Joseph McCarthy

So you've "findings are based on a bias and are not objective in anyway.
That by itself kills any imaginary credibility you believe your proclamation has.

The OP proves my point. Anytime a Liberal brings up the hunt for communist infiltrators, you all can't talk about anyone but Joe McCarthy. Not a single other person is mentioned. Ignorance is the reason.
false! tail gunner joe is mentioned for the same reasons that movie actors and sports figures get mentioned making you line of reasoning an epic fail.
Why aren't any of the members of the HUAC mentioned?
asked and answered

No, you never answered anything. Don't hurt yourself dodging the question.
nothing to dodge
The OP proves my point. Anytime a Liberal brings up the hunt for communist infiltrators, you all can't talk about anyone but Joe McCarthy. Not a single other person is mentioned. Ignorance is the reason.
false! tail gunner joe is mentioned for the same reasons that movie actors and sports figures get mentioned making you line of reasoning an epic fail.
Why aren't any of the members of the HUAC mentioned?
asked and answered

No, you never answered anything. Don't hurt yourself dodging the question.
nothing to dodge

You proved my point, by continuing to suggest that McCarthy was a member of the HUAC. You've yet to so much as do a little research and tell us what committee he chaired. I'll give you a hunt: its the same committee that Nancy Pelosi chaired...but, we don't hear you all gaffing her. Why is that?
during mc Carty's "tenure" HUAC had several chairman how many of you conservatives can name them without an internet search?
my guess is very few or none,
does that make you ignorant or uninformed , or is it more likely that the politics of 60 years is not a pressing concern?
or does a desperate search and the re writing of history to polish a turd seem silly?

McCarthy had nothing to do with the HUAC.
and ?

You can't handle it, huh? You prove that with your vague, empty responses. Thanks!
nothing I've said is vague or empty, your butt hurt tantrum is soking gun proof of that .
can't handle what ? not being obsessed is not even close to not being able to handle it .
it was history before you and I were born, make about as much sense as being pissed of at the fall of troy.
during mc Carty's "tenure" HUAC had several chairman how many of you conservatives can name them without an internet search?
my guess is very few or none,
does that make you ignorant or uninformed , or is it more likely that the politics of 60 years is not a pressing concern?
or does a desperate search and the re writing of history to polish a turd seem silly?

McCarthy had nothing to do with the HUAC.
and ?

You can't handle it, huh? You prove that with your vague, empty responses. Thanks!
nothing I've said is vague or empty, your butt hurt tantrum is soking gun proof of that .
can't handle what ? not being obsessed is not even close to not being able to handle it .
it was history before you and I were born, make about as much sense as being pissed of at the fall of troy.

Thank you for proving my point!
false! tail gunner joe is mentioned for the same reasons that movie actors and sports figures get mentioned making you line of reasoning an epic fail.
Why aren't any of the members of the HUAC mentioned?
asked and answered

No, you never answered anything. Don't hurt yourself dodging the question.
nothing to dodge

You proved my point, by continuing to suggest that McCarthy was a member of the HUAC. You've yet to so much as do a little research and tell us what committee he chaired. I'll give you a hunt: its the same committee that Nancy Pelosi chaired...but, we don't hear you all gaffing her. Why is that?
false ! I've Suggested nothing if I had I would have said so, trouble is I 'm one of those liberals that you have said don't exist.
McCarthy and huac ran very similar " investigations" and with the passing of time they get muddled togeather.
Nancy Pelosi isn't a raging nut sack attempting to compare he two is laughable and desperate.
she's not my first choice as speaker of the house or minority leader .
btw , Pelosi does not belong to any committees.
want fries with that?
during mc Carty's "tenure" HUAC had several chairman how many of you conservatives can name them without an internet search?
my guess is very few or none,
does that make you ignorant or uninformed , or is it more likely that the politics of 60 years is not a pressing concern?
or does a desperate search and the re writing of history to polish a turd seem silly?

McCarthy had nothing to do with the HUAC.
and ?

