Jew vs. Athiest : Christians Judge


Diamond Member
Jun 5, 2008
Why do Christians get mad at us athiests for calling bullshit on the entire new testament story but Jews seem to be so chummy with christians. Why is that? As an athiest I believe a man named Jesus may have lived 2015 years ago too.

What are the differences between what Jews and athiests believe about christianity?

The entire new testament is made up. Didn't happen. Jews are still waiting for the prophecy to happen. He hasn't come yet. No?
I think much of it has to do with prophesy.

It is prophesied that every country will turn on Israel, and that at that time, the second coming of the Son of Man, will be here. Not just the second coming, but the judgments as well. And even Christians have a fear of the end, I might look forward to it, but I am apprehensive about it as well. Mostly due to the fact that I know many people who don't believe, including family members, and it scares me that when Jesus comes again, and if they aren't ready, then they will be left here, and here is not someplace you are gonna want to be.

Just my opinion. Not a fact.
I think much of it has to do with prophesy.

It is prophesied that every country will turn on Israel, and that at that time, the second coming of the Son of Man, will be here. Not just the second coming, but the judgments as well. And even Christians have a fear of the end, I might look forward to it, but I am apprehensive about it as well. Mostly due to the fact that I know many people who don't believe, including family members, and it scares me that when Jesus comes again, and if they aren't ready, then they will be left here, and here is not someplace you are gonna want to be.

Just my opinion. Not a fact.
Thanks for not answering my question.

Or are you saying like us athiests Jews will be left behind too?
I've never met an unfriendly Jew :thup:
Then you never met an ultra conservative or hessidic Jew. Lol

Are you going to seriously address my point that like us athiests your buddies the Jews call bs on the Jesus story but we seem to be fine and dandy with Israel.

And if the Jesus story is so matter of fact why are there any Jews? So dont be so shocked when athiests basically agree with the Jewish position on the Jesus story.
I've never met an unfriendly Jew :thup:
Then you never met an ultra conservative or hessidic Jew. Lol

Are you going to seriously address my point that like us athiests your buddies the Jews call bs on the Jesus story but we seem to be fine and dandy with Israel.

And if the Jesus story is so matter of fact why are there any Jews? So dont be so shocked when athiests basically agree with the Jewish position on the Jesus story.
I've never met those Jews no. I like the Americanized Jews. :thup:

What I don't understand is why Christians want Israel to belong to the Jews so badly, and why they dismiss all other faiths as being false. Despite those faiths all having equally devout followers who probably think the same of Christians.

Organized religions a crazy thing :cuckoo:
Why do Christians get mad at us athiests for calling bullshit on the entire new testament story but Jews seem to be so chummy with christians. Why is that? As an athiest I believe a man named Jesus may have lived 2015 years ago too.

What are the differences between what Jews and athiests believe about christianity?

The entire new testament is made up. Didn't happen. Jews are still waiting for the prophecy to happen. He hasn't come yet. No?
I suspect its because atheists are irrational.......
I think much of it has to do with prophesy.

It is prophesied that every country will turn on Israel, and that at that time, the second coming of the Son of Man, will be here. Not just the second coming, but the judgments as well. And even Christians have a fear of the end, I might look forward to it, but I am apprehensive about it as well. Mostly due to the fact that I know many people who don't believe, including family members, and it scares me that when Jesus comes again, and if they aren't ready, then they will be left here, and here is not someplace you are gonna want to be.

Just my opinion. Not a fact.
Thanks for not answering my question.

Or are you saying like us athiests Jews will be left behind too?
Jews, athiests, Muslims, Hindu, and everyone who isn't Christian.
Why do Christians get mad at us athiests for calling bullshit on the entire new testament story but Jews seem to be so chummy with christians. Why is that? As an athiest I believe a man named Jesus may have lived 2015 years ago too.

What are the differences between what Jews and athiests believe about christianity?

The entire new testament is made up. Didn't happen. Jews are still waiting for the prophecy to happen. He hasn't come yet. No?

I don't think Christians have any problem with atheists at all. I know I don't. However, when atheists attack Christian beliefs, Christians will defend them. That's all. From my experience, I have never run into a Jew who attacked Christian faith. I am sure there are those that do, but I have never run into one. In my experience, Jews are perfectly happy to have discussions about the differences in belief and are quite tolerant of the differing points of view. Indeed, in my study, I have two friends who are Rabbis with whom I will contact when I have a question about Jewish belief, the Hebrew language, or such things and they are quite happy to discuss it knowing full well I am a Christian and will apply their input toward my Christian faith.

Most atheists are the same actually. They are too busy with their own lives to worry about what other people believe and generally don't care. But some can be quite militant and antagonistic and that is going to generate a response.
Why do Christians get mad at us athiests for calling bullshit on the entire new testament story but Jews seem to be so chummy with christians. Why is that? As an athiest I believe a man named Jesus may have lived 2015 years ago too.

