Judge rules military must start admitting transgender troop on Jan 1st in new blow to Trump ban

another brain dead judge. ONLY the Congress can alter the UCMJ which already disallows transgenders from serving. OBAMA is actually the one who overstepped. This judge can't over ride the UCMJ.

If Congress wants trannies in the military they can rewrite the UCMJ any time they please.

The UCMJ does not "disallow transgenders from serving".
Judges need to be put back in their place. We've turned these guys into gods. They have the LEAST authority of the 3 branches. Congress CAN fix this when they get a spine.
Judges need to stop creating laws from the bench.

To some degree that is unavoidable with case law, as it is, in theory at least, covering new areas existing law is failing to cover.

But this decision completely contradicts existing law.

That judge needs to be impeached.
another brain dead judge. ONLY the Congress can alter the UCMJ which already disallows transgenders from serving. OBAMA is actually the one who overstepped. This judge can't over ride the UCMJ.

If Congress wants trannies in the military they can rewrite the UCMJ any time they please.

The UCMJ does not "disallow transgenders from serving".

So when did Congress change that law, dude?

Here is Ash Carter's explanation of why DoD changed its POLICY (not the UCMJ) but the laws covering the military have not changed, unless I missed when Congress changed them.

When did Congress change the law? If Congress has not then Carter overstepped his authority like this lunatic judge did.
another brain dead judge. ONLY the Congress can alter the UCMJ which already disallows transgenders from serving. OBAMA is actually the one who overstepped. This judge can't over ride the UCMJ.

If Congress wants trannies in the military they can rewrite the UCMJ any time they please.

The UCMJ does not "disallow transgenders from serving".

oh yes it does. Gender Dysphoria is absolutely recognized as a mental disorder by the APA and the UCMJ most certainly does preclude those with mental disorders from serving.

Don't like that, take it up with the American Psychiatric Association.
If DoD under Obama can arbitrarily change laws duly passed by Congress in regards to transexuals serving, then why cant Trump do the same damned thing in reverse?

Ah, because that is turning back the Marxist Clock of Inevitability?

Liberal "logic"

"we need more laws to prevent the mentally ill from owning scary black semi automatic rifles"

" we need to change the laws so that mentally ill people can serve in the military, have access to fully automatic weapons and potentially have access to nuclear weapons."

Good grief..............
Liberal "logic"

"we need more laws to prevent the mentally ill from owning scary black semi automatic rifles"

" we need to change the laws so that mentally ill people can serve in the military, have access to fully automatic weapons and potentially have access to nuclear weapons."

Good grief..............

Your first mistake was putting 'liberal' and 'logic' in the same sentence.
So you will have morons joining the military " Just for surgery" who are alrady mentally not all there and or are confused. All they have to do is get the surgery , screw up and get kicked out............ AND OUR TAX MONEY PAYS FOR THIS BS................BUT OH WAIT IF YOU NEED TEETH YOU CAN'T HAVE THAT INSURANCE WON'T COVER IT. .........
You liberals are ------------------------ing a.h.'s[/QUOTE]

Good cannon fodder[/QUOTE]
That’s all our troops are to the GOP anyways[/QUOTE]

Yea we know and when the die the liberals will kneel and take a poop on their graves[/QUOTE]
That’s funny because you conservatives love sending our soldiers to die, but liberals have never pooped on soldier graves or kneeled to insult them.[/QUOTE]
Way more soldiers have died because of Democrats than Republicans as a matter of fact more US Troops have died in single battles because of a Dem than all Republican Presidents combined.

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