James Kirchick, Ron Paul's Slanderer, Is Funded By Neo Con Think Tanks

I don't know enough about his church mission. But I think he seems like a decent person... a smart person. I don't think he'd do anything to alienate people in that way.

So you claim you don't think RP is racist, and now you say you think Obama is a decent person. It amazes me that you won't say RP is a decent person, especially considering the man delivered thousands of babies, MANY of them for free to people without money or insurance. Show me a doctor now a days that would do anything of that sort.

He is one of a select few, if not THE only one, who doesn't take congressional pension, government junkets, AND he gives back a portion of his money every year to the Treasury. You got anyone else in congress right now, or any government in general for that matter, that has more class, selflessness, and integrity than that?

No, to you, all that matters is that beyond his control, white nationalists have taken to his candidacy.
I don't know enough about his church mission. But I think he seems like a decent person... a smart person. I don't think he'd do anything to alienate people in that way.


About Us

We are a congregation which is Unashamedly Black and Unapologetically Christian... Our roots in the Black religious experience and tradition are deep, lasting and permanent. We are an African people, and remain "true to our native land," the mother continent, the cradle of civilization. God has superintended our pilgrimage through the days of slavery, the days of segregation, and the long night of racism. It is God who gives us the strength and courage to continuously address injustice as a people, and as a congregation. We constantly affirm our trust in God through cultural expression of a Black worship service and ministries which address the Black Community.

The Pastor as well as the membership of Trinity United Church of Christ is committed to a 10-point Vision:

1. A congregation committed to ADORATION.
2. A congregation preaching SALVATION.
3. A congregation actively seeking RECONCILIATION.
4. A congregation with a non-negotiable COMMITMENT TO AFRICA.
5. A congregation committed to BIBLICAL EDUCATION.
6. A congregation committed to CULTURAL EDUCATION.
8. A congregation committed to LIBERATION.
9. A congregation committed to RESTORATION.
10. A congregation working towards ECONOMIC PARITY.

there is a video at site and a link to the mission:


Mission Statement: What Trinity Is About

Trinity United Church of Christ has been called by God to be a congregation that is not ashamed of the gospel of Jesus Christ and that does not apologize for its African roots! As a congregation of baptized believers, we are called to be agents of liberation not only for the oppressed, but for all of God’s family. We, as a church family, acknowledge, that we will, building on this affirmation of "who we are" and "whose we are," call men, women, boys and girls to the liberating love of Jesus Christ, inviting them to become a part of the church universal, responding to Jesus’ command that we go into all the world and make disciples!

We are called out to be "a chosen people" that pays no attention to socio-economic or educational backgrounds. We are made up of the highly educated and the uneducated. Our congregation is a combination of the haves and the have-nots; the economically disadvantaged, the under-class, the unemployed and the employable.

The fortunate who are among us combine forces with the less fortunate to become agents of change for God who is not pleased with America’s economic mal-distribution!

W.E.B. DuBois indicated that the problem in the 20th century was going to be the problem of the color line. He was absolutely correct. Our job as servants of God is to address that problem and eradicate it in the name of Him who came for the whole world by calling all men, women, boys and girls to Christ.
Sounds like the same type of stuff Jews say about the chosen people thing... and most of us don't subscribe to that sort of thinking. I know people who've met him and his staffers and they seem pretty confident that he'd be a savvy and fair leader. That's all I know. As you know, I'd be pretty comfortable with any of the top three dems. My big regret is Biden never really had a chance.
Sounds like the same type of stuff Jews say about the chosen people thing... and most of us don't subscribe to that sort of thinking. I know people who've met him and his staffers and they seem pretty confident that he'd be a savvy and fair leader. That's all I know. As you know, I'd be pretty comfortable with any of the top three dems. My big regret is Biden never really had a chance.

Do you belong to such a congregation? Just saying...

I agree, if I can't have my first choices, I'd have preferred Biden.
So you claim you don't think RP is racist, and now you say you think Obama is a decent person. It amazes me that you won't say RP is a decent person, especially considering the man delivered thousands of babies, MANY of them for free to people without money or insurance. Show me a doctor now a days that would do anything of that sort.

He is one of a select few, if not THE only one, who doesn't take congressional pension, government junkets, AND he gives back a portion of his money every year to the Treasury. You got anyone else in congress right now, or any government in general for that matter, that has more class, selflessness, and integrity than that?

No, to you, all that matters is that beyond his control, white nationalists have taken to his candidacy.

Dont waste your time with those two Idiots... Clintons are crooks, Hillarys credentials are a small fraction of RP's... Obama is an inexperieced bullshitter... And Edwards is a two time loser that cant even get the support of his past running mates... The three combined couldnt hold the jockstraps of any of the republican nominees...

