I've yet to see the Messiah..Obama perform this miracle...


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2011
water trickle up!

Yet Obama doesn't hold to the laws of physics regarding "trickle down" economics..
Obama says:
"For much of the last century, we have been having the same argument with folks who keep peddling some version of trickle-down economics," Obama said. "They keep telling us that if we'd convert more of our investments in education and research and health care into tax cuts, especially for the wealthy, our economy will grow stronger."
Obama said the theory has failed, and that "the results of their experiment are there for all to see."
Obama slams Romney, Ryan budget - Apr. 3, 2012

BUT contrary to Obama's yet to be performed "trickle UP"

Obama's LIFE is due to the "trickle-down economy"!

His mother depended on her banker mother to fund her world wide jaunts and lifestyle!

Obama depended on "Affirmative Actions" for his college costs!

Obama depended on the Annenberg Foundation when he was a community organizer!

Obama depends on the "trickle-down economy" to pay the taxes that pays for his and his families trips around the world... seems like he's been a total dependent on the "trickle-down economy"
Obama depends on tax payers to pay for his trips, his wife's 17 vacation trips his existence today!

Yet the Messiah thinks he can perform miracles i.e. "trickle-up" in defiance of laws of physics!

I've yet to see water defy gravity and "trickle up"!
I've yet to see a poor man hire people!
I've yet to see Obama pay for his trips, his wife's 17 vacation trips his existence today!

I've yet to hear if as HIS Brother's keeper" if his brother's moved out of the $12 Hut!
I've also yet to see how Obama wants to make the USA energy independent if he continues to encourage Canadian oil to be shipped to China. Or make the USA energy independent by telling Brazil we'll be their best customer!
Or how Obama can encourage domestic oil production when contrary to Clinton who increased leasing permits on Federal land 56% and Bush increased federal leasing 116%... Obama?
Federal leasing has DECREASED by 36%
Again how is that going to make the USA energy independent?
water trickle up!

Yet Obama doesn't hold to the laws of physics regarding "trickle down" economics..

I've yet to see water defy gravity and "trickle up"!

OMG, you think "trickle down economics" literally means something is trickling down due to gravity. Wow you're stupid.
I've yet to see a poor man hire people!

My pa pa was lower middle class and he had employees.

Most business owners are not wealthy. Most of them are everyday Joes.

I'm sorry your city allowed all the mom & pops to be run out of business to the point where you actually believe only the rich can offer you a job.
I've yet to see Obama pay for his trips, his wife's 17 vacation trips his existence today!

Clearly the President should have to pay for his own security detail. t

I've yet to hear if as HIS Brother's keeper" if his brother's moved out of the $12 Hut!

How do you know his brother wants to move out of his hut?
water trickle up!

Yet Obama doesn't hold to the laws of physics regarding "trickle down" economics..
Obama says:
"For much of the last century, we have been having the same argument with folks who keep peddling some version of trickle-down economics," Obama said. "They keep telling us that if we'd convert more of our investments in education and research and health care into tax cuts, especially for the wealthy, our economy will grow stronger."
Obama said the theory has failed, and that "the results of their experiment are there for all to see."
Obama slams Romney, Ryan budget - Apr. 3, 2012

BUT contrary to Obama's yet to be performed "trickle UP"

Obama's LIFE is due to the "trickle-down economy"!

His mother depended on her banker mother to fund her world wide jaunts and lifestyle!

Obama depended on "Affirmative Actions" for his college costs!

Obama depended on the Annenberg Foundation when he was a community organizer!

Obama depends on the "trickle-down economy" to pay the taxes that pays for his and his families trips around the world... seems like he's been a total dependent on the "trickle-down economy"
Obama depends on tax payers to pay for his trips, his wife's 17 vacation trips his existence today!

Yet the Messiah thinks he can perform miracles i.e. "trickle-up" in defiance of laws of physics!

I've yet to see water defy gravity and "trickle up"!
I've yet to see a poor man hire people!
I've yet to see Obama pay for his trips, his wife's 17 vacation trips his existence today!

I've yet to hear if as HIS Brother's keeper" if his brother's moved out of the $12 Hut!

I've also yet to see how Obama wants to make the USA energy independent if he continues to encourage Canadian oil to be shipped to China. Or make the USA energy independent by telling Brazil we'll be their best customer!
Or how Obama can encourage domestic oil production when contrary to Clinton who increased leasing permits on Federal land 56% and Bush increased federal leasing 116%... Obama?
Federal leasing has DECREASED by 36%
Again how is that going to make the USA energy independent?

Okay where to start? When Reagan coined "Trickle down", he wasn't referring to money physically trickling down fro wealthy people. It's what's called a "metaphor".
The Annenburg Foundation is a non-profit charity.
Affirmative Action has what to do with Trickel Down? Zero.
Obama could easily pay for his trips. He was a millionaire before he ever became president. Every president and their family has vacations paid for on the taxpayer dime. This has what to do with trickel down? Zero.
The oil from Canada would do nothing to affect the price of gas.
We are already a net exporter of gas.
The oil imported would go to the world market no matter what.
Obama has no control over gas prices as American Gas & Oil companies are not socialized.

So your post is rather foolish, devoid of facts and empty of relevant argument or position.
I've also yet to see how Obama wants to make the USA energy independent if he continues to encourage Canadian oil to be shipped to China. Or make the USA energy independent by telling Brazil we'll be their best customer!
Or how Obama can encourage domestic oil production when contrary to Clinton who increased leasing permits on Federal land 56% and Bush increased federal leasing 116%... Obama?
Federal leasing has DECREASED by 36%
Again how is that going to make the USA energy independent?

We don't have nearly enough oil to be energy independent.
I've also yet to see how Obama wants to make the USA energy independent if he continues to encourage Canadian oil to be shipped to China. Or make the USA energy independent by telling Brazil we'll be their best customer!
Or how Obama can encourage domestic oil production when contrary to Clinton who increased leasing permits on Federal land 56% and Bush increased federal leasing 116%... Obama?
Federal leasing has DECREASED by 36%
Again how is that going to make the USA energy independent?

We don't have nearly enough oil to be energy independent.

Please then explain how with the below reserves in the USA?

In the below undeveloped areas of the domestic USA 2.5 TRILLION barrels of oil!!!
2.8 billion barrels in 100 feet or less off Gulf coast
.3 billion in Virginia
10.0 billion in Anwr .3% of 2.5 TRILLION barrels on less then 2,000 acres!
3.600.0 billion in Bakken Formation
The Bakken Formation in North Dakota, South Dakota, Montana, and southern Canada was discovered in the 1980s and 1990s,with new production techniques, new estimates suggest that 3.65 billion barrels could be extracted from the Bakken Formation.

The Rand Corporation says that between 500 billion barrels and 1.1 trillion barrels may exist in the Green Rover Formation in Colorado, Utah and Wyoming.

U.S. oil resources: President Obama’s ‘non sequitur facts’ - The Washington Post

So assume ONLY 50% is recoverable!
The USA uses 20 million barrels a day..

In other words since big numbers seem to be hard for you..
At over 1.15 trillion barrels.. in known reserves and 6 billion consumed by USA annually..
That is 191 years totally produced by USA and consumed by USA!

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