It's Time To Talk Treason


Platinum Member
Feb 20, 2015
Sun, Sand And Palm Trees
Word is now out and that word is that by an act of stupidity and carelessness our
Secrets are no longer such. Her emails were taken by either Chinese or Russians. Treason does NOT have to be a deliberate act. It can be an act of stupidity.

And stupid appears to be named Hillary. This .....
"Current and former U.S. intelligence officials say they assume that all of the email that transited Clinton's home server is in the possession of Russian or Chinese intelligence services, who would have easily bypassed whatever security measures she took. They, too, spoke on condition of anonymity because they weren't authorized to discuss the Clinton email situation publicly."

From here...
New inquiry into Clinton emails fuels political questions - Yahoo News

You simple CANNOT elect a person that stupid to run a nation okay?
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You simple CANNOT elect a person that stupid to run a nation okay?
It happened in the previous two elections already.
Yeah, but this time is REAL different. How do you cut ANY deal I don't like when I can black mail you at ANY time? You can't.
This ENTIRE country could be held hostage and not do a thing about it.

She was stupid WAY stupid. She should NEVER have handled that info that way.
In a decent world that makes sense, both Clintons would now be serving long prison sentences.
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In a decent world that makes sense, both Clintons would now be serving long prison sentences.
Either the Russians or the Chinese know more about what when down in Libya then Americans do. And that info plus whatever else they have is leverage against the person who did it.

Hillary no longer needs to be bought she can be blackmailed.
You simple CANNOT elect a person that stupid to run a nation okay?

Yes, you can!


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The news is just breaking and it's getting worse by the hour.
"Well, this is not the kind of headline Hillary Clinton’s presidential campaign was hoping to see on a Friday afternoon. The Wall Street Journal on Friday reported that an internal government review has concluded Clinton sent at least four different emails containing classified information over her home email server while she was serving as Secretary of State. The information contained in those emails should have been considered “secret,” which is a notch below the “top secret” level of intelligence classification."

From here...
Hillary Clinton sent classified info over her private email server everything we know so far
Democrats better get somebody else and fast. This ship is sinking quick.
Well, 214, the cat is out of the bag. She will be indicted any day now. Your worries are over.
You better get behind Webb. I know he is everything that democrats HATE like Nam vet/Decorated military and a Marine. But you need someone who does NOT look stupid or like a traitor because that load of shit ain't selling no more.
Liberals do not care that their politicians violate the rules...........and in classified data it is a travesty...........When I signed papers for security clearances back in the day, it was a Federal Offense with time in Levinworth for disclosure of such data............and they would do so in a heart beat if the average Joe violated the rules.............

But our Politicians are above the law now, and their supporters go OH what.

Hillary Clinton FIRED an Ambassador for doing the same thing....................Do as I say and not as I do.........
Everyone knows they tried to hide the data and shredded evidence.................the Lies were so blatant that even Ray Charles could see it as a cover up......................Far more than Tricky Dick back in the day. If only Nixon had the politicians we had to day................He could have said I'm not a Crook and gotten away with it.

If we don't hold our politicians accountable for their actions, either party then we get a group that no longer need honor the law or their Oaths of office........................and that is not the way it should be in this country.

Yet it is, and the masses will look the other way and allow them to get away with murder.........Sad in reality........on how far down on ethics and morality this country has turned.................

and the beat goes on.
Well, 214, the cat is out of the bag. She will be indicted any day now. Your worries are over.
You better get behind Webb. I know he is everything that democrats HATE like Nam vet/Decorated military and a Marine. But you need someone who does NOT look stupid or like a traitor because that load of shit ain't selling no more.

I won't speak for democrats, but you sure do say stupid things for a guy with a 214. Democrats have often supported candidates who have military well as Vietnam vets.

Jim Webb is running as a Democrat, isn't he? Does he hate himself?
Are you a retard?
Well, 214, the cat is out of the bag. She will be indicted any day now. Your worries are over.
You better get behind Webb. I know he is everything that democrats HATE like Nam vet/Decorated military and a Marine. But you need someone who does NOT look stupid or like a traitor because that load of shit ain't selling no more.

I won't speak for democrats, but you sure do say stupid things for a guy with a 214. Democrats have often supported candidates who have military well as Vietnam vets.

Jim Webb is running as a Democrat, isn't he? Does he hate himself?
Are you a retard?
Webb seems like a good man in the WRONG party. He is in a party that supports LIARS and FOOLS and Socialists. Me a retard? No. You on the other hand? OH YEAH.

I think at this point Hillary may drop BEFORE Iowa. Her OWN party must be sharpening their knives about now.

Common Sense would dictate that...........Since when did their Hard Liners care about Common Sense or ethics for that matter...........
When they are caught with outright Lies, they don't care...................Tells all I need to know about them.
Immigration and Sanctuary Cities in direct violation of our immigration laws....................Shows they ignore laws as they see fit, and demand WE OBEY THE LAWS they agree with..................Hypocrisy has no bounds with these types.......................

Respect is earned.................Not given................with them my Respect is gone..............They deserve NONE...............I expect us to hold our Politicians feet to the fire when they go out of bounds..................because that is who we are..............if they want respect they need to do the same...................

What I like about Trump even though this thread is not there........He's up front..............In the video when asked about giving money to both sides..............he kept repeating they Love Me..................aka they love the money.............and stated that it the way he has to business in places like New York............saying if he didn't do so he'd be out of business there..................and then SAYING THAT'S WHAT IS WRONG WITH THIS COUNTRY..............The reporter tried to question his integrity...............on this issue............saying you are paying to do business there in a Nut Shell.................and he was basically saying under the system he had no choice...............

If you must pay to play and do business there then the system is CORRUPT to no ends..............and that needs to end..........That is not what we are supposed to be, BUT ARE.......................If we elect the corrupt and Liars again like HILLARY.............then we get more of the same and head down the path to hell..............

I think at this point Hillary may drop BEFORE Iowa. Her OWN party must be sharpening their knives about now.

Common Sense would dictate that...........Since when did their Hard Liners care about Common Sense or ethics for that matter...........
When they are caught with outright Lies, they don't care...................Tells all I need to know about them.
Immigration and Sanctuary Cities in direct violation of our immigration laws....................Shows they ignore laws as they see fit, and demand WE OBEY THE LAWS they agree with..................Hypocrisy has no bounds with these types.......................

Respect is earned.................Not given................with them my Respect is gone..............They deserve NONE...............I expect us to hold our Politicians feet to the fire when they go out of bounds..................because that is who we are..............if they want respect they need to do the same...................

What I like about Trump even though this thread is not there........He's up front..............In the video when asked about giving money to both sides..............he kept repeating they Love Me..................aka they love the money.............and stated that it the way he has to business in places like New York............saying if he didn't do so he'd be out of business there..................and then SAYING THAT'S WHAT IS WRONG WITH THIS COUNTRY..............The reporter tried to question his integrity...............on this issue............saying you are paying to do business there in a Nut Shell.................and he was basically saying under the system he had no choice...............

If you must pay to play and do business there then the system is CORRUPT to no ends..............and that needs to end..........That is not what we are supposed to be, BUT ARE.......................If we elect the corrupt and Liars again like HILLARY.............then we get more of the same and head down the path to hell..............

To be corrupt is bad enough, but to be outright stupid? That is REALLY REALLY dangerous.

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