Jordan Slams January 6 Commission: If 'Everything's On The Table,' Why Can't We Question Pelosi

They don't have the right to conduct witch hunts, and the authority to conduct investigations doesn't include the right to violate the constitutional rights of American citizens, you fucking moron.

I know it always astounds all you brain dead progs, but Republicans have constitutional rights too. Congress is not a court of law, and the latter can't even see your income tax returns unless it has some relevance to a criminal case.
Just because YOU label it a witch hunt, doesn't make it true. Nobody's rights are being stomped on, you imbecile. Fact is you think Trump & his entitled crew are above the law.

Trump & his mob are using their wealth to hire lawyers so they can dodge accountability as the scrubs who rioted at their behest are rotting in jail. You condone it which makes you no better then the filthy criminal rat bastards who tried to overturn a lawful election so they could hold on to power.
Just because YOU label it a witch hunt, doesn't make it true. Nobody's rights are being stomped on, you imbecile. Fact is you think Trump & his entitled crew are above the law.

Trump & his mob are using their wealth to hire lawyers so they can dodge accountability as the scrubs who rioted at their behest are rotting in jail. You condone it which makes you no better then the filthy criminal rat bastards who tried to overturn a lawful election so they could hold on to power.
So hiring a lawyer is criminals? Invoking your constitutional rights makes you "above the law?" The 4th Amendment doesn't exist?

Progs have to be the biggest fucking morons in the universe.

BTW, I didn't put anyone in prison because of Jan 6. Your ilk did that.

The election was a swindle.
So hiring a lawyer is criminals? Invoking your constitutional rights makes you "above the law?" The 4th Amendment doesn't exist?

Progs have to be the biggest fucking morons in the universe.

BTW, I didn't put anyone in prison because of Jan 6. Your ilk did that.

The election was a swindle.
They went to prison doing Trump's dirty work just like Cohen did, halfwit.

The only reason Trump isn't under indictment right now is because he's an ex prez, braindead clown.
Fuck off & have a nice trip as you watch your criminal thug buddies take the 5th.
Poetic justice would be you getting wrongfully arrested. It would be interesting to see how long it would take you to lawyer up and take the 5th because, like you say, the innocent don't need those things. You are a commie idiot.
Poetic justice would be you getting wrongfully arrested. It would be interesting to see how long it would take you to lawyer up and take the 5th because, like you say, the innocent don't need those things. You are a commie idiot.
"Oh the injustise of it all! We've been wronged"! That's the cry of people like Trump & his buddies who are living large on a golf course as the suckers rot in jail. Your pal Trump, born with a silver sppon in his yap, a billionaire cries about how unfair life is to him & suckers like you swallow it hook, line & sinker.

Those fuckers are crying because for once they may have to own up to their actions.

You're worried about Bannon? Send him another donation if your so concerned with his welfare, asslicker.
"Oh the injustise of it all! We've been wronged"! That's the cry of people like Trump & his buddies who are living large on a golf course as the suckers rot in jail. Your pal Trump, born with a silver sppon in his yap, a billionaire cries about how unfair life is to him & suckers like you swallow it hook, line & sinker.

Those fuckers are crying because for once they may have to own up to their actions.

You're worried about Bannon? Send him another donation if your so concerned with his welfare, asslicker.
Tsk, tsk, there it is, your true colors. Jealous fuck. Get off of your lazy commie ass and go out and do some work and you might EARN something to be protective of rather than whining because others have more than you do. News Flash moron, even in communist countries, economic classes exist regardless of what lies you have been told. You think Xi and Putin live like the common people in those countries. Get a clue.
Tsk, tsk, there it is, your true colors. Jealous fuck. Get off of your lazy commie ass and go out and do some work and you might EARN something to be protective of rather than whining because others have more than you do. News Flash moron, even in communist countries, economic classes exist regardless of what lies you have been told. You think Xi and Putin live like the common people in those countries. Get a clue.
Not surprising that you're too much of a retard to understand my point.

Now go grab your crying towel as you shed tears of sympathy for your boy.
"Oh the injustise of it all! We've been wronged"! That's the cry of people like Trump & his buddies who are living large on a golf course as the suckers rot in jail. Your pal Trump, born with a silver sppon in his yap, a billionaire cries about how unfair life is to him & suckers like you swallow it hook, line & sinker.

Those fuckers are crying because for once they may have to own up to their actions.

You're worried about Bannon? Send him another donation if your so concerned with his welfare, asslicker.
How does their income demonstrate whether they have been wronged?

Of course, your sleazy post is accompanied by the usual prog blubbering.

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