Just Curious. When Was Last Time You Saw Anyone In KKK Attire?So Now We're All White Nationalists?


Gold Member
Jul 1, 2018
so this is the next plan coming from the left? that all white people are white nationalists and they all secretly dress up in those white hoody outfits and hold those ceremonies in their back yards all over America?
They can't be serious. Really? we are back in the days of the 50's and 60's again?
WHITE POWER !! WHITE POWER !! :aargh: :aargh: :aargh: :aargh: :FIREdevil:
I’ve seen lots of white power stickers and rebel flags . You going to play dumb and say those aren’t racist signals ?

And who said anything about “all white people”? Conservatives create these false narratives .
well, next time I go to wal mart, im gonna ask where the white hoody wear is
so this is the next plan coming from the left? that all white people are white nationalists and they all secretly dress up in those white hoody outfits and hold those ceremonies in their back yards all over America?
They can't be serious. Really? we are back in the days of the 50's and 60's again?
WHITE POWER !! WHITE POWER !! :aargh: :aargh: :aargh: :aargh: :FIREdevil:

Its sheer insanity.

Prior to 2016, Trump was a New York guy, loved by all races, friends with Sharpton and Jackson... ...he was an NBC tv star, and black people LOVED him for his "bling". Every rich Lefty wanted him at their parties.

After becoming a Republican president he morphed into a white supremacist, Klansman, Nazi....

......you have to be the dumbest stupidest fucker on the planet to buy that crap.
Yep, if you voted for Trump, you are a white nationalist....including Ben Carson....that fucking racist.
Is there something wrong with being white? With loving your country?

If you “love your country “ why would you be flying a rebel flag? Why would you hate your fellow countryman because of their race or religion .
so this is the next plan coming from the left? that all white people are white nationalists and they all secretly dress up in those white hoody outfits and hold those ceremonies in their back yards all over America?
They can't be serious. Really? we are back in the days of the 50's and 60's again?
WHITE POWER !! WHITE POWER !! :aargh: :aargh: :aargh: :aargh: :FIREdevil:

Whatever you people do in your own trailers is no one's business but you're own.
what about people who are 2/3rds white and 1/3rd black,,,are they white supremisists too?
Well, you see, liberals now label as "white nationalist" anyone who supports the rule of law and law and order, anyone who supports detaining or deporting people who try to enter our country illegally, anyone who dares to point out the miserable condition of major cities long run by Democrats, anyone who dares to call out the Democratic politicians who have wrecked those cities (especially if they happen to be black), anyone who believes we should follow the U.S. Constitution, anyone who believes that disarming law-abiding citizens is not a solution for mass shootings, etc., etc.

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