Jason Riley at Fox News, skews truth about Fast Track Trade Authority’s opposition

Does President Obama....a Democrat....understand free trade?

this seems to be the one odd case where he shows high intelligence. No one can explain it but thank God.

So....it's possible for a Democrat to have the IQ to understand free trade?

Say it, dummy.
dear, I have no objection whatsoever to saying Barry got this one right even though it must have been by accident. Why would you think I would object to saying it????? Please think before you write.

Did you or did you not say that Democrats do not have the IQ needed to understand free trade?

too stupid all we know is that he agrees we don't know if he understands it. Dear, if you say Russians are stupid you are not speaking literally to mean 100% are. Obviously there is at least one smart Russian. Get it?? We speak literally and figuratively.
Does President Obama....a Democrat....understand free trade?

this seems to be the one odd case where he shows high intelligence. No one can explain it but thank God.

So....it's possible for a Democrat to have the IQ to understand free trade?

Say it, dummy.
dear, I have no objection whatsoever to saying Barry got this one right even though it must have been by accident. Why would you think I would object to saying it????? Please think before you write.

Did you or did you not say that Democrats do not have the IQ needed to understand free trade?

too stupid all we know is that he agrees we don't know if he understands it. Dear, if you say Russians are stupid you are not speaking literally to mean 100% are. Obviously there is at least one smart Russian. Get it?? We speak literally and figuratively.

Cool. What percentage of Democrats have the IQ necessary to understand free trade?
The only reason they have gotten away with Fast Track is because they label a treaty a CEA(Congressional Executive Agreement)
I think the point here is that constitutional super majorities were sent to the cornfield with simple majority votes.

Well who cares anyway, we've had them for 40 years with no serious enough objection. If you object you should object to free trade since that's what the basic issue is.

Look at the executive power Obama assumed under Obamacare and immigration. Congress got no vote at all once Obamacare passed. That's far worse than TPA
The only reason they have gotten away with Fast Track is because they label a treaty a CEA(Congressional Executive Agreement)

dear, if its not an accurate label you must explain why. An agreement is a lot better than usurpation like on Obamacare or immigration.
this seems to be the one odd case where he shows high intelligence. No one can explain it but thank God.

So....it's possible for a Democrat to have the IQ to understand free trade?

Say it, dummy.
dear, I have no objection whatsoever to saying Barry got this one right even though it must have been by accident. Why would you think I would object to saying it????? Please think before you write.

Did you or did you not say that Democrats do not have the IQ needed to understand free trade?

too stupid all we know is that he agrees we don't know if he understands it. Dear, if you say Russians are stupid you are not speaking literally to mean 100% are. Obviously there is at least one smart Russian. Get it?? We speak literally and figuratively.

Cool. What percentage of Democrats have the IQ necessary to understand free trade?

you could say the % that voted for TPP
So....it's possible for a Democrat to have the IQ to understand free trade?

Say it, dummy.
dear, I have no objection whatsoever to saying Barry got this one right even though it must have been by accident. Why would you think I would object to saying it????? Please think before you write.

Did you or did you not say that Democrats do not have the IQ needed to understand free trade?

too stupid all we know is that he agrees we don't know if he understands it. Dear, if you say Russians are stupid you are not speaking literally to mean 100% are. Obviously there is at least one smart Russian. Get it?? We speak literally and figuratively.

Cool. What percentage of Democrats have the IQ necessary to understand free trade?

you could say the % that voted for TPP

Nope. Try harder.
dear, I have no objection whatsoever to saying Barry got this one right even though it must have been by accident. Why would you think I would object to saying it????? Please think before you write.

Did you or did you not say that Democrats do not have the IQ needed to understand free trade?

too stupid all we know is that he agrees we don't know if he understands it. Dear, if you say Russians are stupid you are not speaking literally to mean 100% are. Obviously there is at least one smart Russian. Get it?? We speak literally and figuratively.

