Judaism 101

No There is not proof outside of the New testament "Good News"...Most Scholars accept that a jewish man exsisted named Jesus because if you Tell a lie enough people just naturally ASSume that it is true... If they look hard enough they will find nothing but hey since the last Supper is a ripoff of the Babylonian dinner where 12 gods showed up and when the thirteenth showed up one had to die to make it back to the non hated number of 12....Most peoples hated the number 13 that they nearly expunged it....We can still see this today because some places still refuse to have a 13th floor in a building...

You may want to go back to original sources. The best scholars start there. People who are unafraid of truth aren't afraid to go there. They don't jump to conclusions that suit their own perspective.
No There is not proof outside of the New testament "Good News"...Most Scholars accept that a jewish man exsisted named Jesus because if you Tell a lie enough people just naturally ASSume that it is true... If they look hard enough they will find nothing but hey since the last Supper is a ripoff of the Babylonian dinner where 12 gods showed up and when the thirteenth showed up one had to die to make it back to the non hated number of 12....Most peoples hated the number 13 that they nearly expunged it....We can still see this today because some places still refuse to have a 13th floor in a building...

You may want to go back to original sources. The best scholars start there. People who are unafraid of truth aren't afraid to go there. They don't jump to conclusions that suit their own perspective.
The original is in Hebrew and the the Jews have preserved it from the moment it was composed.
The Levites would sing David's songs as part of the Temple service.
I know it's difficult to accept how the Church mangled it's meaning in order to create a new religion.
Apology not accepted Meriweather.... People are smart enough to figure things out for themselves I left all that information out there for any to google it and make up their own minds since we are in the information age it is all there and cannot be covered up by those with an agenda like you... Further any with an open mind will see the pages and pages and pages of christian Apologists like yourself who try to come upwith fancy silly arguments to cover up the nonsense claimed in the new testament regarding their hero and IDOL Jesus any keeping track will notice that christians twist themselves into pretzels contorting to make Excuses for this and that convoluted logic....I am a firm believer that the truth can stand NAKED on its own merits it does not need to be covered up with pages and pages of excuses making one lie after another to do so....Quite frankly the APOLOGY is insincere and a load of malarky to any who dont have rose coloured glasses on that distorts their view on reality...
I wasn't apologizing, I was expressing sympathy that you were presenting errors as facts. I don't need to "Google" as I have books citing original sources. One has to be careful using Google because those sources are not always the original ones. From studying history and original sources, I know which sources you are using. Just a heads up. They are not the best. In case you care. I repeat: It's best to present one's own religion and leave the presentation of other religions to those who follow that one.
I am fully aware of each one's role.
I was giving credence to perhaps Paul actually recording the Gospel According to...

Doesn't eliminate the seemingly endless misquotes.

When I was a child I was taught that Matthew was most likely a Gentile who was a second generation Christian (i.e., not an eye witness). Paul had finished writing all of his letters and had died long before Matthew composed his Gospel, a Gospel most probably written in Antioch.
Matthew 6:6...
No Churches according to Matthew.
This is a fine example of taking a button and using it to knit a sweater that doesn't even match the button!

Reading the whole of Matthew we learn there is a time for public prayer, a time for private prayer, a time for group prayer/worship, a time for personal prayer/worship. Personal prayer time should take place in a closet, not out in public. Community prayer takes place in a large area or out in the open where there is room for all. Both types of prayer/worship are encouraged--it is not an either/or proposition.
Show where the Gospels advocate public prayer.
On the cross, when Jesus looked to Heaven and said My God, why hast thou forsaken me?
If you believe God as human screamed out to God as God...whatever.
Then you mock Jews.
David is not being crucified.
That's RCC manipulation of the masses.

No one is saying David was being crucified! Nor is the Catholic Bible manipulating anyone. Again, simply stated, a man being crucified was repeating Psalm 22, apparently a Psalm that held great meaning to him during a time of great agony.

Don't make it sound like King David was the only one ever to repeat this Psalm. I'm betting it brought courage and comfort to many, many more besides David and Jesus.

