Just Admit It, Democrats: You Want to Lose Next Year

Democrats will create a hurricane mixed with a tsunami of lies. That's how they believe they will win.
Just Admit It, Democrats: You Want to Lose Next Year | RealClearPolitics

I believe they are bearing the fruits of making sure no one could challenge the anointed Hillary, who they believed would be running for re-election right now.
What specific issues will cause Democrats to lose?
The environment?
Foreign policy?
None of that pays my bills. "Ask not what I can do for myself, but what can my government do for me" is not a winning campaign strategy.
So enjoy your next term of Trump because whether you know it or not, you've already lost the election.
Just Admit It, Democrats: You Want to Lose Next Year | RealClearPolitics

I believe they are bearing the fruits of making sure no one could challenge the anointed Hillary, who they believed would be running for re-election right now.
What specific issues will cause Democrats to lose?
The environment?
Foreign policy?
None of that pays my bills. "Ask not what I can do for myself, but what can my government do for me" is not a winning campaign strategy.
So enjoy your next term of Trump because whether you know it or not, you've already lost the election.
If that's your A material better quit now repub schmuck
Think about this: Every Democrat candidate has expressed support for AOC's "New Green Deal."
That means they want to eliminate the use of fossil fuels, automobiles, trucks, airplanes, air conditioners, and cows.
Now tell me this: How can any political party expect to win an election if that's what they intend to do?
It clear they don't want to win 2020. Fair or not the Dems are now stuck with a gun-confiscating, socialist image from which there is no escape.

If Democratic Party leaders aren’t re-watching last week’s debate in Houston, they should. If they have watched it and aren’t freaking out over what they see, it’s fair to ask whether they actually want Donald Trump to win a second term. That session was a debacle for the party and the field: Nearly three tortuous hours of tails wagging dogs, petty sniping, and a lack of vision all the Lasik surgery in the world couldn’t cure.

Just Admit It, Democrats: You Want to Lose Next Year | RealClearPolitics

I believe they are bearing the fruits of making sure no one could challenge the anointed Hillary, who they believed would be running for re-election right now.
What specific issues will cause Democrats to lose?

The environment?
Foreign policy?
Tax the rich and corporations....oh wait...not nearly enough.
Tax the middle class...yeah they'll jump at that one, tax the middle class. :rolleyes-41:
Dems will do like they did with the Bush tax cuts. Keep the middle class cuts and revoke the corporate and top income rates
Wait ... what??? After screaming for months that Trump's tax cuts were for corporations and the wealthy you are now admitting the middle class got some too?
If Democratic Party leaders aren’t re-watching last week’s debate in Houston, they should. If they have watched it and aren’t freaking out over what they see, it’s fair to ask whether they actually want Donald Trump to win a second term. That session was a debacle for the party and the field: Nearly three tortuous hours of tails wagging dogs, petty sniping, and a lack of vision all the Lasik surgery in the world couldn’t cure.

Just Admit It, Democrats: You Want to Lose Next Year | RealClearPolitics

I believe they are bearing the fruits of making sure no one could challenge the anointed Hillary, who they believed would be running for re-election right now.

I don't think Trump is going to be re elected

Intelligence Official Turns Whistleblower, Alleging Troubling Trump Communication With Foreign Leader

If he wins again, America is doomed. Imagine a 2nd term trump with nothing to lose
Now you are counting on someone who we do not know making a complaint that we know nothing about concerning a communication that has not been disclosed to a foreign leader that has not been named?

Sure, there might be a problem there but no one as yet knows anything at all about this.
Forget SillyBooBoo ... he's an intellectual wasteland.
If Democratic Party leaders aren’t re-watching last week’s debate in Houston, they should. If they have watched it and aren’t freaking out over what they see, it’s fair to ask whether they actually want Donald Trump to win a second term. That session was a debacle for the party and the field: Nearly three tortuous hours of tails wagging dogs, petty sniping, and a lack of vision all the Lasik surgery in the world couldn’t cure.

Just Admit It, Democrats: You Want to Lose Next Year | RealClearPolitics

I believe they are bearing the fruits of making sure no one could challenge the anointed Hillary, who they believed would be running for re-election right now.
What specific issues will cause Democrats to lose?

The environment?
Foreign policy?

None of that pays my bills. "Ask not what I can do for myself, but what can my government do for me" is not a winning campaign strategy.

So enjoy your next term of Trump because whether you know it or not, you've already lost the election.

