Julian Assange: not a hero and a running coward.

Wrong, asshole. You have a right to know what the government is doing EXCEPT for the things that need to be classified.

And the decision is left to those with law-granted authority.

YOU don't get a unilateral vote, ya dipshit.
Our government deliberately killing innocent civilians (and joking about it as they pull the trigger) puts all American's in danger.

More lunatic ravings from loincloth.

No substance.
They both broke the law and told Americans that our government was lying to us ? How much can the government do under the guise of national security or some other legalese phrase. When the truth becomes illegal to speak I think we're walking a pretty damn thin line.

There are whistle blower laws for a reason. But a CLAIM that the government is breaking the law is not a sufficient basis to take it upon one's self to reveal classified material especially where the claim is weak or bogus.

At some point, a person engaging in such behavior can be expected to be called to account.

Ellsberg might have been successfully prosecuted if it were not for the fact that the government had then proceeded to illegally wiretap him.

If Assange gets captured and tried legally, then we may find out whether or not he was revealing illegal behavior or merely undermining foreign policy efforts on the ground that he didn't care for them.

If he gets tried legally ? Do you suspect that there is a possiblity that would not get a fair trial ?

Thee is ALWAYS a possibility that a trial will be unfair. Ellsberg almost got an unfair trial. Scooter Libby GOT an unfair trial.
YOU don't know whether there is or is not any substance to the charges. YOUR willingnes to spout your mere opinion as "fact" is partly why YOU have ZERO actual credibility, loinatick.
I know what I've read.

He's being charged with a sex crime after the fact.

Do you know of a whole lot of prosecutions for alleged crimes that take place BEFORE the fact, you babbling idiot?
Wrong, asshole. You have a right to know what the government is doing EXCEPT for the things that need to be classified.

And the decision is left to those with law-granted authority.

YOU don't get a unilateral vote, ya dipshit.
Our government deliberately killing innocent civilians (and joking about it as they pull the trigger) puts all American's in danger.

More lunatic ravings from loincloth.

No substance.

Not really--did you watch the video ?

My Lai comes to mind.
Our government deliberately killing innocent civilians (and joking about it as they pull the trigger) puts all American's in danger.

More lunatic ravings from loincloth.

No substance.

Not really--did you watch the video ?

My Lai comes to mind.

You are a complete idiot.

WHICH fucking "video" do you have in mind, you bubbling dip shit?

Link it up, hot shot.

Get an adult to assist you.
Assange really didn't do anything wrong. But using the clear text names of US operatives and foreign nationals that helped the US was reprehensible. He could have gotten lots of people killed.

That's why responsible news agencies do internal editing when they get these sorts of materials.

The news media are not entitled to do 'internal editing' of information that they are not entitled to have. You might trust our media... you really are that stupid.

Assange is a coward... if he isn't guilty, why not face the charges and clear himself?
Assange really didn't do anything wrong. But using the clear text names of US operatives and foreign nationals that helped the US was reprehensible. He could have gotten lots of people killed.

That's why responsible news agencies do internal editing when they get these sorts of materials.

The news media are not entitled to do 'internal editing' of information that they are not entitled to have. You might trust our media... you really are that stupid.

Assange is a coward... if he isn't guilty, why not face the charges and clear himself?

It might be because he has evidence that the governement that wants custody of him kills people illegally. Unless he is REALLY stupid I'm sure he has retained some secrets to use should he need them to protect himself.
Wrong, asshole. You have a right to know what the government is doing EXCEPT for the things that need to be classified.

And the decision is left to those with law-granted authority.

YOU don't get a unilateral vote, ya dipshit.
Our government deliberately killing innocent civilians (and joking about it as they pull the trigger) puts all American's in danger.

Ah. More proof that loincloth is a fucking hack idiot lying scumbag pussy motherfucker.

"The" video is the "one" he posted. So, scrolling back, I see he is referring to THIS: [ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5rXPrfnU3G0]Collateral Murder - Wikileaks - Iraq - YouTube[/ame]

I had not opened it AGAIN as it is old stuff.

However, even so, I replayed it, just a moment ago, to be sure.