Cool. What percentage of Democrats have the IQ necessary to understand free trade?

you could say the % that voted for TPP

Nope. Try harder.

dear, if its not an accurate label you must explain why. An agreement is a lot better than usurpation like on Obamacare or immigration.
I'm not getting caught up in your circle jerk. I didn't comment on the validity of it. I'm just pointing out the means by which they circumvent the constitution.
dear, if its not an accurate label you must explain why. An agreement is a lot better than usurpation like on Obamacare or immigration.
I'm not getting caught up in your circle jerk. I didn't comment on the validity of it. I'm just pointing out the means by which they circumvent the constitution.

dear, giving a label to something does not allow you to circumvent the Constitution. Does it say that in the Constitution??
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dear, if its not an accurate label you must explain why. An agreement is a lot better than usurpation like on Obamacare or immigration.
I'm not getting caught up in your circle jerk. I didn't comment on the validity of it. I'm just pointing out the means by which they circumvent the constitution.

dear, giving a label to something does not allow you to circumvent the Constitution. Does it say that in the Constitution??
Exactly. The POTUS has the power to sign treaties with consent from 2/3 of the Senate. That is all it says. Congress can't give that authority away without amending the constitution. If you say they can, then please elaborate on the authority by which they can override the constitution.
dear, if its not an accurate label you must explain why. An agreement is a lot better than usurpation like on Obamacare or immigration.
I'm not getting caught up in your circle jerk. I didn't comment on the validity of it. I'm just pointing out the means by which they circumvent the constitution.

dear, giving a label to something does not allow you to circumvent the Constitution. Does it say that in the Constitution??
Exactly. The POTUS has the power to sign treaties with consent from 2/3 of the Senate. That is all it says. Congress can't give that authority away without amending the constitution. If you say they can, then please elaborate on the authority by which they can override the constitution.

Unfortunately, our big media will not discuss the unconstitutionality of the currently proposed Fast Track Trade authority which reduces the two thirds vote requirement to a mere majority vote. And this includes Fox News.


Why is our media not sounding the alarm over this despotic assumption of power?

Indeed, it appears that Fox News has become part of the problem and is not "fair and balanced".


To support Jeb Bush is to support our Global Governance crowd and their WTO, NAFTA, GATT, and CAFTA, all used to circumvent America First trade policies, while fattening the fortunes of international corporate giants who have no allegiance to America or any nation.

Again, there could be several reasons why the media is not making people aware. First, this has been the way these deals have been implemented since 1974. Second, it has been challenged in court and the courts upheld it. And last, corporate broadcasters are part of the system that reaps the benefits of these deals. Keep beating those drums though, awareness is the first step.

Actually, the use of FTTPA with regard to regulations of commerce with foreign nations has been challenged as being an attack upon our Constitution's separation of power for over a hundred years!

Back in the 1980s when I was engaged in a research project at the University of Maryland concerning our nation's founding and our Constitution's legislative intent, I came across a paper published in 1883 titled "TREATY TARIFFS ARE UNCONSTITUTIONAL" which confirms the existing attempt to use fast track with regard to regulations of commerce are unquestionably unconstitutional, and for a number of reasons.

In any event, here is a list of dirt bag Republican Senators who voted to circumvent our representative system of government and allow the president to usurp Congress' legislative functions:

Alexander, Tenn.; Ayotte, N.H.; Barrasso, Wyo.; Blunt, Mo.; Boozman, Ark.; Burr, N.C.; Capito, W.V.; Cassidy, La.; Coats, Ind.; Cochran, Miss.; Corker, Tenn.; Cornyn, Texas; Cotton, Ark.; Crapo, Idaho; Cruz, Texas; Daines, Mont.; Ernst, Iowa; Fischer, Neb.; Flake, Ariz.; Gardner, Colo.; Graham, S.C.; Grassley, Iowa; Hatch, Utah; Heller, Nev.; Hoeven, N.D.; Inhofe, Okla.; Isakson, Ga.; Johnson, Wis.; Kirk, Ill.; Lankford, Okla.; McCain, Ariz.; McConnell, Ky.; Moran, Kan.; Murkowski, Alaska; Perdue, Ga.; Portman, Ohio; Risch, Idaho; Roberts, Kan.; Rounds, S.D.; Rubio, Fla.; Sasse, Neb.; Scott, S.C.; Sullivan, Alaska; Thune, S.D.; Tillis, N.C.; Toomey, Pa.; Vitter, La.; Wicker, Miss.


" I believe that there are more instances of the abridgement of the freedom of the people by gradual and silent encroachment of those in power than by violent and sudden usurpations." ___ Madison Elliot`s Debates, vol. III, page 87

Fox being a corporate sell out, nothing new there.

Here is a poster pointing out why Fox, CNN, NBC, ABC and other networks are sell outs:
They are actually lobbying for the TPP, so there is a big conflict of interest.
Mitch McConnell attacks representative government to pass fast track

SEE: Mitch McConnell Aims To Ram Obamatrade Through Senate With No Amendments, Closed Debate

"The U.S. Senate—often called the world’s most deliberative legislative body—will operate in a closed debate process with no amendments whatsoever allowed to the Trade Promotion Authority (TPA) part of Obamatrade this week, as Senate Majority Leader Sen. Mitch McConnell (R-KY) engages in the exact same tactics he attacked his predecessor Sen. Harry Reid (D-NV)"

How much is this piece of dirt being paid by our Global Governance Crowd to silence representative government and cram Obamatrade down the American People’s throat?

And why is Fox News not reporting Mitch McConnell’s attack on our representative system of government?


The accumulation of all powers, legislative, executive, and judiciary, in the same hands, whether of one, a few, or many, and whether hereditary, self-appointed, or elective, may justly be pronounced the very definition of tyranny. ___ Madison, Federalist Paper No. 47
This is really very disappointing. When Harry Reid shut down representative government to get Obamacare passed, our “conservative” media personalities correctly attacked him for his tyrannical act. But now, when Mitch McConnell engages in the same tyrannical act which shuts down and silences our representative system of government in order to get Obamatrade passed, not a peep can be heard from our media personalities, even at Fox News, how fast track unconstitutionally lowers the required two thirds approval vote to a mere majority vote or how McConnell is also shutting down our representative system of government the same way Harry Reid did. In both cases (Obamacare or Obamatrade) the American people get screwed and the Washington Establishment wins. When will the American People realize how they are being played?

Sixty Senate whores vote yes to advance Trade Promotion Authority

See: BREAKING NEWS: Obama's 'fast track' trade legislation passes key test vote in Senate


President Obama's trade agenda narrowly survived a key Senate test vote on Tuesday, moving the legislation toward likely passage just days after congressional leaders helped rescue it from a Democrat-led rebellion.

The Senate voted, 60-37, to cut off debate and move toward a final vote. The bill needed 60 votes to advance.

Also see: Corporations shell out $1.2mn in Senate contributions to fast-track TPP

“What the documents showed was that out of a total of nearly $1.2 million given, an average of $17,000 was donated to each of the 65 “yes” votes. Republicans received an average of $19,000 and Democrats received $9,700.
“It’s a rare thing for members of Congress to go against the money these days,” Mansur Gidfar, spokesman for the anti-corruption group Represent.Us, told the Guardian. “They know exactly which special interests they need to keep happy if they want to fund their re-election campaigns or secure a future job as a lobbyist.”

These traitorous dirt bags need to be punished, no punishment to be left off the table!

These traitorous dirt bags need to be punished, no punishment to be left off the table!

don't be silly dear without trade we'd starve to death trying to make everything ourselves. A liberal simply lacks the IQ to understand trade. Do you want to try to learn about it??

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