Jon Stewart's show last night, guns and Stanley McCrystal

Luddly Neddite

Diamond Member
Sep 14, 2011
Glad to see where you to get your information, Luddite.

It really burns your side when Stewart does a substantial interview unlike any you'd see on Faux or the Main Stream Media either.
How can you tell - when he says something you already believe to be true? That is called mental masturbation.
January 08, 2013 - Stanley McChrystal - The Daily Show With Jon Stewart - Full Episode Video | Comedy Central

Although not suitable viewing for anyone with a slammed shut mind, it was, as always, excellent.

What he says about the constant mass murders and the crazy gun nutters who think they're gonna take on the government makes excellent points and pokes huge holes in the total lack of logic we've been seeing.

Like I said, not suitable for closed minds and you know who you are. :tongue:

You know those bigots who see something bad committed by some Muslims and their confirmation bias causes them to demand we do something about ALL Muslims to monitor and control all Muslims more closely to prevent further attacks? You know how that is patently ridiculous and a threat to our liberties?

Yeah. You and gun owners. Same thing. You want to monitor and control all of them because of the actions of a few.
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Stewart seems to really impress the kiddies and get them "thinking".... Be it in a superficial, clueless, laughable manner...........
January 08, 2013 - Stanley McChrystal - The Daily Show With Jon Stewart - Full Episode Video | Comedy Central

Although not suitable viewing for anyone with a slammed shut mind, it was, as always, excellent.

What he says about the constant mass murders and the crazy gun nutters who think they're gonna take on the government makes excellent points and pokes huge holes in the total lack of logic we've been seeing.

Like I said, not suitable for closed minds and you know who you are. :tongue:

You know those bigots who see something bad committed by some Muslims and their confirmation bias causes them to demand we do something about ALL Muslims to monitor and control all Muslims more closely to prevent further attacks? You know how that is patently ridiculous and a threat to our liberties?

Yeah. You and gun owners. Same thing. You want to monitor and control all of them because of the actions of a few.

So there aren't tighter restrictions now at airports than there were pre 9/11? Those laws didn't target muslims, but targeted all people who chose to fly.

Why can't there be tighter gun restrictions? It's not targeting individual gun owners but all people who wish to possess a gun.
January 08, 2013 - Stanley McChrystal - The Daily Show With Jon Stewart - Full Episode Video | Comedy Central

Although not suitable viewing for anyone with a slammed shut mind, it was, as always, excellent.

What he says about the constant mass murders and the crazy gun nutters who think they're gonna take on the government makes excellent points and pokes huge holes in the total lack of logic we've been seeing.

Like I said, not suitable for closed minds and you know who you are. :tongue:

You know those bigots who see something bad committed by some Muslims and their confirmation bias causes them to demand we do something about ALL Muslims to monitor and control all Muslims more closely to prevent further attacks? You know how that is patently ridiculous and a threat to our liberties?

Yeah. You and gun owners. Same thing. You want to monitor and control all of them because of the actions of a few.

So there aren't tighter restrictions now at airports than there were pre 9/11? Those laws didn't target muslims, but targeted all people who chose to fly.

Why can't there be tighter gun restrictions? It's not targeting individual gun owners but all people who wish to possess a gun.

This is absolutely f---ing precious...............The laws SHOULD have targeted muslims, and new gun legislation should target the mentally challenged.......................
In 1995 Eric holder made a speech. Brainwash kids that guns are not cool.

Brainwash. yet he was in charge of fast and furious.

The report found that Holder was not informed of the controversial ATF operation until 2011, after Border Patrol Agent Brian Terry was killed. In a written statement on the findings, Holder said the inspector-general's report upholds "what I, and other Justice Department officials, have said for many months now" -- that the tactics used pre-dated the Obama administration and that Justice Department leaders didn't try to hide the facts from lawmakers.

"It is unfortunate that some were so quick to make baseless accusations before they possessed the facts about these operations -- accusations that turned out to be without foundation and that have caused a great deal of unnecessary harm and confusion," Holder said. "I hope today's report acts as a reminder of the dangers of adopting as fact unsubstantiated conclusions before an investigation of the circumstances is completed."

'Fast and Furious' report slaps 14 at Justice, ATF -
You know those bigots who see something bad committed by some Muslims and their confirmation bias causes them to demand we do something about ALL Muslims to monitor and control all Muslims more closely to prevent further attacks? You know how that is patently ridiculous and a threat to our liberties?

Yeah. You and gun owners. Same thing. You want to monitor and control all of them because of the actions of a few.

So there aren't tighter restrictions now at airports than there were pre 9/11? Those laws didn't target muslims, but targeted all people who chose to fly.

Why can't there be tighter gun restrictions? It's not targeting individual gun owners but all people who wish to possess a gun.

This is absolutely f---ing precious...............The laws SHOULD have targeted muslims, and new gun legislation should target the mentally challenged.......................

That would mean posts like this would prevent you from getting a gun and not others. You're ok with that?

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