Jimmy Carter says Mideast peace is 'vanishing'

What you call badge of honor others call defecation. Wear it well. LOL

Roudy,You always were a FOUL MOUTHED, SHIT,nothing has changed then:mad:



give it up Kvetch----you know nothing about Judaism or zoroatrianism----or the relationship between jews and zoroastrians go back to your islamo nazi roots------jews have a written history-----which includes zoroastrians as a people when jews came into contact with zoroastrians in PERSIA------the zoroastrian presence in BABYLON came on a bit later
Yep, irose. That's what I concluded about this kvetch character as well. It's a Muslim Indian or Pakistani imposter.

Kinda like you pretending to be heterosexual?
Carter is an imbecile....he's always hated Israel, but calls himself a Christian.

i think anyone who calls jimmy carter an imbecile is much more of an imbecile than jimmy carter. anybody with half an ounce of intelligence would realise that carter is an etraordinarily intelligent person.

of course, we do have those very real tools in this world who guage intelligence by how much one is in agreement with him/her. you seem to one of them. i imagine beavis though butthead was a genius.

WHY IS THIS POSTER READH etc......RED FLAGGED?????? Seems pretty moderate to me,UNFLAG NOW,I'm not asking,I'm TELLING:clap2:

thank you so much. if you are referring to people's inability to rep me, i took the opt out option. almost everybody seems to like it (the rep game) but for some reason, it just goes against my grain.

but really, i appreciate your kindness.
Jimmy Carter was THE best US President in the history of peanut farming.
i think anyone who calls jimmy carter an imbecile is much more of an imbecile than jimmy carter. anybody with half an ounce of intelligence would realise that carter is an etraordinarily intelligent person.

of course, we do have those very real tools in this world who guage intelligence by how much one is in agreement with him/her. you seem to one of them. i imagine beavis though butthead was a genius.

WHY IS THIS POSTER READH etc......RED FLAGGED?????? Seems pretty moderate to me,UNFLAG NOW,I'm not asking,I'm TELLING:clap2:

thank you so much. if you are referring to people's inability to rep me, i took the opt out option. almost everybody seems to like it (the rep game) but for some reason, it just goes against my grain.

but really, i appreciate your kindness.

Friend Readh,if that THING roudy and his lap dog Caroljo want to FOULMOUTH AND BE ANIMALS,that's fine but what they must realise most of us are pretty decent folk and your Enemy is My Enemy.

I love to be the ATTACK DOG with SHIT LIKE HIM/THEM,in the end the CURR JUST COWERS,HE's a bloody COWARD TO BOOT,he's tried it before,I saw him off when I RIPPED INTO HIM AND TORE 1 POUND OF FLESH OFF HIS SORRY ASS, Not 1 ounce more or 1 ounce less.

He/They think they can get away with it,but when it comes to the crunch,unlike me they can't kick someones teeth in.:badgrin:

Kind Me,yeah sometimes but never with SHIT FACES LIKE HIM and HER...NO WAY.

Thanks for Your Kindness Too...steve Remember Readh,you are never alone
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Yep, irose. That's what I concluded about this kvetch character as well. It's a Muslim Indian or Pakistani imposter.

I'll ignore your falsehood; I am a Jewish Englishman living in London who detests pakistan but loves Hindu India despite its faults.

Tell me how did Carter help the Ayatollahs??

I was in Iran twice just as a tourist during the Shah's time and he was NOT loved

Israel helped train his secret police..the SAVAK

There was a democratic Iran briefly in 1953 which the UK and USA overthrew; that is for me how the west helped the ayatollahs come to power

All BP..the oil company's fault..the same one that polluted your coast.

BP winston churchill and eisenhower all destroyed true Iranian democracy then.

but why Carter, please??
How did Carter help the Ayatollah? He went on this "human rights" tour insisting the Shah allow "protests", pretending he will stand by him, while giving the green light to opposition "plants" to go full steam ahead. Then the snake that he had nurtured, suddenly turned on him and grabbed Americans hostage. There isn't a single Iranian that doesn't blame Carter and the Democrats for what happened in Iran.
granted the shah was better than the ayatollahs, and carter made many mistakes

khomeini was in France I think and others were in shia's birthplace, Iraq.

but surley the main cause was the US backed dictatorship which you think is good enough for iran and anywhere pro west

that's the main cause of anti western feeling all over

if you value your freedom in USA, how can you deny it to others

at least carter tried

israel trained the secret police of all the world's worst pro western dictators; the list is staggering

all the worst of africa and latin america as well as iran

I am fascinated with "kvethch"s claim that

"israel trained the secret police of all the world's worst pro western dictators; the list is staggering

all the worst of africa and latin america as well as iran"

How FASCINATING just what SECRETS did they impart?
were they "trained" in their own countries or IN ISRAEL?

can I have a few names?