But it doesnt matter... Your debating with assholes whos party can not advance unless America fails... These two jackoffs and the rest of their croanies wake up everyday hoping for American casualties and failure in Iraq...


These two jackasses idea of success is the same as Hillary's and Obamas... dead American kids until there is a Democrat in office!
Dont waste your time with those two Idiots... Clintons are crooks, Hillarys credentials are a small fraction of RP's... Obama is an inexperieced bullshitter... And Edwards is a two time loser that cant even get the support of his past running mates... The three combined couldnt hold the jockstraps of any of the republican nominees...

But it doesnt matter... Your debating with assholes whos party can not advance unless America fails... These two jackoffs and the rest of their croanies wake up everyday hoping for American casualties and failure in Iraq...


These two jackasses idea of success is the same as Hillary's and Obamas... dead American kids until there is a Democrat in office!

it is people like you that insure there will be a regular supply of American causality's.. a tough talking armchair solider calling for indiscriminate death that he will never have to personal face..nutjobs like you would be the first to crack facing the reality of war..a weak and frightened little man..
it is people like you that insure there will be a regular supply of American causality's.. a tough talking armchair solider calling for indiscriminate death that he will never have to personal face..nutjobs like you would be the first to crack facing the reality of war..a weak and frightened little man..

Hey dickwad... I put it on the line everyday... which is more than you can say I'm sure... Armchair soldier thats on leave from a shot in the neck taken while protecting your ports.. What the fuck do you know about putting it on the line Erots...

What have you done fuckface besides raise suspicions and make false accusations behind the safty of your computer...
Hey dickwad... I put it on the line everyday... which is more than you can say I'm sure... Armchair soldier thats on leave from a shot in the neck taken while protecting your ports.. What the fuck do you know about putting it on the line Erots...

What have you done fuckface besides raise suspicions and make false accusations behind the safty of your computer...

Im calling ....BULLSHIT
Boy after reading my last few posts I think I better stay off the tequela while on the pain killers... Angier than usual...

apoligies for the language...
Dont waste your time with those two Idiots... Clintons are crooks, Hillarys credentials are a small fraction of RP's... Obama is an inexperieced bullshitter... And Edwards is a two time loser that cant even get the support of his past running mates... The three combined couldnt hold the jockstraps of any of the republican nominees...

But it doesnt matter... Your debating with assholes whos party can not advance unless America fails... These two jackoffs and the rest of their croanies wake up everyday hoping for American casualties and failure in Iraq...


These two jackasses idea of success is the same as Hillary's and Obamas... dead American kids until there is a Democrat in office!

What a sad angry pathetic place you inhabit.
What a sad angry pathetic place you inhabit.

Are you talking about the eastern seaboard? or my brain?

Both are dangerous places... I was a little fired up last night... mixing narcotics and liquor was not a good idea....(I only had two drinks but my god)

The funny part is I used the term "rational people" in my post...Yikes!

But the bottom line still remains...

Are you talking about the eastern seaboard? or my brain?

Both are dangerous places... I was a little fired up last night... mixing narcotics and liquor was not a good idea....(I only had two drinks but my god)

The funny part is I used the term "rational people" in my post...Yikes!

But the bottom line still remains...


Heh... no worries. I have to appreciate someone who has a sense of humor about himself. ;)

As for wanting failure, that was never true. Thinking we want failure is one of those right-wing fantasy things. Makes y'all feel superior. And, interestingly, once again, "It's the economy" which is taking front and center.

Besides, the Repubs messed up so bad for the last 7 years that there' are just so many issues to run with.
Besides, the Repubs messed up so bad for the last 7 years that there' are just so many issues to run with.

Yeah, and you've written off the only man in Washington right now who's trying to knock some SENSE back into the party.
CNN — LOU DOBBS TONIGHT — Aired January 14, 2008 - 19:00 ET

LOU DOBBS, CNN ANCHOR: The three leading Republican presidential candidates tonight are in Michigan in advance of tomorrow's primary election. The focus is on jobs. Michigan, of course, has been hard-hit on employment that lost jobs in Michigan for seven years in a row. As Christine Romans now reports, Michigan's shrinking middle class tax base and fewer job opportunities are creating serious challenges for that state's public education system.


ROMANS (voice-over): Detroit is a place where the auto jobs are disappearing and the public schools are struggling with the lowest graduation rates in the country. It's a vicious cycle.

CINDY BROWN, CENTER FOR AMERICAN PROGRESS: You just can't make new investments in education when your revenue base is declining because of your economy.

