Joseph McCarthy Was Right in Most Cases


Mike Griffith
Gold Supporting Member
Oct 23, 2012
When you decide to do serious research on Senator Joseph McCarthy, you soon discover that McCarthy was right in most cases. Far from being the reckless muckraker that most of our history books have long claimed he was, if anything, we now know that McCarthy somewhat understated the severity of Communist penetration into the U.S. government.

When the Venona decrypts were released in 1995, we discovered that they identified at least 349 people who cooperated in various ways with Soviet intelligence agencies. For example, the Venona files reveal that the Senate Civil Liberties Subcommittee, chaired by former Senator Robert LaFollette, whom McCarthy defeated in 1946, had at least four staff members working on behalf of the KGB. John Abt, the Chief Counsel of the Committee; Charles Kramer, who served on three other Congressional Committees; Allen Rosenberg, who also served on the National Labor Relations Board, Board of Economic Warfare (BEW), the Foreign Economic Administration (FEA), and later argued cases before the United States Supreme Court; and Charles Flato, who served on the BEW and FEA, were all members of the Communist Party USA and were associated with the Soviet-run Comintern.

No credible scholar now denies that Soviet agents and sympathizers penetrated into the highest levels of the U.S. government in the 1930s and 1940s, including the White House and the State Department. It has long been known that the Soviets were able to place agents into the top levels of the Manhattan Project, and that one of them, Klaus Fuchs, even attended the first nuke test in New Mexico and then sent a detailed report about it to Joseph Stalin. It has also been known for a long time that FDR's Secretary of the Treasury, Harry Dexter White, was a Soviet spy, and that one of the members of the team that FDR took to Yalta, Alger Hiss, was also a Soviet Spy. In 1944, Hiss became director of the State Department's Office of Special Political Affairs. We have also known for some time now that some American officials in China and/or who worked on China affairs were Communist agents or sympathizers, such as John Stewart Service, Solomon Adler, Owen Lattimore, and Lauchlin Currie--these men played an important role in feeding false information about the state of affairs in China back to Washington.

Time does not allow me to address all the myths and distortions that liberals have spun about Senator McCarthy, so I will deal with one of the main ones, an issue that is hammered on in every anti-McCarthy book and article: the number of names that McCarthy claimed to have of Communist agents and sympathizers/security risks.

Liberals have claimed that McCarthy couldn't even decide how many names he had of Communists and pro-Communists/security risks. Historian James Drummond explains the matter:

Q. Wasn't it reported that McCarthy used the number 205 in his Wheeling speech, lowered it to 57 later, and then raised it again to 81?​

A. Yes, this was reported, and here is the explanation: In the Wheeling speech, McCarthy referred to a letter that Secretary of State James Byrnes sent to Congressman Adolph Sabath in 1946. In that letter, Byrnes said that State Department security investigators had declared 284 persons unfit to hold jobs in the department because of Communist connections and other reasons, but that only 79 had been discharged, leaving 205 still on the State Department's payroll. McCarthy told his Wheeling audience that while he did not have the names of the 205 mentioned in the Byrnes letter, he did have the names of 57 who were either members of or loyal to the Communist Party. On February 20, 1950, McCarthy gave the Senate information about 81 individuals -- the 57 referred to at Wheeling and 24 others of less importance and about whom the evidence was less conclusive.​

The enemies of McCarthy have juggled these numbers around to make the Senator appear to be erratic and to distract attention from the paramount question: Were there still Alger Hisses in the State Department betraying this nation? McCarthy was not being inconsistent in his use of the numbers; the 57 and 81 were part of the 205 mentioned in the Byrnes letter. (The New American - McCarthyism - Forty questions and answers about Senator Joseph McCarthy - May 11, 1987)​

Sources for further study:

M. Stanton Evans' seminal book Blacklisted By History: The Untold Story of Senator Joseph McCarthy and His Fight Against America's Enemies

M. Stanton Evans' Response to Ronald Radosh

Two Defenses of McCarthy by Two 1950s Conservatives

Conservapedia Article on Joseph McCarthy

Summary of Arthur Herman's Book on Joseph McCarthy

40 Questions and Answers About Senator McCarthy

Owen Lattiimore

Solomon Adler

Yes our government was infiltrated by Soviet communists, during FDR’s and Dirty Harry’s time.

Now our government is infiltrated by transnational capitalists, that do the bidding of the billionaires. Our mainstream media is compromised too.
When you decide to do serious research on Senator Joseph McCarthy, you soon discover that McCarthy was right in most cases. Far from being the reckless muckraker that most of our history books have long claimed he was, if anything, we now know that McCarthy somewhat understated the severity of Communist penetration into the U.S. government.

When the Venona decrypts were released in 1995, we discovered that they identified at least 349 people who cooperated in various ways with Soviet intelligence agencies. For example, the Venona files reveal that the Senate Civil Liberties Subcommittee, chaired by former Senator Robert LaFollette, whom McCarthy defeated in 1946, had at least four staff members working on behalf of the KGB. John Abt, the Chief Counsel of the Committee; Charles Kramer, who served on three other Congressional Committees; Allen Rosenberg, who also served on the National Labor Relations Board, Board of Economic Warfare (BEW), the Foreign Economic Administration (FEA), and later argued cases before the United States Supreme Court; and Charles Flato, who served on the BEW and FEA, were all members of the Communist Party USA and were associated with the Soviet-run Comintern.

No credible scholar now denies that Soviet agents and sympathizers penetrated into the highest levels of the U.S. government in the 1930s and 1940s, including the White House and the State Department. It has long been known that the Soviets were able to place agents into the top levels of the Manhattan Project, and that one of them, Klaus Fuchs, even attended the first nuke test in New Mexico and then sent a detailed report about it to Joseph Stalin. It has also been known for a long time that FDR's Secretary of the Treasury, Harry Dexter White, was a Soviet spy, and that one of the members of the team that FDR took to Yalta, Alger Hiss, was also a Soviet Spy. In 1944, Hiss became director of the State Department's Office of Special Political Affairs. We have also known for some time now that some American officials in China and/or who worked on China affairs were Communist agents or sympathizers, such as John Stewart Service, Solomon Adler, Owen Lattimore, and Lauchlin Currie--these men played an important role in feeding false information about the state of affairs in China back to Washington.

