Juan Williams Plays Race Card: Old White People Voted For Prop C (Video)


Diamond Member
Jul 11, 2004
Of course, this surprises no one…
Juan Williams attacks those 71% of Missouri voters who supported Prop C.
“You get 70% inside of an echo chamber of older, white people not in St. Louis or Kansas City that say we don’t like a requirement that everybody has to have health care.”

You’ve just gotta love how the left always attacks seniors and whitey… But, that’s not racist.

FYI- Only 13% of Missouri citizens are over 65 years old.

from and comments
Gateway Pundit

He's a FAUX commentator and I fail to see how pointing out that old white people tend to vote a certain way is racist.

I'm curious...do you ever think for yourself? Reason I ask is that you seem to be the cut and paste Queen.

He's a FAUX commentator and I fail to see how pointing out that old white people tend to vote a certain way is racist.

I'm curious...do you ever think for yourself? Reason I ask is that you seem to be the cut and paste Queen.

well as for me being a "cut and post queen" I contribute to the board things for discussion, debate, and sometimes things for a laugh.

All I see you contributing is lame ass post like yours to me. but hey, we all have a purpose in life, I guess.:eusa_whistle:
I can't stand to listen to or watch Juan Williams. He is overexposed. Delete.com Juan!

He's a FAUX commentator and I fail to see how pointing out that old white people tend to vote a certain way is racist.

I'm curious...do you ever think for yourself? Reason I ask is that you seem to be the cut and paste Queen.

well as for me being a "cut and post queen" I contribute to the board things for discussion, debate, and sometimes things for a laugh.

All I see you contributing is lame ass post like yours to me. but hey, we all have a purpose in life, I guess.:eusa_whistle:
That's nice.

Now explain how saying that old white people tend to vote a certain way is playing the race card.
I've never been a fan of Juan Williams. In my opinion, he's been a shill for fox punditry for some time.

To be honest, I don't know why anyone is shocked about the result in Mo over prop c. Missouri has long been a bellweather state and is quite indicative of the will of the rest of the nation. Missouri, the Show Me State, doesn't like the idea of being forced to buy a product, even if it is health care. End of story. I'm all for socialized medicine but what was passes in congress was hardly that and, if anything, the paradox is that the more we try to include free market options in order to appease the right then the less UHC becomes anything more than a transfer of funds to companies with guaranteed, federally mandated customers. This is why prop C appealed in Missouri. It's not about racism. It's about a lackluster UHC bill that we choose to reject because it throws the baby out with the bathwater.
I think the racist label used because of 'old WHITE people.'
I've never been a fan of Juan Williams. In my opinion, he's been a shill for fox punditry for some time.
This is just more proof that Lefties who complain about Fox News have never actually watched it.

Juan and Bob Beckle, who are Fox commentators, are hardcore lefties.
I've never been a fan of Juan Williams. In my opinion, he's been a shill for fox punditry for some time.
This is just more proof that Lefties who complain about Fox News have never actually watched it.

Juan and Bob Beckle, who are Fox commentators, are hardcore lefties.


you are a fucking crack smoker. They are about as "hardcore" as Alan Colmes was back in the ole BIG H little c days.
While I may not agree with a lot Juan has to say, I like him. I like to listen to him. Sometimes he makes sense, sometimes he says goofy things.

He's a FAUX commentator and I fail to see how pointing out that old white people tend to vote a certain way is racist.

I'm curious...do you ever think for yourself? Reason I ask is that you seem to be the cut and paste Queen.

well as for me being a "cut and post queen" I contribute to the board things for discussion, debate, and sometimes things for a laugh.

All I see you contributing is lame ass post like yours to me. but hey, we all have a purpose in life, I guess.:eusa_whistle:
That's nice.

Now explain how saying that old white people tend to vote a certain way is playing the race card.

I don't have to explain anything because you DEMAND dear.
now carry on.

He's a FAUX commentator .
Get over yourself. Fox is beyond a legitimate news sources, so your red herring attack demostrates how you try to win an argument. Juan is just one of a good number of left leaners that Fox employs. You wouldn't know that because you bash fox without ever seeing it. Hannity, Beck and O'Reily (who is hardly left leaning on all issues and contrary to popular opinion O'Reily is far more fair and balance than anything on 3 major news) have the best ratings so they are discussed the most, but they are hardly all who Fox employs. Alan Colmes is still a regular contributor to fox and he is as liberal as Lenin!