What are the differences between what Jews and athiests believe about christianity?

The entire new testament is made up. Didn't happen. Jews are still waiting for the prophecy to happen. He hasn't come yet. No?
When certain atheists attack God, since they believe in Him to, and since Christians seem to be the only ones trying to defend Israel it's no wonder.
And I'm not sure what you've been reading, but there's a lot of evidence for the New Testament being True.

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And I'm not sure what you've been reading, but there's a lot of evidence for the New Testament being True.

Well there's some, yes. It depends on what part of the NT you are referring to. One of the main things though, in my mind and in the minds of a lot of scholars, is that it's not the kind of story a Jew would make up. From a modern perspective we think it's exactly the kind of story someone would make up but it's really not. The idea of the Messiah getting killed by the Romans and suffering is totally contrary to what the ancient Jews thought the Messiah would be. It was absolutely abhorrent to envision the Messiah in such a situation. This is one of the reasons why Jews rejected Jesus then and continue to today. It's not at all the kind of thing someone would make up because it is completely embarrassing. Thus, according to the criterion of embarrassment the story has more credibility.
The entire new testament is made up. Didn't happen. Jews are still waiting for the prophecy to happen. He hasn't come yet. No?

Let me follow up here real quick and use your last statement as an example. You started out by asking a perfectly reasonable question about why Christians react differently to Jews and atheists. You followed up with another perfectly reasonable question about the differences in beliefs between Jews and Christians. Fair enough. So far so good.

BUT then you made the statement above. Here's the deal. The statement you made is a statement of belief that you are portraying as fact. When you say, "The entire new testament is made up. Didn't happen." you are insisting that something is true when, in reality, you really don't know any more than I do. Neither of us were there so how can either of us state conclusively what did or did not happen? All we can say is whether we believe it did or did not happen and we can base that on various criteria.

This is one of the things that can really create stress between atheists and Christians and it goes both ways. For example, science cannot prove that Jesus didn't walk on water. Science can conduct experiments and determine the odds that a person could walk on water (which would be ridiculously small) and thus conclude that it is highly unlikely that anyone ever did so. But because we are talking about a specific event that was not recorded in a scientific manner, there always remains the possibility (however unlikely) that on that exact day, it happened. It should also be noted that without being ridiculously unlikely, it would not be a miracle. There would be nothing miraculous in a verse that says "Jesus stepped into the sea and sank to the bottom with a splash". That's pretty much what we would expect.

Neither can Christians prove that it did happen, because as I said before, none of us were there to witness it and there is no scientific evidence that remains of the event. So at the end of the day, it simply comes down to whether you buy it or you don't. Most Christians do, most atheists don't and there it is. But when you say something did or did not happen in regards to Jesus, you are making a statement of personal belief and attempting to pass it off as fact which does not allow room for other opinions and thus it comes off as an attack.

Again Christians do the same thing to atheists. It goes both ways.
Why do Christians get mad at us athiests for calling bullshit on the entire new testament story but Jews seem to be so chummy with christians. Why is that? As an athiest I believe a man named Jesus may have lived 2015 years ago too.

What are the differences between what Jews and athiests believe about christianity?

The entire new testament is made up. Didn't happen. Jews are still waiting for the prophecy to happen. He hasn't come yet. No?

Many Jews are leftist that are hypocritically against Christians. As a conservative non-religious Jew I view Christians as my brothers. I thank my stars every day I live in a Christian country based on Christian values. You should also, since atheist countries tend to slaughter millions of people.

In reality, Judaism is much more flawed than Christianity. Christians are some of the best, most generous and charitable people in the world.
Why do Christians get mad at us athiests for calling bullshit on the entire new testament story but Jews seem to be so chummy with christians. Why is that? As an athiest I believe a man named Jesus may have lived 2015 years ago too.

What are the differences between what Jews and athiests believe about christianity?

The entire new testament is made up. Didn't happen. Jews are still waiting for the prophecy to happen. He hasn't come yet. No?
When certain atheists attack God, since they believe in Him to, and since Christians seem to be the only ones trying to defend Israel it's no wonder.
And I'm not sure what you've been reading, but there's a lot of evidence for the New Testament being True.

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Not enough evidence to get Jews to convert.
Why do Christians get mad at us athiests for calling bullshit on the entire new testament story but Jews seem to be so chummy with christians. Why is that? As an athiest I believe a man named Jesus may have lived 2015 years ago too.

What are the differences between what Jews and athiests believe about christianity?

The entire new testament is made up. Didn't happen. Jews are still waiting for the prophecy to happen. He hasn't come yet. No?
When certain atheists attack God, since they believe in Him to, and since Christians seem to be the only ones trying to defend Israel it's no wonder.
And I'm not sure what you've been reading, but there's a lot of evidence for the New Testament being True.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Not enough evidence to get Jews to convert.

