Jeb Bush Stumping for 2016


Senior Member
Mar 16, 2014
As you might've guessed, his main arguments thus far have been "MORE GOVERNMENT AT HOME" and "MORE GOVERNMENT ABROAD".

Video: Jeb Bush Launches Ad Campaign Promoting Common Core | Video |
Former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush’s foundation launched an ad campaign promoting Common Core education standards for the state.

The ads, sponsored by Bush’s nonprofit Foundation for Excellence in Education, will air a series of digital videos to run for the next 10 weeks featuring four teachers lauding the Common Core standards, according to the Florida-based Saint Peter’s Blog.

A CNN poll released Sunday about the 2016 race found Bush polling at 9 percent among Republican candidates, trailing Sen. Rand Paul of Kentucky, Rep. Paul Ryan of Wisconsin and former Arkansas Gov. Mike Huckabee.

Jeb Bush Blames Obama for ?American Passivity? - TIME
“He showed a lot of knowledge about foreign policy that he must have been working hard to acquire,” said Ari Fleischer, the former White House Press Secretary and a board member of the RJC, noting Bush discussed diplomatic challenges presented by countries like Ukraine, Russia and Moldova. “He was very rough on the president in terms of his handling of foreign policy, referring to the dangers of ‘American pacificity.’”

As buzz increases about a potential presidential bid, Bush spoke to about five-dozen top Republican Party donors at an event which has become a cattle call for the party’s top leaders. In addition to Bush, New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie, Ohio Gov. John Kasich, and Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker are among those addressing the RJC this weekend.

The son and brother of presidents, Bush cautioned the Republican party against “neo-isolationism,” according to sources, a line universally understood as a shot at Paul. Bush also pushed back on Democratic attacks that whenever a Republican calls for a more activist foreign policy that they are “warmongering,” Fleischer said. Fleisher’s account was confirmed by two other attendees. “It was one of the strongest parts of his speech.”

Sheldon Adelson, the host of the event in the second article, is the billionaire that financed a large portion of Newt Gingrich's presidential "campaign," which seemed more of a showy distraction aimed at taking spotlight off of the real contenders than a legitimate bid for office. Nevada is a caucus state; in 2012, one of Adelson's buildings was used as a special caucus site for an after-hours caucus opened specifically for Jews. But that second article uses an odd phrase. "Bush spoke to about five-dozen top Republican Party donors at an event which has become a cattle call for the party’s top leaders"; for anyone not knowing exactly what that refers to:
For smaller roles in a large musical theater production, mass auditions are held at which many inexperienced or aspiring performers, most without agents, show up. These are popularly known as "cattle calls", since the hopefuls are often kept together in one large room.
The Republican Party's "top leaders"--Bush, Christie, Kasich, and Walker--are the cattle, the "inexperienced performers" being herded along for auditions in front of the RJC, or Republican Jewish Coalition, to fill the "small role" of candidate in the "large musical theater production" of the 2016 presidential elections.

Speaking at the RJC's little event doesn't guarantee a spot on the national stage for 2016; they're merely perusing their selection of tools and deciding which of these men would be the best wrench to throw into the American electoral machine. They want to split the vote, to crowd the stage, and take the focus off more legitimate candidates.
Arrest George W. Bush for crimes against humanity and strip his family of their fortune to pay restitutions to his millions of victims.
Arrest George W. Bush for crimes against humanity and strip his family of their fortune to pay restitutions to his millions of victims.

What crimes would that be? Did Bush trample on the Constitution worse than Obama is doing? The Iraq war was wrong, but it was a bipartisan effort, and the war was reflective of the Clinton caused 9-11 debacle, so that wasn't the crime. Hmmm, what crimes?
Please, no more Bushes and no more Clintons.

But if it's a choice between Jeb and Hillary, I'll vote for Jeb.
I'm a conservative through and through but I will never ever cast a vote for Jeb Bush. He's a criminal and the only reason he isn't in jail is because of who his father is.
Arrest George W. Bush for crimes against humanity and strip his family of their fortune to pay restitutions to his millions of victims.

What crimes would that be? Did Bush trample on the Constitution worse than Obama is doing? The Iraq war was wrong, but it was a bipartisan effort, and the war was reflective of the Clinton caused 9-11 debacle, so that wasn't the crime. Hmmm, what crimes?
I wouldn't say he was worse, but he was the same. That's something I can't quite wrap my noggin around: How can someone have supported Bush but oppose Obama, or support Obama and have opposed Bush? They are almost exactly the same in terms of foreign policy, they both passed laws that their respective bases supported the names of while the meat of the laws fixed nothing and only gave the federal government more power, and they've both given us more debt and a weaker economy.
Arrest George W. Bush for crimes against humanity and strip his family of their fortune to pay restitutions to his millions of victims.

No, another Bush is. But given the track record of George W. Bush and his god-damned father, Jeb Bush can stick a gun in his mouth and pull the trigger twice.

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