You can't handle it, huh? You prove that with your vague, empty responses. Thanks!
nothing I've said is vague or empty, your butt hurt tantrum is smoking gun proof of that .
can't handle what ? not being obsessed is not even close to not being able to handle it .
it was history before you and I were born, make about as much sense as being pissed of at the fall of troy.

Thank you for proving my point!
what point? how can I prove a point you've not made
you proclaiming you did doesn't fly.
Why aren't any of the members of the HUAC mentioned?
asked and answered

No, you never answered anything. Don't hurt yourself dodging the question.
nothing to dodge

You proved my point, by continuing to suggest that McCarthy was a member of the HUAC. You've yet to so much as do a little research and tell us what committee he chaired. I'll give you a hunt: its the same committee that Nancy Pelosi chaired...but, we don't hear you all gaffing her. Why is that?
false ! I've Suggested nothing if I had I would have said so, trouble is I 'm one of those liberals that you have said don't exist.
McCarthy and huac ran very similar " investigations" and with the passing of time they get muddled togeather.
Nancy Pelosi isn't a raging nut sack attempting to compare he two is laughable and desperate.
she's not my first choice as speaker of the house or minority leader .
btw , Pelosi does not belong to any committees.
want fries with that?

As I pointed out, you people believe that McCarthy and the HUAC were linked, which is impossible.

Pelosi chaired the same committee as Joe with it.
asked and answered

No, you never answered anything. Don't hurt yourself dodging the question.
nothing to dodge

You proved my point, by continuing to suggest that McCarthy was a member of the HUAC. You've yet to so much as do a little research and tell us what committee he chaired. I'll give you a hunt: its the same committee that Nancy Pelosi chaired...but, we don't hear you all gaffing her. Why is that?
false ! I've Suggested nothing if I had I would have said so, trouble is I 'm one of those liberals that you have said don't exist.
McCarthy and huac ran very similar " investigations" and with the passing of time they get muddled togeather.
Nancy Pelosi isn't a raging nut sack attempting to compare he two is laughable and desperate.
she's not my first choice as speaker of the house or minority leader .
btw , Pelosi does not belong to any committees.
want fries with that?

As I pointed out, you people believe that McCarthy and the HUAC were linked, which is impossible.

Pelosi chaired the same committee as Joe with it.
False! I don't believe that so your contention is false.
If she did it's nowhere to be found.
Epic fail , live with it.
114th Congress[edit]
Majority Minority
Ex officio
Source: U.S. House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence: HPSCI Majority and Minority Members.

112th Congress[edit]
Majority Minority
Ex officio
Source: 2011 Congressional Record, Vol. 157, Page H200
ex of·fi·ci·o
[ˌeks əˈfiSHēō]

  1. by virtue of one's position or status:
    "an ex officio member of the committee"
not the chair

No, it's true. Liberals believe McCarthy chaired the HUAC.
Again false! Your post infers unproven alligations.

There's not a single Liberal that, without an internet search, can tell us what chairmanship McCarthy held and how it had to do with tracking down communists.
So you've "findings are based on a bias and are not objective in anyway.
That by itself kills any imaginary credibility you believe your proclamation has.

And we're all TERRIBLY concerned about having "credibility" with someone who, when asked about McCarthy's alleged victims, produced a list of people investigated by the HUAC.

No, it's true. Liberals believe McCarthy chaired the HUAC.
Again false! Your post infers unproven alligations.

There's not a single Liberal that, without an internet search, can tell us what chairmanship McCarthy held and how it had to do with tracking down communists.
So you've "findings are based on a bias and are not objective in anyway.
That by itself kills any imaginary credibility you believe your proclamation has.

And we're all TERRIBLY concerned about having "credibility" with someone who, when asked about McCarthy's alleged victims, produced a list of people investigated by the HUAC.

That's what I'm talking

No, it's true. Liberals believe McCarthy chaired the HUAC.
Again false! Your post infers unproven alligations.