Kvetch----I have heard it all before-----I have worked with muslims educated in both pakistan and India-----young professionals ------FULL OF THE KNOWLEGE OF THEIR recent school years------the very best-----which is why they got into the best schools of their counties

I'll ignore your falsehood; I am a Jewish Englishman living in London who detests pakistan but loves Hindu India despite its faults.

Tell me how did Carter help the Ayatollahs??

I was in Iran twice just as a tourist during the Shah's time and he was NOT loved

Israel helped train his secret police..the SAVAK

There was a democratic Iran briefly in 1953 which the UK and USA overthrew; that is for me how the west helped the ayatollahs come to power

All BP..the oil company's fault..the same one that polluted your coast.

BP winston churchill and eisenhower all destroyed true Iranian democracy then.

but why Carter, please??
How did Carter help the Ayatollah? He went on this "human rights" tour insisting the Shah allow "protests", pretending he will stand by him, while giving the green light to opposition "plants" to go full steam ahead. Then the snake that he had nurtured, suddenly turned on him and grabbed Americans hostage. There isn't a single Iranian that doesn't blame Carter and the Democrats for what happened in Iran.
granted the shah was better than the ayatollahs, and carter made many mistakes

khomeini was in France I think and others were in shia's birthplace, Iraq.

but surley the main cause was the US backed dictatorship which you think is good enough for iran and anywhere pro west

that's the main cause of anti western feeling all over

if you value your freedom in USA, how can you deny it to others

at least carter tried

israel trained the secret police of all the world's worst pro western dictators; the list is staggering

all the worst of africa and latin america as well as iran

You keep making these ridiculous wild accusations without being able to provide a shred of evidence. And don't this BS about "not having enough posts to be able to post a link"...the threshold is 50 posts and you clearly have more. Why don't you come out of the closet instead, and say who you really are. Nobody is falling for your charade anyhow. If you're an English "Jew" then my name is Abdul Bin Mohammad, from Egypt.

Iran has always been a Monarchy as has Great Britain. What Carter did was help destroy all the progress and rights the people already had and were enjoying. And where was Carter and these brave Democrat advocates of "freedom and human rights" when the Islamists took over and started massacring and persecuting their own people like Medieval savages? I'll tell you where they were, HIDING UNDER THEIR DESKS. That's because liberals are phonies, cowards, and the biggest hypocrites, they're good at criticizing and undermining America and our allies, but are totally silent about all the horrific human rights violations and atrocities and violations that occur around the world. These champion's of women's rights and minorities (ha ha) are blind to the barbaric treatment of women and minorities and women in Muslim countries, and hardly have anything to say. Now why is that? LOL
I am fascinated with "kvethch"s claim that

"israel trained the secret police of all the world's worst pro western dictators; the list is staggering

all the worst of africa and latin america as well as iran"

How FASCINATING just what SECRETS did they impart?
were they "trained" in their own countries or IN ISRAEL?

can I have a few names?

Kvetch----I have heard it all before-----I have worked with muslims educated in both pakistan and India-----young professionals ------FULL OF THE KNOWLEGE OF THEIR recent school years------the very best-----which is why they got into the best schools of their counties
if Kvetch is an "English Jew" then I am the King of Saudi Arabia. LOL
roudy----the claim that "ISRAEL TRANED SAVAK" and all the nasty secret police of the world is nothing new------It comes from the islamo nazi propganda which islamo nazis learn CHAPTER AND VERSE I read the stuff as a child but considered it something of joke----like MAD MAGAZINE-------then came to be acquainted with SCORES and SCORES of muslims----Medical School Graduates from muslim medical schools------do you know who gets into medical school? ------I will tell you-----the people who get the highest marks on the TESTS-----in islamic schools-----ISLAMO NAZI PROPAGANDA IS THE MAIN SUBJECT THAT MUST BE LEARNED. Those kids knew the stuff chapter and verse.
I am fascinated with "kvethch"s claim that

"israel trained the secret police of all the world's worst pro western dictators; the list is staggering

all the worst of africa and latin america as well as iran"

How FASCINATING just what SECRETS did they impart?
were they "trained" in their own countries or IN ISRAEL?

can I have a few names?