Time does not allow me to address all the myths and distortions that liberals have spun about Senator McCarthy, so I will deal with one of the main ones, an issue that is hammered on in every anti-McCarthy book and article: the number of names that McCarthy claimed to have of Communist agents and sympathizers/security risks.

Liberals have claimed that McCarthy couldn't even decide how many names he had of Communists and pro-Communists/security risks. Historian James Drummond explains the matter:

Q. Wasn't it reported that McCarthy used the number 205 in his Wheeling speech, lowered it to 57 later, and then raised it again to 81?​

A. Yes, this was reported, and here is the explanation: In the Wheeling speech, McCarthy referred to a letter that Secretary of State James Byrnes sent to Congressman Adolph Sabath in 1946. In that letter, Byrnes said that State Department security investigators had declared 284 persons unfit to hold jobs in the department because of Communist connections and other reasons, but that only 79 had been discharged, leaving 205 still on the State Department's payroll. McCarthy told his Wheeling audience that while he did not have the names of the 205 mentioned in the Byrnes letter, he did have the names of 57 who were either members of or loyal to the Communist Party. On February 20, 1950, McCarthy gave the Senate information about 81 individuals -- the 57 referred to at Wheeling and 24 others of less importance and about whom the evidence was less conclusive.​

The enemies of McCarthy have juggled these numbers around to make the Senator appear to be erratic and to distract attention from the paramount question: Were there still Alger Hisses in the State Department betraying this nation? McCarthy was not being inconsistent in his use of the numbers; the 57 and 81 were part of the 205 mentioned in the Byrnes letter. (The New American - McCarthyism - Forty questions and answers about Senator Joseph McCarthy - May 11, 1987)​

Sources for further study:

M. Stanton Evans' seminal book Blacklisted By History: The Untold Story of Senator Joseph McCarthy and His Fight Against America's Enemies

M. Stanton Evans' Response to Ronald Radosh

Two Defenses of McCarthy by Two 1950s Conservatives

Conservapedia Article on Joseph McCarthy

Summary of Arthur Herman's Book on Joseph McCarthy

40 Questions and Answers About Senator McCarthy

Owen Lattiimore

Solomon Adler

A lot of innocent lives were ruined by the McCarthy witch hunt.

The difference between then and now is that the government wasn't encouraging communist intervention then as it does now. Can you imagine our President's rage if today's government produced a McCarthy now while he tries so hard to please Vlad?
It is difficult to say that an open society with guaranteed free speech is 'infiltrated' by people who exercise it. The holding of heterodoxical views is part of the freedom (or, danger, if you will).
That people with these views worked in government is a reality. The reality is also that those with other views be alert and active as well. In the end, there were also people on the "other" side who had views dissenting from those of a government much more repressive than America's. They contributed immensely to the fall of the Soviet Union (see especially the Farewell case (Farewell Dossier - Wikipedia).
McCarthy was merely another political hack with no originality who profited from pure fear mongering. His excesses caused much pain and served very little if anything to America; in fact, quite the contrary.
A lot of innocent lives were ruined by the McCarthy witch hunt.

Name one.

What "witch hunt"? He mostly followed up on leads provided by the FBI, the War Department, and State Department security personnel. He had nothing to do with investigating Hollywood communists.

The difference between then and now is that the government wasn't encouraging communist intervention then as it does now. Can you imagine our President's rage if today's government produced a McCarthy now while he tries so hard to please Vlad?

Huh? Trump has been the most anti-Putin/anti-Russian president since Reagan. Trump has sold weapons to Georgia, something that Obama refused to do. Trump has slapped tariffs on Russian steel. Trump has publicly outed NATO nations for failing to spend their treaty-obligated amount on defense, which is hardly comforting to Russia. Trump has based the German-Russian natural gas pipeline. Trump has expelled dozens of Russian diplomats. Trump has continued to impose sanctions on Russia. Etc., etc., etc.

By the way, if anyone cares to know, Senator McCarthy was pro-civil rights and very pro-Israel. He was also not as staunch in his opposition to New Deal programs as most other Republicans were.
Name one.
I will not, because it was the father of a person I went to high school with. He was cleared, but it ruined him...and my friend. They found out who their friends were real fast. It was High Noon for them. He lost his job and they had to leave town. I have no idea what happened to them, but McCarthy AND his Roy Cohn (the corrupt SOB) never bothered to know the destruction they caused with their scatter-gun tactics.
The contempt I feel for Barr is simply a renewed disgust of Cohn.

"Trump has been the most anti-Putin/anti-Russian president since Reagan."

What planet are you from? Who dropped the sanctions and ouster of diplomats kicked out for election tampering? Who accepts Putin's lies (ala Helsinki) and disses American intel? Who endorses Putin's diversion plans, such as blaming election hacking on Ukraine? Sheesh!
When you decide to do serious research on Senator Joseph McCarthy, you soon discover that McCarthy was right in most cases. Far from being the reckless muckraker that most of our history books have long claimed he was, if anything, we now know that McCarthy somewhat understated the severity of Communist penetration into the U.S. government.

When the Venona decrypts were released in 1995, we discovered that they identified at least 349 people who cooperated in various ways with Soviet intelligence agencies. For example, the Venona files reveal that the Senate Civil Liberties Subcommittee, chaired by former Senator Robert LaFollette, whom McCarthy defeated in 1946, had at least four staff members working on behalf of the KGB. John Abt, the Chief Counsel of the Committee; Charles Kramer, who served on three other Congressional Committees; Allen Rosenberg, who also served on the National Labor Relations Board, Board of Economic Warfare (BEW), the Foreign Economic Administration (FEA), and later argued cases before the United States Supreme Court; and Charles Flato, who served on the BEW and FEA, were all members of the Communist Party USA and were associated with the Soviet-run Comintern.