He's a FAUX commentator .
Get over yourself. Fox is beyond a legitimate news sources, so your red herring attack demostrates how you try to win an argument. Juan is just one of a good number of left leaners that Fox employs. You wouldn't know that because you bash fox without ever seeing it. Hannity, Beck and O'Reily (who is hardly left leaning on all issues and contrary to popular opinion O'Reily is far more fair and balance than anything on 3 major news) have the best ratings so they are discussed the most, but they are hardly all who Fox employs. Alan Colmes is still a regular contributor to fox and he is as liberal as Lenin!

Robin, DeRosa (1995-02-01). Tuning in to high-wattage talk show hosts. Gannett Company, Inc.. p. LIFE; Pg. 7D. Alan Colmes. "I think I'm quite moderate ... I follow Limbaugh on about 100 stations and I precede other conservatives, so I may be the only person giving a different point of view.


It's no shocker that some far right asshole thinks that the slightest mention of lipservice to liberal ideas becomes "as liberal as lenin".


He's a FAUX commentator .
Get over yourself. Fox is beyond a legitimate news sources, so your red herring attack demostrates how you try to win an argument. Juan is just one of a good number of left leaners that Fox employs. You wouldn't know that because you bash fox without ever seeing it. Hannity, Beck and O'Reily (who is hardly left leaning on all issues and contrary to popular opinion O'Reily is far more fair and balance than anything on 3 major news) have the best ratings so they are discussed the most, but they are hardly all who Fox employs. Alan Colmes is still a regular contributor to fox and he is as liberal as Lenin!

Robin, DeRosa (1995-02-01). Tuning in to high-wattage talk show hosts. Gannett Company, Inc.. p. LIFE; Pg. 7D. Alan Colmes. "I think I'm quite moderate ... I follow Limbaugh on about 100 stations and I precede other conservatives, so I may be the only person giving a different point of view.


It's no shocker that some far right asshole thinks that the slightest mention of lipservice to liberal ideas becomes "as liberal as lenin".


I don't think Colmes or Williams are as liberal as Lenin, but they do lean left. Definitely not conservatives.
I like Juan, Alan annoys the snot out of me. :lol:
Get over yourself. Fox is beyond a legitimate news sources, so your red herring attack demostrates how you try to win an argument. Juan is just one of a good number of left leaners that Fox employs. You wouldn't know that because you bash fox without ever seeing it. Hannity, Beck and O'Reily (who is hardly left leaning on all issues and contrary to popular opinion O'Reily is far more fair and balance than anything on 3 major news) have the best ratings so they are discussed the most, but they are hardly all who Fox employs. Alan Colmes is still a regular contributor to fox and he is as liberal as Lenin!

Robin, DeRosa (1995-02-01). Tuning in to high-wattage talk show hosts. Gannett Company, Inc.. p. LIFE; Pg. 7D. Alan Colmes. "I think I'm quite moderate ... I follow Limbaugh on about 100 stations and I precede other conservatives, so I may be the only person giving a different point of view.


It's no shocker that some far right asshole thinks that the slightest mention of lipservice to liberal ideas becomes "as liberal as lenin".


I don't think Colmes or Williams are as liberal as Lenin, but they do lean left. Definitely not conservatives.
I like Juan, Alan annoys the snot out of me. :lol:

Like I said, lip service. There is no way that Alan Colmes or Juan Williams is AS liberal as their counterparts ARE conservative.
Robin, DeRosa (1995-02-01). Tuning in to high-wattage talk show hosts. Gannett Company, Inc.. p. LIFE; Pg. 7D. Alan Colmes. "I think I'm quite moderate ... I follow Limbaugh on about 100 stations and I precede other conservatives, so I may be the only person giving a different point of view.


It's no shocker that some far right asshole thinks that the slightest mention of lipservice to liberal ideas becomes "as liberal as lenin".


I don't think Colmes or Williams are as liberal as Lenin, but they do lean left. Definitely not conservatives.
I like Juan, Alan annoys the snot out of me. :lol:

Like I said, lip service. There is no way that Alan Colmes or Juan Williams is AS liberal as their counterparts ARE conservative.

Why do you say that? Just because they happen to be on Fox??
I don't think Colmes or Williams are as liberal as Lenin, but they do lean left. Definitely not conservatives.
I like Juan, Alan annoys the snot out of me. :lol:

Like I said, lip service. There is no way that Alan Colmes or Juan Williams is AS liberal as their counterparts ARE conservative.

Why do you say that? Just because they happen to be on Fox??

no, because of the things they say when kissing conservative ass on a platform that happens to be fox new. I've literally quoted alan colmes on this. It's no secret that the NPR Juan and the Fox Juan are two separate entities. Too often Juan waffles under the stern gaze of his paycheck at Fox. He's a watered down token liberal just like Colmes was.

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