Journalist shot dead in Derry after rioting in the city.


Diamond Member
Sep 5, 2014
Here, there, and everywhere.
In what police are treating as a "terrorist incident".

Dissident republicans are being blamed for killing 29-year-old Lyra McKee during rioting after police searches in Derry's Creggan area on Thursday night.

Petrol bombs were also thrown at police Land Rovers.

Assistant Chief Constable Mark Hamilton said the police were "treating the shooting as a terrorist incident" and a murder inquiry had been launched.

There are reports that the trouble broke out after police raids on houses in the Mulroy Park and Galliagh areas.

One reporter who was at the scene said a gunman "came round the corner and fired shots indiscriminately towards police vehicles".

Journalist shot dead during Derry trouble
In what police are treating as a "terrorist incident".

Dissident republicans are being blamed for killing 29-year-old Lyra McKee during rioting after police searches in Derry's Creggan area on Thursday night.

Petrol bombs were also thrown at police Land Rovers.

Assistant Chief Constable Mark Hamilton said the police were "treating the shooting as a terrorist incident" and a murder inquiry had been launched.

There are reports that the trouble broke out after police raids on houses in the Mulroy Park and Galliagh areas.

One reporter who was at the scene said a gunman "came round the corner and fired shots indiscriminately towards police vehicles".

Journalist shot dead during Derry trouble

Is Derry the same as Londonderry or are they different, do you know?
Does this mean the "troubles" are back?

Did they ever go away?

They will blame Brexit and this then to occur another thing to Stop Brexit ie. threat of return to violence in Northern Ireland.

It's been peaceful over there fo a while. Does the IRA support Catholicism or Protestantism?

Send them all over to fight ISIS! :abgg2q.jpg:

IRA = Catholic. The Protestants also have Terrorists like IRA I think UVF still operating UVF = Ulster Volunteer Force. To fight ISIS yes excellent idea that is.
Northern Ireland is a backward shithole that has been scarred by centuries of sectarianism.
You have two communities, catholic and protestant, who have been raised to hate each other from birth.

The catholics see themselves as Irish and the protestants see themselves as british.

The Good Friday Agreement brought an end to generations of killing. It was a masterful piece of work by Mo Mowlem and George Mitchell.

It ensured that they had a devolved government in which neither side could dominate the other. They would have to work together.

Because the UK and Ireland were both in the EU they were able to dispense with border checks and it w s as easy to travel from Belfast to Dublin as from New Yprk to Boston. In this way the catholics could feel Irish and the protestants could feel british. And they were both European.

And it worked. The bombings stopped. The "men of violence" moved into government and generally made a go of it. The paramilitaries diversified into drug dealing and the province settled down.

Spin forward 25 years and things are not so good. A corruption scandal brought the Assembly to a standstill and it has not sat for about 2 years. This has meant that the province is run directly from London which is not in the spirit of the GFA.

But that is just a political issue and could be sorted.

But then you have Brexit. The UK votes out but Northern Ireland votes to remain. The province is hardly mentioned in the brexit debate . But the Irish saw the problem clearly. How can you erect borders between the UK and Europe and not have one between Northern Ireland and the Republic ?

The answer is that you cant. It has proven to be the single biggest obstacle to brexit and in 3 years of wrangling there has not been one acceptable solution.

So Mrs May then calls an election which sees her lose her majority. She turns to the DUP for help in shoring up her government . The DUP are the protestants party. Politics is completely sectarian in Ulster. They extract a high price from the UK government for their support including a block on various human rights issues.

So there is now no assembly and the Protestant party is the tail wagging the UK dog in Westminster. The catholics look on with some concern.

Anyway lets have another look at the Border problem. The tory brexiteers must have a border. Its central to their belief system. But where does the border go ? There are two options.

1. Between Northern and Southern Ireland. This rips up the GFA and reneges on promises made to the catholic community.

2. Across the Irish Sea between Northern Ireland and the UK. In effect this preserves the GFA for the catholics but rips up the part which preserves Ulster as an integral part of the UK. The protestants believe that travelling from Belfast to Liverpool should be no different from travelling from Liverpool to Manchester.

The DUP make a forceful case against option 2 and , as we have seen, because they shore up a tory minority government that solution has been shelved.

So Mrs May concocts an agreement which sees a temporary solution called the "Irish backstop" implemented on the border.Things will stay as they are until a solution can be found. When that might be is anybodies guess. In effect she is kicking the can down the road.

The backstop does not guarantee the GFA will continue. In fact it doesnt please anybody.

So put yourselves in the position of the catholic community. Self government gone.Their sectarian rivals in power and dictating policy with the tories. The looming threat of a hard border. Its all bad.

And a return to the troubles is clearly in sight.
In what police are treating as a "terrorist incident".

Dissident republicans are being blamed for killing 29-year-old Lyra McKee during rioting after police searches in Derry's Creggan area on Thursday night.

Petrol bombs were also thrown at police Land Rovers.

Assistant Chief Constable Mark Hamilton said the police were "treating the shooting as a terrorist incident" and a murder inquiry had been launched.

There are reports that the trouble broke out after police raids on houses in the Mulroy Park and Galliagh areas.

One reporter who was at the scene said a gunman "came round the corner and fired shots indiscriminately towards police vehicles".

Journalist shot dead during Derry trouble

Is Derry the same as Londonderry or are they different, do you know?
It depends if you are catholic or protestant. Derry = catholic, Londonderry = protestant. Its the same town.
The home of The Undertones.


From the report...

Police were searching for weapons and ammunition in Derry when the violence started.

Police were searching for weapons and ammunition in Derry when the violence started.

Police were searching for weapons and ammunition in Derry when the violence started.

Police were searching for weapons and ammunition in Derry when the violence started.