It seems awfully odd that you don't want the Catholic Church to say that David wrote Psalm 22.
Judaism is actually equally as satanic as Islam. The difference is Judaism is more racist. Middle east cults are the biggest hoax ever committed on Western man.

Judaism maintains that the righteous of all nations have a place in the world to come. This has been the majority rule since the days of the Talmud. Judaism generally recognizes that Christians and Moslems worship the same G-d that we do and those who follow the tenets of their religions can be considered righteous in the eyes of G-d.

Contrary to popular belief, Judaism does not maintain that Jews are better than other people.

youre an idiot if you think muslims worship the same god as Christians. muslims worship the false moon god allah.
You are nuts. There is no such thing in Islam as a "moon god." It's the same, Muslim, Jew, Christian.
Matthew 6:6...
No Churches according to Matthew.
This is a fine example of taking a button and using it to knit a sweater that doesn't even match the button!

Reading the whole of Matthew we learn there is a time for public prayer, a time for private prayer, a time for group prayer/worship, a time for personal prayer/worship. Personal prayer time should take place in a closet, not out in public. Community prayer takes place in a large area or out in the open where there is room for all. Both types of prayer/worship are encouraged--it is not an either/or proposition.
Show where the Gospels advocate public prayer.
On the cross, when Jesus looked to Heaven and said My God, why hast thou forsaken me?
If you believe God as human screamed out to God as God...whatever.
Then you mock Jews.
You don't get the bull crap on which you bet your soul.
David is not being crucified.
That's RCC manipulation of the masses.

No one is saying David was being crucified! Nor is the Catholic Bible manipulating anyone. Again, simply stated, a man being crucified was repeating Psalm 22, apparently a Psalm that held great meaning to him during a time of great agony.

Don't make it sound like King David was the only one ever to repeat this Psalm. I'm betting it brought courage and comfort to many, many more besides David and Jesus.

It seems awfully odd that you don't want the Catholic Church to say that David wrote Psalm 22.
Omitting a verse inspired by the Holy Spirit is OK with you?
Especially when that omission changes the entire meaning of the psalm?
And please stop it with the scholars nonsense.
Compared to most people I am a scholar.
Omitting a verse inspired by the Holy Spirit is OK with you?
Especially when that omission changes the entire meaning of the psalm?
And please stop it with the scholars nonsense.
Compared to most people I am a scholar.

Are you remembering I was responding to CNelson? He wrote one sentence. In response to him, I copied Psalm 22 beginning with the sentence in his post. I thought he might be interested in how the Psalm progressed from there. If you thought he might be interested in what preceded that first verse, couldn't you have made your own post to him? Why jump down my throat.
Victor I am Jewish I will clarify this for you...There is no proof outside the New Testament that the persona Jesus exsisted...Yes there were certain individuals that did exsist to make up some of the stories in the New Testament but they were all combined by the writers of the New Testament to give this “Jesus”a life... Basically their pens gave him breath and life and stories but he as a single human did not exist besides nothing he did would have ever qualified him to be a messiah he failed on all accounts and son of gd is not literal which was a pagan Greek or Roman etc concept...

Actually there is proof and most scholars accept that a Jewish man named Jesus in fact did exist, and in fact did have quite a following. Writers of that time (outside of New Testament authors) were disgusted by the Last Supper and what they thought it represented (cannibalism). They thought people who believed a man could rise from the dead had to be crazy, ignorant--and atheists (for not believing in Roman/Greek gods).
No There is not proof outside of the New testament "Good News"...Most Scholars accept that a jewish man exsisted named Jesus because if you Tell a lie enough people just naturally ASSume that it is true... If they look hard enough they will find nothing but hey since the last Supper is a ripoff of the Babylonian dinner where 12 gods showed up and when the thirteenth showed up one had to die to make it back to the non hated number of 12....Most peoples hated the number 13 that they nearly expunged it....We can still see this today because some places still refuse to have a 13th floor in a building...
"the Babylonian dinner where 12 gods showed up and when the thirteenth showed up one had to die to make it back to the non hated number of 12"

Is that the one where God did the eeny meeny talcum powder grafitti? By the way, the Chinese hate the number "4" because the Chinese word for "4" sounds like the Chinese word for "death". But put two fours together, and they love it. I guess their ways are different than ours. Personally, I'm ok with "13" unless you divide the tens by the units, then I find it infinitely annoying.
You did...in this very thread...I mocked the idea of God as man screaming out to God as God and you posted psalm 22 in response.
It has zero to do with Jesus.