No credible scholar now denies that Soviet agents and sympathizers penetrated into the highest levels of the U.S. government in the 1930s and 1940s, including the White House and the State Department. It has long been known that the Soviets were able to place agents into the top levels of the Manhattan Project, and that one of them, Klaus Fuchs, even attended the first nuke test in New Mexico and then sent a detailed report about it to Joseph Stalin. It has also been known for a long time that FDR's Secretary of the Treasury, Harry Dexter White, was a Soviet spy, and that one of the members of the team that FDR took to Yalta, Alger Hiss, was also a Soviet Spy. In 1944, Hiss became director of the State Department's Office of Special Political Affairs. We have also known for some time now that some American officials in China and/or who worked on China affairs were Communist agents or sympathizers, such as John Stewart Service, Solomon Adler, Owen Lattimore, and Lauchlin Currie--these men played an important role in feeding false information about the state of affairs in China back to Washington.

Time does not allow me to address all the myths and distortions that liberals have spun about Senator McCarthy, so I will deal with one of the main ones, an issue that is hammered on in every anti-McCarthy book and article: the number of names that McCarthy claimed to have of Communist agents and sympathizers/security risks.

Liberals have claimed that McCarthy couldn't even decide how many names he had of Communists and pro-Communists/security risks. Historian James Drummond explains the matter:

Q. Wasn't it reported that McCarthy used the number 205 in his Wheeling speech, lowered it to 57 later, and then raised it again to 81?​

A. Yes, this was reported, and here is the explanation: In the Wheeling speech, McCarthy referred to a letter that Secretary of State James Byrnes sent to Congressman Adolph Sabath in 1946. In that letter, Byrnes said that State Department security investigators had declared 284 persons unfit to hold jobs in the department because of Communist connections and other reasons, but that only 79 had been discharged, leaving 205 still on the State Department's payroll. McCarthy told his Wheeling audience that while he did not have the names of the 205 mentioned in the Byrnes letter, he did have the names of 57 who were either members of or loyal to the Communist Party. On February 20, 1950, McCarthy gave the Senate information about 81 individuals -- the 57 referred to at Wheeling and 24 others of less importance and about whom the evidence was less conclusive.​

The enemies of McCarthy have juggled these numbers around to make the Senator appear to be erratic and to distract attention from the paramount question: Were there still Alger Hisses in the State Department betraying this nation? McCarthy was not being inconsistent in his use of the numbers; the 57 and 81 were part of the 205 mentioned in the Byrnes letter. (The New American - McCarthyism - Forty questions and answers about Senator Joseph McCarthy - May 11, 1987)​

Sources for further study:

M. Stanton Evans' seminal book Blacklisted By History: The Untold Story of Senator Joseph McCarthy and His Fight Against America's Enemies

M. Stanton Evans' Response to Ronald Radosh

Two Defenses of McCarthy by Two 1950s Conservatives

Conservapedia Article on Joseph McCarthy

Summary of Arthur Herman's Book on Joseph McCarthy

40 Questions and Answers About Senator McCarthy

Owen Lattiimore

Solomon Adler

McCarthy was not only wrong, he was both dangerously insane and a national embarrassment.
Name one.

I will not, because it was the father of a person I went to high school with. He was cleared, but it ruined him...and my friend. They found out who their friends were real fast. It was High Noon for them. He lost his job and they had to leave town. I have no idea what happened to them, but McCarthy AND his Roy Cohn (the corrupt SOB) never bothered to know the destruction they caused with their scatter-gun tactics. The contempt I feel for Barr is simply a renewed disgust of Cohn.

I don't believe you. You know nothing of what McCarthy did and did not do. He had no law enforcement authority, other than subpoena power, and he was careful to protect identities until there was sufficient evidence. Did you read a single one of the articles that I provide in the OP? I'm guess no.

"Trump has been the most anti-Putin/anti-Russian president since Reagan."

What planet are you from?

What planet do YOU live on? I notice you didn't deal with any of the anti-Russian actions that Trump has taken that I cited. Not one.

Who dropped the sanctions and ouster of diplomats kicked out for election tampering? Who accepts Putin's lies (ala Helsinki) and disses American intel? Who endorses Putin's diversion plans, such as blaming election hacking on Ukraine? Sheesh!

"Sheesh" is right. Again, WHAT planet do YOU live on? Trump has imposed sanctions on Russia, as I pointed out. How can you not know this? What about Trump's selling of weapons to Georgia, which Obama was too chicken to do and which Putin bitterly condemned? How about the dozens of Russian diplomats that Trump has expelled? How about the tariffs that Trump has slapped on Russian steel? How about Trump's push to get NATO nations to spend more on defense, which of course Russia opposes?

Undo your brainwashing and deal with reality.
It is difficult to say that an open society with guaranteed free speech is 'infiltrated' by people who exercise it. The holding of heterodoxical views is part of the freedom (or, danger, if you will).
That people with these views worked in government is a reality. The reality is also that those with other views be alert and active as well. In the end, there were also people on the "other" side who had views dissenting from those of a government much more repressive than America's. They contributed immensely to the fall of the Soviet Union (see especially the Farewell case (Farewell Dossier - Wikipedia).
McCarthy was merely another political hack with no originality who profited from pure fear mongering. His excesses caused much pain and served very little if anything to America; in fact, quite the contrary.
They were communist spies, you fucking dumbass, and they were in sensitive government positions.
When you decide to do serious research on Senator Joseph McCarthy, you soon discover that McCarthy was right in most cases. Far from being the reckless muckraker that most of our history books have long claimed he was, if anything, we now know that McCarthy somewhat understated the severity of Communist penetration into the U.S. government.