Dems supporting doing things for the working class instead of the wealthy is a winning strategy
Really??? Open borders, The Green Dream, and socialism are doing things for the working class? WTF are you smoking? Who do you think will be paying for all the freebies?

Green New Deal to cost up to $100,000 per home in first year
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If Democratic Party leaders aren’t re-watching last week’s debate in Houston, they should. If they have watched it and aren’t freaking out over what they see, it’s fair to ask whether they actually want Donald Trump to win a second term. That session was a debacle for the party and the field: Nearly three tortuous hours of tails wagging dogs, petty sniping, and a lack of vision all the Lasik surgery in the world couldn’t cure.

Just Admit It, Democrats: You Want to Lose Next Year | RealClearPolitics

I believe they are bearing the fruits of making sure no one could challenge the anointed Hillary, who they believed would be running for re-election right now.
What specific issues will cause Democrats to lose?

The environment?
Foreign policy?

None of that pays my bills. "Ask not what I can do for myself, but what can my government do for me" is not a winning campaign strategy.

So enjoy your next term of Trump because whether you know it or not, you've already lost the election.

Dems supporting doing things for the working class instead of the wealthy is a winning strategy
Really??? Open borders, The Green Dream, and socialism is doing things for the working class? WTF are you smoking? Who do you think will be paying for all the freebies?

Green New Deal to cost up to $100,000 per home in first year
Dems never said Open Borders....They want comprehensive Immigration Policy .....A wall is not comprehensive policy

Your fear mongering about the Green New Deal is expected but again Republicans offer no remedy for Global Warming

Denial is not a remedy
If Democratic Party leaders aren’t re-watching last week’s debate in Houston, they should. If they have watched it and aren’t freaking out over what they see, it’s fair to ask whether they actually want Donald Trump to win a second term. That session was a debacle for the party and the field: Nearly three tortuous hours of tails wagging dogs, petty sniping, and a lack of vision all the Lasik surgery in the world couldn’t cure.

Just Admit It, Democrats: You Want to Lose Next Year | RealClearPolitics

I believe they are bearing the fruits of making sure no one could challenge the anointed Hillary, who they believed would be running for re-election right now.
What specific issues will cause Democrats to lose?

The environment?
Foreign policy?
E. All of the above.
If Democratic Party leaders aren’t re-watching last week’s debate in Houston, they should. If they have watched it and aren’t freaking out over what they see, it’s fair to ask whether they actually want Donald Trump to win a second term. That session was a debacle for the party and the field: Nearly three tortuous hours of tails wagging dogs, petty sniping, and a lack of vision all the Lasik surgery in the world couldn’t cure.

Just Admit It, Democrats: You Want to Lose Next Year | RealClearPolitics

I believe they are bearing the fruits of making sure no one could challenge the anointed Hillary, who they believed would be running for re-election right now.
What specific issues will cause Democrats to lose?

The environment?
Foreign policy?

None of that pays my bills. "Ask not what I can do for myself, but what can my government do for me" is not a winning campaign strategy.

So enjoy your next term of Trump because whether you know it or not, you've already lost the election.

Dems supporting doing things for the working class instead of the wealthy is a winning strategy
Really??? Open borders, The Green Dream, and socialism is doing things for the working class? WTF are you smoking? Who do you think will be paying for all the freebies?

Green New Deal to cost up to $100,000 per home in first year
Dems never said Open Borders....They want comprehensive Immigration Policy .....A wall is not comprehensive policy

Your fear mongering about the Green New Deal is expected but again Republicans offer no remedy for Global Warming

Denial is not a remedy

BS. "Comprehensive Immigration Policy" is just leftist doublespeak for "Amnesty", "voting rights", "free education", "automatic citizenship", and "welfare."

We're on to your game.
If Democratic Party leaders aren’t re-watching last week’s debate in Houston, they should. If they have watched it and aren’t freaking out over what they see, it’s fair to ask whether they actually want Donald Trump to win a second term. That session was a debacle for the party and the field: Nearly three tortuous hours of tails wagging dogs, petty sniping, and a lack of vision all the Lasik surgery in the world couldn’t cure.

Just Admit It, Democrats: You Want to Lose Next Year | RealClearPolitics

I believe they are bearing the fruits of making sure no one could challenge the anointed Hillary, who they believed would be running for re-election right now.
What specific issues will cause Democrats to lose?

The environment?
Foreign policy?

None of that pays my bills. "Ask not what I can do for myself, but what can my government do for me" is not a winning campaign strategy.