I did not--not in this thread or at any time in my life. So find where I said this or stop that falsehood now. I posted Psalm 22 to CNelson, because I have no way of knowing whether he knew Jesus was reciting a well-known Psalm.

If you think I don't know the Psalm was originally about another time and another person, think again.
This is a fine example of taking a button and using it to knit a sweater that doesn't even match the button!

Reading the whole of Matthew we learn there is a time for public prayer, a time for private prayer, a time for group prayer/worship, a time for personal prayer/worship. Personal prayer time should take place in a closet, not out in public. Community prayer takes place in a large area or out in the open where there is room for all. Both types of prayer/worship are encouraged--it is not an either/or proposition.
Show where the Gospels advocate public prayer.
On the cross, when Jesus looked to Heaven and said My God, why hast thou forsaken me?
If you believe God as human screamed out to God as God...whatever.
Then you mock Jews.
You don't get the bull crap on which you bet your soul.
Sorry, you'll have to find someone else to take your bull crap. My wife doesn't let me gamble. Remember, do unto others.
No There is not proof outside of the New testament "Good News"...Most Scholars accept that a jewish man exsisted named Jesus because if you Tell a lie enough people just naturally ASSume that it is true... If they look hard enough they will find nothing but hey since the last Supper is a ripoff of the Babylonian dinner where 12 gods showed up and when the thirteenth showed up one had to die to make it back to the non hated number of 12....Most peoples hated the number 13 that they nearly expunged it....We can still see this today because some places still refuse to have a 13th floor in a building...

You may want to go back to original sources. The best scholars start there. People who are unafraid of truth aren't afraid to go there. They don't jump to conclusions that suit their own perspective.
The original is in Hebrew and the the Jews have preserved it from the moment it was composed.
The Levites would sing David's songs as part of the Temple service.
I know it's difficult to accept how the Church mangled it's meaning in order to create a new religion.
I saw a picture once of Jonah exiting the fish. He looked good, if chastened. In the background, you can see the inside of the fish, because Jonah wasn't all the way out yet and its mouth was still wide open. It looked just like the inside of an empty tractor-trailer (the trailer part), except you couldn't see the far end. In the Protestant Bible, it doesn't say what happened to the fish after Jonah disembarked.
Omitting a verse inspired by the Holy Spirit is OK with you?
Especially when that omission changes the entire meaning of the psalm?
And please stop it with the scholars nonsense.
Compared to most people I am a scholar.

Are you remembering I was responding to CNelson? He wrote one sentence. In response to him, I copied Psalm 22 beginning with the sentence in his post. I thought he might be interested in how the Psalm progressed from there. If you thought he might be interested in what preceded that first verse, couldn't you have made your own post to him? Why jump down my throat.
"Why jump down my throat." It's what Jews do. Cf: Jonah.
Show where the Gospels advocate public prayer.
On the cross, when Jesus looked to Heaven and said My God, why hast thou forsaken me?
If you believe God as human screamed out to God as God...whatever.
Then you mock Jews.
You don't get the bull crap on which you bet your soul.
Sorry, you'll have to find someone else to take your bull crap. My wife doesn't let me gamble. Remember, do unto others.
Like the RCC did unto others?
Like your instinctive hatred for Jews because your "god" got nailed?
You did...in this very thread...I mocked the idea of God as man screaming out to God as God and you posted psalm 22 in response.
It has zero to do with Jesus.

I did not--not in this thread or at any time in my life. So find where I said this or stop that falsehood now. I posted Psalm 22 to CNelson, because I have no way of knowing whether he knew Jesus was reciting a well-known Psalm.

If you think I don't know the Psalm was originally about another time and another person, think again.
I apologize.

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