There's not a single Liberal that, without an internet search, can tell us what chairmanship McCarthy held and how it had to do with tracking down communists.
So you've "findings are based on a bias and are not objective in anyway.
That by itself kills any imaginary credibility you believe your proclamation has.

And we're all TERRIBLY concerned about having "credibility" with someone who, when asked about McCarthy's alleged victims, produced a list of people investigated by the HUAC.
who's we?
pathetic attempt at moving the goal posts..
Wikipedia's list of McCarthy Blacklist Victims

Wikipedia offers this list: A few of the more notable people who were blacklisted or suffered some other persecution during McCarthyism are listed here:
McCarthyism - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
No, it's true. Liberals believe McCarthy chaired the HUAC.
Again false! Your post infers unproven alligations.

There's not a single Liberal that, without an internet search, can tell us what chairmanship McCarthy held and how it had to do with tracking down communists.
So you've "findings are based on a bias and are not objective in anyway.
That by itself kills any imaginary credibility you believe your proclamation has.

And we're all TERRIBLY concerned about having "credibility" with someone who, when asked about McCarthy's alleged victims, produced a list of people investigated by the HUAC.
who's we?
pathetic attempt at moving the goal posts..
Wikipedia's list of McCarthy Blacklist Victims

Wikipedia offers this list: A few of the more notable people who were blacklisted or suffered some other persecution during McCarthyism are listed here:
McCarthyism - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

And again, my point is proven, most of those people were investigated by the HUAC
Again false! Your post infers unproven alligations.

There's not a single Liberal that, without an internet search, can tell us what chairmanship McCarthy held and how it had to do with tracking down communists.
So you've "findings are based on a bias and are not objective in anyway.
That by itself kills any imaginary credibility you believe your proclamation has.

And we're all TERRIBLY concerned about having "credibility" with someone who, when asked about McCarthy's alleged victims, produced a list of people investigated by the HUAC.
who's we?
pathetic attempt at moving the goal posts..
Wikipedia's list of McCarthy Blacklist Victims

Wikipedia offers this list: A few of the more notable people who were blacklisted or suffered some other persecution during McCarthyism are listed here:
McCarthyism - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

And again, my point is proven, most of those people were investigated by the HUAC
didn't say they weren't
again you are attempting to polish a turd .
joe McCarthy is just as responsible as huac .for ruined lives
McCarthyism is the practice of making accusations of subversion or treason without proper regard for evidence. It also means "the practice of making unfair allegations or using unfair investigative techniques, especially in order to restrict dissent or political criticism."
what are attempting to do is absolve tail gunner joe of the responsibly for what he started and are epically failing at it.
what you are doing is called a distinction without a difference .
it's as sick as neo Nazis who swear Hitler was not such a bad guy .
it proves the right is desperate for heroes.
There's not a single Liberal that, without an internet search, can tell us what chairmanship McCarthy held and how it had to do with tracking down communists.
So you've "findings are based on a bias and are not objective in anyway.
That by itself kills any imaginary credibility you believe your proclamation has.

And we're all TERRIBLY concerned about having "credibility" with someone who, when asked about McCarthy's alleged victims, produced a list of people investigated by the HUAC.
who's we?
pathetic attempt at moving the goal posts..
Wikipedia's list of McCarthy Blacklist Victims

Wikipedia offers this list: A few of the more notable people who were blacklisted or suffered some other persecution during McCarthyism are listed here:
McCarthyism - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

And again, my point is proven, most of those people were investigated by the HUAC
didn't say they weren't
again you are attempting to polish a turd .
joe McCarthy is just as responsible as huac .for ruined lives
McCarthyism is the practice of making accusations of subversion or treason without proper regard for evidence. It also means "the practice of making unfair allegations or using unfair investigative techniques, especially in order to restrict dissent or political criticism."
what are attempting to do is absolve tail gunner joe of the responsibly for what he started and are epically failing at it.
what you are doing is called a distinction without a difference .
it's as sick as neo Nazis who swear Hitler was not such a bad guy .
it proves the right is desperate for heroes.

