Zone1 Jesus' truth

My religion is one. A worldwide brotherhood, in love, peace and unity of thought on all of Gods 1 truth. Refuse to kill their human family members that God created.

Which is the narrow gate which is the broad and spacious path? My 1 religion above or hundreds of trinity religions with hundreds of different truths? Disunified, kill each other in the wars of hatred, kill the members of their own religion in those wars as well, while they pray to the same God on both sides ( pure hypocrisy)

Its not a tough choice.

Jehovah's Witnesses discourage all higher education, don't they?

Weren't JWs Millerites at one time? They were date setters I think
Jehovah's Witnesses discourage all higher education, don't they?
The JWs are a bible-based cult making some ridiculous, even lethal demands on their members, like the prohibition on blood transfusions. However when it comes to their theology, JWs are in many ways more biblical than mainstream Trinitarian Christians. Evangelical Christians are just as wrong as the JWs are, with their pigheaded, sadistic, racist Zionism and penchant for worshiping America and supporting all of its wars against the "A-rabs". American Evangelicals are the most cultic bunch of all, and again prone to support violence. They have no moral high ground upon which to stand and point their crooked, feculent finger at JWs.
Well, whatever it said, Jesus repeated the same thing. Your Hebrew scholars are blinding you to this fact that Jesus stated the same name. It’s funny how your Hebrew Scholars say it’s not but every one else’s say it is. And it was yours that gave a false translation of the date for the end of days.
Trinitarians-the house divided that will not stand says it translates-i am that i am-they are in agreement on everything that is error.
Real funny, I have studied both sides carefully and studied Jesus carefully. 100 fact= In every translation on Gods earth the teachings of Jesus back the JW teachers all the way=0 doubt in all creation--My advice to you is LEARN THEM.
Have you ever heard of Greg Stafford? He's a former JW, that still holds to the same theology as the Watchtower, and he has some very good responses to Sam Shamoun and his ilk. Look for his channel on YouTube, by searching for "Greg Stafford" and you'll find him.
Jehovah's Witnesses discourage all higher education, don't they?
They listen to Jesus---Matt 6:33--Keep on seeking-FIRST-the kingdom and his( YHVH(Jehovah) righteousness and all these things will be added( sustenance, covering, spirituality)--One cannot serve God and manna.
Have you ever heard of Greg Stafford? He's a former JW, that still holds to the same theology as the Watchtower, and he has some very good responses to Sam Shamoun and his ilk. Look for his channel on YouTube, by searching for "Greg Stafford" and you'll find him.
I wouldn't listen to a former JW. I have read many other ones in the past--they were filled with lies. I joined years ago,( anti JW person started that sight) there were about 10 ex JW book writers on at that time. I posted 8 teachings from Jesus and they ran because his teachings prove the JW,s correct, In every translation on earth. And they have 0 for answer against Jesus teachings.
I wouldn't listen to a former JW. I have read many other ones in the past--they were filled with lies. I joined years ago,( anti JW person started that sight) there were about 10 ex JW book writers on at that time. I posted 8 teachings from Jesus and they ran because his teachings prove the JW,s correct, In every translation on earth. And they have 0 for answer against Jesus teachings.
Unlike them, Greg Stafford agrees with your theology. He debunks the Trinitarians, so even though he's not a JW anymore, he still agrees with much of the JW theology. He wrote a book titled "Jehovah's Witnesses Defended":

That book destroys James White's Trinitarian arguments. Here is a debate between Greg Stafford when he was still a JW in 2005 and James White, the well-known Trinitarian apologist:

He annihilated James White in that debate.
God is righteous. He owns every iota of creation. He has 100 right to say what goes and what doesn't go. Noah warned men for 40 years. They laughed.

So you're saying it's okay for God to be A) stupid and B) violent?

Hmm... no wonder Christianity has the highest murder rate countries in the world.
So you're saying it's okay for God to be A) stupid and B) violent?

Hmm... no wonder Christianity has the highest murder rate countries in the world.
Only one lacking intelligence calls the creator of all creation stupid when that one cannot even create a single blade of grass. What does that make that one then?
Mortals asked to know bad in the Eden rebellion. Its mortals fault, not Gods fault. He is always correct.
Only one lacking intelligence calls the creator of all creation stupid when that one cannot even create a single blade of grass. What does that make that one then?
Mortals asked to know bad in the Eden rebellion. Its mortals fault, not Gods fault. He is always correct.