Kvetch----I have heard it all before-----I have worked with muslims educated in both pakistan and India-----young professionals ------FULL OF THE KNOWLEGE OF THEIR recent school years------the very best-----which is why they got into the best schools of their counties
my main source for the staggering list:

Blog: Israel and the Ongoing Holocaust in Congo - Wake Up From Your Slumber !
Jimmy Carter says Mideast peace is 'vanishing'
I thought you actually had to have something before it could vanish.
The was never any peace in the Mideast to begin with.
I am fascinated with "kvethch"s claim that

"israel trained the secret police of all the world's worst pro western dictators; the list is staggering

all the worst of africa and latin america as well as iran"

How FASCINATING just what SECRETS did they impart?
were they "trained" in their own countries or IN ISRAEL?

can I have a few names?

Kvetch----I have heard it all before-----I have worked with muslims educated in both pakistan and India-----young professionals ------FULL OF THE KNOWLEGE OF THEIR recent school years------the very best-----which is why they got into the best schools of their counties
if Kvetch is an "English Jew" then I am the King of Saudi Arabia. LOL
roudy you seem to fancy yourself as the new/old shah of iran

a toast to your fantasy in pure halal champagne
kvetch did not even try to answer even one of the very simple questions I asked him regarding his claim that Israel "TRAINED" all the nasty secret police in the world including SAVAK------no doubt ASSAD's secret police are Israeli trained too----and the infamous Turkish prison guards
I am fascinated with "kvethch"s claim that

"israel trained the secret police of all the world's worst pro western dictators; the list is staggering

all the worst of africa and latin america as well as iran"

How FASCINATING just what SECRETS did they impart?
were they "trained" in their own countries or IN ISRAEL?

can I have a few names?

Kvetch----I have heard it all before-----I have worked with muslims educated in both pakistan and India-----young professionals ------FULL OF THE KNOWLEGE OF THEIR recent school years------the very best-----which is why they got into the best schools of their counties
"-I have worked with muslims educated in both pakistan and India-----young professionals ------FULL OF THE KNOWLEGE OF THEIR recent school years------the very best-----which is why they got into the best schools of their counties"

IRosie it's very hard to imagine you working with or learning from any muslims at all.........you already know they are all the same and no one can teach you anything

maybe you were younger then and not so prejudiced

they certainly will not have given you much insight into the real india or pakistan

their world is that of the richer elite class which is a totally different planet from the villages or the poor in the cities which is the vast majority with totally different values and cultures

there are a thousand different indias; stone age tribes living next to nuclear power stations; over a thousand languages, the south a totally different original indian dravidian race from the north indian indo european aryans and their swastikas, their peace sign which hitler stole

you see swastikas all over india everywhere but no anti jewishness

no-one could really know india fully in a thousand lifetimes

india has more malnourished children than the whole of africa put together; did you know that????

despite the indian govt spending over 50 billion bucks a year on welfare schemes

they do have good doctors tho; a third of ALL doctors in the UK including mine are Indian or Aryan in the true sense of the word...not the nazi stolen one

iranians are aryans too....same word root...not the chosen race; that's for kids and a few jews...who still believe that crap . but they do have hitler sympathies...the shah did, anyway and I encountered that when I went there
Again you have told me nothing new "kvetch" Most of my closest friends from India and Pakstan have been doctors----SCORES AND SCORES AND SCORES of them------but I have also been well acquainted with Indians and Pakistanis from much "lower classes" It is the muslim doctors from both India and Pakistan who are so well acquainted with islamo nazi propaganda------after all---THEY GOT THE BEST MARKS IN SCHOOL I have often wondered why hindus and muslims in from the some provinces in India LEARN SO DIFFERENT A HISTORY OF THE WORLD----and-----"INFORMATION ABOUT JEWS"

Iranians----learned a different history altogether-----until recently
roudy you seem to fancy yourself as the new/old shah of iran

a toast to your fantasy in pure halal champagne

He does...but then there are also people out there who think Hitler was just misunderstood and Stalin was the best leader Russia has ever had.

I think part of the problem people have with historical figures is the need for them to be 100% good or 100% evil.

Unfortunately, history is littered with figures who were both good and evil, and who performed acts which were both laudatory and disgraceful. Pinochet, Ataturk, Sadat, Sukarno, even Mussolini were capable of staggering acts of despotism, whilst alo doing some good things.

The Shah is one of those conflcited figures, but that isn't someone everyone can understand.
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ANYONE interesting in Kvetch's citation----keep in mind he claims to KNOW because he has been there-------check out his sources-------he has cited an article in a propaganda rag which, itself------- cites a whole slew of well known ISLAMO NAZI PIGS and ISLAMO NAZI PIG SOURCES Kvetch----give it up ------it is getting silly
Rosie -

Why have you never gone to India to see for yourself?

I don't get it - you're either interested, or you aren't, surely?

Saigon----I have no need to go to India-------I have no interest in seeing what an Indian Market place looks like-----or the TAJ MAHAL I have learned more than enough right here in the USA -------far more than you have learned

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