Joe Biden: Romney tax plan would increase Social Security taxes by $460 per year


Diamond Member
Jul 14, 2011
Native America
By Benjy Sarlin

Vice President Joe Biden charged Mitt Romney with threatening seniors’ Social Security benefits on Friday, opening up a new line of attack as polls show President Obama gaining ground with older voters.

“If Governor Romney’s plan goes into effect it could mean that every one of you would be paying more taxes on your Social Security,” Biden said at a rally in retiree-heavy Boca Raton, Fla. “The average senior would have to pay $460 a year more in taxes for their Social Security.”

Romney has not released a detailed Social Security plan, but an analysis of his tax proposals by the nonpartisan Tax Policy Center suggests that tax exemptions for seniors’ benefits would likely have to be cut to pay for Romney’s proposal for lower tax rates that disproportionately aid the wealthy. While Romney has disputed the study’s assumptions, he has repeatedly refused to release any details as to how his tax cuts would be paid for instead, leaving his vague plan an easy mark for Democratic attacks.

Biden said in his speech that Romney can’t pay for these tax breaks “unless they eviscerate the rest of the budget.”

More: Joe Biden Launches New Attack On Romney: He’ll Tax Your Social Security Beneifts | TPM2012

Video: [ame=]Vice President Biden: Under Romney-Ryan Plan, Seniors Could Pay More in Social Security Taxes - YouTube[/ame]
Romney has not released a detailed Social Security plan

In other words, there is no proof that Biden's accusation is true.

Move along. Nothing to see here.
I guess it's now time for the Democrats to play the fearmongering card on seniors

they've just about run out of things
war on women
war on children

war war war war war
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So he is just telling a big ass lie then?

Better to lie about the other guy then talk about his record??
A new Urban Institute Health Policy Center study finds that premium support models, such as the proposed Romney/Ryan Medicare plan, are more likely to increase excess costs in the program.

More: Romney's Approach To Medicare Reform Will Lead To Higher Costs, Study Finds | ThinkProgress

Ooooh, a far left institute does a study with a far left conclusion and is reported in a far left website. Who'da thought?

no kidding:lol:
"Well, I'm here to tell you, some time in the next couple of months, we're going to be creating between 250,000 jobs a month and 500,000 jobs a month." -- Joe Biden April 2010

"It's A Depression For Millions And Millions Of Americans" -- Joe Biden July 2012
Joe needs to lay off the face lifts...It's squeezing out what little brains he had

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