When the Venona decrypts were released in 1995, we discovered that they identified at least 349 people who cooperated in various ways with Soviet intelligence agencies. For example, the Venona files reveal that the Senate Civil Liberties Subcommittee, chaired by former Senator Robert LaFollette, whom McCarthy defeated in 1946, had at least four staff members working on behalf of the KGB. John Abt, the Chief Counsel of the Committee; Charles Kramer, who served on three other Congressional Committees; Allen Rosenberg, who also served on the National Labor Relations Board, Board of Economic Warfare (BEW), the Foreign Economic Administration (FEA), and later argued cases before the United States Supreme Court; and Charles Flato, who served on the BEW and FEA, were all members of the Communist Party USA and were associated with the Soviet-run Comintern.

No credible scholar now denies that Soviet agents and sympathizers penetrated into the highest levels of the U.S. government in the 1930s and 1940s, including the White House and the State Department. It has long been known that the Soviets were able to place agents into the top levels of the Manhattan Project, and that one of them, Klaus Fuchs, even attended the first nuke test in New Mexico and then sent a detailed report about it to Joseph Stalin. It has also been known for a long time that FDR's Secretary of the Treasury, Harry Dexter White, was a Soviet spy, and that one of the members of the team that FDR took to Yalta, Alger Hiss, was also a Soviet Spy. In 1944, Hiss became director of the State Department's Office of Special Political Affairs. We have also known for some time now that some American officials in China and/or who worked on China affairs were Communist agents or sympathizers, such as John Stewart Service, Solomon Adler, Owen Lattimore, and Lauchlin Currie--these men played an important role in feeding false information about the state of affairs in China back to Washington.

Time does not allow me to address all the myths and distortions that liberals have spun about Senator McCarthy, so I will deal with one of the main ones, an issue that is hammered on in every anti-McCarthy book and article: the number of names that McCarthy claimed to have of Communist agents and sympathizers/security risks.

Liberals have claimed that McCarthy couldn't even decide how many names he had of Communists and pro-Communists/security risks. Historian James Drummond explains the matter:

Q. Wasn't it reported that McCarthy used the number 205 in his Wheeling speech, lowered it to 57 later, and then raised it again to 81?​

A. Yes, this was reported, and here is the explanation: In the Wheeling speech, McCarthy referred to a letter that Secretary of State James Byrnes sent to Congressman Adolph Sabath in 1946. In that letter, Byrnes said that State Department security investigators had declared 284 persons unfit to hold jobs in the department because of Communist connections and other reasons, but that only 79 had been discharged, leaving 205 still on the State Department's payroll. McCarthy told his Wheeling audience that while he did not have the names of the 205 mentioned in the Byrnes letter, he did have the names of 57 who were either members of or loyal to the Communist Party. On February 20, 1950, McCarthy gave the Senate information about 81 individuals -- the 57 referred to at Wheeling and 24 others of less importance and about whom the evidence was less conclusive.​

The enemies of McCarthy have juggled these numbers around to make the Senator appear to be erratic and to distract attention from the paramount question: Were there still Alger Hisses in the State Department betraying this nation? McCarthy was not being inconsistent in his use of the numbers; the 57 and 81 were part of the 205 mentioned in the Byrnes letter. (The New American - McCarthyism - Forty questions and answers about Senator Joseph McCarthy - May 11, 1987)​

Sources for further study:

M. Stanton Evans' seminal book Blacklisted By History: The Untold Story of Senator Joseph McCarthy and His Fight Against America's Enemies

M. Stanton Evans' Response to Ronald Radosh

Two Defenses of McCarthy by Two 1950s Conservatives

Conservapedia Article on Joseph McCarthy

Summary of Arthur Herman's Book on Joseph McCarthy

40 Questions and Answers About Senator McCarthy

Owen Lattiimore

Solomon Adler

McCarthy was not only wrong, he was both dangerously insane and a national embarrassment.
Wrong and wrong. He saved this country from communism.
When you decide to do serious research on Senator Joseph McCarthy, you soon discover that McCarthy was right in most cases. Far from being the reckless muckraker that most of our history books have long claimed he was, if anything, we now know that McCarthy somewhat understated the severity of Communist penetration into the U.S. government.

When the Venona decrypts were released in 1995, we discovered that they identified at least 349 people who cooperated in various ways with Soviet intelligence agencies. For example, the Venona files reveal that the Senate Civil Liberties Subcommittee, chaired by former Senator Robert LaFollette, whom McCarthy defeated in 1946, had at least four staff members working on behalf of the KGB. John Abt, the Chief Counsel of the Committee; Charles Kramer, who served on three other Congressional Committees; Allen Rosenberg, who also served on the National Labor Relations Board, Board of Economic Warfare (BEW), the Foreign Economic Administration (FEA), and later argued cases before the United States Supreme Court; and Charles Flato, who served on the BEW and FEA, were all members of the Communist Party USA and were associated with the Soviet-run Comintern.

No credible scholar now denies that Soviet agents and sympathizers penetrated into the highest levels of the U.S. government in the 1930s and 1940s, including the White House and the State Department. It has long been known that the Soviets were able to place agents into the top levels of the Manhattan Project, and that one of them, Klaus Fuchs, even attended the first nuke test in New Mexico and then sent a detailed report about it to Joseph Stalin. It has also been known for a long time that FDR's Secretary of the Treasury, Harry Dexter White, was a Soviet spy, and that one of the members of the team that FDR took to Yalta, Alger Hiss, was also a Soviet Spy. In 1944, Hiss became director of the State Department's Office of Special Political Affairs. We have also known for some time now that some American officials in China and/or who worked on China affairs were Communist agents or sympathizers, such as John Stewart Service, Solomon Adler, Owen Lattimore, and Lauchlin Currie--these men played an important role in feeding false information about the state of affairs in China back to Washington.

Time does not allow me to address all the myths and distortions that liberals have spun about Senator McCarthy, so I will deal with one of the main ones, an issue that is hammered on in every anti-McCarthy book and article: the number of names that McCarthy claimed to have of Communist agents and sympathizers/security risks.