But a lot of that is because of what history and science can tell us and what it cannot. History, for example, can be very good at describing what happened, but why it happened is frequently a matter of opinion between historians. Science is great at identifying the 'what'. The 'why' is something science is sometimes less adept at determining. For example, history can tell us when the Great Depression started and generally when it ended, but it can't say why it ended. Some historians claim the New Deal was responsible for recovery while others say the New Deal made it worse and the onset of WWII was responsible.

So history can (theoretically at least) say Jesus existed and this is what he did. But history and science cannot say whether Jesus was the Messiah. That is a theological question for which science has no answer.
Why do Christians get mad at us athiests for calling bullshit on the entire new testament story but Jews seem to be so chummy with christians. Why is that? As an athiest I believe a man named Jesus may have lived 2015 years ago too.

What are the differences between what Jews and athiests believe about christianity?

The entire new testament is made up. Didn't happen. Jews are still waiting for the prophecy to happen. He hasn't come yet. No?
I suspect its because atheists are irrational.......

Just focus on the similarities between Jews and athiests. Forget the differences please. A christian can walk up to an athiest and Jew and both of us are not buying any of it.

So it really shouldnt offend christians when us athiests say exactly what a Jew believes.

We just have the balls to say it. And we dont have to worry about christians calling out our stories of god because we dont have any. I know this is why Jews just keep quiet about christianity because Jews told the original lies. The reasons they use against christianity could be used against their faith too. People think I pick on christians but honestly their stories are the most believable of all the unbelievable stories.

Also, christianity can't call bs on the Jewish faith because they are a spinoff.
Why do Christians get mad at us athiests for calling bullshit on the entire new testament story but Jews seem to be so chummy with christians. Why is that? As an athiest I believe a man named Jesus may have lived 2015 years ago too.

What are the differences between what Jews and athiests believe about christianity?

The entire new testament is made up. Didn't happen. Jews are still waiting for the prophecy to happen. He hasn't come yet. No?
When certain atheists attack God, since they believe in Him to, and since Christians seem to be the only ones trying to defend Israel it's no wonder.
And I'm not sure what you've been reading, but there's a lot of evidence for the New Testament being True.

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what does this sentence mean-.>>>>> "...there is a lot of evidence
for the New Testament being True." ??? I am not actually disputing
that a person named Jesus lived back then----but what about the book
are you calling disputed vs proven true?
And I'm not sure what you've been reading, but there's a lot of evidence for the New Testament being True.

Well there's some, yes. It depends on what part of the NT you are referring to. One of the main things though, in my mind and in the minds of a lot of scholars, is that it's not the kind of story a Jew would make up. From a modern perspective we think it's exactly the kind of story someone would make up but it's really not. The idea of the Messiah getting killed by the Romans and suffering is totally contrary to what the ancient Jews thought the Messiah would be. It was absolutely abhorrent to envision the Messiah in such a situation. This is one of the reasons why Jews rejected Jesus then and continue to today. It's not at all the kind of thing someone would make up because it is completely embarrassing. Thus, according to the criterion of embarrassment the story has more credibility.

I disagree with your contention that the NT is "not the kind of story that a jew
would make up.." in fact it is very much a jewish kind of story. It is SO jewish--
that I truly believe that some of the books called gospels were written by jews----even if the books may have been edited a bit later on by constatine and company.
The books called gospels include accurate historical data. It could not have been
simply invented decades later
Why do Christians get mad at us athiests for calling bullshit on the entire new testament story but Jews seem to be so chummy with christians. Why is that? As an athiest I believe a man named Jesus may have lived 2015 years ago too.

What are the differences between what Jews and athiests believe about christianity?

The entire new testament is made up. Didn't happen. Jews are still waiting for the prophecy to happen. He hasn't come yet. No?
I suspect its because atheists are irrational.......

Just focus on the similarities between Jews and athiests. Forget the differences please. A christian can walk up to an athiest and Jew and both of us are not buying any of it.

So it really shouldnt offend christians when us athiests say exactly what a Jew believes.

We just have the balls to say it. And we dont have to worry about christians calling out our stories of god because we dont have any. I know this is why Jews just keep quiet about christianity because Jews told the original lies. The reasons they use against christianity could be used against their faith too. People think I pick on christians but honestly their stories are the most believable of all the unbelievable stories.

Also, christianity can't call bs on the Jewish faith because they are a spinoff.

Christianity is more believable? So a guy got scourged and nailed to a post for saying how great it would be if people were nice to each other for a change, he dies, and three days later he is walking around again like nothing happened? THAT'S more believable? give more credit than I do. I am a Christian but at least I admit that is about the most insane story I have ever heard.

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