I've Been Right All Along! There Is No 'Gay Gene'

I must say...any guy who isn't happy with his dick and wants to cut it off, please do go ahead and be my guest. Who the fuck cares. Honestly I don't know what the big deal is here. The same with guys who prefer other guys, women who want other women, women who prefer to have deformed penises replacing their vaginas and the whole spectrum of what is commonly referred to as "LGBTQ". They aren't bothering me one little bit.

We are witnessing the evolutionary process of Darwin's Origin of Species in action here. They are basically ensuring, on their own, that no future generations with the same issues are reproduced. How is that a bad thing for society in general? Let it happen. They want to marry, let them marry.
I must say...any guy who isn't happy with his dick and wants to cut it off, please do go ahead and be my guest. Who the fuck cares. Honestly I don't know what the big deal is here. The same with guys who prefer other guys, women who want other women, women who prefer to have deformed penises replacing their vaginas and the whole spectrum of what is commonly referred to as "LGBTQ". They aren't bothering me one little bit.

We are witnessing the evolutionary process of Darwin's Origin of Species in action here. They are basically ensuring, on their own, that no future generations with the same issues are reproduced. How is that a bad thing for society in general? Let it happen. They want to marry, let them marry.

I have a similar view on abortion, if women want to murder their own babies, for their convenience, good, let's keep women who think like that, and with those genes, from reproducing.

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