Police were searching for weapons and ammunition in Derry when the violence started.

From the photo, police arrived kicking down doors and carrying machine guns and equipped with combat attire and other equipment to disarm the citizens.

So, I guess when men from the government show up with machine guns wearing combat gear to disarm you, you're a terorist if you do not consent?

That's what I take from the article anyway.

Last edited:

From the report...

Police were searching for weapons and ammunition in Derry when the violence started.

Police were searching for weapons and ammunition in Derry when the violence started.

Police were searching for weapons and ammunition in Derry when the violence started.

Police were searching for weapons and ammunition in Derry when the violence started.

Police were searching for weapons and ammunition in Derry when the violence started.

From the photo, police arrived kicking down doors and carrying machine guns and equipped with combat attire and other equipment to disarm the citizens.

So, I guess when men from the government show up with machine guns wearing combat gear to disarm you, you're a terorist if you do not consent?

That's what I take from the article anyway.

How do the US police approach alleged armed terrorists ?

From the report...

Police were searching for weapons and ammunition in Derry when the violence started.

Police were searching for weapons and ammunition in Derry when the violence started.

Police were searching for weapons and ammunition in Derry when the violence started.

Police were searching for weapons and ammunition in Derry when the violence started.

Police were searching for weapons and ammunition in Derry when the violence started.

From the photo, police arrived kicking down doors and carrying machine guns and equipped with combat attire and other equipment to disarm the citizens.

So, I guess when men from the government show up with machine guns wearing combat gear to disarm you, you're a terorist if you do not consent?

That's what I take from the article anyway.

How do the US police approach alleged armed terrorists ?

Are there any?
In what police are treating as a "terrorist incident".

Dissident republicans are being blamed for killing 29-year-old Lyra McKee during rioting after police searches in Derry's Creggan area on Thursday night.

Petrol bombs were also thrown at police Land Rovers.

Assistant Chief Constable Mark Hamilton said the police were "treating the shooting as a terrorist incident" and a murder inquiry had been launched.

There are reports that the trouble broke out after police raids on houses in the Mulroy Park and Galliagh areas.

One reporter who was at the scene said a gunman "came round the corner and fired shots indiscriminately towards police vehicles".

Journalist shot dead during Derry trouble

Is Derry the same as Londonderry or are they different, do you know?
It depends if you are catholic or protestant. Derry = catholic, Londonderry = protestant. Its the same town.
The home of The Undertones.

The Undertones were GREAT, not a fan though of Feargal Sharkey's solo recordings.
Northern Ireland is a backward shithole that has been scarred by centuries of sectarianism.
You have two communities, catholic and protestant, who have been raised to hate each other from birth.

The catholics see themselves as Irish and the protestants see themselves as british.

The Good Friday Agreement brought an end to generations of killing. It was a masterful piece of work by Mo Mowlem and George Mitchell.

It ensured that they had a devolved government in which neither side could dominate the other. They would have to work together.

Because the UK and Ireland were both in the EU they were able to dispense with border checks and it w s as easy to travel from Belfast to Dublin as from New Yprk to Boston. In this way the catholics could feel Irish and the protestants could feel british. And they were both European.

And it worked. The bombings stopped. The "men of violence" moved into government and generally made a go of it. The paramilitaries diversified into drug dealing and the province settled down.

Spin forward 25 years and things are not so good. A corruption scandal brought the Assembly to a standstill and it has not sat for about 2 years. This has meant that the province is run directly from London which is not in the spirit of the GFA.

But that is just a political issue and could be sorted.

But then you have Brexit. The UK votes out but Northern Ireland votes to remain. The province is hardly mentioned in the brexit debate . But the Irish saw the problem clearly. How can you erect borders between the UK and Europe and not have one between Northern Ireland and the Republic ?

The answer is that you cant. It has proven to be the single biggest obstacle to brexit and in 3 years of wrangling there has not been one acceptable solution.

So Mrs May then calls an election which sees her lose her majority. She turns to the DUP for help in shoring up her government . The DUP are the protestants party. Politics is completely sectarian in Ulster. They extract a high price from the UK government for their support including a block on various human rights issues.

So there is now no assembly and the Protestant party is the tail wagging the UK dog in Westminster. The catholics look on with some concern.

Anyway lets have another look at the Border problem. The tory brexiteers must have a border. Its central to their belief system. But where does the border go ? There are two options.

1. Between Northern and Southern Ireland. This rips up the GFA and reneges on promises made to the catholic community.

2. Across the Irish Sea between Northern Ireland and the UK. In effect this preserves the GFA for the catholics but rips up the part which preserves Ulster as an integral part of the UK. The protestants believe that travelling from Belfast to Liverpool should be no different from travelling from Liverpool to Manchester.

The DUP make a forceful case against option 2 and , as we have seen, because they shore up a tory minority government that solution has been shelved.

So Mrs May concocts an agreement which sees a temporary solution called the "Irish backstop" implemented on the border.Things will stay as they are until a solution can be found. When that might be is anybodies guess. In effect she is kicking the can down the road.

The backstop does not guarantee the GFA will continue. In fact it doesnt please anybody.

So put yourselves in the position of the catholic community. Self government gone.Their sectarian rivals in power and dictating policy with the tories. The looming threat of a hard border. Its all bad.

And a return to the troubles is clearly in sight.

Ironic that this violent happening occur on the anniversary of the Good Friday Agreement. This violence from what I read begin when many armed police in riot gear appear to search for weapons or whatever. Then stones begin to throw and then eruption. I think psychologically in Roman Catholic areas of Northern Ireland when they see armed police like that it give them a flashback to how it was when it was violence and killing every week, so on one level I can understand WHY the violence occur the other day.

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