Jesus was a liberal? & Thou Shalt Not Kill

Anyway, I don't want to waste time trying to find articles on leptin... but you get the point dmp.

The fact is that when we get hungry, the cells in the body release leptin, this is recognized by the hipothalamus in the brain. Hipothalamus is a tiny structure that is more inclined with body homeostasis.

Anyway, the point is this : when there is an abnormality in the gene then the leptin produced won't be recognized, thus the turning on and turning off of hunger mechanism will not function properly... thus making the person eat alot or very less (depends on the circumstance).

There have been cases when a group of scientists corrected this abnormality in some cases... not sure who the subjects were ... but I heard that this is true.

The fact is this, obiesity is a body problem.

However, I did say that I do not think that homosexuality is a body problem, but a problem created by the society for the individual.

The individuals who are sensitive go through some abuse from their childhood, I know it is true, because every one of us can atleast name one person who was abused during during our high school or middle school or even elementary school years.

I think the child goes through puberty and this abuse/ teasing/ loneliness from the crowd at the same time, thus making him/her a gay or a lesbian by the mixture of these circumstances.

I think this is true in most cases (even though there are few people who go through 0 % abuse and still are homosexuals) , but in most cases this is true (in my opinion).

And Jimnyc, thank you, it was not my loss. It was a family friend's loss which happened an year ago. It is a custom to celebrate a type of a funeral party every year on the day of the elder's death.
1st post
I think there are many cases where obesity is genetic. However, it seems these days, that many overweight people are trying to jump on this bandwagon (or waddle onto it, har har har), making it sound like all obesity is genetic. There's some people out there (most fat people, I'd say) who just need to run some laps and lose the weight.

I buy into the John Bender school of obesity: there's some people that are just born fat, you look at them and you can't picture them as skinny. Then there's some people who start out skinny and eventually get fat, and you can still sort of see the skinny person lost inside all the fat.
That's a good way of putting it Dan, and I have to agree! I know a lot of people who have gained some serious weight that were once very thin, and claim some excuse, like me, I had 2 kids! hahahahahah! can I blame it must have been in the gene? Actually, I dont think I am obese by any means, just fluffy in some edges, and working it off, trying anyway! :)

Glad I said that now, I am sure the whole board will just love to think of me as some HUGE FAT wanker! I AM NOT FAT!!! haha, kinda sounds like vyxen!
Originally posted by janeeng
Glad I said that now, I am sure the whole board will just love to think of me as some HUGE FAT wanker! I AM NOT FAT!!! haha, kinda sounds like vyxen!

This is strange.

The same happened to me once, when I played at an online game. Some how people thought that a girl playing online games would probably be a fat one.

Originally posted by Spirit_Soul
This is strange.

The same happened to me once, when I played at an online game. Some how people thought that a girl playing online games would probably be a fat one.


Post a picture in the pic section, we'll be the judges! The rest of us have already.
Well, ok, I have no problem posting a picture in that case

This is a picture previously posted of my Daughter and I, just so people know I am not OBESE!
5th post
Originally posted by jimnyc
Yek! I asked for Spirit's picture, not your ugly mug! :eek:

No way!!! I am not posting my pictures! I don't know what you will say :D
Thanks eric, shut up Jim, and Spirit, come on, I posted mine, I hear all sorts of crap, post a pic! :)
Originally posted by Spirit_Soul
No way!!! I am not posting my pictures! I don't know what you will say :D

People tend to be LESS critical of people when they can put a face to the writing. Just food for thought...
10th post
Originally posted by jimnyc
People tend to be LESS critical of people when they can put a face to the writing. Just food for thought...

Fine! I will post my pic if you insist.

please tell me , how to attach a file before I find it in F.A.Q.
Originally posted by Spirit_Soul
Fine! I will post my pic if you insist.

please tell me , how to attach a file before I find it in F.A.Q.

After writing your post, you see a section below called "attach file". Click on "browse" in that box and find the picture on your computer. Click ok to add that picture and it will upload to your post when you hit "submit reply"
Ok , this is a "good one" that I took in a studio once.

I know I had this posted here, however I feel kind of uncomfortable looking at my picture over the net where every one can see it...
You go girl! a little difficult looking at it sideways! :) but your an attractive girl!!!! :) Jim, can you straighten that out?
Yes i am wondering why it came sideways.

I took it out of a floppy and put it in and then got it in to the computer.. not sure why it is in sideways.

It is ok, for "dirty brown people".
I downloaded your picture and re-aligned it for you (and uploaded in place of your original), much easier to see when straight up!

Very pretty! :wank:
Your such a pig Jim! :)

Spirit, don't let him get to you, he likes you, or he would have said worse than what he has! :) Your a good person, even though you don't eat meat! hehehe! but respect you for it.
Originally posted by janeeng
Your such a pig Jim! :)

Spirit, don't let him get to you, he likes you, or he would have said worse than what he has! :) Your a good person, even though you don't eat meat! hehehe! but respect you for it.

Thank you janeeng :) , It takes a skill to respect and truly be nice to other people.

I don't mind his comments, even though I get angry once in a while when there is an inappropriate comment. Even though we have our differences, he is overall ok :cof:

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