Jan. 6th, The Law, and Nancy Pelosi's Dereliction of Duty

"Well, if we want to go back to what started it, we go back to the democrats election shenanigans"
Well, you can go find these alleged "shenanigans" and bring 'em to a court of law. And if they find criminal or fraudulent 'shenanigans' that would change the results of the elections please keep the forum informed.

why did the Democrats purposely create the circumstances that caused half of America to believe the election was stolen.
Well, another approach is: The Democrats didn't.
Rather Don Trump played an old tired card he played early & often:
1. The Emmy was rigged away from him.
2. Ted Cruz rigged the Iowa primary.
3. August 2016 ---"I'm afraid the election is going to be rigged,
4. August 2016, from Trump's website: "We are going to do everything we are legally allowed to do to stop crooked Hillary from rigging this election,"
5. Early October 2016--- " So dishonest! Rigged system!
6. October 15, 2016 "Instead she is running for president in what looks like a rigged election"

And so on and so on.
EVERYTHING is rigged against Don Trump, per Don Trump.

And Don Trump beating and beating and beating that "rigged" drum is exactly what has created this sense of doubt in some segments of the American electorate.
And THAT is an American tragedy.
And it has now and will for too long a time be a corrosive canker on America and America's future.
And Don Trump is responsible for that.
And Don Trump needs be held accountable.
I know you know that.


This is the very first election, that was won in a landslide the night of the election, but flipped after midnight when nobody was watching the votes being counted."
It wasn't won the night of the election.
It was won after all ballots were counted not just the walk-ins.
And it was won by Joe Biden.
Don Trump was riding the Red Wave of in-person voting that was known, forecasted, and anticipated to occur prior to the counting of mail-in ballots. Which in some states could only occur after polls for walk-in voters had closed.
Don Trump and his enablers knew that phenomena would occur. And they exploited it to advance their polemic of a "rigged election".

Steve Bannon days before the 2016 election:
"In a leaked audio recording, former Trump aide Steve Bannon can be heard saying that Trump was planning to reject the results of the 2020 election, even if he lost,

In the audio clip, recorded during a meeting between Bannon and his associates on October 31, 2020, Bannon says that the former president is "
just gonna say he's a winner."

"What Trump's gonna do, is just declare victory. Right? He's gonna declare victory. But that doesn't mean he's a winner," Bannon said in the clip, laughing. "He's just gonna say he's a winner."
Later in the audio Bannon says to expect
"crazy shit" from Trump after the election and that, "at 10 or 11 o'clock Trump's gonna walk in the Oval, tweet out, 'I'm the winner. Game over. Suck on that.

So there is that.

I am not saying there was cheating,
Yeah, you have.

And how was the big lie believable to half the country, because the democrats counted votes after midnight, in the dark with no witnesses.
Prove it.
Don't whine, bitch, moan, hissyfit, and pout about it.
Take you proofs to the FBI.
Let us know how your meetings go.
Pelosi was responsible for security of the Capitol. She supervised Sgt. at Arms Irving, who was lead of the Capitol Police Board, who supervise the Capitol Police. They can "request" the DC NG if they want to. Same with Mayor Bowser. She can "request" the NG if she wants to. Someone requested the NG because Trump is quoted as saying "fill the request".

You do know that governors control their NG units?
(not the Pentagon, that's why TX governor Abbott has his NG on the border)
That’s bullshit! You’d have us believe that a president who claims absolute immunity is going to hide behind legalities on this one?! The NG wasn’t called because Trump wanted the insurrection to succeed.
Well, you can go find these alleged "shenanigans" and bring 'em to a court of law. And if they find criminal or fraudulent 'shenanigans' that would change the results of the elections please keep the forum informed.
I am surprised at the level of education you have. You have no idea what I mean by "shenanigans". Shenanigans is nothing anybody would ever take to court. Shenanigans is like malicious horse play. In this case, activities that are more or less done by low intelligent people who simply fumbled around like morons causing the entire nation to question what the hell they were doing.