Liberals have claimed that McCarthy couldn't even decide how many names he had of Communists and pro-Communists/security risks. Historian James Drummond explains the matter:

Q. Wasn't it reported that McCarthy used the number 205 in his Wheeling speech, lowered it to 57 later, and then raised it again to 81?​

A. Yes, this was reported, and here is the explanation: In the Wheeling speech, McCarthy referred to a letter that Secretary of State James Byrnes sent to Congressman Adolph Sabath in 1946. In that letter, Byrnes said that State Department security investigators had declared 284 persons unfit to hold jobs in the department because of Communist connections and other reasons, but that only 79 had been discharged, leaving 205 still on the State Department's payroll. McCarthy told his Wheeling audience that while he did not have the names of the 205 mentioned in the Byrnes letter, he did have the names of 57 who were either members of or loyal to the Communist Party. On February 20, 1950, McCarthy gave the Senate information about 81 individuals -- the 57 referred to at Wheeling and 24 others of less importance and about whom the evidence was less conclusive.​

The enemies of McCarthy have juggled these numbers around to make the Senator appear to be erratic and to distract attention from the paramount question: Were there still Alger Hisses in the State Department betraying this nation? McCarthy was not being inconsistent in his use of the numbers; the 57 and 81 were part of the 205 mentioned in the Byrnes letter. (The New American - McCarthyism - Forty questions and answers about Senator Joseph McCarthy - May 11, 1987)​

Sources for further study:

M. Stanton Evans' seminal book Blacklisted By History: The Untold Story of Senator Joseph McCarthy and His Fight Against America's Enemies

M. Stanton Evans' Response to Ronald Radosh

Two Defenses of McCarthy by Two 1950s Conservatives

Conservapedia Article on Joseph McCarthy

Summary of Arthur Herman's Book on Joseph McCarthy

40 Questions and Answers About Senator McCarthy

Owen Lattiimore

Solomon Adler

A lot of innocent lives were ruined by the McCarthy witch hunt.

The difference between then and now is that the government wasn't encouraging communist intervention then as it does now. Can you imagine our President's rage if today's government produced a McCarthy now while he tries so hard to please Vlad?
It wasn’t just suspected Communists but suspected homosexuals that had their lives ruined

All on little evidence other than a Jewish name or rumors
When you decide to do serious research on Senator Joseph McCarthy, you soon discover that McCarthy was right in most cases. Far from being the reckless muckraker that most of our history books have long claimed he was, if anything, we now know that McCarthy somewhat understated the severity of Communist penetration into the U.S. government.

When the Venona decrypts were released in 1995, we discovered that they identified at least 349 people who cooperated in various ways with Soviet intelligence agencies. For example, the Venona files reveal that the Senate Civil Liberties Subcommittee, chaired by former Senator Robert LaFollette, whom McCarthy defeated in 1946, had at least four staff members working on behalf of the KGB. John Abt, the Chief Counsel of the Committee; Charles Kramer, who served on three other Congressional Committees; Allen Rosenberg, who also served on the National Labor Relations Board, Board of Economic Warfare (BEW), the Foreign Economic Administration (FEA), and later argued cases before the United States Supreme Court; and Charles Flato, who served on the BEW and FEA, were all members of the Communist Party USA and were associated with the Soviet-run Comintern.

No credible scholar now denies that Soviet agents and sympathizers penetrated into the highest levels of the U.S. government in the 1930s and 1940s, including the White House and the State Department. It has long been known that the Soviets were able to place agents into the top levels of the Manhattan Project, and that one of them, Klaus Fuchs, even attended the first nuke test in New Mexico and then sent a detailed report about it to Joseph Stalin. It has also been known for a long time that FDR's Secretary of the Treasury, Harry Dexter White, was a Soviet spy, and that one of the members of the team that FDR took to Yalta, Alger Hiss, was also a Soviet Spy. In 1944, Hiss became director of the State Department's Office of Special Political Affairs. We have also known for some time now that some American officials in China and/or who worked on China affairs were Communist agents or sympathizers, such as John Stewart Service, Solomon Adler, Owen Lattimore, and Lauchlin Currie--these men played an important role in feeding false information about the state of affairs in China back to Washington.

Time does not allow me to address all the myths and distortions that liberals have spun about Senator McCarthy, so I will deal with one of the main ones, an issue that is hammered on in every anti-McCarthy book and article: the number of names that McCarthy claimed to have of Communist agents and sympathizers/security risks.

Liberals have claimed that McCarthy couldn't even decide how many names he had of Communists and pro-Communists/security risks. Historian James Drummond explains the matter:

Q. Wasn't it reported that McCarthy used the number 205 in his Wheeling speech, lowered it to 57 later, and then raised it again to 81?​

A. Yes, this was reported, and here is the explanation: In the Wheeling speech, McCarthy referred to a letter that Secretary of State James Byrnes sent to Congressman Adolph Sabath in 1946. In that letter, Byrnes said that State Department security investigators had declared 284 persons unfit to hold jobs in the department because of Communist connections and other reasons, but that only 79 had been discharged, leaving 205 still on the State Department's payroll. McCarthy told his Wheeling audience that while he did not have the names of the 205 mentioned in the Byrnes letter, he did have the names of 57 who were either members of or loyal to the Communist Party. On February 20, 1950, McCarthy gave the Senate information about 81 individuals -- the 57 referred to at Wheeling and 24 others of less importance and about whom the evidence was less conclusive.​

The enemies of McCarthy have juggled these numbers around to make the Senator appear to be erratic and to distract attention from the paramount question: Were there still Alger Hisses in the State Department betraying this nation? McCarthy was not being inconsistent in his use of the numbers; the 57 and 81 were part of the 205 mentioned in the Byrnes letter. (The New American - McCarthyism - Forty questions and answers about Senator Joseph McCarthy - May 11, 1987)​

Sources for further study:

M. Stanton Evans' seminal book Blacklisted By History: The Untold Story of Senator Joseph McCarthy and His Fight Against America's Enemies

M. Stanton Evans' Response to Ronald Radosh

Two Defenses of McCarthy by Two 1950s Conservatives

Conservapedia Article on Joseph McCarthy

Summary of Arthur Herman's Book on Joseph McCarthy

40 Questions and Answers About Senator McCarthy

Owen Lattiimore

Solomon Adler

A lot of innocent lives were ruined by the McCarthy witch hunt.

