JUST THINK! If this guy had had a gun....

Or maybe not. This guy reads like some sadistic nut who tried to kill the woman any way. Why is it so difficult to understand that there are some people in this world who will hurt others? Guns have nothing to do with this kind of evil.

On the contrary, guns have everything to do with this kind of evil. It gives them a tool with which they are capable of destroying many lives quickly and easily, and the victims have little chance of fighting back.

Like this woman had a chance of fighting back against being beaten up and immolated? A firearm in the house might have been a game changer, indeed, but it might have "leveled the playing field" (as you libturds are so fond of saying) and given the woman a chance to defend herself and her daughter against this animal.
Guns are not good or bad. They are merely tools that people use (I think the military term is "force multiplier"). Therefore, the effect of them is entirely dependent upon the person with their finger on the trigger.
If the boyfriend in the original story had a gun, he might have killed his victim. If she had a gun, she might have been able to ward him off of kill him. It's all speculation.

It unknown exactly how many privately owned guns there are in the United States, but most estimates run upwards of 200 million, and the number is likely growing.
How many guns are in the United States of America

Each year, there are roughly 30,000 deaths by firearms (of which 2/3 are suicides); which has been fairly steady in the last decade or so.
Death rates from guns, traffic accidents converging

Feel free to check my math, but thats roughly 1 death per year for every 6660 guns, or to look at it the other way, a death rate of .015%. (seriously, some one check my math, I probably dropped a zero or something between units)

In other words, the vast VAST majority of gun owners are responsible, law abiding, non-violent people. IMO, all the time, energy, and political will (drama) spent on the gun issue would be put to a far better use adressing a real problem, like long-term energy independence, the civil war in Syrria, the civil (drug) war in Mexico, balancing the federal budget, bettering our education system, etc etc etc.

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