Let's go through this.

God made CARNIVORES. He made humans OMNIVORES.

In order to be a carnivore or an omnivore you need to be VIOLENT. How else are you going to KILL your prey?

Then God gets angry and says "You're violent, so now I'm going to be violent against you because I hate violence"

He hates violence, but he CREATED VIOLENCE. Then he destroys VIOLENCE with VIOLENCE.

That's the definition of STUPID.

Let's go through this.

God made CARNIVORES. He made humans OMNIVORES.

In order to be a carnivore or an omnivore you need to be VIOLENT. How else are you going to KILL your prey?

Then God gets angry and says "You're violent, so now I'm going to be violent against you because I hate violence"

He hates violence, but he CREATED VIOLENCE. Then he destroys VIOLENCE with VIOLENCE.

That's the definition of STUPID.
Nothing ate meat prior to the flood in Noah's day. When Gods kingdom takes full control, nothing will eat meat-Isaiah 11:6-7--Your lack of knowledge is the problem, but don't be alarmed-99 percent on earth lack it. But --you-- can do something about that for yourself. Then you could help others.
Your uninspired fake scholar prophets who lied to the people causing excruciating fear of the end of the earth are wrong. There is a trinity. Just not what the main-scream Christian and Catholic teachings. The idea the Father, Son and Holy Ghost are one person is false. The true interpretation isn’t yours either. The truth is there is a Godhead of 3 separate and distinct personages all considered God (title) and co-creators of heaven and earth. Your lying fearmongering false scholar prophets are wrong with the false trinity doctrines too.
I read that, but none of what you said makes any sense.

First you present three different trinities then you bash all aspects of any trinity.

If everyone - everything is all false to you in relation to the Bible why follow it? You could do a lot of other things with your time, and study other things.
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Jesus teaches--MAN does not live by bread alone but by EVERY utterance from God--- that brings forth 2 facts--1) The ones teaching that have Jesus leading them-without fail teach Every utterance from God to the flock= OT-NT it never stops. One can look this very minute and see if the ones teaching them are lead by Jesus or by these-2Cor 11:12-15)
2) Every true follower that actually loves God and his son, without fail learn and apply to the very best of their abilities, EVERY utterance from God=OT-NT it never stops.

Can you see now how much trouble this world is actually in here in these last days? Jesus compared these last days to Noahs day( 99.9% mislead)--today 99% minimum are being mislead by teachers like this-2Cor 11:12-15)--or they don't believe in God at all.
I know my teachers teach us EVERY utterance from God--Do yours?
You're such a wonderful Bible scholar with a good heart towards the things of God. Be strong in the Lord, and beware as ravening wolves and lions envy your Biblical knowledge.

You are right, in these last days the world is so wicked. That's what held up the angel during the ancient of days; evil and wickedness that appeared. This is the era within the wicked ones of "Hatred" They will hate with strong hatred those who have never done them any harm. You see that with the God haters and unbelieving heathens towards the God believers who have done them no harm, as well as with the Hamas Philistines toward the Israelites who have done them no harm, likewise with the wicked hearts of many towards Donald Trump who has done them no harm. That vile spirit of evil is something people open doors and let into their lives. Often through spoken lies they get deceived and it rots them to death.

Many of them have been given a delusion from God so that they do nothing but believe lies. They are essentially under a Biblical curse.

Jesus did compare the last days as you said, to the days of Noah. Which means that only a large cluster of us will be steadfast and unmovable in our belief and actions towards the things of God. Jesus himself said a two-part "Noah" related bit of information for us to heed.

Matthew 7
Enter ye in at the strait gate: for wide is the gate, and broad is the way, that leadeth to destruction, and many there be which go in thereat: 14 Because strait is the gate, and narrow is the way, which leadeth unto life, and few there be that find it.

The two-part being that many go into the broad way because... narrow is the way that leads to life (obedience) Narrow spoke and said, "Go and sin no more." They get trapped in the hell bound path of destruction of being their own way.

The more cut off by God through delusions, reprobate minds, etc.. they are, the more they bite at the true believers of God. "Blessings"

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