McCarthy had nothing to do with the HUAC. The HUAC was a House committee. McCarthy was a senator.
There's not a single Liberal that, without an internet search, can tell us what chairmanship McCarthy held and how it had to do with tracking down communists.
So you've "findings are based on a bias and are not objective in anyway.
That by itself kills any imaginary credibility you believe your proclamation has.

And we're all TERRIBLY concerned about having "credibility" with someone who, when asked about McCarthy's alleged victims, produced a list of people investigated by the HUAC.
who's we?
pathetic attempt at moving the goal posts..
Wikipedia's list of McCarthy Blacklist Victims

Wikipedia offers this list: A few of the more notable people who were blacklisted or suffered some other persecution during McCarthyism are listed here:
McCarthyism - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

And again, my point is proven, most of those people were investigated by the HUAC
didn't say they weren't
again you are attempting to polish a turd .
joe McCarthy is just as responsible as huac .for ruined lives
McCarthyism is the practice of making accusations of subversion or treason without proper regard for evidence. It also means "the practice of making unfair allegations or using unfair investigative techniques, especially in order to restrict dissent or political criticism."
what are attempting to do is absolve tail gunner joe of the responsibly for what he started and are epically failing at it.
what you are doing is called a distinction without a difference .
it's as sick as neo Nazis who swear Hitler was not such a bad guy .
it proves the right is desperate for heroes.

So, a decade before he became Senator Joe McCarthy used his HUAC to blacklist Zero Mostel

That's fucking amazing!!!
So you've "findings are based on a bias and are not objective in anyway.
That by itself kills any imaginary credibility you believe your proclamation has.

And we're all TERRIBLY concerned about having "credibility" with someone who, when asked about McCarthy's alleged victims, produced a list of people investigated by the HUAC.
who's we?
pathetic attempt at moving the goal posts..
Wikipedia's list of McCarthy Blacklist Victims

Wikipedia offers this list: A few of the more notable people who were blacklisted or suffered some other persecution during McCarthyism are listed here:
McCarthyism - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

And again, my point is proven, most of those people were investigated by the HUAC
didn't say they weren't
again you are attempting to polish a turd .
joe McCarthy is just as responsible as huac .for ruined lives
McCarthyism is the practice of making accusations of subversion or treason without proper regard for evidence. It also means "the practice of making unfair allegations or using unfair investigative techniques, especially in order to restrict dissent or political criticism."
what are attempting to do is absolve tail gunner joe of the responsibly for what he started and are epically failing at it.
what you are doing is called a distinction without a difference .
it's as sick as neo Nazis who swear Hitler was not such a bad guy .
it proves the right is desperate for heroes.

McCarthy had nothing to do with the HUAC. The HUAC was a House committee. McCarthy was a senator.
need some more polish for that turd ?
And we're all TERRIBLY concerned about having "credibility" with someone who, when asked about McCarthy's alleged victims, produced a list of people investigated by the HUAC.
who's we?
pathetic attempt at moving the goal posts..
Wikipedia's list of McCarthy Blacklist Victims

Wikipedia offers this list: A few of the more notable people who were blacklisted or suffered some other persecution during McCarthyism are listed here:
McCarthyism - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

And again, my point is proven, most of those people were investigated by the HUAC
didn't say they weren't
again you are attempting to polish a turd .
joe McCarthy is just as responsible as huac .for ruined lives
McCarthyism is the practice of making accusations of subversion or treason without proper regard for evidence. It also means "the practice of making unfair allegations or using unfair investigative techniques, especially in order to restrict dissent or political criticism."
what are attempting to do is absolve tail gunner joe of the responsibly for what he started and are epically failing at it.
what you are doing is called a distinction without a difference .
it's as sick as neo Nazis who swear Hitler was not such a bad guy .
it proves the right is desperate for heroes.

McCarthy had nothing to do with the HUAC. The HUAC was a House committee. McCarthy was a senator.
need some more polish for that turd ?

I accept your surrender.

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