Jury convicts DeLay in money-laundering case

money laundering has specific predicate acts and specific penalties.

why would you think he doesn't deserve to go to jail for money laundering.

and, fwiw, there is discretion in sentencing. his chances of getting life are virtually nil.

I never said he doesn't deserve to go to jail.

I was asking sarah what her thoughts were based on her posts.

she said he was finally going to jail.. for up to the rest of his life.

you asked if she thought that was what he deserved. i thought the implication was that you *didn't* think he deserved to go to jail or you wouldn't have asked.

I got the same impression.
This is why our system is screwed up. I think the new GOP Speaker, John Boehner passing out bribes on the House Floor and being video taped doing it is much, much worse.

And don't go asking me for links right wingers. You can go to Youtube and watch yourself.
We know better than to ask you for links, Skippy. :lol:
Actually, instead of sending Delay to prison, why not reduce his income to 1000/mo and put his stupid ass loose on the streets?

Maybe after he'd spent a year like that, he'd think twice about ripping people off.
He's finally going to prison. Up to life inprisonment.
he will be likely to get maybe 5 yrs out in 2 and spend his incarceration in a country club prison with a golf course.

It would be nice if he was put in a tent prison run by Sheriff Arapho though :D

I agree. He's so slimey and he's been walking around free. He deserves more than what he'll end up getting anyway.
He's finally going to prison. Up to life inprisonment.

do you think thats what he deserves?

why not? It is likely to be what a Joe the Plumber would get if convicted of money laundering.

Justice should be blind but celebrity and political exemptions rule.

not even close.

considering the white collar nature of the crime, he and others have gotten off with club fed camp outs...is it right? not imho, but lets not play the change goalposts because hes got an R next to his name....he should get la ike sentence similar to other fiduciary miscreants thieves like say, Traficant or Torricelli come to mind....oh wait, the Torch didn't go to trial.
AUSTIN, Texas -- Former U.S. House Majority Leader Tom DeLay -- once one of the most powerful and feared Republicans in Congress -- was convicted Wednesday on charges he illegally funneled corporate money to Texas candidates in 2002.

Jurors deliberated for 19 hours before returning guilty verdicts against DeLay on charges of money laundering and conspiracy to commit money laundering. He faces up to life in prison on the money laundering charge.

After the verdicts were read, DeLay hugged his daughter, Danielle, and his wife, Christine. His lead attorney, Dick DeGuerin, said they planned to appeal the verdict.

"This is an abuse of power. It's a miscarriage of justice, and I still maintain that I am innocent. The criminalization of politics undermines our very system and I'm very disappointed in the outcome," DeLay told reporters outside the courtroom. He remains free on bond, and his sentencing was tentatively set to begin on Dec. 20.

Prosecutors said DeLay, who once held the No. 2 job in the House of Representatives and whose heavy-handed style earned him the nickname "the Hammer," used his political action committee to illegally channel $190,000 in corporate donations into 2002 Texas legislative races through a money swap.

DeLay and his attorneys maintained the former Houston-area congressman did nothing wrong as no corporate funds went to Texas candidates and the money swap was legal.

Tom DeLay Guilty: Jury Convicts Tom DeLay in Money Laundering Trial - ktla.com
Austin news, sports, weather, Longhorns, business | Statesman.com

By Mike Ward and Laylan Copelin | Wednesday, November 24, 2010, 01:27 PM

Update: 5 p.m.:
Tom DeLay, the former U.S. House majority leader whose name became synonymous with the Republicans’ controversial rise to power in the Texas House, was found guilty today of laundering money in connection with the 2002 elections.

Jurors sent a note on yellow legal paper that a verdict had been reached to the judge at 4:46 p.m. They had deliberated since Monday afternoon.

DeLay was charged with money laundering and conspiracy to commit money. He faces a possible sentence of 5-99 years in prison and a maximum $10,000 fine on the money laundering charge, and 2-20 years in prison and a possible $10,000 fine on the conspiracy charge.

Prosecutors earlier said they believe the DeLay case is the first such criminal charge ever filed over Texas’ century-old prohibition on corporate contributions in state political races.
Delay, a Republican who was nicknamed “The Hammer” because of his heavy-handed style, was accused of conspiring to funnel $190,000 of corporate money through the Republican National Committee, which sent $190,000 in campaign donations to seven GOP candidates for the Texas House.

State law prohibits corporations from giving donations to candidates directly or indirectly.

It seems democrats can do the same thing and get a slap on the wrist

Federal and state investigators are looking into former Gov. Mike Easley’s dealings with friends and contributors while in office and his wife, Mary Easley’s, high-paying job at N.C. State University.
Coverage of federal, state investigations into former Gov. Mike Easley, Mary Easley :: WRAL.com

In Texas?
What planet are you from?
The jury heard all the evidence, they voted to convict, works for me.

Delay has his chance to appeal and I'm sure he'll use it. And no, there's no way he'll end up in jail for life. He won't get out of doing time in the State pen though.
It was a matter of time before they caught on to this stuff...look forward to reading about more of thes "untouchables" getting what they deserve
Too bad DeLay will never see the inside of a real prison, but rather a country club type establishment.

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