Jewish testimonies (I absolutely love these)

Then answer the question.

Who is it that forbids Jews from proselytizing?

There is no 'who'.

We don't feel the need to bring outsiders into our faith.

And we don't want to impose our religion on others. We expect the same in return from other faiths.

Therefore we don't proselytise.
As in forbidden.

Forbidden by who?


So you don’t want to force your faith on others but you want to force the restriction of your faith on others?

Do I?

Nothing is stopping them if they want to convert.
It went over your head.
Under canon law proselytizing by jews is a capital crime. Under Shariah law---
proselytizing by jews is a capital crime. Conversion to Judaism under jewish
law is legal-------based on TRADITION (la la la tradition ~~~tradition) jews
IN THE PAST two millennia do not proselytize at all ------desisting saves lives.
BEFORE THAT proselytizing was done ----more or less depending
on prevailing pros and cons bouncing around. EZRA was kinda known to
not be too delighted with the idea------IRAQI that he was
So Catholics and Muslims prevent Jews from proselytizing?
There is no 'who'.

We don't feel the need to bring outsiders into our faith.

And we don't want to impose our religion on others. We expect the same in return from other faiths.

Therefore we don't proselytise.
As in forbidden.

Forbidden by who?


So you don’t want to force your faith on others but you want to force the restriction of your faith on others?

Do I?

Nothing is stopping them if they want to convert.
It went over your head.

Of course. It would.

I should have known better than to go down the rabbit hole with you.

My bad.
Under canon law proselytizing by jews is a capital crime. Under Shariah law---
proselytizing by jews is a capital crime. Conversion to Judaism under jewish
law is legal-------based on TRADITION (la la la tradition ~~~tradition) jews
IN THE PAST two millennia do not proselytize at all ------desisting saves lives.
BEFORE THAT proselytizing was done ----more or less depending
on prevailing pros and cons bouncing around. EZRA was kinda known to
not be too delighted with the idea------IRAQI that he was
So Catholics and Muslims prevent Jews from proselytizing?

something you did not know, dingbat? You amaze me
No, I won't watch those videos.

Too bad, you're missing out. They are all good, but some of these stories are truly remarkable, the kind that give you the chills, because you know that they had a very real encounter with the living God of the universe.

According to you, what is that "so special" when a Jewish person follows Jesus?

Well, I love ALL testimonies of people who come to faith in Jesus, not just Jewish ones. I even have a website devoted to testimonies. But when I said that there's something special about Jewish testimonies, there are a number of reasons for that. One of the reasons is that the Messiah (Yeshua / Jesus) was Jewish, He is the Messiah not only of the Jewish people but of this entire world.

If you would take the time to watch the testimonies, you will see that almost all of those people say that they were amazed to finally grasp that the Messiah written about in THEIR scriptures is Yeshua! And most of them say that coming to faith in the Messiah was the most "Jewish" thing they could ever do.

Unlike Islam, Hinduism, Buddhism or other world religions, the Jewish people go by the Hebrew scriptures, or the Tanakh which (as I'm sure you know) is what Christians call the Old Testament. In other words, we share part of the bible (although of course most Jewish people understand it in a very different way.) So, in my view, it is really cool when Jewish people come to faith in the Messiah, because it is - in their own words- their own scriptures coming to life, in a way that finally makes perfect sense, like a puzzle coming together in completion.

That doesn't make other testimonies (Muslim, atheist, pagan or whatever) any less important. But I just think it's really cool to see Jewish people coming to faith in the Messiah, which becomes a complete fulfillment of their faith, based on THEIR own scriptures. Btw, even the rejection of Jesus was clearly prophesied in the Old Testament, but it also says that in the end, Jewish people will see the truth.

I hope that answered your question.

I read in the bible that they didn't receive any special consideration, so why you say what you say?

I just saw all of them in the same chair, so they can be people who want to become "famous" perhaps? Probably mediocre professionals looking for customers beyond their Jewish faith?

May you please explain why you think they are special?

I never claimed that they have any special consideration. Is there a reason why it bothers you that I am sharing Jewish testimonies? If I were to share Muslim to Christian testimonies, would that be better for you?
No. Never said it was.
My point, of course, is that this discussion is taking place in an online forum. Christians present their beliefs, and it is equally wonderful when people of the Jewish faith contribute something about their own faith.
I love discussing all faiths. I find truth and beauty in all religions and people.

I don’t feel threatened by anyone else’s perception of God or their religious practices in worshiping God.

I am just glad that they perceive that there is a higher power than man.

Exactly! I never feel threatened when people of other faiths (or denominations) come to me to share their faith. And most of the time it doesn't bother me at all.

