Joe Biden is a "Well Meaning Elderly Man"

Biden is senile, but:

He fixed the Super Bowl!

He got Subhuman Dotard indicted on 91 counts!

Indicted in Georgia!

Got Dotard slapped with an $83 million judgement for defamation in N.Y.!

Started an insurrection on J6 & figured out how to blame Dotard!

Got Dotard indicted in Florida for ripping off top secrets documents even though he's innocent!

Biden got Dotard indicted in N.Y.S. foor paying off a porn star that he was shagging!

Biden is senile but he figured out how to steal the election from Dotard in 2020!

But wait, there's more!

Biden is senile but he's going to steal the election in 2024 unless MAGA stops him!

Biden is senile but he's plotting to destroy the U.S.A.!


1st post

so you CONveniently leave out the numerous times that report said no evidence was found that there was any intent - just like with pence?
I saw in the report where he said Xiden WILLFULLY (intent) discloused classified materal.

why do you ignore that? He never said Pence WILLFULLY disclosed classifed materal.

why do you lie?
Xiden fixed the super bowl? How?

All I know is he committed crimes, according to the years long investigation by our trusted civil servants but they can’t prosecute due to his mental state
Hur didn't have a case.
5th post
lol ... & yet he wasn't charged. mike pense either. hmmmm ... no crimes committed. no intent to comitt any either for them.

can't say that about donny & his multiple lies & obstruction. oh well,, too bad, so sad.

All I know is he committed crimes,
Yet none of you BDS losers can show any evidence of that -- including arch-liar Hur -- leading everyone to correctly conclude you're all just making stuff up for the glory of TheParty.

Sucks to be you, BDS losers. Everyone knows you're lying, but TheParty orders you to lie, so you feel you can't disobey. The Lord of Lies has your soul snagged in his infernal vice-grip pliers.

What have the RepubliRussians told you to say lately? Run and check. You'll loser status with your fellow fascists if you don't recite the very latest officialPartyLies.

See in after the election, losers, after Biden spanks you again.
10th post
Yet none of you BDS losers can show any evidence of that -- including arch-liar Hur -- leading everyone to correctly conclude you're all just making stuff up for the glory of TheParty.

Sucks to be you, BDS losers. Everyone knows you're lying, but TheParty orders you to lie, so you feel you can't disobey. The Lord of Lies has your soul snagged in his infernal vice-grip pliers.

What have the RepubliRussians told you to say lately? Run and check. You'll loser status with your fellow fascists if you don't recite the very latest officialPartyLies.

See in after the election, losers, after Biden spanks you again.
Did you not read the special counselor report? He outlines all of the evidence and concluded it was all done willfully

Just because you ignore the evidence and law enforcements conclusions doesn’t mean it doesn’t exist
Agree. I want to see what Biden is like when he isn’t pumped full of drugs or just reading from a script (although we had a hint of it with that disaster of a press conference last week).
Let's just say, Biden terrible policies are

"Over the top"
Where have all the Biden wonks gone?

Hot potato head issue....................truth is out there.................:aargh:

& dark brandon is supposta have all these super owers to have not only stolen the 2020 election - but teamed up with taylor swift to CONstruct her so called relationship with the football dude .... rig the super bowl ... AND to get her millions of fans, ( multitudes that are voting age ) to help steal the upcoming electipn.

or he's a veggie.

which one is it? :blowpop:

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