AOC/Dems Want To Wage War Against COW FARTS - Trump Wages War on Homeless People Feces On Ca Streets


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015

Trump Admin to Slap San Francisco With Environmental Citation Over Homelessness Problem

"The Environmental Protection Agency is expected to hit San Francisco with a notice of environmental violations related to the homelessness problem in the city.

“There’s tremendous pollution being put into the ocean because they’re going through what’s called the storm sewer that’s for rainwater,” Trump told reporters Wednesday on Air Force One. “And we have tremendous things that we don’t have to discuss pouring into the ocean. You know there are needles, there are other things.”

“It’s a terrible situation — that’s in Los Angeles and in San Francisco,” he added. “And we’re going to be giving San Francisco, they’re in total violation, we’re going to be giving them a notice very soon.”

Human feces on sidewalks, used drug needles left all over, all of it flowing through storm sewers emptying into the ocean; the CDC has warned that the fecal matter and waste on city streets, sidewalks, and in public locations could lead to disease / an epidemic...and the problem has only gotten worse.

So much for Socialist Environmental Extremist Democrats actually caring about the environment...


Trump Admin to Slap San Francisco With Environmental Citation Over Homelessness Problem
Republicans sucking the dick of the EPA. Now I've seen everything. :lol:
Republicans sucking the dick of the EPA. Now I've seen everything. :lol:

I thought Global Warming was the #1 threat the world faces?

I thought Leftists were all about saving the planet?

I thought Libtards wanted to save the planet from itself by pointing out the failures of others and taking over to 'right the wrongs'...?

So why is it that when a mirror is held up to the 'Manufactured Crisis' Global Warming Pushers, exposing their own hypocrisies, polluting of the planet, and doing everything they tell US we can't / must not do they suddenly become triggered, lash out, and attack?

We need high-speed solar-powered railways all over the country (something Ca could not do for 1/2 a mile) to eliminate air travel ... for peasants / the 'deplorables' who can't afford their own private planes...

....and We need to 'Wage A War Against COW FARTS' - methane gas from bovine flatulence released into the atmosphere...while allowing / ignoring drug users / homeless people to crap all over the sidewalks, parks, and streets, while allowing used drug needles / paraphernalia to be discarded in public places - running the risk of disease / epidemics...and while much of this human waste and medical / drug waste rides the storm drains out to the ocean....

Republicans sucking the dick of the EPA. Now I've seen everything. :lol:

I thought Global Warming was the #1 threat the world faces?

I thought Leftists were all about saving the planet?

I thought Libtards wanted to save the planet from itself by pointing out the failures of others and taking over to 'right the wrongs'...?

So why is it that when a mirror is held up to the 'Manufactured Crisis' Global Warming Pushers, exposing their own hypocrisies, polluting of the planet, and doing everything they tell US we can't / must not do they suddenly become triggered, lash out, and attack?

We need high-speed solar-powered railways all over the country (something Ca could not do for 1/2 a mile) to eliminate air travel ... for peasants / the 'deplorables' who can't afford their own private planes...

....and We need to 'Wage A War Against COW FARTS' - methane gas from bovine flatulence released into the atmosphere...while allowing / ignoring drug users / homeless people to crap all over the sidewalks, parks, and streets, while allowing used drug needles / paraphernalia to be discarded in public places - running the risk of disease / epidemics...and while much of this human waste and medical / drug waste rides the storm drains out to the ocean....


Big Gubmint is bad!*

*Until it isn't.
Newsome can't stand the idea of Trump going out there and fixing problems that he isn't able to. I bet the people with businesses out there will be happy to be rid of these squatters.
I watched Newsome's Press Conference yesterday, during which he made the comment directly to President Trump about how He and other California leaders need financial aid, not intervention from the Federal government, to solve the homeless problem because they already know what to do / how to solve the problem....

:wtf: :lmao:

NO, They DON'T. The problem has been growing, getting worse for YEARS now. If they knew how to solve this problem they would have already, and it would not have gotten this bad.

Newsome, you dumbasses were given billions of dollars to build a high-speed rail and could not even lay one quarter mile of track for that much money...You have been given millions more, and instead of using it for LEGAL issues / problems that needed to be taken care of you used the money to violate federal law by running illegal Sanctuary Cities for violent criminal foreign illegals.
I watched Newsome's Press Conference yesterday, during which he made the comment directly to President Trump about how He and other California leaders need financial aid, not intervention from the Federal government, to solve the homeless problem because they already know what to do / how to solve the problem....

:wtf: :lmao:

NO, They DON'T. The problem has been growing, getting worse for YEARS now. If they knew how to solve this problem they would have already, and it would not have gotten this bad.

Newsome, you dumbasses were given billions of dollars to build a high-speed rail and could not even lay one quarter mile of track for that much money...You have been given millions more, and instead of using it for LEGAL issues / problems that needed to be taken care of you used the money to violate federal law by running illegal Sanctuary Cities for violent criminal foreign illegals.
Yeah, I like the way Newsome said California was thriving and they didn't want Trump getting in their way. But that he would accept money toward fixing the problem. "Gimme money" How very Democratic of him.
Homeless druggies will continue to suck the life blood out of society as long that there are those that continue to enable the lifestyle. Newsome, Breed, Wheeler, Durkin, Garcetti, and host of other Dim politicians are classic enablers, instead of treating substance abuse and mental health they enable the lifestyle, view it as a choice, lecture us on how we should embrace, tolerate, and support the freedom to crap on our streets and occupy public spaces.

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