In fact, it can be a good opportunity to have a constructive conversation with them. But if don't have time or don't feel like it, I just politely decline but thank them for their pamphlet (or whatever.)
G-d is not a problem for me.
Are you telling me that G-d told you not to spread your beliefs and faith?

Then you not being able to say who said Jews can’t proselytize is a problem for you because you have a belief without an authority or any logical reason for that belief. It appears you are taking it on faith.

Knock it off with the psycho analysis would you

It's wearing on the nerves.
Then answer the question.

Who is it that forbids Jews from proselytizing?

There's no proselytizing in Judaism.
When people use that term they associate it with Christian and Muslim history of expanding domination by force and through the various means of sticking their noses into ones life to convince him of some none sense.

While the Giyur of Judaism is a concept that exists in none of those dominating Christian and Muslim religions, one can understand it more easily by looking at the traditions of various Native American tribes where the 'conversion' is into the tribe rather than religion.

What does it mean?
Basically a French can convert to Islam and stay a French Muslim,
or a German can convert to Christianity and stay German Christian.
But when an Arab goes through Giyur he separates from the surrounding and the rest of nations, joins the tribe , becoming completely Israel.

It's not like getting a new nationality of the state/country, let's say an American Kurd,
but the nationality of his tribe, i.e. becoming a Kurd...or in this case Israel.

There's no commandment to do Giyur to anyone, but there're many rules that seek to prevent or otherwise convince that it's a burden and a danger and unnecessary. The motives of the person have to be checked very carefully, to make sure there're no alter motives, that's it's not out of fear and danger, not for material gains or status, not marriage with a current partner and lastly not a "spur of the moment" of a spark that may dim after a couple years.

The Torah also tells us that during times of a Mashiah (anointed king), like during the reign of King David A"H and King Shlomoh A"H - there's no acceptance of Ger's.
This is also applied during times when Israel's hand is on top.

Now why is all that?
Because our purpose is not to make everyone like us,
but to correct the Kingdom of G-d in His world, knowledge of G-d,
and for that there's no need for all of humanity to accept 613 commandments, rather what is necessary is knowledge of G-d of Israel and acceptance of the yoke of 7 commandments given to Noah.

Christianity and Islam are religions wired for export abroad so the world converts into them, while Judaism is confined to specific borders seeking that the world KNOWS G-d.

G-d made sure we stay a tiny tribe only to Himself, so that we don't even consider marketing like jeans.
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I never claimed that they have any special consideration. Is there a reason why it bothers you that I am sharing Jewish testimonies? If I were to share Muslim to Christian testimonies, would that be better for you?

My family is full of Jewish. My Jewish grandmother proud of her name and inheritance but first in line close to the altar at the Catholic church near our house.

So I don't need of more testimonies.

Thank you.
I never claimed that they have any special consideration. Is there a reason why it bothers you that I am sharing Jewish testimonies? If I were to share Muslim to Christian testimonies, would that be better for you?

My family is full of Jewish. My Jewish grandmother proud of her name and inheritance but first in line close to the altar at the Catholic church near our house.

So I don't need of more testimonies.

Thank you.

That's fine. There are lot of other threads out there for you to read and post on, then. I'll continue to post the things that are interesting or worth watching to me, and you don't have to participate. Easy peasy.
Under canon law proselytizing by jews is a capital crime. Under Shariah law---
proselytizing by jews is a capital crime. Conversion to Judaism under jewish
law is legal-------based on TRADITION (la la la tradition ~~~tradition) jews
IN THE PAST two millennia do not proselytize at all ------desisting saves lives.
BEFORE THAT proselytizing was done ----more or less depending
on prevailing pros and cons bouncing around. EZRA was kinda known to
not be too delighted with the idea------IRAQI that he was
So Catholics and Muslims prevent Jews from proselytizing?

something you did not know, dingbat? You amaze me
That went over your head.
I never claimed that they have any special consideration. Is there a reason why it bothers you that I am sharing Jewish testimonies? If I were to share Muslim to Christian testimonies, would that be better for you?

My family is full of Jewish. My Jewish grandmother proud of her name and inheritance but first in line close to the altar at the Catholic church near our house.

So I don't need of more testimonies.

Thank you.

That's fine. There are lot of other threads out there for you to read and post on, then. I'll continue to post the things that are interesting or worth watching to me, and you don't have to participate. Easy peasy.
Not so easy.

Your friends, the Jewish people who gave their testimonies, what did they say about the Law of God?

Did they threw away the Law of God to start a new life in Christ?

