Jewish testimonies (I absolutely love these)

That answer is rather complex. I'll cover the biggest of reasons.

First, we need to realize the entire story of the Bible, from Genesis to Revelations, is a story that revolves around the Jews. The prophesies while not exclusive to Jews, is overwhelmingly about Jews.

In fact the entire way that G-d deals with the Jews, reflects the entire Christian faith, and the human experience.

That the people chosen by G-d, blessed by G-d, who rejected G-d, who were punished by G-d for their unfaithfulness... in the end are redeems by the G-d they rejected, forgiven, and returned to the land that G-d gave them.

It is the story of every man, who rejected the Lord, only to be saved by the same. For the Jews to reject, a refuse the G-d that gave them the Land of Israel, and even kill the very Messiah promised in scripture, for G-d to maintain the Jewish people for 2,000 years of persecution, and scattering them around the world.... for G-d to bring them all back to that same land he promised them, and protect them while surrounded by hostile nations, and condemnation from around the world.....

What better illustration of the Christian ideology of redemption is there? What better example of what Jesus Christ the Lord is, to the Christian, than how G-d has redeemed his people and his land?

But even that doesn't really cover it.

We Christians also believe in the future prophesies that will come true. As I mentioned before, many of those prophesies revolve around the Jews.


The clock of G-ds plan stopped ticking forward during the Church age. Meaning, during the Church Age, it was impossible for the prophesies to come true, because there was no Israel. For almost 2000 years, Israel did not exist. Yet the prophesies in the Bible all required Israel to exist.

This is why in many cult groups that came into being prior to 1947, many believed there was a "lost tribe of Israel" and such nonsense that made up that us or other people, were some sort of metaphoric Israel. Because then the prophesies could be about them.

But the reality of course is, the Israel in the prophesies, was the Israel of the Jewish people, on the land G-d outlined in the Bible as being for Israel.

In 1947, when the nation of Israel came into being, the hands of G-d's prophetic clock, started to tick forward. The regathering of Jews from around the world, that was promised to happen, happened, and still is happening to this day. Even to this day, 2 Million of Israel's 8 Million population, are migrants. The regathering prophesied in the Bible is still on going.

So what is left to happen, before the Return of the Lord? Well, we expect that more of the Jews will return to Israel. We also expect that the Jews will rebuild the Temple. This must happen at some point before the Tribulation, because we know the world leader will stop the sacrifices at the Temple, and will set himself up in the Temple as a 'god'.

Now it is possible that the Temple will be rebuilt after the start of the Tribulation. But I believe the Temple will be rebuilt, soon. Possibly even in my life time.

However there is one last thing that as a Christian we see as a sign that we are moving towards the return of Christ.

That one thing, is the turning of the hearts of the Jews, back to G-d. The Bible says that the Jews will turn back to G-d, and that they will even turn to the savior they rejected.

Every Jew that turns back to the rejected Messiah, is sign the hands of the prophetic clock are moving forward.

I truly appreciate the information given. It is an amazing "plan" the one God has prepared for humankind.

There are some minimum details which are not considered in your message.

The story is not revolving around the "Jews" but around God's people, Israel, the Children of Israel.

The tribes of Israel were twelve.

Judah is only one of the twelve tribes. At the division of kingdoms, Benjamin jointed Judah to form one kingdom and the other 10 tribes formed another kingdom.

However, the blessings of Jacob and Moses were given to the twelve tribes. Then, Israel is not the tribe of Judah alone, but Israel will be forever the twelve tribes. The blessings forever for the twelve tribes.

When Jesus came to the scene, he told the tribe of Judah, he didn't come for them, because Judah (and Benjamin) never lost their identity as God's people, but that he (Jesus) came for the "lost sheep of Israel". This is to say, he came to call the ten lost tribes to come and enjoy again the lost faith in God.

Where the lost ten tribes were in that moment? They were in all Europe, and scattered between the people in Palestine, and they were known as the Samaritans.

A good evidence of what I'm telling you is the Samaritan woman claiming "that well was of her ancestors" and effectively, that was the well of Joseph, one of the tribes of Israel.

So, the only advantage of the tribe of Judah over the rest of tribes was that they didn't lost their identity plus they guarded the Law of God. They preserved it, they kept it, they taught it.

Without the Law of God, Jesus should never become the savior. He was in need to obey all the Law in order to be considered as just. Without law then there is no sin. Got it?

