James Brady, former White House press secretary, has died

If our founding fathers could see how batshit crazy the 2nd amendment crew has become, I bet they would have worded that amendment very differently.

How batshit crazy were they back then? They fought a war for liberty, which is exactly what is going on today in the courts with respect to 2nd Amendment.

Besides, we don't have a problem with firearm deaths from too many guns in the hands of citizens.


It does not surprise me that you decided to point to a statistic about black firearm deaths. Not only is is not a real statistic, it is only a predictor, and you did not list the source. Interesting. And that on a RIP thread.

So, you just proved my point.
Thoughts and prayers go out his family.

:thup: [MENTION=23516]Papageorgio[/MENTION]

Really, this thread was ONLY an RIP-thread for a man who served in Reagan's administration and also took a bullet for the man.

The fact that he joined a caused that even Ronald Reagan supported, namely, the Brady Bill, should not mean that crazies here in USMB have to shit all over a thread. But of course, they will, because they don't give a fuck about other human beings. Really, when I think that certain Righties cannot possibly sink any lower, they do.

There was really no other reason for any other comments than the well written one by Papageorgio - a simple, respectful RIP.

Damn, it's like a whole lot of people have really lost their own humanity.

Hint: it's not always a Right vs. Left thing.

More ignorant shit from the chief poseur.
Brady was associated very closely with gun control, an extremely unpopular and totally discredited notion. So no wonder people would respond to that part of his life vs the part where he worked for the greatest president in the 20th century. No one is happy to see him dead, we all mourn. But his political views, or what was associated with him, are anathema.
And it's not a RvL thing. Plenty of leftists are pro gun.
If our founding fathers could see how batshit crazy the 2nd amendment crew has become, I bet they would have worded that amendment very differently.

How batshit crazy were they back then? They fought a war for liberty, which is exactly what is going on today in the courts with respect to 2nd Amendment.

Besides, we don't have a problem with firearm deaths from too many guns in the hands of citizens.


It does not surprise me that you decided to point to a statistic about black firearm deaths. Not only is is not a real statistic, it is only a predictor, and you did not list the source. Interesting. And that on a RIP thread.

So, you just proved my point.

Help me out here. We're on a RIP thread and someone wrote the following: "If our founding fathers could see how batshit crazy the 2nd amendment crew has become, I bet they would have worded that amendment very differently."

Can you help track down the miscreant who wrote that?

You made a claim that America is suffering from people protecting their civil rights. The implied harm is firearm deaths. That puts firearms deaths into the crosshairs. What is the cause of those firearm homicides? Is it too many guns or some other factor? If it's not firearm levels in the community, which this table demonstrates, then braying at the moon about too many guns is missing the mark. If you want to cut down on homicides there is a far bigger problem for you to tackle. Get crackin.
How batshit crazy were they back then? They fought a war for liberty, which is exactly what is going on today in the courts with respect to 2nd Amendment.

Besides, we don't have a problem with firearm deaths from too many guns in the hands of citizens.


It does not surprise me that you decided to point to a statistic about black firearm deaths. Not only is is not a real statistic, it is only a predictor, and you did not list the source. Interesting. And that on a RIP thread.

So, you just proved my point.

Help me out here. We're on a RIP thread and someone wrote the following: "If our founding fathers could see how batshit crazy the 2nd amendment crew has become, I bet they would have worded that amendment very differently."

Can you help track down the miscreant who wrote that?

You made a claim that America is suffering from people protecting their civil rights. The implied harm is firearm deaths. That puts firearms deaths into the crosshairs. What is the cause of those firearm homicides? Is it too many guns or some other factor? If it's not firearm levels in the community, which this table demonstrates, then braying at the moon about too many guns is missing the mark. If you want to cut down on homicides there is a far bigger problem for you to tackle. Get crackin.

Alone calling another person a miscreant says a lot more about you than it says about me or anyone else. And what is says about you is not good.

You still did not list the source for your graphic. Where is your source? Are you afraid to actually admit your source?
Thoughts and prayers go out his family.

:thup: [MENTION=23516]Papageorgio[/MENTION]

Really, this thread was ONLY an RIP-thread for a man who served in Reagan's administration and also took a bullet for the man.

The fact that he joined a caused that even Ronald Reagan supported, namely, the Brady Bill, should not mean that crazies here in USMB have to shit all over a thread. But of course, they will, because they don't give a fuck about other human beings. Really, when I think that certain Righties cannot possibly sink any lower, they do.

There was really no other reason for any other comments than the well written one by Papageorgio - a simple, respectful RIP.

Damn, it's like a whole lot of people have really lost their own humanity.

Hint: it's not always a Right vs. Left thing.

More ignorant shit from the chief poseur.
Brady was associated very closely with gun control, an extremely unpopular and totally discredited notion. So no wonder people would respond to that part of his life vs the part where he worked for the greatest president in the 20th century. No one is happy to see him dead, we all mourn. But his political views, or what was associated with him, are anathema.
And it's not a RvL thing. Plenty of leftists are pro gun.

More ignorant shit from the fake Rabbi.

Ronald Reagan SUPPORTED the Brady Bill.

But at least we agree that it's not a Left vs. Right thing.

BTW, you can be pro 2nd amendment and also support the Brady Bill. If you work hard enough with the brain cells you have left, you will be able to see this. But I bet you don't even know what is in the Brady Bill.
Your opinion, which I do not share. But it shows how inhumane you are.

It's a shame that a frothing lunatic leftist shot him and I do hope he is at rest, but that doesn't mean he or Gabby Giffords or anyone else has more say over my 2nd Amendment rights than I do.
It seems that Congresswoman Giffords and Press Secretary Brady had their rights curtailed. At least you can still proudly pack heat, regardless of the circumstances.

