending, stupid."

First candidate who adopts this slogan stolen and corrected from James Carville, resonates and likely wins the WH in November.

You've seen the budget, a bunch of hoopla was drummed up by the media and the 2 parties over them disagreeing with 1% of the budget.


While others focus on the 1%, I'll focus on the 99% they agree on.

I try to avoid these useless terms "left" and "right", as both republicans and democrats agree that spending this country into economic turmoil is the way to go.
None of this nullifies what I said.

I was agreeing with you, just kind of expanding on your point as spending goes along with our most recent record-high spending budget.
to raise taxes with absolutely no talk of cutting spending at the same time.

One can only assume these clowns have to run their own household so you would think that even a basic understanding of finances would light the way for them to understand you cannot continue spending more then you have. And if your source of funding is suffering you cannot continue pulling more from it. Yes its a (finite Pie) no money does not grow on tree's and the guberment doesn't create wealth.

That's an easy one.
Cutting spending means sacred cow entitlements will be reduced. The democrat party depends on the votes of those who are recipients of public assistance. If their benefits are cut, those votes are no longer guaranteed as they are when the taxpayer tit is gorged with the milk of public assitance.
"absolutely no talk of cutting spending" - Robert


WASHINGTON – President Barack Obama, risking liberal anger and Republican scorn, is turning his attention to the nation's crushing debt with an anti-deficit framework that tackles politically sensitive health care programs while also increasing taxes.

The president on Wednesday plans to deliver a speech outlining his approach to reducing the deficit by lowering spending in Medicare and Medicaid, raising taxes on the wealthy and cutting defense costs. Obama's address will draw contrasts with a Republican plan that cuts $5 trillion in spending over the next decade and which the White House says unfairly singles out middle-class taxpayers, older adults and the poor.
"absolutely no talk of cutting spending" - Robert


WASHINGTON – President Barack Obama, risking liberal anger and Republican scorn, is turning his attention to the nation's crushing debt with an anti-deficit framework that tackles politically sensitive health care programs while also increasing taxes.

The president on Wednesday plans to deliver a speech outlining his approach to reducing the deficit by lowering spending in Medicare and Medicaid, raising taxes on the wealthy and cutting defense costs. Obama's address will draw contrasts with a Republican plan that cuts $5 trillion in spending over the next decade and which the White House says unfairly singles out middle-class taxpayers, older adults and the poor.

Robert has a knack for making things up and putting words in peoples mouths. Why should this thread be any different.
"absolutely no talk of cutting spending" - Robert


WASHINGTON – President Barack Obama, risking liberal anger and Republican scorn, is turning his attention to the nation's crushing debt with an anti-deficit framework that tackles politically sensitive health care programs while also increasing taxes.

The president on Wednesday plans to deliver a speech outlining his approach to reducing the deficit by lowering spending in Medicare and Medicaid, raising taxes on the wealthy and cutting defense costs. Obama's address will draw contrasts with a Republican plan that cuts $5 trillion in spending over the next decade and which the White House says unfairly singles out middle-class taxpayers, older adults and the poor.

Robert has a knack for making things up and putting words in peoples mouths. Why should this thread be any different.

Robert lied.

Now, if the cuts are going to actually happen or not, we'll see.
Guys, really. There was NO talk of any spending cuts from Obama or any other Dem until the GOP got control of the House.

During the 2008 campaign, Obama was asked about McCain's promise to "balance the budget before the end of my second term" and Obama merely laughed and quipped, "that's not practical."

He is trying to paint himself as a spendthrift, a deficit hawk, and you're swallowing it hook, line and sinker. Forgetting conveniently that for two years with a supermajority Congress, he could have done anything he wanted. Curbing spending was NOT on the agenda.

Let's call it like it is.
Guys, really. There was NO talk of any spending cuts from Obama or any other Dem until the GOP got control of the House.

During the 2008 campaign, Obama was asked about McCain's promise to "balance the budget before the end of my second term" and Obama merely laughed and quipped, "that's not practical."

He is trying to paint himself as a spendthrift, a deficit hawk, and you're swallowing it hook, line and sinker. Forgetting conveniently that for two years with a supermajority Congress, he could have done anything he wanted. Curbing spending was NOT on the agenda.

Let's call it like it is.

What will you say if I pull old video of him talking cuts?

Are you going to admit you were wrong about that point, or are you going to play it off with the next point?

I'm not saying the behavior and the words are matching up, but to say that he's never mentioned cuts is outright false so.....no sense in saying what's false publically.
to raise taxes with absolutely no talk of cutting spending at the same time.

One can only assume these clowns have to run their own household so you would think that even a basic understanding of finances would light the way for them to understand you cannot continue spending more then you have. And if your source of funding is suffering you cannot continue pulling more from it. Yes its a (finite Pie) no money does not grow on tree's and the guberment doesn't create wealth.

Please explain "guberment doesn't create wealth".

Explain how the stockholders and chief operating officers benefited from Government largess at:

Lockhead Martin
Northrop Gruman
BAE Systems
General Dynamics
United Technology
L-3 Communications Holding
KBR, inc (Haliburton)
Navistar Defense
So.. Obama and the Dems up the debt by TRILLIONS and now want to cut it down by billions.

Got it.
Guys, really. There was NO talk of any spending cuts from Obama or any other Dem until the GOP got control of the House.

During the 2008 campaign, Obama was asked about McCain's promise to "balance the budget before the end of my second term" and Obama merely laughed and quipped, "that's not practical."

He is trying to paint himself as a spendthrift, a deficit hawk, and you're swallowing it hook, line and sinker. Forgetting conveniently that for two years with a supermajority Congress, he could have done anything he wanted. Curbing spending was NOT on the agenda.

Let's call it like it is.

What will you say if I pull old video of him talking cuts?

Are you going to admit you were wrong about that point, or are you going to play it off with the next point?

I'm not saying the behavior and the words are matching up, but to say that he's never mentioned cuts is outright false so.....no sense in saying what's false publically.
Mentioned spending cuts in passing? Or actually called for spending cuts? It's two different things.

I'd love to see the video, but it takes nothing at all away from what I said. YOU must be honest and admit the GOP House is driving this, just like in the 90s with Billy. This is how Billy got his "surplus" and if Obama will wise up, he can do the same thing.
So.. Obama and the Dems up the debt by TRILLIONS and now want to cut it down by billions.

Got it.

Basically nobody is ever going to Balance the budget ever again until something blows.

Even the Ryan budget was predicted to raise the Debt.

I'm not sure why anyone trust any side on Budget matters.
Guys, really. There was NO talk of any spending cuts from Obama or any other Dem until the GOP got control of the House.

During the 2008 campaign, Obama was asked about McCain's promise to "balance the budget before the end of my second term" and Obama merely laughed and quipped, "that's not practical."

He is trying to paint himself as a spendthrift, a deficit hawk, and you're swallowing it hook, line and sinker. Forgetting conveniently that for two years with a supermajority Congress, he could have done anything he wanted. Curbing spending was NOT on the agenda.

Let's call it like it is.

What will you say if I pull old video of him talking cuts?

Are you going to admit you were wrong about that point, or are you going to play it off with the next point?

I'm not saying the behavior and the words are matching up, but to say that he's never mentioned cuts is outright false so.....no sense in saying what's false publically.
Mentioned spending cuts in passing? Or actually called for spending cuts? It's two different things.

I'd love to see the video, but it takes nothing at all away from what I said. YOU must be honest and admit the GOP House is driving this, just like in the 90s with Billy. This is how Billy got his "surplus" and if Obama will wise up, he can do the same thing.

No, I don't have to be, because I never claimed otherwise.

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