If you have become a believer in God and have accepted Jesus as your savior, then who knows you might be also a descendant of one of the tribes of Israel, because you have received the call, and according to the bible, Israel comes first and later the gentiles.

But this is why Jesus also said that it is not important to lean on your family as Israelite, as they did saying they are children of Abraham. Jesus compared Abraham as having children like sand, a bad foundation,, while he is the rock (not the wrestler), a much better foundation.

And yes, I agree with you, there is a reason to be happy when more people comes to the faith, no question about it, but there are not preferences. The race is fair and is for everybody to compete. As long as you are in the race and compete without cheating, the ones who finish the race, those are the ones who finally will receive special treatment... not before.
If I were to guess, I think Princess Buttercup merely means that her motivation and purpose in posting this thread originally, was simply because she enjoyed the testimonies, and wanted to share what she enjoyed with others.

I don't think her designed goal, was originally to proselytize, even though it had turned to that.

Discussions are good to come out of boredom.

If religion was to be shared like Joel Osteen "you are a precious creature of God"... "you are special to God"... and the followers coming out every Sunday from church, happy of hearing how beautiful God made them, and praising how wonderful the message was... the plan of salvation should have been a piece of cake from the very beginning even without Jesus.

But wait, the test of fire will come... there is when "faith" will be tested... and testimonies from others won't be what you will need at that moment, so enjoy now but don't forget to prepare yourself for "the day of doommm..."
you have not a single clue of what ... Jesus are telling you.

He's not telling me anything. He doesn't talk to Jews.

HUH??? Jesus was a Jew, and he spent the vast majority of his recorded ministry talking to Jews. What are you smoking? I didn't think Jews smoked so much hemp.

He died and zombies don't talk... they moan.
That was only for a couple days. . . . when he was a zombie, he ascended. . .
If I were to guess, I think Princess Buttercup merely means that her motivation and purpose in posting this thread originally, was simply because she enjoyed the testimonies, and wanted to share what she enjoyed with others.

I don't think her designed goal, was originally to proselytize, even though it had turned to that.

Discussions are good to come out of boredom.

If religion was to be shared like Joel Osteen "you are a precious creature of God"... "you are special to God"... and the followers coming out every Sunday from church, happy of hearing how beautiful God made them, and praising how wonderful the message was... the plan of salvation should have been a piece of cake from the very beginning even without Jesus.

But wait, the test of fire will come... there is when "faith" will be tested... and testimonies from others won't be what you will need at that moment, so enjoy now but don't forget to prepare yourself for "the day of doommm..."

I don't know anything at all about Joel Osteen. Speaking generically..... If you mean the Care Bear version of Christianity that says effectively that G-d wants your life to be rainbows and unicorns....

Then what was that Apostle Paul stuff about? His life was anything but plastic smiles and endless hugs.

Regardless of your faith being tested, the bottom line is that we live in a screwed up world. Cancer, job loss, failing out of college, bankruptcy. Stuff happens. Yes, no doubt G-d tests people, but I wager that just as often.... stuff happens. Things happen in this world, and it sucks. That's life.

For a Christian, we're looking forward to the live after this. This life... this vapor in the wind... this is not our 'big deal' in for our future. Our future in the hope of our Lord and Savior, in the Heaven he has promised.

I actually feel bad for people, that this life is all they have to look forward to. Because honestly... if what you do in this life is all you have, then you don't have much.

Go back to the first post and watch the third video.
Why do I need to study?

So you get good grades.

Why do I need good grades?

So you can get into a good college.

Why do I need to get into a good college?

So you can get a good job.

Why do I need a good job?

So you can have a house and all the nice things in life.

Ok, I get all the nice things, then what?

That's it.

..... why do you think suicide is basically an affliction of the wealthy? In society, the rich kill themselves more than the poor. Between countries, the poor countries have far less suicide than the rich countries.

It's real simple... because the poor people still believe that value and purpose and happiness can be achieved by wealth, and they only believe that because they don't have wealth.

The rich people, and by rich anyone making $32,000 a year is the top 1% of wage earners in the world... the rich find out that wealth and money and fame, provide none of that value, purpose and happiness.