So enjoy your next term of Trump because whether you know it or not, you've already lost the election.

Dems supporting doing things for the working class instead of the wealthy is a winning strategy
Really??? Open borders, The Green Dream, and socialism is doing things for the working class? WTF are you smoking? Who do you think will be paying for all the freebies?

Green New Deal to cost up to $100,000 per home in first year
Dems never said Open Borders....They want comprehensive Immigration Policy .....A wall is not comprehensive policy

Your fear mongering about the Green New Deal is expected but again Republicans offer no remedy for Global Warming

Denial is not a remedy
The Green Dream would only destroy America's prosperity. It would not impact global warming. That is just another LIE you are fed and eagerly swallow.

Green New Deal Would Barely Change Earth’s Temperature. Here Are the Facts.
If Democratic Party leaders aren’t re-watching last week’s debate in Houston, they should. If they have watched it and aren’t freaking out over what they see, it’s fair to ask whether they actually want Donald Trump to win a second term. That session was a debacle for the party and the field: Nearly three tortuous hours of tails wagging dogs, petty sniping, and a lack of vision all the Lasik surgery in the world couldn’t cure.

Just Admit It, Democrats: You Want to Lose Next Year | RealClearPolitics

I believe they are bearing the fruits of making sure no one could challenge the anointed Hillary, who they believed would be running for re-election right now.

What specific issues will cause Democrats to lose?

The environment?
Foreign policy?

All of the above and then some!

wakey wakey
Democrats will create a hurricane mixed with a tsunami of lies. That's how they believe they will win.

Back in the day, we called that a "shitstorm." Even as I type this, somewhere in the deep dark recesses of this country are 10,000 liberals cranking out Trump's next "adventure", hoping it will be his last...

No shit

The rich like it that way. That is why they are willing to accept low salaries

We need to raise Capital Gains and put a fee on all stock and real estate transactions. That way, the wealthy can’t hide their wealth

To answer your original question, if you want a lot of new revenue under our tax code, you have to get it from the middle class. There's just not enough income among the rich.

Raising capital gains taxes would accomplish several things: investment capital would dry up and Warren Buffet would stop pretending he wants to pay higher taxes.
We know where the money is and it is not with the middle class

The Golden Rule states......He who has the Gold, makes the rules

In this case, the rules say wealthy people do not pay taxes on their wealth. That would change is they paid a small fee every time they made a financial transaction. They can duck being paid income, but not avoid making investments and transactions

A "small fee" would do nothing to raise the kind of money you say you want. And again you fail to account for human nature. The wealthy would just move it where you can't get it.
Do you realize how many stock transactions are made each day and the value of those transactions?

Fine with me.....let the wealthy stay out of the stock and real estate markets
I thought the left went nuts when the stock market tanked, and that's exactly what it would do without the wealthy. Like I said, the wealthy would merely send their money elsewhere, out of range of envious American hands.
Pushing out investors would crash the markets, tank the economy and end the jobs.

A perfect outcome for any bitter socialist like RW.

What is good for America does seem bad for them Like all loony-lefties Bill Maher doesn't even try to hide his disdain & disloyalty and says what many of 'em are thinking. They don't care who gets hurt as long as their mindless hatred is served.

Stinkin' traitors, every one of 'em:

Liberal Media Scream: Bill Maher cheers economic collapse if it dooms Trump
“I’ve been hoping for a recession — people hate me for it — but it would get rid of Trump, so you shouldn’t hate me for it.”
To which, Barro noted: “Recessions are really bad. People lose their jobs and their homes.”
Maher doubled down: “I know. It’s worth it.”
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If Democratic Party leaders aren’t re-watching last week’s debate in Houston, they should. If they have watched it and aren’t freaking out over what they see, it’s fair to ask whether they actually want Donald Trump to win a second term. That session was a debacle for the party and the field: Nearly three tortuous hours of tails wagging dogs, petty sniping, and a lack of vision all the Lasik surgery in the world couldn’t cure.

Just Admit It, Democrats: You Want to Lose Next Year | RealClearPolitics

I believe they are bearing the fruits of making sure no one could challenge the anointed Hillary, who they believed would be running for re-election right now.
What specific issues will cause Democrats to lose?

The environment?
Foreign policy?
All of the above
If Democratic Party leaders aren’t re-watching last week’s debate in Houston, they should. If they have watched it and aren’t freaking out over what they see, it’s fair to ask whether they actually want Donald Trump to win a second term. That session was a debacle for the party and the field: Nearly three tortuous hours of tails wagging dogs, petty sniping, and a lack of vision all the Lasik surgery in the world couldn’t cure.