I have heard anyone describe shenanigans as fraudulent.

chill, I see you simply want to apply your narrative of crazy onto me so that you think you won some sort of argument without actually discussing something civil and intelligently.
Well, another approach is: The Democrats didn't.
Rather Don Trump played an old tired card he played early & often:
1. The Emmy was rigged away from him.
2. Ted Cruz rigged the Iowa primary.
3. August 2016 ---"I'm afraid the election is going to be rigged,
4. August 2016, from Trump's website: "We are going to do everything we are legally allowed to do to stop crooked Hillary from rigging this election,"
5. Early October 2016--- " So dishonest! Rigged system!
6. October 15, 2016 "Instead she is running for president in what looks like a rigged election"
I never spoke of a rigged election, thus far, you have made two accusations in one post that have nothing to do with anything I talked about in this thread

Troll on chill, troll on
Prove it.
Don't whine, bitch, moan, hissyfit, and pout about it.
Take you proofs to the FBI.
Let us know how your meetings go.
My thead is not about election interference, I just mentioned that had the democrats been competent, and ran an election that was transparent, none of this would of happened.

Name calling, that is a low intelligent response.

Chill, join the discussion, stick to what is said,
Chill you added all kinds of crap that has nothing to do with my comment,
That’s bullshit! You’d have us believe that a president who claims absolute immunity is going to hide behind legalities on this one?! The NG wasn’t called because Trump wanted the insurrection to succeed.
Trump never said he has absolute immunity. Trump said he has presidential immunity.
There is a huge difference, everyone knows it.

Just more fake news, more of the I Hate Propaganda, that those with low intellect repeat over and over.
Funny how so many people FROM that rally ended attacking police and joining in that riot huh?
less than 1% is not many.

Nancy Pelosi was derelict in her duty to protect the Capitol. It is as if she purposely dared and provoked the riot. How can you possibly support a person that has used her position of power to make herself filthy rich and now to claim she could do nothing. Total incompetence and dereliction of duty.
This picture in my opinion, shows Nancy Pelosi was willfully derelict in her duty to protect the Capitol so that the Democrats would have an incident to persecute the people of America who defied her in supporting Trump.

Millions of Trump supporters watched Pelosi do this. Pelose purposely disrespected the office of the Presidency in order to anger millions of Americans. Acts like this in a civil society would get Pelosi impeached. Not here, we see the power she wields, the power to persecute the people with the full force of the government.
Democrat election shenanigans

BLM ANTIFA FBI agitators in the crowd
View attachment 939748
Yes,as we just recently have learned from highly credible
sources that BLM { Summer of Love in 2020 } was in actuality
a Meme or Narrative used to prop-up division,and inspire
Unamerican conflict.Just as these Anti-Jewish anything Protests
are proving each day now.Same basic approach.
Based on exploitation of mostly young college-age kids
who can use cell phones,tablets and social media to connect
and show-up in person to Foment rage and hate in no time.
Like Obama's organizing of around 10,ooo small groups in
many states with a version of anti-americanism or Marxism.
Guys like Pete Buttigieg an early devotee of Obama's
hidden Marxist exploitation being spread.
Buttigieg messaging in private with Obama's inner circle.
This picture in my opinion, shows Nancy Pelosi was willfully derelict in her duty to protect the Capitol so that the Democrats would have an incident to persecute the people of America who defied her in supporting Trump.

Millions of Trump supporters watched Pelosi do this. Pelose purposely disrespected the office of the Presidency in order to anger millions of Americans. Acts like this in a civil society would get Pelosi impeached. Not here, we see the power she wields, the power to persecute the people with the full force of the government.
View attachment 939956
Thankfully mostly Good Americans are not about to
let Pelosi be forgotten.Her rank,unamerican style of
making good law-abiding Citizens into victims as if
they deserve her uppity wrath.
No, I did not parrot a lie, I did not state the election was stolen

I stated that the distrust and suspicion was created because this is the first election in our history that was won by a landslide before midnight, but after midnight with no witnesses the results completely flopped.

One day, one vote, each person shows identification. No mail in votes, no drop box, no more bullshit.
Slowly like well aged Cognac, We the People will have pure
sanity back again.It takes time to filter-out the dregs of a
society thinking they can hijack a Superpower.
Yes,as we just recently have learned from highly credible
sources that BLM { Summer of Love in 2020 } was in actuality
a Meme or Narrative used to prop-up division,and inspire
Unamerican conflict.Just as these Anti-Jewish anything Protests
are proving each day now.Same basic approach.
Based on exploitation of mostly young college-age kids
who can use cell phones,tablets and social media to connect
and show-up in person to Foment rage and hate in no time.
Like Obama's organizing of around 10,ooo small groups in
many states with a version of anti-americanism or Marxism.
Guys like Pete Buttigieg an early devotee of Obama's
hidden Marxist exploitation being spread.
Buttigieg messaging in private with Obama's inner circle.
The Democrats have declared war. The Republicans are divided. The media is complicit. We have a few places our voice is heard. I am afraid this has only just begun. The Democrats must tear everything down, to rebuild their vision of power from the heaps of destruction.
had the democrats been competent, and ran an election that was transparent, none of this would of happened.
.....................The Democrats did not run a transparent vote count.
  • Christopher Krebs, Don Trump's hand picked overseer of he 2020 Election stated it was the most secure election in American history.*
  • Bill Barr, Don Trump's hand picked Attorney General, publicly stated that they was not evidence to indicate sufficient fraud to change any election result.
  • Fox News, who attempted to muddy the waters of 'the most secure election' with their false news coverage, was found liable of defamation to the tune of almost $1 billion dollars.