But with G-d, and a future promise of Heaven, there is always something worth looking forward to.
yes----posting Christian propaganda on a MIXED public messageboard
IS PROSELYTIZING. Standing in the street handing out Christian
propaganda to one and all IS PROSELYTIZING. I have no idea where
you got the idea that "PROSELYTIZING" is not proselytizing if it is not
FORCED CONVERSION. Take a trip to a shariah adherent land and
tell the QADI-----that handing out copies of the NT to muslims is not
proselytizing (hang onto your head)

Now then, Rosie.

You know you were not forced to click on this thread. :nono:

your point?

Was getting at certain preachings on this thread.
I was looking at a few more testimonies, and I came across this on the same channel, something entirely different.

My first thought was... irosie91? fncceo? Is this you? :laugh:

This is a MUST- see. The amazing thing is, to this day, more than 2000 years later, Jesus STILL evokes so much outrage and hatred, just like it was way back then. That in and of itself is very telling.

Btw, this type of reaction precisely corroborates what the bible prophesied, in Isaiah and other prophetic scriptures ("he was despised, and we esteemed him not")

"Seeing they do not see, and hearing they do not hear, nor do they understand"
Matthew 13:13
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Actually, I gave his post a "winner" before he edited it and changed what he said.

I do care about whether or not others want to hear what I have to say. Whether it's Christianity, or any other topic, if someone made it clear they don't want to hear it, I would not talk to them about it, I would simply move on because there ARE tons of people who are open to a civil exchange of ideas. I agree with what Jesus said.... if someone doesn't want to hear what you have to say, shake the dust off your feet and move on.

However, to equate that to posting videos on an online discussion forum where people don't have to participate is ridiculous, to say the least. You can call it whatever you want, but the fact remains that YOU are choosing to stay on this thread, no one is making you.

irosie and others want your topical content discredited. And you as well for introducing it. It's clear. And the reason for that is because irosie doesn't want anyone else hearing it. That's why the use of the term ''proselytizing'' was inserted into the terms of controversy in the first place. To discredit and shut it down. As if there's some rule that says that expressing one's fundamental freedom of religion is ''proselytizing.'' As usual, arbitrary victimhood is the preferred route. That's why the term was tossed out there. To try to establish some unspoken rule through projection. Pffft. Please. That's the oldest trick in the book. lol.

If you would have posted this in the Israel/Palestine section, I promise you that you'd have been attacked as an anti-semite and it'd have already been shut down. No doubt about it. The only reason it can't 'justifiably' be shut down here is because, as I said, America is a haven for all religions. It's fundamental. Not just irosie's a co.

natural jerk has now decided that he MAGICALLY knows what --"rosie wants"
For the record----in a court of law, a competent judge would remove his comment from the record. I have CORRECTLY referred to buttercup as a
proselytizer. Not all people consider "proselytizer" a shit word.
I was looking at a few more testimonies, and I came across this on the same channel, something entirely different.

My first thought was... irosie91? fncceo? Is this you? :laugh:

This is a MUST- see. The amazing thing is, to this day, more than 2000 years later, Jesus STILL evokes so much outrage and hatred, just like it was way back then. That in and of itself is very telling.

Btw, this type of reaction precisely corroborates what the bible prophesied, in Isaiah and other prophetic scriptures ("he was despised, and we esteemed him not")

"Seeing they do not see, and hearing they do not hear, nor do they understand"
Matthew 13:13

try again---buttercup-----your comment is silly-------for 2000 years Christians have
murdered each other----to wit-------"because they despised and esteemed them not" PS---I do not believe that the historic Jesus said that
you have not a single clue of what ... Jesus are telling you.

He's not telling me anything. He doesn't talk to Jews.

actually-----those comments made by the "historic Jesus" that can be
CREDIBLY attributed to him------are addressed to jews. His famous foray into
the temple courtyard to get rid of the roman shill money changers was 100% PHARISEE. He died a martyr to the Pharisee cause
I was looking at a few more testimonies, and I came across this on the same channel, something entirely different.

My first thought was... irosie91? fncceo? Is this you? :laugh:

This is a MUST- see. The amazing thing is, to this day, more than 2000 years later, Jesus STILL evokes so much outrage and hatred, just like it was way back then. That in and of itself is very telling.

