Jake Tapper debunks Trump's 'wall of lies'

You know, while there are drugs coming through the southern border, they aren't crossing through the desert.....................they are coming in via tunnels under the border, or they are coming in via paid mules who transport it in vehicles or semi trucks. Cartels don't use immigrants migrating from Central America that they know nothing about, they use mules who they already know where their family is, so that if the shipment doesn't make it, they can go after their relatives.

As far as terrorists coming into the country? Well, they caught around 3,700 of them last year trying to enter the country who were on a watch list, but only 12 were caught trying to cross the southern border illegally. The other almost 3,700 were caught when they landed at international airports here in the USA.

As far as trying to scare people with fentanyl and the overdoses associated with it? You guys do realize that stuff is made in China, and comes in via ships and the mail, right? It isn't shipped to Mexico to have migrants bring it across the border.

You guys gotta stop with the fear mongering. It's clouding your judgement.

We caught 12 terrorists. How many got thru? Also, how many terrorists do you need to kill thousands of people? 9/11 ring any bells?


Would a wall have stopped a single one of the 9/11 hijackers?

Who knows? A wall may have stopped a number of illegals from murdering or raping Americans...dumbass.

At 24 million dollars per mile "who knows" is not going to cut it.

We build a military to defend our borders. Who knows if we'll ever need it? Does that "cut it"?

Now who is spreading fake news? Tell me, do ILLEGALS have a lower crime rate then native Americans?


Yes, native Americans commit crimes at a greater rate than ILLEGAL aliens. You do know that being in the country illegally is not a crime, but a civil violation, something akin to a speeding ticket. I mean we have been through this before, don't act like you do not remember.

Illegal Aliens Murder at a Much Higher Rate Than US Citizens Do


Sorry, but your source sucks and he is interchanging the murder rate, that is the number of murders for a given population, and the murderer rate, the number of murderers in a given population. All kinds of things wrong with that which makes the numbers absolutely meaningless. For instance, what if we looked at the murderer rate for native black males between the age of 18 and 40. I bet those numbers would be through the roof and easily eclipse the numbers your source has contrived.

Lets say you are right about the black men, so what? They are our citizens, and our country is responsible for them. We are not responsible for other countries criminals.


So we are responsible for the murderers but not the murdered. You really want to run with that

Yes, I do. It is not our countries responsibility to take in foreign criminals. We have enough of our own to contend with.



Sad...and interesting.

This is true. They actually criticized Trump for saying things that are true. Washington Post: “Fact-checking Trump’s address: ‘266,000 aliens arrested in the past two years.’ The number is right but misleading.” That’s the fact check. “The number is right but misleading. It’s important to keep in mind that this figure includes all types of crimes, including nonviolent offenses such as illegal entry or reentry.”

So they characterize Trump’s claim as factual, as misleading because the figure includes all types of crimes. Who in the world could make this up? That’s a fact check? They fact check and they found out his right but it’s misleading because it’s all crime. It further makes Trump’s point, in other words. They’re claiming Trump undersold his point! And it wasn’t the only fact check of that nature. - Rush

The number is misleading dipshit. He used it in the context of "murderers and rapists" when the number includes jaywalkers and speeders. Here is a "statistic" for you, aliens commit crimes at a lower rate than native Americans.

Now who is spreading fake news? Tell me, do ILLEGALS have a lower crime rate then native Americans?


Yes, native Americans commit crimes at a greater rate than ILLEGAL aliens. You do know that being in the country illegally is not a crime, but a civil violation, something akin to a speeding ticket. I mean we have been through this before, don't act like you do not remember.

/——-/ If they sneak into the country they are committing a crime marking them criminals. Duhhhh


Sad...and interesting.
Yes, Fake Crapper is such a waste. The only lies are coming from "Blinkie" Pelosi and UpChuck Schmoozer. You fucking retards cant remember shit when your politicians voted for Border Security. Then as typical when a REAL man gets in the Presidency you act like morons...

/——/ They remember voting for it, but hope we forgot.


Sad...and interesting.

/----/ So old Jake says Trump's numbers are right - but but but

“misleading” “falsehoods”

They’re called lies – Trump and Pence are both liars.

/——/ And what did they lie about?

Well, you could start with these on Trump:

Trump Lies

/——/ A bit hard to read. Got anything legible?
You know, while there are drugs coming through the southern border, they aren't crossing through the desert.....................they are coming in via tunnels under the border, or they are coming in via paid mules who transport it in vehicles or semi trucks. Cartels don't use immigrants migrating from Central America that they know nothing about, they use mules who they already know where their family is, so that if the shipment doesn't make it, they can go after their relatives.

