john kerry is proven a fool with his climate change BS.......


Gold Member
Nov 18, 2017
This is a Hoot...

And Dumb Ass lying cnn acts like Kerry looked good here.....

Tards are all liars and fools.....

Enjoy the video, I know I did......

This is a Hoot...

And Dumb Ass lying cnn acts like Kerry looked good here.....

Tards are all liars and fools.....

Enjoy the video, I know I did......

You mean John Kerry was proven a fool, "again". It is hard being a swift boat captain and wound yourself 3 times to get purple hearts.

Look, all politicians are slime. The higher up they get and the longer they are in politics, the slimy they get. Kerry is slimy. He has to be to be around as long as he has been.
Kerry and Obama are still running around the world acting like they never left office....enough with these two seditious idiots...
get the popcorn!

Amazing an elected official --- okay granted he's from Kentucky --- doesn't know what 'political science' is.

"Science" means "a body of knowledge". What a fucking dumbass.

You got it Twisted Dumb Ass...…..

Nnnnnnnnnnope. I actually watched this bozo try to grandstand and fall on his face.

You Tards lack Common Sense.....

The gentleman from Kentucky smacked kerry around like

the ignorant little bitch he is.....

You Tards are so very gullible.........
Let's not be silly.
Of course it is a well known fact we have almost doubled the CO2 content of the atmosphere, and CO2 definitely is a greenhouse gas that makes things much warmer.

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