Btw, this type of reaction precisely corroborates what the bible prophesied, in Isaiah and other prophetic scriptures ("he was despised, and we esteemed him not")

"Seeing they do not see, and hearing they do not hear, nor do they understand"
Matthew 13:13

Placement of the idol into Isaiah is a fallacious attempt to fulfill him into the OT even though they use non messianic verses that have nothing to do with a Moshiach.
Isaiah 7&9 in context is about Ahaz's son King Hezekiah as the sign given Ahaz in his day and age not 600 years later which does him no good. Signs are always imminent, this one was his son who'd be king and have
"God with him" in defeating Assyria thus called a father figure and prince of peace. Jesus' thousands of wars and over 50 million murders in his name does not make a prince of peace, just the opposite, the fallen one brought a scattering and slaughter of his people and to the CONFUSED world.
Now, Isaiah 53, is about Israel, past plural context being about Israel mentioned 14 times as the servant.
Jesus was popular according to the NT therefore can't be despised without saying the NT lies.
Israel is/was despised, Israel is deformed in borders and in descriptions of the suffering over ages in being despised.
Another note on Isaiah context;
1)ISAIAH mentions Michael as the liberator "redeemer" (HaSheva) the commentary for this is in the scrolls.
2)one day does not a sufferer make, try suffering the pride and predjudices and racism for ages upon ages then tell Israel your suffering matters more then a nation.
3)Jesus is served by humanity while Moshiach serves humanity according to elsewhere in Isaiah.
4)so popular served Jesus can't be the suffering servant and of course since the chapter is not messianic it's all a mute point anyway.
Sources:In "Isaiah Commentary": (IQSb,v 20-29) is a Blessing of the Prince of the Congregation (Archangel Michael), referring to the Triumphant Davidic Messiah as the same. Also regarding Michael as liberator:
"He’ll Proclaim liberty to the captives" (Isaiah lxi,I)
Ezra 1 and Isaiah 44-45 the redeemer is the one who battles with the Persian prince and King Cyrus' heart to do the right thing in gathering the Jews and rebuilding the Temple and Dan 10 tells you who that redeemer is by first & last name.
Jeremiah 23:5-6, Isaiah 51:9, Isaiah 59;19, Is.11:4, Isaiah 25:8
The Nations will end up recognizing the wrongs they did Israel(Is.52:13-53:12 combined with Dan 12:1-4)
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#####Jesus was popular according to the NT therefore can't be despised without saying the NT lies.####

good point The sunday school version is that THE "RULING JEWS" hated
Jesus but the masses loved him. Somehow the masses gathered at the crucifixion
hill and formed a cheering line chanting "crucify him..." as if they were romans watching Christians getting eaten by lions. <<< this is one of the parts of the NT
that made me a bit suspicious of it. IT IS SO ROMAN ----poor innocent Pontius Pilate (who HISTORICALLY crucified something like 20,000 jews in his 10
year tenure as defacto ruler of Judea) "didn't really want to do it---DA JOOOS
FORCED HIM" The NT does not lie-------it is most likely that Jesus was
a very popular itinerant Pharisee agitator--------an enemy of the Sadducean shills---
one of thousands (for the record---in my childhood---I had no "religion" education
other than attending a protestant sunday school a few dozen times----I colored cartoons of Jesus carrying a lamb----got that pic????)
#####Jesus was popular according to the NT therefore can't be despised without saying the NT lies.####

good point The sunday school version is that THE "RULING JEWS" hated
Jesus but the masses loved him. Somehow the masses gathered at the crucifixion
hill and formed a cheering line chanting "crucify him..." as if they were romans watching Christians getting eaten by lions. <<< this is one of the parts of the NT
that made me a bit suspicious of it. IT IS SO ROMAN ----poor innocent Pontius Pilate (who HISTORICALLY crucified something like 20,000 jews in his 10
year tenure as defacto ruler of Judea) "didn't really want to do it---DA JOOOS
FORCED HIM" The NT does not lie-------it is most likely that Jesus was
a very popular itinerant Pharisee agitator--------an enemy of the Sadducean shills---
one of thousands (for the record---in my childhood---I had no "religion" education
other than attending a protestant sunday school a few dozen times----I colored cartoons of Jesus carrying a lamb----got that pic????)

I carried a lot of lamb myself...
#####Jesus was popular according to the NT therefore can't be despised without saying the NT lies.####

good point The sunday school version is that THE "RULING JEWS" hated
Jesus but the masses loved him. Somehow the masses gathered at the crucifixion
hill and formed a cheering line chanting "crucify him..." as if they were romans watching Christians getting eaten by lions. <<< this is one of the parts of the NT
that made me a bit suspicious of it. IT IS SO ROMAN ----poor innocent Pontius Pilate (who HISTORICALLY crucified something like 20,000 jews in his 10
year tenure as defacto ruler of Judea) "didn't really want to do it---DA JOOOS
FORCED HIM" The NT does not lie-------it is most likely that Jesus was
a very popular itinerant Pharisee agitator--------an enemy of the Sadducean shills---
one of thousands (for the record---in my childhood---I had no "religion" education
other than attending a protestant sunday school a few dozen times----I colored cartoons of Jesus carrying a lamb----got that pic????)