The difference between then and now is that the government wasn't encouraging communist intervention then as it does now. Can you imagine our President's rage if today's government produced a McCarthy now while he tries so hard to please Vlad?
It wasn’t just suspected Communists but suspected homosexuals that had their lives ruined

All on little evidence other than a Jewish name or rumors

That's complete bullshit. The Venona papers proved they were all communist spies.
I want to apologize to everyone. I bitch-slapped Axis Mikey on another thread by mocking his crazy talk about how there were commies everywhere in the 1940's.


When you decide to do serious research on Senator Joseph McCarthy, you soon discover that McCarthy was right in most cases. Far from being the reckless muckraker that most of our history books have long claimed he was, if anything, we now know that McCarthy somewhat understated the severity of Communist penetration into the U.S. government.

When the Venona decrypts were released in 1995, we discovered that they identified at least 349 people who cooperated in various ways with Soviet intelligence agencies. For example, the Venona files reveal that the Senate Civil Liberties Subcommittee, chaired by former Senator Robert LaFollette, whom McCarthy defeated in 1946, had at least four staff members working on behalf of the KGB.

Axis Mikey, how could that be possible when the KGB wasn't formed until 1954? Did they have a fleet of Secret Tardises where they went back into time and corrupted people in the past?


No credible scholar now denies that Soviet agents and sympathizers penetrated into the highest levels of the U.S. government in the 1930s and 1940s, including the White House and the State Department.

Um, yeah. So what? The thing was, the Soviets were our ALLIES at the time. This was the real problem with the evil of McCarthyism. We relied on the Soviets to essentially fight the war in Europe for us, and then we all panicked when they refused to give the countries they conquered back. Of course, the reason why we HAD a war in Europe to start with was because we kind of removed ourselves from World Affairs after WWI and ignored what Mikey's Axis Heroes were doing.. until THIS shit happened.


This was totally justified according to Axis Mikey because we were a bunch of meany-heads to the Japanese and wouldn't sell them stuff because they were murdering the shit out of the rest of Asia.

I don't believe you. You know nothing of what McCarthy did and did not do. He had no law enforcement authority, other than subpoena power, and he was careful to protect identities until there was sufficient evidence. Did you read a single one of the articles that I provide in the OP? I'm guess no.

Kind of no point to, McCarthy was a guy who led a classic witch hunt, and then people figured out there weren't actually witches and we burned a lot of people who didn't have it coming.
The scary thing was that a Drunk like McCarthy, aided and abetted by a corrupt closeted homosexual like Roy Cohn, could have ruined as many lives as they did.

Medical Mystery: What killed ‘Red Scare’ Sen. Joseph McCarthy?

Sen. Joseph McCarthy was known for his excessive alcohol consumption, and numerous witnesses reported seeing him drunk on the Senate floor and hobbled by hangovers. It was also suggested that McCarthy had a personality disorder.

Some staff and observers grew to fear how McCarthy's verbal recklessness would get even worse in afternoon Senate hearings after his cocktail-soaked lunches.

McCarthy often interrupted proceedings and diverted the discussion entirely off-topic. One report described McCarthy’s behavior with words such as “inexcusable,” “reprehensible,” “vulgar,” and “insulting.” The legendary Edward R. Murrow’s See It Now reports on TV exposed and attacked his methods before millions, helping prompt the senator’s downfall.

Blood tests revealed elevated liver enzymes and abnormal liver function. The diagnosis was severe alcoholic hepatitis, inflammation of the liver due to excessive drinking. It usually is found in association with fatty liver (steatonecrosis), an early stage of disease that, if not controlled by medication and sobriety, leads to cirrhosis.

Signs of alcoholic hepatitis include fatigue, loss of appetite, fluid accumulation in the abdominal cavity, and edema of lower extremities. Severe liver inflammation may be associated with jaundice due to elevated bilirubin levels; blood coagulation is affected and can lead to severe hemorrhage.

Then again, I wonder how much Alcoholism affects Axis Mikey's posts.
McCarthy was a liar and a bully

History has him pegged correctly
I want to apologize to everyone. I bitch-slapped Axis Mikey on another thread by mocking his crazy talk about how there were commies everywhere in the 1940's.

Yes, folks, do go read that thread--the Nanking Massacre thread--and see what a nutjob this JoeB131 is. You'll see that he believes that Mao Tsetung brought prosperity and stability to China after he took over, that it's unfair to "demonize" Joseph Stalin, that the Communists merely got their "fair share" of Asia after the war. No, I'm not kidding. Go read the thread.

When you decide to do serious research on Senator Joseph McCarthy, you soon discover that McCarthy was right in most cases. Far from being the reckless muckraker that most of our history books have long claimed he was, if anything, we now know that McCarthy somewhat understated the severity of Communist penetration into the U.S. government.

When the Venona decrypts were released in 1995, we discovered that they identified at least 349 people who cooperated in various ways with Soviet intelligence agencies. For example, the Venona files reveal that the Senate Civil Liberties Subcommittee, chaired by former Senator Robert LaFollette, whom McCarthy defeated in 1946, had at least four staff members working on behalf of the KGB.

Axis Mikey, how could that be possible when the KGB wasn't formed until 1954? Did they have a fleet of Secret Tardises where they went back into time and corrupted people in the past?

Sigh. . . . Yes, technically, I should have said "on behalf of Soviet intelligence agencies," as I did earlier in the paragraph. And, yes, the KGB was not formed until 1954--it was more a reorganization and renaming than a formation. But, you are correct here. Now, how about you deal with the fact that the Venona files show that over 300 people in our government were cooperating with working for/helping Soviet intelligence agencies?

No credible scholar now denies that Soviet agents and sympathizers penetrated into the highest levels of the U.S. government in the 1930s and 1940s, including the White House and the State Department.