ROMANS: Fewer jobs mean fewer opportunities for those who graduate. And as the tax base erodes, so does the revenue needed to shore up failing schools and prepare students for a global economy, a global economy that has decimated the state's middle class manufacturing base. Michigan's unemployment rate is the highest in the nation, 7.4 percent according to the Labor Department. Michigan has lost jobs for seven straight years, the longest losing streak since the Great Depression, 450,000 jobs gone, according to researchers at the University of Michigan.

DONALD GRIMES, UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN: We're going to lose jobs again in 2008. People talk about the one-state recession. You could almost say Michigan's been in a one-state depression.

ROMANS: The state rapidly losing high-paying jobs in autos, manufacturing, construction, and gaining a smaller number of jobs in education, services and hospitality. According to Michigan economists, those jobs pay half, at best, what the jobs that are lost paid. Michigan's governor calls her state the epicenter of the global shift of manufacturing jobs and blames Washington.

GOV. JENNIFER GRANHOLM (D), MICHIGAN: We're mad as hell. We are mad as hell at these unfair trade agreements.

ROMANS: Others say the causes are much more complicated. Bad mistakes and industry, health care costs, whatever the reason, most agree when those jobs go, so do opportunities and resources for education.


ROMANS: A new report from "Education Week" magazine gives public schools in Michigan as a whole a grade of C. But last year, the same group estimated only a quarter of Detroit freshmen graduate four years later. The school district says it's more like 61 percent. Either way, unless the economy improves, there is not much hope for ailing public schools especially in those struggling big cities.

DOBBS: We just heard Governor Granholm in your report say they're mad as hell. But think about what that state is putting up with. I understand Governor Granholm is a Democrat. I understand that there are lots of issues there. But for the people of Michigan to tolerate these two political parties basically telling them to go to hell when they have the leading unemployment rate in the country, when they have had the longest standing loss of jobs of any state in this country, there's something wrong with the people in Michigan if they put up with this kind of nonsense.

There's sure as the dickens something wrong with their elected representatives to put up with this. And there's something wrong with those two political parties to look at that kind of pain, that kind of suffering, the impact of these idiotic faith-based trade policies, by the way, initiated by both President Clinton and President Bush and carried out to a vengeance by this president. There's something wrong when all this is just being allowed to stand. This should not stand in the United States of America.

ROMANS: Of all that pain and suffering that you mentioned, Lou, of that there is absolutely no doubt on the campaign trail, among the people in Michigan, among the politicians on both sides of the debate about how the global economy and outsourcing and manufacturing and unfair trade policies, how all that plays out, there is agreement on that.

DOBBS: And look at the candidates sitting in Michigan. Mitt Romney, Senator John McCain talking about he's the biggest free-trader in the country. Well glory be, how in the heck a man can sit there and say that he is going to bring change, as Senator McCain has, to Washington when he simply emulates the policies that have led Michigan and working men and women all over this country into these straits is, to me, inexplicable and inexcusable.

ROMANS: You have to hope that after Tuesday on Wednesday that around the country people are still talking about the problems in Michigan and what's causing them, Lou, so that other places where the manufacturing base is declining we don't see the same sort of fallout.

DOBBS: Well I can guarantee everybody watching this broadcast will be focusing on the people in Michigan long after that primary is over and the idiotic policies that have been pursued here. Thank you very much, Christine Romans.
indago said:
DIBS: And look at the candidates sitting in Michigan. Mitt Romney, Senator John McCain talking about he's the biggest free-trader in the country. Well glory be, how in the heck a man can sit there and say that he is going to bring change, as Senator McCain has, to Washington when he simply emulates the policies that have led Michigan and working men and women all over this country into these straits is, to me, inexplicable and inexcusable.
This is not unreasonable, but it is also demagoguery since it offers zero solution, or counter-position. America cannot fail to lead the free trade movement. But we need to do a far better job correcting the inevitable economic dislocations that result. And Michigan needs to do less whining and get about the business of reinventing itself the way, for example, Southern California did when it lost tens of thousands of very high paying jobs during the defense industry layoffs that occurred immediately after the fall of the Soviet Union. Look Michigan, if its not going to be cars, then it damn well better be something else. Get a plan in place where the State seeds new industry. What industry? Figure it out. You got some of the best universities in the world. Don't they have any ideas? If they are not focused on this problem, perhaps their funding needs to be addressed. Just what are you doing with the Upper Peninsula of Michigan? The place is larger than most states and yet there is almost no one there. From what I've read, the Houghton-Hancock area was one of the largest population centers of the early US. Why? Because of huge copper deposits and cheap waterborne transportation. Such is still true today. It is where Michigan Tech is located. Get your mining industry going again. There are gigantic deposits of iron ore and limestone in the Upper Peninsula. Show the world, as you once did, how to make the best and most price competitive steel. That would be a start. What about forestry products from the Upper Peninsula and northern lower Michigan? What about partnerships with Illinois and Indiana to reinvent the rust belt? To hell with the Feds and whoever is going to be President. Why are you waiting for them?
CNN — LOU DOBBS TONIGHT — Aired January 14, 2008 - 19:00 ET

