James Carville: "Young voters are leaving the Democrat Party in droves."

Rubbish. The 'over-sentenced' myth was exploded years ago. How about just obeying simple laws for once instead of turning every encounter with cops into a game show with million dollar prizes? Darwin awards aren't all that great.
Right. In the face of report after report that shows disparities in policing and sentencing your response is more racism.
Rubbish. The 'over-sentenced' myth was exploded years ago. How about just obeying simple laws for once instead of turning every encounter with cops into a game show with million dollar prizes? Darwin awards aren't all that great.

Well stop the presses, your racist friends, think he is racist? :laughing0301:
So no real response to him being successfully sued for racial discrimination? Thought so. :itsok:

The justice department doesnt disportionately go after blacks but it is unfair to whites born into hundreds of millions of dollars. :laugh:

These are dumb arguments. Why bother?
A pass? I deal with political reality and vote for who I think think is the least racist white if those are the only options available to me. You pretend it's something more than that because you're afraid to actually address me. Getting all dressed up to fight strawmen isn't impressive to me cosplayers. :laugh:

I LOVE how you've humiliatingly accepted that you'll be voting for rich white men for the rest of your life.

I LOVE how you've humiliatingly accepted that you'll be voting for rich white men for the rest of your life.

Rich people, most likely. It takes money to run for president. White? Only in your dreams Marvin. I plan to live a bit longer and you cuck whites already allowed whites 18 and under to become demographic minorities. :funnyface:
The one I linked to previously that he settled.

He suggested Obama wasn't born in America because of politics? That's your belief?

He also said lots of negative things about Clinton, what's your excuse for that?

As a matter of face Clinton said a lot of nasty things about Obama when running for the nomination, is she a racist too?
He also said lots of negative things about Clinton, what's your excuse for that?

As a matter of face Clinton said a lot of nasty things about Obama when running for the nomination, is she a racist too?
So because he also said negative things about Clinton his attacks on Obama's place of birth and his religion can't be racist? That's how you think logic works?
Is there a point? Do you honestly care? I don't think any of you have the capacity to stop with the cosplay.

For one, I mentioned before he and his father were sued by the Justice Department for racial discrimination over their refusal to rent apartments to black people. They settled.

He took out an ad in the paper to call for the torture and execution of Black and Hispanic teens who's confessions of rape were obtained after hours of interrogation by police where they didn't have their parents or lawyers present and then when they were exonerated a decade later he took out another ad to call their settlement a disgrace.

He argued that Obama was an illegitimate President, actually born in Kenya and secretly a Muslim working to undermine America from within.

He instituted a Muslim travel ban.

He suggested Fani Willis was sleeping with a gang banger she was prosecuting.

This is a silly argument. Pretending as if there aren't plenty of people who view Trump as racist is silly. As silly as pretending I don't think Biden is also racist or that he's still better than Trump. You're silly little boys with silly little arguments. You should feel free to disagree with my opinions but I don't know why you frail whites insist on inventing a strawman opinion that I don't actually have. Have you all really grown that soft?
Oh, so you have no racist quotes, just lefty spin.

Just what I expected from an idiot like you.
Oh, so you have no racist quotes, just lefty spin.

Just what I expected from an idiot like you.
Him calling the exonerated of black and Hispanic teens a disgrace is lefty spin. All you frail white love to imagine only your opinions matter. Let me know when you can handle countervailing ones without the need of pretend and make believe.
So because he also said negative things about Clinton his attacks on Obama's place of birth and his religion can't be racist? That's how you think logic works?

That's apparently how your logic works, criticism of Obama is due to racism, criticism of white political opponents is due to what exactly?

You live in a world where you think any negative criticism against a person of color is solely due to racism. It's just bullshit.
That's apparently how your logic works, criticism of Obama is due to racism, criticism of white political opponents is due to what exactly?
A question isn't a display of logic, it's a display of confusion which you certainly seem to be.

It's my opinion, and that of many other black and brown people, that Trump's attacks on Obama's place of birth and his religion were racist. What I'm saying is that you referencing Hillary as means to try and explain why our feelings are wrong is what's illogical. What Trump's reasons for attacking Hillary have nothing to do with the fact that many black and brown people saw those attacks on Obama as racist.
You live in a world where you think any negative criticism against a person of color is solely due to racism. It's just bullshit.
I live in a world where I get to have an opinion on people's character and you can feel free to cry about it. :dunno: :itsok:
A question isn't a display of logic, it's a display of confusion which you certainly seem to be.

It's my opinion, and that of many other black and brown people, that Trump's attacks on Obama's place of birth and his religion were racist. What I'm saying is that you referencing Hillary as means to try and explain why our feelings are wrong is what's illogical. What Trump's reasons for attacking Hillary have nothing to do with the fact that many black and brown people saw those attacks on Obama as racist.

I live in a world where I get to have an opinion on people's character and you can feel free to cry about it. :dunno: :itsok:

In other words you use racism as a tool to smear white political opponents when they criticize or question a person of color? Cause you have zero explanation, other than normal 'politics' when it's whites tearing each other apart.

What makes Trump's disbelief in Obama's origins 'racist'?

So was Obama being racist in his attacks of Trump? If not, why not?

Your 'opinion' was formed based on what left wing 'media' told you to believe, nothing more, nothing less. And when faced with facts contrary to what you've been told, you refuse to revise your 'opinion'. As I said previously, stupid is as stupid does.

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