I carried a lot of lamb myself...

it's really good in roasted leg form or SHISHED-----but my mom made a
kinda gooey form of mutton stew-----YUCK------sorta GOO LASH
By the way, these are testimonies of Jewish professionals… Many of them are doctors, lawyers, highly educated people.
How many (if any) of them were religious Jews?

There are so many testimonies, and they're not all the same, so I can't give you exact numbers. Some believed in God and came from religious families, others grew up in families that went to Synagogue but it was more of a cultural or tradition thing. Most of the ones who grew up going to Synagogue said that it felt empty, they could not feel God's presence and power, it was more like people going through the motions.

You really have to just watch a few of the testimonies yourself to see that they each have their own unique stories, and as I said, some of them are truly amazing, in a beautiful way.
PS---I do not believe that the historic Jesus said that

No one claimed that Jesus said that. It isn't the words of Jesus. It is a prophetic passage, Isaiah 53, and I think the words speak for themselves on who it is about. I'll go ahead and post it, just in case anyone here has never read it. (I added the bold)

Who has believed what we have heard?
And to whom has the arm of the Lord been revealed?
For he grew up before him like a young plant,
and like a root out of dry ground;
he had no form or comeliness that we should look at him,
and no beauty that we should desire him.

He was despised and rejected by men;
a man of sorrows, and acquainted with grief;
and as one from whom men hide their faces
he was despised, and we esteemed him not.

Surely he has borne our griefs
and carried our sorrows;
yet we esteemed him stricken,
smitten by God, and afflicted.

But he was wounded for our transgressions,
he was bruised for our iniquities;

upon him was the chastisement that made us whole,
and with his stripes we are healed.
All we like sheep have gone astray;
we have turned every one to his own way;
and the Lord has laid on him
the iniquity of us all.

He was oppressed, and he was afflicted,
yet he opened not his mouth;
like a lamb that is led to the slaughter,

and like a sheep that before its shearers is dumb,
so he opened not his mouth.
By oppression and judgment he was taken away;
and as for his generation, who considered
that he was cut off out of the land of the living,
stricken for the transgression of my people?

And they made his grave with the wicked
and with a rich man in his death,
although he had done no violence,
and there was no deceit in his mouth.

Yet it was the will of the Lord to bruise him;
he has put him to grief;
when he makes himself an offering for sin,
he shall see his offspring, he shall prolong his days;
the will of the Lord shall prosper in his hand;
he shall see the fruit of the travail of his soul and be satisfied;
by his knowledge shall the righteous one, my servant,
make many to be accounted righteous;
and he shall bear their iniquities.

Therefore I will divide him a portion with the great,
and he shall divide the spoil with the strong;
because he poured out his soul to death,
and was numbered with the transgressors;
yet he bore the sin of many,
and made intercession for the transgressors.
I was looking at a few more testimonies, and I came across this on the same channel, something entirely different.

My first thought was... irosie91? fncceo? Is this you? :laugh:

This is a MUST- see. The amazing thing is, to this day, more than 2000 years later, Jesus STILL evokes so much outrage and hatred, just like it was way back then. That in and of itself is very telling.

Btw, this type of reaction precisely corroborates what the bible prophesied, in Isaiah and other prophetic scriptures ("he was despised, and we esteemed him not")

"Seeing they do not see, and hearing they do not hear, nor do they understand"
Matthew 13:13

try again---buttercup-----your comment is silly-------for 2000 years Christians have
murdered each other----to wit-------"because they despised and esteemed them not" PS---I do not believe that the historic Jesus said that

There are many many "christians" in name only. Many people claim to be Christian, and are not Christian.

So when you say "christian murder each other, I would say... well obviously one side or the other, was not Christian.

Again, Jesus himself said "Why do you call me, 'Lord, Lord,' and do not do what I say?" Luke 6:46.

It is impossible to call yourself a Christian, if you live out a life that is completely contrary to the teaching of Jesus.

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