This topic is very important to be heard from them.
yes----posting Christian propaganda on a MIXED public messageboard
IS PROSELYTIZING. Standing in the street handing out Christian
propaganda to one and all IS PROSELYTIZING. I have no idea where
you got the idea that "PROSELYTIZING" is not proselytizing if it is not
FORCED CONVERSION. Take a trip to a shariah adherent land and
tell the QADI-----that handing out copies of the NT to muslims is not
proselytizing (hang onto your head)

America is a haven for all religions. Ultimately other people's feelings are unimportant in that regard. And we're not in a shariah adherent land.
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yes----posting Christian propaganda on a MIXED public messageboard
IS PROSELYTIZING. Standing in the street handing out Christian
propaganda to one and all IS PROSELYTIZING. I have no idea where
you got the idea that "PROSELYTIZING" is not proselytizing if it is not
FORCED CONVERSION. Take a trip to a shariah adherent land and
tell the QADI-----that handing out copies of the NT to muslims is not
proselytizing (hang onto your head)

America is a haven for all religions. Ultimately other people's feelings are unimportant in that regard. And we're not in a shariah adherent land.

so true "other people's feelings are unimportant....." ------buttercup agrees
yes----posting Christian propaganda on a MIXED public messageboard
IS PROSELYTIZING. Standing in the street handing out Christian
propaganda to one and all IS PROSELYTIZING. I have no idea where
you got the idea that "PROSELYTIZING" is not proselytizing if it is not
FORCED CONVERSION. Take a trip to a shariah adherent land and
tell the QADI-----that handing out copies of the NT to muslims is not
proselytizing (hang onto your head)

Now then, Rosie.

You know you were not forced to click on this thread. :nono:

your point?
so true "other people's feelings are unimportant....." ------buttercup agrees

I guarantee she agrees.

As I said, and correctly so, America is a haven for all religions. Not just yours. You don't get the luxury of special treatment and arbitrary victim status in the religion section. You're not used to American interests trumping the terms of controversy, are ya. Stings, don't it. Heh heh.
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Under canon law proselytizing by jews is a capital crime. Under Shariah law---
proselytizing by jews is a capital crime. Conversion to Judaism under jewish
law is legal-------based on TRADITION (la la la tradition ~~~tradition) jews
IN THE PAST two millennia do not proselytize at all ------desisting saves lives.
BEFORE THAT proselytizing was done ----more or less depending
on prevailing pros and cons bouncing around. EZRA was kinda known to
not be too delighted with the idea------IRAQI that he was
So Catholics and Muslims prevent Jews from proselytizing?

something you did not know, dingbat? You amaze me
That went over your head.

"THAT"??? what is "THAT" ------try to learn how to write a cogent sentence.
In the English language "that' is a pronoun. It refers to something specific.
Vague writing indicates a VAGUE MIND
so true "other people's feelings are unimportant....." ------buttercup agrees

I guarantee she agrees.

As I said, and correctly so, America is a haven for all religions. You donlt get special treatment in the religion section. You;re not used to that, are ya. Heh heh.

GOOD IDEA. No one should get "special treatment". Proselytizing IS PROSELYTIZING whether it is Jehovah witness, Protestant, Catholic etc etc.
Why do some people wish to DENY THE FACT?
GOOD IDEA. No one should get "special treatment". Proselytizing IS PROSELYTIZING whether it is Jehovah witness, Protestant, Catholic etc etc.
Why do some people wish to DENY THE FACT?

Go hold up a sign some place if you're offended by the religious views of others. Everything isn't always about your personal feels.
GOOD IDEA. No one should get "special treatment". Proselytizing IS PROSELYTIZING whether it is Jehovah witness, Protestant, Catholic etc etc.
Why do some people wish to DENY THE FACT?

Go hold up a sign some place if you're offended by the religious views of others. Everything isn't always about your personal feels.

what does your idiot baseless statement have to do with the fact that
there are people HERE, on this forum who deny that proselytizing
is proselytizing-------and where did you see me suggest that I am OFFENDED
by the idiot beliefs of anyone? I find your statement-----amusing in that it is
so moronic
what does your idiot baseless statement have to do with the fact that
there are people HERE, on this forum who deny that proselytizing
is proselytizing-------and where did you see me suggest that I am OFFENDED
by the idiot beliefs of anyone? I find your statement-----amusing in that it is
so moronic

I don't particularly care how you find anything I say. How do you like them apples?

Take your arbitrary victim status card and shove it. Again, America is a haven for all religions. Not just yours. You don't get the luxury of dictating the terms of controversy with regard to the religious beliefs of others. Not in America, you don't. Nope. Huh uh.

I can do this with you all night long if you want. I'm up at 4 AM and have all of my work done by 10 AM. Needless to say, my schedule is free. Bring friends if ya want. I don't care. I assure you, though, you will not win. You're not protected in this section of the board.
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