Poster Elektra, you got a big big rock to push up a steep steep hill to prove that the 2020 election was fraudulent or less transparent than previous elections.

Reported: "As the director of the Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency, Krebs rejected Trump’s claims of widespread fraud and said there “is no evidence that any voting system deleted or lost votes, changed votes, or was in any way compromised.”

That statement soon led to his firing."

Trump never said he has absolute immunity. Trump said he has presidential immunity. There is a huge difference, everyone knows it.

Your distinction makes no difference.
Trump has said he has total immunity while he was in office.
And, importantly, it is his time in office that is the issue.....and his insistence that when he was in office he could do no wrong, commit no crime.
Nancy Pelosi was derelict in her duty to protect the Capitol.
Would the attack on the Capitol occurred if Nancy Pelosi was not Speaker? Would it have occurred if she was out of town on a foreign trip?

Would the attack on our elected legislators have occurred if Don Trump didn't give his speech ---along with his enablers Rudy, Alex Jones, and Mike Lindell ----at the Ellipse on January 6th?

Would the attack on our elected legislators proved to be so tragic if Don Trump, instead of sitting on his hands for over 3 hours, if he had gotten on the horn and commanded the DOD to seal off the streets leading to the Capitol and arrest the attackers who attempted to flee?

If he had just picked up the phone to Mitch McConnell, or Nancy Pelosi, and said..."What can the POTUS do to calm this violent tragedy?

Would the tragedy have last as long or been as intense if Don Trump had heeded his daughter, his son, his Chief of Staff, Kevin McCarthy, and other legislators and cabinet members who urged him to immediately make insistent and visible commands to his supporters to cease and desist?

Don Trump was derelict in his duty to America as a responsible leader.
He was derelict in his duty as the Commander in Chief of all of our armed forces.

Would the attack on our elected legislators proved to be so tragic
Would the tragedy have last as long or been as intense if

This is the only way for democrats to win an election. To exaggerate the event to instill fear in the people.
The legislators were not attacked and did not get hurt, which was a propaganda tragedy lost for the Democrats.

Obviously democrats wanted a great tragedy, Democrats did not get the great tragedy. Democrats will still make the best of the situation they created, and call it a great tragedy.

The obvious, is, Nancy Pelosi led the Democrats, showing millions of Americans disdain and disrespect for the presidency. It is on display for all to see, this is just one example. No transparency in the election, counting votes in secret only to leak pictures and videos, rubbing it in the faces of the American people.

Make no mistake about it, the Democrats are doing everything in the power to facilitate, to create hate, so that they can protect the poor and the ignorant from the situation they create.
Jan. 6th, 2021. The day Congress counted the Electoral College votes to determine who was president. Much happened, a rally and speech by President Trump, a march to the Capitol Building grounds, peaceful protests, a riot, assault and battery, vandalism, breaking and entering, trespass.

One of the many questions that arise from the events of this day is who was in charge of security of the Capitol building and grounds.

The Legislative Branch of Government which is Congress, is a separate and equal branch of government, which has sole jurisdiction over where they meet and conduct their constitutional duties.

This thread is not an argument, it is an archive of information.

when requested by the Capitol Police Board

The Speaker of the House is neither the Capitol Police Board nor in charge of the Capitol Police Board.

That’s bullshit! You’d have us believe that a president who claims absolute immunity is going to hide behind legalities on this one?! The NG wasn’t called because Trump wanted the insurrection to succeed.
Very stupid post.
1. Trump said "fill the request" (for the NG). Bowser's letter denied that the NG was needed.
2. Capitol Police Chief Sund also requested the NG but Sgt. at Arms Irving, lead of the 3-man Capitol Police Board denied the request because of Pelosi's policy.

The NG was requested dumbass, TWICE. So there was no "insurrection" unless it was coordinated by the FBI.

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