Um, yeah. So what? The thing was, the Soviets were our ALLIES at the time.

LOL! You see, folks, I was not kidding about this whack job. So because FDR chose to count the murderous Soviet regime as "allies," then "so what" if they were spying on us like crazy, stealing our secrets, raping Eastern Europe, murdering tens of thousands of their own citizens during the war, etc., etc. Yeah, "so what"?!

This was the real problem with the evil of McCarthyism. We relied on the Soviets to essentially fight the war in Europe for us, and then we all panicked when they refused to give the countries they conquered back. Of course, the reason why we HAD a war in Europe to start with was because we kind of removed ourselves from World Affairs after WWI and ignored what Mikey's Axis Heroes were doing.. until THIS stuff happened.

No, the "real problem" is that you're an ignorant, pro-Communist clown who has no clue what he's talking about. McCarthy did not say a word about Communist penetration into our government until 1948, so your mythical--and Soviet-like--version of WW II does not prove anything about the alleged "evil of McCarthyism."

Your nonsense here is a repeat of the same nonsense you posted in the Nanking Massacre thread. I refuted it point by point, but, as usual, you simply ignore refutations and just keep repeating your spurious claims.

And, I see you're still repeating your juvenile, obscene claim that I'm somehow pro-Axis, that the Axis nations are my heroes, blah, blah, blah. Do you keep repeating this lie--and you know it's a lie--in order to divert attention away from all the ugly, crude comments you have made about Jews and Israel on USMB?

This [the attack on Pearl Harbor] was totally justified according to Axis Mikey because we were a bunch of meany-heads to the Japanese and wouldn't sell them stuff because they were murdering the shit out of the rest of Asia.

Oh, heck, you have me beat by millions of deaths: About 3,000 Americans were killed in the Pearl Harbor attack, but you claim that Mao's murdering of over 30 million people and his hundreds of forced-labor camps brought prosperity and stability to China. You've said that it was a good thing that the Communists took over China, North Korea, and North Vietnam. You've said that, gee, those poor little ole innocent Communists merely got their "fair share" of Asia after the war. Yeah, you bet.

I don't believe you. You know nothing of what McCarthy did and did not do. He had no law enforcement authority, other than subpoena power, and he was careful to protect identities until there was sufficient evidence. Did you read a single one of the articles that I provide in the OP? I'm guessing no.

Kind of no point to,

LOL! Right, kind of "no point" in reading both sides on an issue so that you know what you're talking about, right?! Kind of "no point" in reading anything other than sources that you know agree with what you want to believe, right?! Yeah, of course. That's exactly the attitude of all uneducated clowns who troll Internet discussion forums and make fools of themselves in the process.

McCarthy was a guy who led a classic witch hunt, and then people figured out there weren't actually witches and we burned a lot of people who didn't have it coming.

Oh, you don't know what McCarthy did or did not do, because you've obviously read next to nothing on the subject. The sum total of your "research" on McCarthy probably consists of the movie Good Night, and Good Luck and a few puff liberal propaganda articles on the Internet, at the most.

I know you've already said there's "no point" in reading any evidence that McCarthy was in fact correct most of the time, but if you ever grow up and decide to engage in some critical thinking and do some real research, you'll find plenty of such evidence in the links in my OP.

Perhaps you could name just one or two people whom McCarthy "burned . . . who didn't have it coming"? How about just two names of such people? You claim there were "a lot" of these people, so surely you can name two innocent people whom McCarthy "burned."
Sigh. . . . Yes, technically, I should have said "on behalf of Soviet intelligence agencies," as I did earlier in the paragraph. And, yes, the KGB was not formed until 1954--it was more a reorganization and renaming than a formation. But, you are correct here. Now, how about you deal with the fact that the Venona files show that over 300 people in our government were cooperating with working for/helping Soviet intelligence agencies?

I don't know. I suspect the Time Lords were involved somehow.

Seriously, though. WHy do you think the Verona papers were accurate? Maybe they were a Russian disinformation campaign. Maybe there was some low-level guy telling Stalin that they had guys on the inside because they were worried Stalin might replace them if they didn't show some progress of all the rubles being spent.

Oh, heck, you have me beat by millions of deaths: About 3,000 Americans were killed in the Pearl Harbor attack, but you claim that Mao's murdering of over 30 million people and his hundreds of forced-labor camps brought prosperity and stability to China. You've said that it was a good thing that the Communists took over China, North Korea, and North Vietnam. You've said that, gee, those poor little ole innocent Communists merely got their "fair share" of Asia after the war. Yeah, you bet.

Um, yeah, you bet. You see, again- INTERNAL PROBLEM, not ours. so let's say 30 million Chinese died of various causes under Mao's rule... Um. Okay. 1.3 Billion Chinese today who live lives of prosperity their ancestors would never have dreamed of. So you know there's that. Should point out that 20 milllion Chinese died in the Taiping Rebellion, because some nut thought he was Jesus' brother.

Not saying Communism is a good thing. I'm saying - if that's what they picked, that's their choice. I'm sorry this is unclear to you.

If the Commies took over those places, it was because of the Nationalism caused by imperial excesses by Europe, America and finally, the worst of the worst, Japan.

But, no, some government worker went to a Communist rally once in college.

I know you've already said there's "no point" in reading any evidence that McCarthy was in fact correct most of the time, but if you ever grow up and decide to engage in some critical thinking and do some real research, you'll find plenty of such evidence in the links in my OP.

Guy, your critical thinking.

Joseph Smith was talking to God
OJ was innocent
The Japanese were swell guys in WWII and you don't know why all of Asia STILL hate them 80 years later.
Slavery wasn't that bad and the South was in the right.
And now... McCarthy was just a misunderstood guys when he and Roy Cohn destroyed the lives of hundreds of people.

Hey, Roy did make the AIDS quilt, though.