Imagine if those shootings, along with the hundreds of thousands since them, could have been prevented.

I could care less. I'm more concerned about the number of people losing their lives in backyard pools. That is very concerning


He did so because Brady was a personal friend.

i'd think it was also because he was shot and didn't want loons to have guns.

I doubt Reagan on his own would have ever pushed for anything resembling the Brady Bill. I think his support was driven by his respect for Brady, and his friendship.
Reagan, and NRA member was always considered a strong gun rights president. His actions however, were a bit mixed.
Making more laws will not stop gun violence or any other violence. Our culture desensitizes violence, that is the issue. Music, games, movies create the culture.

Violence is the symptom, remove guns, the culture will move to other forms of violence.

The Japanese have a society where they have the same kind of music, games and movies. some of them are even more gonzo than what we have in the States.

And they had all of 11 gun murders in 2010.

Nope. Easy access to guns is really the problem.
The man turned his own personal tragedy into a tragedy for us all via the law that bears his name.
Making more laws will not stop gun violence or any other violence. Our culture desensitizes violence, that is the issue. Music, games, movies create the culture.

Violence is the symptom, remove guns, the culture will move to other forms of violence.

The Japanese have a society where they have the same kind of music, games and movies. some of them are even more gonzo than what we have in the States.

And they had all of 11 gun murders in 2010.

Nope. Easy access to guns is really the problem.

Gun crime is only a problem for the minority. Americans love their guns and Bill of Rights.

RIP. I don't care about Brady's politics. I'm pro-gun but that doesn't have anything to do with this man's death. We all will die at some point in our lives. Nobody lives forever. He was shot during an attempt to kill a great President. Who knows, maybe it's possible that because of his injuries, the President's life was not taken. Regrets for what he had to endure in his life because of his injury. Crazy people will always have access to guns and will shoot people for whatever reason. No law will ever change that. There are plenty of gun laws on the books but yet criminals still have access to guns. A total ban on guns is not the answer. Whatever political gains come from his death will do nothing to curb gun violence. The solution will need to come from someplace else other than politics.
More ignorant shit from the chief poseur.
Brady was associated very closely with gun control, an extremely unpopular and totally discredited notion. So no wonder people would respond to that part of his life vs the part where he worked for the greatest president in the 20th century. No one is happy to see him dead, we all mourn. But his political views, or what was associated with him, are anathema.
And it's not a RvL thing. Plenty of leftists are pro gun.

More ignorant shit from the fake Rabbi.

Ronald Reagan SUPPORTED the Brady Bill.

But at least we agree that it's not a Left vs. Right thing.

BTW, you can be pro 2nd amendment and also support the Brady Bill. If you work hard enough with the brain cells you have left, you will be able to see this. But I bet you don't even know what is in the Brady Bill.

it's more than that.

It's how the crazies have taken over the NRA and the GOP on this issue.

In 1968, Gov. Ronald Reagan signed a law that prohibited openly carrying guns when the Black Panthers started doing it. Other governors in other states did the same, and the NRA supported these laws.

And when the Crazies in the NRA turned pedophile cultist David Koresh and Neo Nazi Randy Weaver into a second amendment heroes, and called the ATF "Jack-Booted Thugs", President George H. Bush resigned his membership in the NRA.

I personally would ban every privately owned gun in the country with few exceptions, but there really is a middle ground between total confiscation and the crazy shit we have going on now.

The NRA isn't willing to consider it, because crazy people with guns are good for business.
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Making more laws will not stop gun violence or any other violence. Our culture desensitizes violence, that is the issue. Music, games, movies create the culture.

Violence is the symptom, remove guns, the culture will move to other forms of violence.

The Japanese have a society where they have the same kind of music, games and movies. some of them are even more gonzo than what we have in the States.

And they had all of 11 gun murders in 2010.

Nope. Easy access to guns is really the problem.

Gun crime is only a problem for the minority. Americans love their guns and Bill of Rights.


Gun ownership is down to 35% of households... down from 50% back in the 1980's.

It's really going out of style.
The Japanese have a society where they have the same kind of music, games and movies. some of them are even more gonzo than what we have in the States.

And they had all of 11 gun murders in 2010.

Nope. Easy access to guns is really the problem.

Gun crime is only a problem for the minority. Americans love their guns and Bill of Rights.


Gun ownership is down to 35% of households... down from 50% back in the 1980's.

It's really going out of style.

Good luck with that

Hinkley was an advocate of Marx. He insanely thought he was Deniro in Taxi Driver - along with the revolutionary bent of it. His obsession with Jody Foster grew out of his psychotic link to the film.

But then, leftism isn't something promoted by a healthy mind.

He was a nut. Characterizing him as a "leftist" is not only ridiculous, but gives credibility to the argument that the "right" cannot characterize the left without resorting to absurd hyperbole.

I agree.

And, since was insane, saying he believed in anything at all is probably not accurate.

He was crazy and that's the issue that matters.

i do not believe for a moment he was or is crazy, he is just your typical demoRAT leftard, who was not afraid of guns...., it's just that simple. :up:
WHO has ever said, ever anywhere, that guns fire of their own volition?

I asked PredFan that question and his answer is a continuous "hummahummahumma" and then he runs away.

Whatcha got?

you are so fucking stupid it shames me to reply..., but i will, that is the INTIMATION you fucking liber-retards say every time a gun is used in a heinous crime..., "guns kill', "guns kill", "guns kill"

ooh ! just in case you never learned intimation means: the action of making something known, especially in an indirect way.

another thing :fu:

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