Just curious


que sera, sera
Feb 13, 2013
If someone whines to the mods and the mods contact you to say they are whining and you are on the ignore list of that person so therefore you cannot mention them or pm or vm or email them due to it being "harassment"....does that mean the person now on ignore by the person that whined can be mentioned by the mentioner to the mentionee?

In short....person A put person B on ignore. Person B now knows they are being ignored and goes about their life because....like, big whoop, ya know? Does this mean that person A can continue to talk to person B or poke person B but person B cannot knock the poker out of person A's hand and shove it up person A's ass because it is against the rules?

Just wondering.
If someone whines to the mods and the mods contact you to say they are whining and you are on the ignore list of that person so therefore you cannot mention them or pm or vm or email them due to it being "harassment"....does that mean the person now on ignore by the person that whined can be mentioned by the mentioner to the mentionee?

In short....person A put person B on ignore. Person B now knows they are being ignored and goes about their life because....like, big whoop, ya know? Does this mean that person A can continue to talk to person B or poke person B but person B cannot knock the poker out of person A's hand and shove it up person A's ass because it is against the rules?

Just wondering.

Just to try to make it clearer....I'm gonna use Stat cuz he won't mind :).

And remember..this is just an example. Stat is a pal of mine. But he is great for experiments and examples. :lol:

Let's say I put Stat on ignore. Gracie then tells the mods Stat is on ignore and Stat better not @ me cuz I will cry. So..mods inform Stat that I cried about him and have him on ignore. He is informed. However, Gracie continues to talk about Stat whenever she can...and not in a good way. So this means Gracie gets some flimsy pansy-assed protection but can still bash the fuck out of Stat from the safety of a mod's underskirt...or pants.

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Just to try to make it clearer....I'm gonna use Stat cuz he won't mind.

Let's say I put Stat on ignore. Gracie then tells the mods Stat is on ignore and Stat better not @ me cuz I will cry. So..mods inform Stat that I cried about him and have him on ignore. He is informed. However, Gracie continues to talk about Stat whenever she can...and not in a good way. So this means Gracie gets some flimsy protection from Stat but can still bash the fuck out of Stat from the safety of a mod's underskirt...or pants.


Are they wearing underwear?? I just can't seem to focus today.:D
Doesn't Connery wear a kilt? Just look up, Sherry. That is..if you ever wanna hide under there. :lol:
Doesn't Connery wear a kilt? Just look up, Sherry. That is..if you ever wanna hide under there. :lol:

Interesting info. Anyway, I've never reported anyone or put them on ignore...but I'd love to know who has me on their ignore list.:eusa_whistle:
Just to try to make it clearer....I'm gonna use Stat cuz he won't mind :).

And remember..this is just an example. Stat is a pal of mine. But he is great for experiments and examples. :lol:

Let's say I put Stat on ignore. Gracie then tells the mods Stat is on ignore and Stat better not @ me cuz I will cry. So..mods inform Stat that I cried about him and have him on ignore. He is informed. However, Gracie continues to talk about Stat whenever she can...and not in a good way. So this means Gracie gets some flimsy pansy-assed protection but can still bash the fuck out of Stat from the safety of a mod's underskirt...or pants.


Stat is a bit of a douche, so it's good you used him.

but yea, dems da rulz

I think you can thank bdboop for these idiotic rules. she bitched so much about how hardcore we were they changed a lot of rules, created the kiddy zone and basically make us all play nice with each other.

Ever notice the FZ sucks now? it's b/c all the best flamers left over these rules.

but on the plus side, a bunch of limp wristed whiners joined.
I think you can still bash the person that has you on ignore as much as you want, you just can't @ them, VM, or PM them. And they can't do that to you either and since they have you on ignore, there should be no reason for them to even mention you again since isn't that the purpose of ignore.

Ignoring someone because they are a troll and you don't want to read their posts is one thing. Ignoring them because they hurt your feelings and whining to the mods to have them hold your hand and help you keep the nasty person who has you on ignore from annoying you is o.k. I guess.

Now, I have bugged the mods when someone PM's or VM's to harrass me and won't stop when I ask them to. But I wouldn't do it over ignore. I'd just go on with my life.
Compared to almost five years ago, this place functions moh bettah because actual discussions can take place.
Stat is a bit of a douche, so it's good you used him.

but yea, dems da rulz

I think you can thank bdboop for these idiotic rules. she bitched so much about how hardcore we were they changed a lot of rules, created the kiddy zone and basically make us all play nice with each other.

Ever notice the FZ sucks now? it's b/c all the best flamers left over these rules.

but on the plus side, a bunch of limp wristed whiners joined.
Thanks for the history lesson.

Doesn't surprise me one bit, either. :thup::)
Stat is a bit of a douche, so it's good you used him.

but yea, dems da rulz

I think you can thank bdboop for these idiotic rules. she bitched so much about how hardcore we were they changed a lot of rules, created the kiddy zone and basically make us all play nice with each other.

Ever notice the FZ sucks now? it's b/c all the best flamers left over these rules.

but on the plus side, a bunch of limp wristed whiners joined.
Thanks for the history lesson.

Doesn't surprise me one bit, either. :thup::)

no prob

When I joined you posted with your hands up and chin down, stick and move, bob and weave, rope a dope.

post w/o links, lie, get stoopud, you were eaten alive, screaming for your momma. Not many noobs lasted.

but on the right side, the FZ was far more brutal
Just to try to make it clearer....I'm gonna use Stat cuz he won't mind :).

And remember..this is just an example. Stat is a pal of mine. But he is great for experiments and examples. :lol:

Let's say I put Stat on ignore. Gracie then tells the mods Stat is on ignore and Stat better not @ me cuz I will cry. So..mods inform Stat that I cried about him and have him on ignore. He is informed. However, Gracie continues to talk about Stat whenever she can...and not in a good way. So this means Gracie gets some flimsy pansy-assed protection but can still bash the fuck out of Stat from the safety of a mod's underskirt...or pants.


Stat is a bit of a douche, so it's good you used him.

but yea, dems da rulz

I think you can thank bdboop for these idiotic rules. she bitched so much about how hardcore we were they changed a lot of rules, created the kiddy zone and basically make us all play nice with each other.

Ever notice the FZ sucks now? it's b/c all the best flamers left over these rules.

but on the plus side, a bunch of limp wristed whiners joined.

I did, huh. Wow, I just have all the power.

Of course that doesn't explain how most of the changes and and flames leaving happened in my absence - but don't let that stop you. :cuckoo:

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