Jobs Report Out

yeah but we don’t mind as much because y’all win once every 16 years at this point, lol.

Keep in mind in 2024 Texas will have even more Hispanic voters and voters who moved from California. If the left takes Texas, it is all over for your party

EDIT: Governor Newsome is doing an amazing job sending Californians to go live in Texas and vote (D). Mwahaha
Im not a republican. I literally trashed them in that same post.
Fucking idiot :lol:
yeah but we don’t mind as much because y’all win once every 16 years at this point, lol.

Keep in mind in 2024 Texas will have even more Hispanic voters and voters who moved from California. If the left takes Texas, it is all over for your party

EDIT: Governor Newsome is doing an amazing job sending Californians to go live in Texas and vote (D). Mwahaha
Who do you think will run for the democrat party in 2024? Biden? Harris? Clinton? (?)?
As is always the case with these jobs reports lots of cherry picking.
yeah but we don’t mind as much because y’all win once every 16 years at this point, lol.

Keep in mind in 2024 Texas will have even more Hispanic voters and voters who moved from California. If the left takes Texas, it is all over for your party

EDIT: Governor Newsome is doing an amazing job sending Californians to go live in Texas and vote (D). Mwahaha
lots of those Californians leaving are more right than left....
Then stop complaining about inflation. That door swings open both ways. Inflation is nothing more than corporate greed and politics. Who controls the country? Corporations!
Inflation is a REAL concern to Americans.
Wages ARE NOT keeping up with inflation.
Wow! BWK, stick your head back in the sand, son.
Rule #1 of Politics: Politicians do not willingly give up power.

Biden will run for re election.

Biden doesn't even have the power to control his own bowels. He's merely a puppet of the liberal corporate elitists behind the curtain, and the radical far-left who are at odds with the liberal corporate elitists.

They're the ones pulling his strings. That's why Biden's policies have been so bizarre. There are too many opposing elements within the Democrat Party, trying to wrest control from each other.

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