Just Admit It, Democrats: You Want to Lose Next Year | RealClearPolitics

I believe they are bearing the fruits of making sure no one could challenge the anointed Hillary, who they believed would be running for re-election right now.
What specific issues will cause Democrats to lose?

The environment?
Foreign policy?
All of the above
LOL yes republicans stand so tall on all those items
If Democratic Party leaders aren’t re-watching last week’s debate in Houston, they should. If they have watched it and aren’t freaking out over what they see, it’s fair to ask whether they actually want Donald Trump to win a second term. That session was a debacle for the party and the field: Nearly three tortuous hours of tails wagging dogs, petty sniping, and a lack of vision all the Lasik surgery in the world couldn’t cure.

Just Admit It, Democrats: You Want to Lose Next Year | RealClearPolitics

I believe they are bearing the fruits of making sure no one could challenge the anointed Hillary, who they believed would be running for re-election right now.
What specific issues will cause Democrats to lose?

The environment?
Foreign policy?
E. All of the above.

Trump will be unable to defend his record on any of them

He has mocked global warming
Caused millions to lose their health coverage
Weakened US alliances
Explain Betsy DeVos
What specific issues will cause Democrats to lose?

The environment?
Foreign policy?

None of that pays my bills. "Ask not what I can do for myself, but what can my government do for me" is not a winning campaign strategy.

So enjoy your next term of Trump because whether you know it or not, you've already lost the election.

Dems supporting doing things for the working class instead of the wealthy is a winning strategy
Really??? Open borders, The Green Dream, and socialism is doing things for the working class? WTF are you smoking? Who do you think will be paying for all the freebies?

Green New Deal to cost up to $100,000 per home in first year
Dems never said Open Borders....They want comprehensive Immigration Policy .....A wall is not comprehensive policy

Your fear mongering about the Green New Deal is expected but again Republicans offer no remedy for Global Warming

Denial is not a remedy
The Green Dream would only destroy America's prosperity. It would not impact global warming. That is just another LIE you are fed and eagerly swallow.

Green New Deal Would Barely Change Earth’s Temperature. Here Are the Facts.
I remember the same warnings in the 1970s when the EPA was passed


We survived, So did the planet
Not enough revenue will come in for their pipe dreams without taxing the middle class.
You need to crunch the numbers and not just go all willy-nilly with the lip service.
Middle class is a pittance
The wealthy is where the money is

We need to tax capital gains at the same rate as all other income

so you support double taxation, not a surprise

Only a capital “gain” is taxed
It has not been taxed before

it was taxed when you earned the money. Do you want to pay taxes on the interest paid on your bank savings account? same idea as taxing CG
Eventual profit on investing that money was not taxed

true, but the initial investment was taxed. and only net capital gains are taxed. The CG argument from the dems is nothing but an attempt to create a class war between those who have money in the market and those who do not.

What about the 50% of americans that pay zero federal income tax? Shouldn't they be paying their "fair share"?

how will the dem philosophy of punish success and reward failure make this a better country?
None of that pays my bills. "Ask not what I can do for myself, but what can my government do for me" is not a winning campaign strategy.

So enjoy your next term of Trump because whether you know it or not, you've already lost the election.

Dems supporting doing things for the working class instead of the wealthy is a winning strategy
Really??? Open borders, The Green Dream, and socialism is doing things for the working class? WTF are you smoking? Who do you think will be paying for all the freebies?

Green New Deal to cost up to $100,000 per home in first year
Dems never said Open Borders....They want comprehensive Immigration Policy .....A wall is not comprehensive policy

Your fear mongering about the Green New Deal is expected but again Republicans offer no remedy for Global Warming

Denial is not a remedy
The Green Dream would only destroy America's prosperity. It would not impact global warming. That is just another LIE you are fed and eagerly swallow.

Green New Deal Would Barely Change Earth’s Temperature. Here Are the Facts.
I remember the same warnings in the 1970s when the EPA was passed


We survived, So did the planet

Yes, and we will survive the global climate change lunatics.

question for ya winger: so one turtle gets a straw in his nose and you demand a worldwide ban on straws. But you say nothing about the raw human waste being dumped into the ocean (where those turtles live) by LA and SFO or the rise of typhus, TB, and even leprosy on the streets of those american cities. The question is why is one terrible and the other ignored?

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