Sigh. . . . Yes, technically, I should have said "on behalf of Soviet intelligence agencies," as I did earlier in the paragraph. And, yes, the KGB was not formed until 1954--it was more a reorganization and renaming than a formation. But, you are correct here. Now, how about you deal with the fact that the Venona files show that over 300 people in our government were cooperating with working for/helping Soviet intelligence agencies?

I don't know. I suspect the Time Lords were involved somehow.

Seriously, though. WHy do you think the Verona papers were accurate? Maybe they were a Russian disinformation campaign. Maybe there was some low-level guy telling Stalin that they had guys on the inside because they were worried Stalin might replace them if they didn't show some progress of all the rubles being spent.

Why do I think the Venona papers are accurate? Is that a serious question? Is there no end to your ignorant drivel? Do you know what the Venona decrypts are and how they were obtained?

Oh, heck, you have me beat by millions of deaths: About 3,000 Americans were killed in the Pearl Harbor attack, but you claim that Mao's murdering of over 30 million people and his hundreds of forced-labor camps brought prosperity and stability to China. You've said that it was a good thing that the Communists took over China, North Korea, and North Vietnam. You've said that, gee, those poor little ole innocent Communists merely got their "fair share" of Asia after the war. Yeah, you bet.

Um, yeah, you bet. You see, again- INTERNAL PROBLEM, not ours. so let's say 30 million Chinese died of various causes under Mao's rule... Um. Okay. 1.3 Billion Chinese today who live lives of prosperity their ancestors would never have dreamed of. So you know there's that. Should point out that 20 milllion Chinese died in the Taiping Rebellion, because some nut thought he was Jesus' brother.

Not saying Communism is a good thing.

Oh, no, no, no, no, you lying dog. You have clearly said--in the Nanking Massacre forum--that Mao brought prosperity and stability to China, that Red China was better off than Free China on Taiwan, that it was a good thing that the Communists won and that the Nationalists lost, and that the Communists got their "fair share" of Asia. You said those things several times in the Nanking Massacre thread.

I'm saying - if that's what they picked, that's their choice. I'm sorry this is unclear to you.

If the Commies took over those places, it was because of the Nationalism caused by imperial excesses by Europe, America and finally, the worst of the worst, Japan.

I've already corrected and debunked you on this PRC nonsense. As I've documented thoroughly for you--including two Senate reports on the loss of China--the Communists won (1) because Truman and Marshall cut off aid to the Nationalists at crucial times, (2) because Truman and Marshall imposed treasonous ceasefires that allowed the Communists to avoid destruction, (3) because Truman and Marshall insisted that the Nationalists include the Communists in the government, and (4) because the Soviets gave the Chinese Communists tons of weapons and ammo.

But, no, some government worker went to a Communist rally once in college.

Yeah, uh-huh. This is a standard talking point of the anti-McCarthy mythmakers. Can you name a single case where McCarthy recommended charges against someone merely for having once attended a Communist rally in college?

I know you've already said there's "no point" in reading any evidence that McCarthy was in fact correct most of the time, but if you ever grow up and decide to engage in some critical thinking and do some real research, you'll find plenty of such evidence in the links in my OP.

Guy, your critical thinking.

Joseph Smith was talking to God
OJ was innocent
The Japanese were swell guys in WWII and you don't know why all of Asia STILL hate them 80 years later.
Slavery wasn't that bad and the South was in the right.
And now... McCarthy was just a misunderstood guys when he and Roy Cohn destroyed the lives of hundreds of people.

Hey, Roy did make the AIDS quilt, though.

So I take it you're not going to provide the names of just two people whose lives were destroyed by false accusations by McCarthy? You just said above that McCarthy "destroyed the lives of hundreds of people." In my previous reply, I asked you to provide the names of just two people whose lives were unjustly wrecked by McCarthy. I notice you snipped out that request. Why was that? Because you can't name two such people?

As for your warped, PRC version of China's history, allow me to just note that you have once again made the obscene claim that the Chinese people were and are better off because of Mao's murderous, barbaric rule.
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Why do I think the Venona papers are accurate? Is that a serious question? Is there no end to your ignorant drivel? Do you know what the Venona decrypts are and how they were obtained?

Don't care.

Oh, no, no, no, no, you lying dog. You have clearly said--in the Nanking Massacre forum--that Mao brought prosperity and stability to China, that Red China was better off than Free China on Taiwan, that it was a good thing that the Communists won and that the Nationalists lost, and that the Communists got their "fair share" of Asia. You said those things several times in the Nanking Massacre thread.

"Free China"... Um, Taiwan was a military fascist dictatorship propped up by American dollars after Peanut fled there.

I've already corrected and debunked you on this PRC nonsense. As I've documented thoroughly for you--including two Senate reports on the loss of China--the Communists won (1) because Truman and Marshall cut off aid to the Nationalists at crucial times, (2) because Truman and Marshall imposed treasonous ceasefires that allowed the Communists to avoid destruction, (3) because Truman and Marshall insisted that the Nationalists include the Communists in the government, and (4) because the Soviets gave the Chinese Communists tons of weapons and ammo.

Yes, you repeated your McCarthyist/Bircher nonsense. But here's the thing, which you'd never know because like most members of your cult, you've probably never put on a uniform. You can give a man a gun, but you can't make him fight. The problem with the Nationalists during the war, is that 60% of their conscripts deserted at the first opportunity. This is why Marshall and Truman had no confidence in Peanut. They had watched him piss away American money for a decade.

So I take it you're not going to provide the names of just two people whose lives were destroyed by false accusations by McCarthy? You just said above that McCarthy "destroyed the lives of hundreds of people." In my previous reply, I asked you to provide the names of just two people whose lives were unjustly wrecked by McCarthy. I notice you snipped out that request. Why was that? Because you can't name two such people?

Well, we could talk about all the people in Hollywood that were blacklisted...

Hollywood blacklist - Wikipedia

Ten people convicted of contempt of Congress because they refused to name names.

We can also talk about Schoolteacher Ann Hale.

How the Red Scare destroyed a small-town teacher - The Boston Globe

Fuck off and die, you Mormon Fascist (but I repeat myself) fuck.

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