Jen Psaki Says GOP Is ‘Manipulating’ Muslims To Oppose Gender Ideology

I guess she thinks people are that stupid. Anyone who knows anything about Islam knows no manipulation is needed for Muslims to oppose this bullshit society destroying garbage. Keep in mind just how stupid the Left thinks you are.

"Biden’s former press secretary went on to frame GOP opposition to Islamic extremism as an attack on all Muslims. She also repeated the “Muslim ban” lie, accusing former President Trump of “banning Muslims” from entering the United States. In reality, the temporary order extended to citizens of six unstable Middle Eastern and North African countries with high terrorist activity."

Why she perpetuates lies is another issue.
Holy shit. How dumb can you get? Muslims chop your head off for adultery, showing skin, and many other seemingly harmless things. And she thinks Republicans are influencing Muslims to be against Queer stuff?
I hafta wonder, how can anybody this effing stupid? Most of the time when the democrats say stupid shit you can see the politics behind it, but I can't see the gain here. I suppose it's just unrestrained dumbfuckery that the democrats are well-known for.

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