As far as terrorists coming into the country? Well, they caught around 3,700 of them last year trying to enter the country who were on a watch list, but only 12 were caught trying to cross the southern border illegally. The other almost 3,700 were caught when they landed at international airports here in the USA.

As far as trying to scare people with fentanyl and the overdoses associated with it? You guys do realize that stuff is made in China, and comes in via ships and the mail, right? It isn't shipped to Mexico to have migrants bring it across the border.

You guys gotta stop with the fear mongering. It's clouding your judgement.

We caught 12 terrorists. How many got thru? Also, how many terrorists do you need to kill thousands of people? 9/11 ring any bells?


Would a wall have stopped a single one of the 9/11 hijackers?

Who knows? A wall may have stopped a number of illegals from murdering or raping Americans...dumbass.

At 24 million dollars per mile "who knows" is not going to cut it.

Sure, doing nothing is always a great effort...dumbass.


Sad...and interesting.

/----/ So old Jake says Trump's numbers are right - but but but

“misleading” “falsehoods”

They’re called lies – Trump and Pence are both liars.

/——/ And what did they lie about?

Well, you could start with these on Trump:

Trump Lies

when Obama said that he visited all 57 states, was he lying?
When Michelle said that Obama's home country was Kenya, was he lying?
Jim Acosta went to the border in a lame attempt to prove there is no problem there. The dipshit went to an area with a sturdy fence and then claimed there weren't people coming through. There were some slats missing from the fence, likely from a previous illegal entry. Thing is, there usually isn't much of a problem in the areas where we have secure borders.

Maybe some of these libs should go to the areas that have little or no security, as many others have done, and just sit and watch people pour through 24/7.

The left tries to debunk this issue despite the sheer numbers of people being caught entering illegally and the high number of criminals among them. We can only guess on the number of people who didn't get caught because of our lack of security.

Many who have been caught and many who have been arrested in cities for violence crimes and murder have been deported in the past, some many times. That alone tells us that deportation is futile when they can easily come right back in.

An estimated 22 million illegals are in this country and that number is likely higher. Funny how the number has stayed the same despite people continuing to pour in. We can't count the gang members and other criminals who go directly to sanctuary cities.

Most claim they simply outstayed their visas. How it is possible for the left to ignore the traffic at the border? Those people do not have visas. Why bother when it's so easy to just walk in? Even if caught, they are only held for a short time and then released into this country. What have they got to lose by entering illegally?

WHOOPS! Jim Acosta Tries Proving the Wall is Unnecessary. Does the Complete Opposite!
He said one thing -Schumer said one thing, Pelosi said one thing, Hillary said one thing, Obama said one thing. They ALL misspoke. The REAL issue is-do we get a wall or not?
He said one thing -Schumer said one thing, Pelosi said one thing, Hillary said one thing, Obama said one thing. They ALL misspoke. The REAL issue is-do we get a wall or not?

I could be wrong, but tomorrow is Friday, and I have a sneaking suspicion that Trump may call the national emergency tomorrow.
He said one thing -Schumer said one thing, Pelosi said one thing, Hillary said one thing, Obama said one thing. They ALL misspoke. The REAL issue is-do we get a wall or not?

I could be wrong, but tomorrow is Friday, and I have a sneaking suspicion that Trump may call the national emergency tomorrow.

If he was gonna call an emergency anyway, why the hell did he have to shut down the government and cost all those people a whole bunch of money, especially around Christmas?

And, current estimates for this shutdown are roughly 6.5 BILLION dollars per week in costs to the government. That means that Trump has wasted over 3 times the 5.1 billion he was asking for building the wall.
He said one thing -Schumer said one thing, Pelosi said one thing, Hillary said one thing, Obama said one thing. They ALL misspoke. The REAL issue is-do we get a wall or not?

I could be wrong, but tomorrow is Friday, and I have a sneaking suspicion that Trump may call the national emergency tomorrow.

If he was gonna call an emergency anyway, why the hell did he have to shut down the government and cost all those people a whole bunch of money, especially around Christmas?

And, current estimates for this shutdown are roughly 6.5 BILLION dollars per week in costs to the government. That means that Trump has wasted over 3 times the 5.1 billion he was asking for building the wall.

Talk to the Democrats.

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