LOU DOBBS, CNN ANCHOR: The three leading Republican presidential candidates tonight are in Michigan in advance of tomorrow's primary election. The focus is on jobs. Michigan, of course, has been hard-hit on employment that lost jobs in Michigan for seven years in a row. As Christine Romans now reports, Michigan's shrinking middle class tax base and fewer job opportunities are creating serious challenges for that state's public education system.


ROMANS (voice-over): Detroit is a place where the auto jobs are disappearing and the public schools are struggling with the lowest graduation rates in the country. It's a vicious cycle.

CINDY BROWN, CENTER FOR AMERICAN PROGRESS: You just can't make new investments in education when your revenue base is declining because of your economy.

ROMANS: Fewer jobs mean fewer opportunities for those who graduate. And as the tax base erodes, so does the revenue needed to shore up failing schools and prepare students for a global economy, a global economy that has decimated the state's middle class manufacturing base. Michigan's unemployment rate is the highest in the nation, 7.4 percent according to the Labor Department. Michigan has lost jobs for seven straight years, the longest losing streak since the Great Depression, 450,000 jobs gone, according to researchers at the University of Michigan.

DONALD GRIMES, UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN: We're going to lose jobs again in 2008. People talk about the one-state recession. You could almost say Michigan's been in a one-state depression.

ROMANS: The state rapidly losing high-paying jobs in autos, manufacturing, construction, and gaining a smaller number of jobs in education, services and hospitality. According to Michigan economists, those jobs pay half, at best, what the jobs that are lost paid. Michigan's governor calls her state the epicenter of the global shift of manufacturing jobs and blames Washington.

GOV. JENNIFER GRANHOLM (D), MICHIGAN: We're mad as hell. We are mad as hell at these unfair trade agreements.

ROMANS: Others say the causes are much more complicated. Bad mistakes and industry, health care costs, whatever the reason, most agree when those jobs go, so do opportunities and resources for education.


ROMANS: A new report from "Education Week" magazine gives public schools in Michigan as a whole a grade of C. But last year, the same group estimated only a quarter of Detroit freshmen graduate four years later. The school district says it's more like 61 percent. Either way, unless the economy improves, there is not much hope for ailing public schools especially in those struggling big cities.

DOBBS: We just heard Governor Granholm in your report say they're mad as hell. But think about what that state is putting up with. I understand Governor Granholm is a Democrat. I understand that there are lots of issues there. But for the people of Michigan to tolerate these two political parties basically telling them to go to hell when they have the leading unemployment rate in the country, when they have had the longest standing loss of jobs of any state in this country, there's something wrong with the people in Michigan if they put up with this kind of nonsense.

There's sure as the dickens something wrong with their elected representatives to put up with this. And there's something wrong with those two political parties to look at that kind of pain, that kind of suffering, the impact of these idiotic faith-based trade policies, by the way, initiated by both President Clinton and President Bush and carried out to a vengeance by this president. There's something wrong when all this is just being allowed to stand. This should not stand in the United States of America.

ROMANS: Of all that pain and suffering that you mentioned, Lou, of that there is absolutely no doubt on the campaign trail, among the people in Michigan, among the politicians on both sides of the debate about how the global economy and outsourcing and manufacturing and unfair trade policies, how all that plays out, there is agreement on that.

DOBBS: And look at the candidates sitting in Michigan. Mitt Romney, Senator John McCain talking about he's the biggest free-trader in the country. Well glory be, how in the heck a man can sit there and say that he is going to bring change, as Senator McCain has, to Washington when he simply emulates the policies that have led Michigan and working men and women all over this country into these straits is, to me, inexplicable and inexcusable.

ROMANS: You have to hope that after Tuesday on Wednesday that around the country people are still talking about the problems in Michigan and what's causing them, Lou, so that other places where the manufacturing base is declining we don't see the same sort of fallout.

DOBBS: Well I can guarantee everybody watching this broadcast will be focusing on the people in Michigan long after that primary is over and the idiotic policies that have been pursued here. Thank you very much, Christine Romans.

DOBBS knows the explanation and here it is all candidates are members and attendees of the council on foreign relations and the bilderburgs and have received their stamp of approval for their support of the socialist globalist agenda...Ron paul has never attended a bilderburg meeting and is not a member of the CFR or a Friend to the federal reserve and the central banks that are the puppet masters

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