And, as expected, loinboi is lying.

That video does NOT show (as the scumbag fuckwit liar claimed) that the U.S. forces deliberately killed any innocent civilians.

What it does show is that the U.S. forces DID take out a bunch of suspected insurgent/terrorist scumbags SOME of whom WERE indeed holding WEAPONS.

Look at the comments spoken at around 8:36 or so. "All you gotta do is pick up a weapon." And JUST before time marker 9:00 "we're looking for weapons and if we see a weapon we're going to engage."
All your questions are simple. Simple minded.

WHICH video, you incoherent babbling scumbag asshole?
The one I posted!

Do the math, fuckhead!

You got your answer now, you dishonest pussy motherfucker.

Tell ya what.

You bring no game.

Go report to your nearest RE-EDUCATION Camp. Don't bother coming back here until you have mastered any of the basic skills. For now, you've got nothing. It shows.
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Despite the efforts of some misguided trollish ignorant dip shits to praise that scum bag, Julian Assange, the reality is:

Assange was busy making decisions that were not his to make, breaking laws to do it and overtly indifferent to who could get hurt as a consequence of his illegal and unauthorized behavior.

I do hope he gets captured and that the DoJ prosecutes him to the fullest extent of the law.

Wrong, asshole. You have a right to know what the government is doing EXCEPT for the things that need to be classified.

And the decision is left to those with law-granted authority.

YOU don't get a unilateral vote, ya dipshit.
Our government deliberately killing innocent civilians (and joking about it as they pull the trigger) puts all American's in danger.

Ah. More proof that loincloth is a fucking hack idiot lying scumbag pussy motherfucker.

"The" video is the "one" he posted. So, scrolling back, I see he is referring to THIS: [ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5rXPrfnU3G0]Collateral Murder - Wikileaks - Iraq - YouTube[/ame]

I had not opened it AGAIN as it is old stuff.

However, even so, I replayed it, just a moment ago, to be sure.

And, as expected, loinboi is lying.

That video does NOT show (as the scumbag fuckwit liar claimed) that the U.S. forces deliberately killed any innocent civilians.

What it does show is that the U.S. forces DID take out a bunch of suspected insurgent/terrorist scumbags SOME of whom WERE indeed holding WEAPONS.

Look at the comments spoken at around 8:36 or so. "All you gotta do is pick up a weapon." And JUST before time marker 9:00 "we're looking for weapons and if we see a weapon we're going to engage."

Where were the weapons when they opened fire on this crowd the FIRST time ? They were shooting at PEOPLE WITH CAMERAS. I realize this wasn't intentional but it sure as hell was a bad mistake that doesn't put our troops in a very favorable eye. I can see why the military tried to hide it.
Our government deliberately killing innocent civilians (and joking about it as they pull the trigger) puts all American's in danger.

Ah. More proof that loincloth is a fucking hack idiot lying scumbag pussy motherfucker.

"The" video is the "one" he posted. So, scrolling back, I see he is referring to THIS: [ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5rXPrfnU3G0]Collateral Murder - Wikileaks - Iraq - YouTube[/ame]

I had not opened it AGAIN as it is old stuff.

However, even so, I replayed it, just a moment ago, to be sure.

And, as expected, loinboi is lying.

That video does NOT show (as the scumbag fuckwit liar claimed) that the U.S. forces deliberately killed any innocent civilians.

What it does show is that the U.S. forces DID take out a bunch of suspected insurgent/terrorist scumbags SOME of whom WERE indeed holding WEAPONS.

Look at the comments spoken at around 8:36 or so. "All you gotta do is pick up a weapon." And JUST before time marker 9:00 "we're looking for weapons and if we see a weapon we're going to engage."

Where were the weapons when they opened fire on this crowd the FIRST time ? They were shooting at PEOPLE WITH CAMERAS. I realize this wasn't intentional but it sure as hell was a bad mistake that doesn't put our troops in a very favorable eye. I can see why the military tried to hide it.


Did you LOOK at the 3:37 time frame or so? At least two guys at the top of the frame were CLEARLY carrying weapons.

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